• Published 6th Sep 2014
  • 16,718 Views, 817 Comments

An Apple Far From the Tree - Autum Breeze

You would think life would be normal. Yeah, well, then you ain't me. I've become Apple Bloom, for crying out loud!

  • ...

Chapter 1

An Apple Far From the Tree

Chapter 1


I could hear the sound of my family getting up for the morning. Of course, I had no plans on joining them, at least not for a little while longer.

I was curled up, nice and warm in my bed and the last thing I wanted right now was to get up. I had opened an eye and glanced at my digital clock a little before the sounds of my family had started.

It had said 7:34AM. Translation: I’m not getting up yet.

It’s one of my days off work, and on these days, I just love lying in bed, even though I’m awake, til at least 9 o’clock on weekends, around 8 o’clock weekdays.

This is due to my job, which I have to get up about twenty minutes or more before seven, then take a few buses to get to work around two and a half hours later to start my shift.

This happens three days a week and when my days off come around, my body immediately takes advantage of the fact that I don’t have to get up too soon on these days and convinces me to remain in bed, enjoying the relaxing time I have before the time I eventually do get up.

Oh, sorry. Where are my manners? My name is Sam, Sam Wilson. I’m your average 23-year-old Australian brony, who enjoys watching the show, chatting with other bronies and pegasisters online, watching fan videos and reading and listening to fanfics of MLP.

I hear a loud knocking on my door. “Sam,” my mum’s voice calls from outside my bedroom door. “Time to get up. Your dad’s got to work today, so we want to give him his presents before he goes, meaning you’ve got to get up. I’ll be back in two. If you’re not up, I’m coming in there and pulling you out of bed myself.”

I groan, shifting in my bed as I think about what she’s just said. She’d pull me out of bed herself? What am I, five?

Oh yeah, should probably explain.

You see, I still live with my parents. It’s not that I won’t move out, I just can’t right now. I’ve yet to find a place where I can stay, so I just pay my parents for room and board and they let me live with them.

Though, thinking about what else she said, I remember now that it’s September 7th, Father’s Day and Mum had been hiding Dad’s presents in my room.

I yawn, trying to lift a hand to my mouth and push myself up.

At once, something seems off. It feels like I’m underneath a second blanket beneath my quilt.

I raise an eyebrow at this. That doesn’t seem right. I know I only had my quilt and bed sheets last night. How is there a second blanket over me now, this one underneath my other covers?

“What in tarnation...?”

I frown. That’s... not mah voice. But, I was definitely the one saying that. Why did I sound... girly, I guess? And, why did I hear a southern accent in my voice? On top of them, my slightly still in lie-in mode brain is still too sluggish to fully send the message, but I have an alarming feeling that I’ve heard that voice somewhere before.

I open my eyes and move my head to look around. Something seems off about my room. It seems... bigger than it had last night, for some reason.

Whoa! What the heck is that thing in front of mah nose? It’s huge, and... yellow?

I shake my head. Am I still sleepy? Man, this last week of work must’ve been more tiring than I thought, if I’m so exhausted on my last day off for the week that I’m so groggy in the morning.

I try to sit up again, but the bed covers feel a lot heavier than before. I really have to push to get them off.

Once the covers are off me enough that I can move and sit up... before I notice something else that’s odd. I’m sitting like our dog, on all fours.

“Wha...?” I say with that odd voice again. “Why am Ah sitting like a dog an’... Okay! What in the hay is up with mah voice?”

I look down at myself, my eyebrow rising again. What I’d thought was a second blanket before was actually... my pajama top? Okay, this is really getting weird.

To clarify, my pajama top is really just an old jumper that isn’t good enough to wear out anymore, so it functions as the top half of one of the pairs of my winter pajamas instead.

Though, looking at it now, it’s so big it’s as if I’m a child again, trying to wear adult clothes.

I shake my head again. This is too confusin'.

As I shake my head, however, my hair bobs around (okay, that’s not right, my hairs way too short to do that) and some pops into my line of vision on my right and my eyes go wide.

My hair is normally a dark-mousey-blonde. However, the hair that fell into my line of sight was a pastel red and a lot longer than my hair should be.

Another part of my brain wakes up and things start to click in, causing me to start shaking. High, girl-like voice, southern accent, yellow nose so huge I can see it in front of my own face, long pastel red hair... I know who all those belong to and the thought turns the blood in my veins to ice, especially when I realize I can’t feel the thing that makes me a man anymore, but something very different down below.

