• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 4,652 Views, 69 Comments

Digimon Crusaders - Klonoahedgehog

A cross over between the CMC and Digimon taking place in an Alternate universe.

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The storm of friendship part 2

We now we return to Digimon, Digital Monsters.

We open to darkness, Sweetie belle was pretty much unconscious, she could hear Armadillomon yelling at her. "Hey! Sweetie belle, wake up!" Sweetie belle shifted her eyes and opened them. She got up and rubbed her head. "What happened?" Armadillomon looked up. "We fell from up there, i think were stuck." Sweetie belle got up, but sat back down. "Oww!" She grabs her leg and winces. "What's wrong?" Asks Armadillomon, Sweetie belle looks up to him. "I think i broke my leg." Armadillomon walk right in front of her. "Are you going to be alright?" He asks. Sweetie belle looks at him. "Don't worry, i think i'll be alright."

She then feels a big shiver. "It's so cold here." She mumbles. We jump cut to Apple bloom, Scootaloo, Poromon and Sunmon, Apple bloom and Scootaloo putting on some snow gear, and by snow gear i mean Scootaloo put her hoodie up and puts on a scarf, Apple bloom also puts on a scarf, she then changes her shirt to a Yellow sweater, she also takes off her bow and puts a beanie in it's place. She also puts her goggles over her eyes. "Ya'll ready?" She asks which the others respond with a nod. "Let's go!" Scootaloo yells.

They jump into the Digital World and materialize into the same spot Sweetie belle did. "Where are we supposed to go anyway?" Asks Coronamon, which Apple bloom then goes and take out her Digivice, a light on it pointing them in the direction where they should go, the direction where Sweetie belle went and fell into the chasm. They then looked at they're Digimon partners and yelled the phrase. "Digi armor energize!" And turned into Prankstermon and Blitzmon, then two girls then jumped onto they're backs and the group runs off towards the mountain.

Back in the depths of the mountain Sweetie belle was lying there shivering, Armadillomon put hi's paw on her. "Are you really alright?" Sweetie belle looked at him slightly opening her eye and keeping the other one close. "I'm starting to think otherwise heh." She laughs, it's so cold in the room you can see her breath. Meanwhile up outside of the area IceDevimon was looking down with a smile on hi's face. "This is great! Seeing one of those Digidestined kids freeze to death, and i have a front row seat!"

Suddenly something feels off to him, he looks in the direction of the exit. "Somebodies coming." He said, he froze the hole in front of him, front the bottom of the hole Sweetie belle and Armadillomon immediately noticed the roof closing, they look at each other then look back up. "The heck was that?" Asked Armadillomon. Sweetie belle yelled at the roof. "Hello is anybody there?" She asked but no one answered. "Please get us out of here!" She insisted. Back outside IceDevimon was waiting patiently for the arrival of the Crusaders.

"Do you think They're alright?" Asked Scootaloo, the voice was kind of muffled through the scarf, Blitzmon looked back up to her. "I don't know Scootaloo, For all we know she could be freezing to death." This made Scootaloo scared. "But we've got to find them soon that's for sure." He said. "We're getting close guys." Said Prankstermon. Scootaloo put on an angry face and thought to no one in particular. "You better be alright or i'll never forgive you!" They proceed to get to the top, Apple bloom and Scootaloo get off of they're Digimon and walk in. "Let's be carefull." Blitzmon said, the two girls stay behind they're partners

They got to the room with the ice floor. Prankstermon and Blitzmon looked around, Apple bloom and Scootaloo were confused, it seemed like a dead end but the Digivice said that was were Sweetie belle was. "Did she drop her Digivice?" Asked Apple bloom. "I don't think so, we would see it here." Prankstermon responded. Meanwhile in the bottom Sweetie belle could faintly hear her friends voices, but the cold in was finally getting to her. She smiled but just as fast she fell right over on the ground. "Sweetie belle! Do you hear that!?" Asked Armadillomon excitedly, he looked to Sweetie belle and noticed her current condition. "Sweetie!" He ran over to her side.

