• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 4,652 Views, 69 Comments

Digimon Crusaders - Klonoahedgehog

A cross over between the CMC and Digimon taking place in an Alternate universe.

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Giggle at the Ghosties part 2

The storage room had so much useless junk that it made it pretty easy for someone to hide in. They decided to check some of the objects to see if the mysterious person was in here. They decided to check some of these objects, Apple bloom moved some boxes and saw that behind it was just a simple suit of armor.

"Maybe we were just seein' things?" Asks Apple bloom. Coronamon looks over to her and responds. "We definitely saw somebody go this way. Maybe they hid in another...." He saw the armor start moving and slowly move towards Apple bloom. "Apple Bloom! Look out!" Applebloom immediately looked back with the armor having a sword in hand.

She dodges it and fall flat on the floor. Coronamon stands in front of her and gets into battle position. "Who are you!?" Yells Coronamon. The Knight gives no answer. "No answer huh? Then take this! Corona Knukle!!" Hi's fist hit's the suit knocking it's hand clean off, landing on the floor. The music (that i just linked to) Disk scratches itself off as the two of them get surprised looks.

The suit of armor picks up the missing arm and puts it back in place. Apple bloom and Coronamon immediately try to rum away. The armor chasing after it with similar running movement to Sir Daniel Fortesque. "We got to find the others quick!" Yells Coronamon clearly scared out of hi's witts, Apple bloom nods in agreement.


Scootaloo and Hawkmon walk up some stairs in the main room, thinking there target would be up there. Hawkmon was pretty lax but Scootaloo was pretty much scared to death. "Scootaloo you need to relax." He says. Scootaloo responds with. "RELAX!? This place is haunted! How can i be relaxed!?"

Hawkmon facepalmed. "Look, i don't entirely know what they teach you in human schools but it's scientifically impossible for ghosts to exist!" "Then how do you explain all of what's going on huh!?" Asks Scootaloo.

Hawkmon responded with a very annoyed tone. "Did it ever occur to you that were in the Digital World? It's probably the work of a Digimon." Scootaloo suddenly calmed down. "Well when you put it like that..." The room stayed silent for a bit, but then they heard a thunderbolt outside. "Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!" Making Scootaloo jump behind Hawkmon who had an annoyed expression.

They keep going, opening every door in this hallway. Scootaloo still a little jittery so she didn't really want to open any. "How many rooms does one house need?" Wondered Hawkmon, especially considering that a lot of them were bedrooms. "You know we haven't found anything resembleling a black tower, not even a Black ring. Do you think it could have been a dud or something?" They then noticed something outside the window, it looked like it lead to a garden, it seemed to have something in the center maybe leading to a cellar.

"Maybe over there?" Asks Scootaloo. Hawkmon walked over to it aswell looking over to it. "Hm, maybe. Want to check it out?" "Anything to get out of this place, come on." So they decided to head back and find a way to the garden. Just then they heard some familiar screams. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Making the two of them jump. "That sounded like the others!" They ran back to the main room where they saw Apple bloom and Sweetie belle running from both sides.

They were so afraid that they weren't paying attention to each other so they just ended up hitting each other. "Are you guys okay?" Asks Scootaloo. The others get up then just yell out somethings at the same time, something about an ugly clone and a knight chasing them. Coronamon looked back at the hallway Armadillomon doing the same but neither of them cam out. "Huh? he's not there anymore."
"Neither is she."

"Okeyyyy." Said Scootaloo. "So you guys couldn't find anything?" Applebloom and Sweetiebelle nodded in a "no" motion. "Well that leaves one place left." Said Scootaloo. Apple bloom and Sweetie belle looked at each other in confusion. Scootaloo and Hawkmon walked down the stairs, when they got down there Scootaloo told them that there was something in the back.

"Well we checked everywhere else, it can't to check." Said Sweetie belle. "Yeah lets go! These ghost can't take all 6 of us at once!" So the group goes all the way to the back of the house where there was a door leading outside. They opened it and on the other side there was a pretty abandoned looking yard, it seemed like it was once a beautiful garden but now it had weeds and crabgrass everywhere. There was even a small maze in the back. "Wowie."