“Sam!” Mum’s voice calls in a very annoyed tone as the door starts to open. “I thought I told you to—”

I’m not even given time to panic. She stops as she looks at me and I have a very bad feeling I know exactly what she’s looking so wide-eyed about.

I gulp. “Uh... Ma... this... ain’t what it looks like...” the words die in my throat at the even wider-eyed look she gives me.
“S... S-S-S-Sam?”

I nod slowly. “Is... am Ah... what Ah think Ah am?”

Her face seemed to crack. “... If you mean I’m currently seeing a pastel yellow pony in my son’s bed, calling me “Mama” then... I... think... so...”

With that, her eyes roll into the back of her head and she collapses backwards, out of my room.

“Ma!” I shouted, trying to rush to her, only to get tangled up in my now way too big pajama top and fall to the floor. Lucky it’s carpeted or that might have really hurt.

“Mum!” a chorus of voice sound, followed by hurrying footfalls as I struggle to right myself and get out of the tent of a top I’m now wearing.

My dad, two brothers and three sisters all crowd around Mum, bending down, worried looks, before my oldest younger sister, Jane, looked to my open door and saw me.

I freeze where I am, just about out of the damn top and stare at her. Her sudden stiffness caused the others to all look at me and then they were all wearing the same dumbfound, what-the-hell-is-going-on? look Jane was wearing and that I was probably wearing too, along with a just-how-am-I-going-to-explain-this? look.

In all honesty, I couldn’t explain it. I had absolutely no idea how I’d gone to sleep a bit after midnight and woken up as the pastel pony I was now.


“When Mum said to play a joke with ponies for one of Dad’s presents, I don’t think she meant turn into a pony yourself, Sam,” Mike, my youngest brother said, cocking an eye at me from across the table.

After several long moments of having stared at me, Mum had woken up again, before fainting again at the sight of me and I’d had to try and explain something I didn’t even understand to my own family to prove to them I was indeed Sam Wilson.

After that, we’d put Mum to bed and let her rest, while we all tried to figure out just how I’d gone from a 23-year-old man to a small pastel yellow filly with a red mane and tail.

Yeah. A tail. I’ll tell you, it feels damn weird realizing your whole body structure has changed and that you now not only don’t have fingers anymore, but also have an extra appendage, one right above your butt.

I’d explained what I could, though that admittedly wasn’t much. I’d mainly just told them about the character I’d now become, explaining Apple Bloom’s origins as far as I know about them and so on.

When Mike pointed out after I’d explained about Cutie Marks that I didn’t have one, I gave him a sour look. Of course I didn’t have one. I’d become Apple Bloom not Applejack. Though I’m sure waking up as the orange mare wouldn’t have been any easier to come to terms with. Hell, I still hadn’t fully come to terms with this yet.

“So, how do you think this happened?” my first brother, John’s girlfriend, Jill (yeah, John and Jill, go ahead and laugh if you want) asked, looking at me with an expression I could only assume one wears when looking at something cute, like a puppy.

I sighed, shaking my head. “Like hay, Ah’d know. Best Ah can guess is some kinda rift ’r warp in time and space did this. The why an’ how Ah ain’t gotta clue, though.”

Jane frowned, leaning against the wall, her arms folded over her chest. “So, why’re you talking like that? Can you just talk normally? You never had a southern accent before. You had a more American-Aussie one.”

“Ah’ve tried!” I said, holding my arms... I mean, forelegs in the air angrily. “But it’s like Ah can’ stop it. If’n Ah wanna talk like before Ah gotta really focus and it gets hard.”

“So, what do we do?” Milly, my second sister asks, looking similar to how Jill’s looking at me, then looking away angrily, as if she doesn’t like giving me that look.

I slump, my head resting against the table (though that’s my whole body or else my head wouldn’t reach above the table at all). “Ah got no idea, Milly. It ain’t like this’s ever happened before. Have ya’ll ever heard o’ someone in the news sayin’ they suddenly woke up as a filly fr’m a cartoon show?”

They all looked away, not meeting my gaze.

I sighed, raising my head. “The only thing Ah can think that comes close ta this is Becomin’ Sweetie Belle.”

Dad raises an eyebrow at me. “What’s that?”