Back in the surface The group of four heard a slight laugh. "Hello Digidestined!" "Who's there!?" Scootaloo yelled. IceDevimon showd up from nowhere and spreaded hi's wings out. "IceDevimon!" Prankstermon yelled, Apple bloom asked the guy. "What did you do to Sweetie belle!?" IceDevimon put hi's claw on hi's chin. "Sweetie belle? That human?" Scootaloo yelled at him. "Yes that human!" IceDevimon laughed at them. "Oh she's fine, she'll be a little dead next time you see her but alright." He said. The girls heard this and planted themselves on the ground. "Hhow could you?" Apple bloom says. Prankstermon looks back at her and says. "Don't believe him Bloom! He's obviously trying to trick us!" Scootaloo jumps back up. "Yeah! Blitzmon get him!" As she points towards IceDevimon, Blitzmon flies straight at him as he shoots ice balls from hi's claws. "Take this!" He says. Blitzmon quickly dodges out of the way and clashes with IceDevimon, nothing comes from it as IceDevimon throws him out of the way. Prankstermon jumps into battle next, latching the cannon and shooting some blasts.

IceDevimon freezes the blasts and they hit the ground instead. Back underground Sweetie belle was pretty much freezing to death, Armadillomon hugged her to try to keep her warm "Stay with me!" He insists. Sweetie belle is still shown breathing so she's still alive. "A Armadillomon. Thanks for trying to help me." She mumbles. Armadillomon looks at her. "Don't you even think of dying on me!" He says. "I'm sorry i just don't think there's a way out of this." She says. "Don't say that! We'll get out of here!" Sweetie belle slightly moved her head to face Armadillomon. "I'm just sad that in my last moment with my friends i spent it angry at them. I wish i could apologize for how i was acting back then, i really do." She then shed a tear, a tear that froze before it could hit the ground and as such it made a clunk noise. And when it did a light started shining, Sweetie belle rapidly looked around the room as it felt incredibly warm. "Wow this room is hot!" She yells. Then a familiar mark shown as Twilight's cutie mark appeared on the wall. "Sweetie belle! We've found it!" Sweetie belle gets up and looks at the wall, she takes out her Digivice and points it at the wall, the Element is absorbed into her Digivice as she looks at Armadillomon. "Ready?" She asks and Armadillomon nods.

The Girls held they're Digimon as they grumbled, they looked up to IceDevimon who then tried to shoot an attack at them, just then a Digimon jumped out of the ice with Sweetie belle riding it's back. Applebloom and Scootaloo look at him with all hi's glory. He jumps straight at IceDevimon. "Royal Staff!" He shot a huge beam towards IceDevimon, he tried to prevent it from hitting but the beam melted hi's attack. The attack collided and he hit the wall, the walls started caving in after that.

The new Digimon grabbed the girls and they're Degenerated partners and jumped out the exit. "Is it just me or does that happen to us a lot?" asked Scootaloo. IceDevimon suddenly jumped out of the rubble and then the new Digimon jumped towards him and tackles him. "Your not hurting us again!" He yelled. IceDevimon tried pushing him away but the new Digimon would not budge. "Time to end this! Sparking Blast!" He took out hi's staff and shot a huge lazer blasting IceDevimon right in the chest, blasting a hole right through it. "Ugh...! How can you..." Then he received a kick and he falls to the ground. "Woah! That Armadillomon is so strong now!" Coronamon says.

He flies in front of them and Degenerates back into Armadillomon. "How'd i do?" He asks putting hi's paw behind hi's head while doing so. "You were great!" Coronamon cheered. "Yes definitely!" Said Hawkmon. "I'm sorry for being such a jerk to you all." Sweetie belle suddenly said. The group looked back at her and noticed that she had her head down, Apple bloom and Scootaloo giving each other an apologetic look, they looked at Sweetie belle and Apple bloom said. "Ya don't have to apologize." Sweetie belle looked up at her friends. "Yeah if anything i'm the one who's sorry." She gulps and puts her hand behind her head. "After all i did call you and your partner useless. So yeah, sorry." Sweetie belle got teary eyed at her friends and started crying for a bit. Her friends then pulled her in for a hug. They're partners smiled at they're tamers happiness, then Sweetie belle suddenly sneazed, she rubbed her nose and Apple bloom responded with. "Let's go home."

Trixie walks into a pretty dark room, a room where the only lights in it. Inside Datamon was typing on a computer. "Is it done?" She asked. Datamon looked back. "What is?" "You know! The Absorption weapon." Trixie yelled. Datamon walks up to a tube and pressed a few button. "Why yes, yes it is ready." He removed hi's claws from the control panel and the tube opened to reveal a pair of claws. "Excellent, Agumon, come over here!" She smiles and it all fades to black.