Coronamon put hi's claw on hi's finger, like anime characters sometimes do. "It really looks like this place hasn't been taken care of in awhile." He said. Scootaloo walked over to the door on the ground and tried to lift it. "I could use a hand here!" she said

So all 6 of them grabbed behind Scootaloo, so they tried to open it and they did. It made a huge screeching noise and hit the ground. They saw that there were just some stairs, they all look at each other and nod so they decided to go down said stairs. When they got down they saw that in was a wine cellar, and a pretty big one at that.

"I don't think a back tower can fit in here." Said Armadillomon. Sweetie belle tapped her foot a little and put on a very annoyed face. "I get the feeling this is just someone's idea of a joke! Come on girls lets go home!" She then walks back to the entrance, before she could though the door slammed shut. "You'r not going anywhere!" The lights immediately turned on, Scootaloo Sweetie belle and Apple bloom looked around with slightly scared faces.

There Digimon however weren't as scared because i knew what was coming now. "Zombie claw!" A few claws jumped out of a darker corner, the three Digimon jump right out of the way as the claws withdraw back into the darkness. "Those are Digimon!" Yelled Coronamon. Hawkmon yelled back at Scootaloo yelling. "Ha! i told you there was no ghost!" "Oh shut up!" She yelled.

Some eyes stared back at them making Sweetie shiver. "Those are the eyes i saw earlier!" They stepped out of the darkness showing that they were in fact Digimon. These Digimon were Ghost shaped and had a big Black ring around there wastes. "Those are Bakemon! Digimon who love to cause mischief!" One of the Bakemon went a little closer to them. "That we do! You see it gets so lonely living like us, so we scare the living daylights out of passerby! Human children are just so fun too scare!"

"Okay you had you'r fun, so you gonna let us go now?" Asked Scootaloo giving a smile of relief. But that smile was very shortlived, the Bakemon yelled out. "NO!" In unison.

Just then the three Digimon got into a battle position while the girls tapped there ears with there hands. There Black rings radiated with a deep black aura. "Black rings!" Yelled Coronamon. "Eeyup! Coronamon get 'em!" Yelled Apple bloom putting her arm out in a battle position. "Corona-Knukle!" Hi's burning fist tried to hit Bakemon but they quickly dodged it. The two Bakemon grouped together and launched a Poison breath! attack. The group back away to avoid said breath. "Don't breathe that in!" Yelled Hawkmon. The group run as fast as they can to avoid the gas, finding a hiding spot in the corner, the gas clears up and the Bakemon chase after the girls.

They try to keep quiet behind a support beam. "What are we gonna do? Everytime we try to attack these things they dodge them..." Asks Sweetie belle. Scootaloo was really scared after movie night, she had to admit it. Yeah, she was real scared. 'Iv'e got to stop this! Rainbow Dash wouldn't be this afraid! Yeah, i've got to be brave!

"Hey Apple bloom i got an idea." Apple bloom looked over to Scootaloo. "Huh? What?" Everyone looked at Scootaloo who says. "Well the Bakemon are just making fun of us right? Seting clever traps and all? Well we just have to beat them at there own game!" They have blank stares until they realized what exactly she meant by that, once they did they looked directly at Coronamon. Digi armor energize! Yelled Apple bloom.

Meanwhile the two Bakemon were still looking for the girls stopping in a four way hallway. "Where could they have gone?" Asks one of them looking back at the other Bakemon. "Well, we know that there at least still in here. After all we locked the door." As they were discussing what happened to the prey it took the a bit to notice that they were floating upward, "? Are you going up?" "! So are you!" They kept going up until they bumped into the ceiling. "What's going on?" One of them asked. "Sooo you dare invade my home?" The Bakemon themselves got scared. "B But this is our home! Wwho are you!?"