I shake my head. “It’s an MLP fanfic where this guy wakes up as the character Sweetie Belle, then ends up teleportin’ him, er, herself to Equestria.”

My third sister, Jean, fidgets, before asking, “And... how does that fic end?”

I shake my head. “It ain’t done yet. Ya’ll can check online if’n ya wan’. Should still be logged inta my fimfiction user name. Ya just gotta look in my Favourites an’ it’ll be there. Not sure what page, though.” I sighed. "'Sides, Ah doubt it'll help us. It ain't like it's a reference guide 'r anythin'."

Dad shook his head. “Well, this is certainly the weirdest Father’s Day ever. I doubt any other dad has woken up to find his eldest son has turned into a small pony from a TV show?”

Mike frowned. “How old are you now, anyway?”

I shook my head. “Ah got no idea, Mike. The ages o’ the ponies is kinda left ta interpretation. The only clue Ah can think o’ is that, in the Equestria Girls movie, Apple Bloom was about pre-teen, so, maybe eight, nine, ten? Sumthin’ like round that area.”

Dad sighed. “Anyone got any clues as to how we might be able to get Sam back to normal?”

For some reason, that offended me and before I could stop myself I shouted, “Hey, Ah’m perfectly normal. Jus’ cuz Ah’m a Blank Flank it don’t mean Ah ain’t normal!”

They all stared at me, shocked.

I blinked, frowning. Where in the hay did that come from?

Oh, great. Even in my head I’ve got the accent.

The rest of the day was... awkward doesn’t quite do it justice. Everyone kept glancing at me whenever I left my room, as if unsure what to do.

Frankly, I wasn’t sure what to do either. I mean, how do you adjust to turning into a child pony and the opposite gender at the exact same time?

Plus, my new form and gender proved... annoying for several reasons. It took my ages, several hours, to figure out how to walk on four legs. It just felt so different and weird.

On top of that, something that had become easy for me over a decade and a half ago now was really difficult. Going to the toilet was embarrassing enough now that I was female, but having to do it when you’re a quadruped? Forget it!

I messed the floor several times, not being able to really sit like a human anymore on it, so, in the end, if I wanted to relieve myself I had to go outside, like an animal.

Oh, yeah, and there’s the little matter of our Jack Russel.

Luckily, unlike whenever he normally sees an animal he knows isn’t meant to be in our yard, he didn’t attack me. He just looked at me in confusion as I walked passed him, went into one of the bushes in our yard and went.

Of course, the insult came when, as I was walking back inside and HE SNIFFED MY BUTT!

I had to resist bucking him in the face, then and there, not an easy thing to do when you suddenly feel a cold nose pressed against your ass.

Along with all the other things, I was naked the entire day, since we had no clothes my size anymore. Yes, in the show ponies don’t normally wear clothes, but I felt really uncomfortable being nude around my family.

I couldn’t be happier when dinner came, it meant the day was almost over and I could go to bed and maybe wake up tomorrow and learn this was all just a really weird lucid dream.

As I looked at my meal (I was sitting on a box so that I could reach the table from the bench), I frowned. On my plate was some mashed potato, carrots, peas and some pumpkin. Not that those were a problem, I enjoy those vegetables.

No, what caught my eye were the chicken and herbs sausages next to the peas and carrots.

I looked to Mum, my face in a deadpan. “Ah’m a pony, Ma.”

Mum had woken shortly after our discussion early that day and, while it had been difficult, she’d come to accept that the pony talking to her was indeed her child. At least one of us could accept this.

She blinked at me in confusion. “Yes. We kind of figured that out already, Sam.”

I shook my head and pointed to the sasuages with my left forehoof. “Yeah, an’ these’re sausages.”

She nodded again, still looking confused. “I know they are, Sam. I’m the one who cooked tonight, remember?”

I groaned, grinding my new pony teeth before shaking my head. “Ah’m a pony an’ ya’ll gave me sausages ta eat. Ya gave me meat!”

Still she didn’t seem to get it. “What? Are you saying you don’t like sausages anymore?”

“ARH!” I yelled, face palm— I mean, face-hoofing. “Ponies don’ eat meat!”

She blinked, confusion playing across her face, before her eyes went wide. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, Sam, I— I thought you still liked meat and—”

“Ah never said Ah don’ like it no more,” I gave an exasperated sigh, “but Ah can’ eat it no more ’ecause my new pony body won’t be able ta process it. Ah’d probably get sick.”