"Oh i think you know perfectly well who i am." The Bakemon instantly started shivering. "Nno we don't!" Then a shadow appeared the the hallway between them. "Well maybe you should take a look at me then." Then a figure appeared out of the shadows. The figure took a Celestia like shape. "No!" "Not you!"

The figure springs out of the darkness. "It is i! NightmareMoon!!" The grip holding the Bakemon losens as they starts screaming. AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! "Don't stop running!" "I know! I know!" 'Nightmare moon' chased after them with a very vicious grin. Bakemon kept going trying to open the gate. "Shining Stare!" Yelled a Digimon's voice. The blast paralyzed them, they opened there eyes to see that Shynermon and Jewlmon were standing right next to the girls.

Shynermon and Jewlmon body slams into the Bakemon sending them through the gate, breaking it in the process, they land into the garden. They got up real tired, they noticed Shynermon and Jewlmon standing right in front of the ruined gate with there Tamers standing next to them. "Alright guys! You know what to do!" "Make them pay for trying to scare our pants off!"

"Got it!" They both said and jumped right at them. The Bakemon jumped out of the way but aparentely the two of them were still sort of under the paralysis. "Shining stare!" "Diamond Arrow!" The two attacks hit them sending them down. BOOM The Bakemon's black rings were cracked but not completely broken, Shynermon and Jewlmon jumped in for the kill but the Bakemon stood up.

"WAIT!!" So the two of them stopped. "WWhy are we fighting? Nightmare Moon is in there!" Shynermon just stood right there. "So?" He asks. "Wha, what do you mean 'So'? Nightmare moon is in there! You know? The terror of the Digital World?" Jewlmon looked over to the gate. "I think you should take a better look at this 'Nightmare Moon'" So they did.

They saw the girls standing right next to Nightmare Moon. The Bakemon shivered. Until Apple Bloom put her hand on Nightmare moon's head and... Pulled a zipper down. "Got you!!" The four of them yelled. Nightmare Moon turned out to be Prankstermon!

The Bakemon were literally in a state of shock, i mean they're like the best pranksters in Digiworld! "Fluttering swarm!" "Diamond storm!" "HUH!?" Yelled the Bakemon. And like that there Black rings were broken. So they degenerated back to DemiDeviimon.

They opened there eyes and saw Apple Bloom and the others staring back at them. "GAHH HUMANS!" Scootaloo grabbed Demidevimon's wing with a pouted face. "These are the ghosts? What a disapointment." "Hey that's insensitive!" Yelled Demidevimon. "Scootaloo put him down." Said Hawkmon. Scootaloo does just that, the DemiDevimon tries to escape but Apple Bloom stops them. "Wait! You don't have to be afraid of us!"

Then Sweetie Belle interjected. "Yeah were the good guys!" The two DemiDevimon looked at each other and simply replied. "Good guys?" Armadillomon jumped into the conversation. "Yeah if it wasn't for us those black rings would have stayed stuck to you forever!"

The two Demidevimon looked at each other once more they landed on the ground. "Well thank you, were sorry for jumping to conclusions like that." The other one said. "Is there any way we can repay you?" Coronamon put hi's paws behind hi's head. "No problem! We were just doing our job!" But he whispers into Demidevimon's ear. "Except maybe that cake in the kitchen, that looks delicious!" But he was grabbed from the tail by Apple Bloom. "Come on lets go." She said dragging a very disapointed Coronamon.

Celestia's sun was setting in the land of the Digital World, the girls were just about ready to open the Digiport home when Scootaloo spoke up. "You know what's funny?" She asks. The others look over to her. "I was the one scared but you guys ended up being more scared!" Then she started laughing. Hawkmon gave the rebuttal. "But who was the one who hid behind my back when every little thing scared her?"

Scootaloo blushed as she saw everyone else there brake into laughter. "Hey stop it! It's not funny!" She insisted but the others just ignored it. "Stop it! Please!" The screen then fades to black.

Ending theme My tomorrow