Mum apologized a few more times as she took the sausages off my plate, only for Mike to call in a very obnoxious way, “If she won’t eat them, I will.”

I scowl at him for referring to me as a “she”. “Ah may be a filly now, but Ah’m still yer older brother, Mike. Show my some respect, would ya?”

He snorted. “Yeah, right. Why should I show you any respect when you're smaller than me?”

This earned him a smack upside the head from Dad.

“Ow!” he snapped, glaring at Dad, his hands where he’d been smacked. “What was that for?”

Dad scowled at him. “Sam’s been through enough as it is, Mike. He doesn’t need you making him feel any more uncomfortable about this than he already is. And he's right. I should have said this sooner, but you’d better start showing more respect, to all of us!”

“Or what?” Mike retorted and I could see a smirk hidden on his lips.

That smirk was the result of years of my parents really doing nothing to quell his brattiness, thus he just got more and more smug, thinking he could do whatever he wanted.

Dad’s scowl grew deeper. “Or I’ll take away your computer, iPad and Xbox rights.”

I would have burst out laughing as the smirk vanished from Mike’s face if I wasn’t staring at Dad in shock. It had been so long since he’d actually threatened to take anything away from Mike as punishment.

However, Mike’s smirk soon returned. “Right. Like all the other times you said you’d do that.”

Dad’s reaction was one none of us could’ve expected. He got up; walked into Mike’s bedroom (Mike’s smirk faltered slightly at this) and several moments later came out with Mike’s Xbox held in his hands.

Mike’s mouth dropped, before he was up and by Dad, pulling at his Xbox and swearing like there was no tomorrow. I won’t say what he said, but it was along the lines of “You jerk. You can’t take that,” and when asked why replied with, “because I said so.”

Dad just glared and pulled it out of Mike’s grip and went down the hall, Mike following him, still trying to pull it away from Dad and swearing his head off, and, just so you know, he’s only twelve.

I couldn’t help but smirk as we heard Dad’s retorting to Mike’s demands. He’s had that coming for a long time.

“That’s not fair!” Mike continued as they both came back down, Dad putting something in his pocket. “My iPod too? Why am I getting punished?”

“Just for that, no lunch money for five weeks, either,” Dad snorted.

Mike looked close to blowing his top.

The rest of dinner, he gave me death stares while I enjoyed a vegetarian meal. And when I say “enjoyed” I mean I was in heaven. I don’t know if it’s because ponies have more or stronger taste buds than humans, but these were the most flavourful, most amazing carrots, peas, pumpkin and mashed potato that I’d ever tasted in my whole life. I was practically salivating whenever I finished and had to open my mouth to get more, completely forgetting the indignity of having to eat like a dog because couldn’t figure out how to grip my cutlery with my new hooves.

When dinner was over we had ice cream with lemon syrup (my taste buds were practically screaming with delight) before another awkward part of the day came along.

Since I was so small now, I couldn’t reach the shower taps. I couldn’t even use the shampoos or soap, so my mum had to bathe me in the bathtub.

I never felt so humiliated in my whole life. I was a 23-year-old guy less than twenty-four hours ago, fully capable of caring for myself and now here I was getting bathed by my mother as if I were a toddler again.

When Mum had finished bathing me, she lifted me out (again, making me feel like a baby), dried me off (causing my yellow fur to poof out before I shook myself like a dog) and I went back to my room, used the stepping stool Dad had put by my bed so I could get up to it and squirmed my way under the covers.

Technically I didn’t have to go to bed yet, it was only 6:55pm and I normally wouldn’t go to bed until much later, but I just wanted this day to be over.

Mum walked in, sat down on my bed and put her hand on my head. “Hey, it’ll be okay.”

I gave her a deadpanned looked. “How? How is this gonna be okay, Ma? Ah’m a filly, Apple Bloom. How we gonna deal with this?” I face-hoof as I remember what day it is. “How am Ah gonna explain not goin’ ta work t’morrow?”

Mum sighed. “Dad called them while at work. He told them you won’t be in this week because you’re sick.”

I snorted. “This ain’t sumthin’ we can just cure, ya know?” I sighed, slumping. “Ah’m probably gonna be stuck as Apple Bloom fer the rest o’ my life.”

I suddenly got a shiver, realizing just how much I needed to keep myself hidden. What if a Clopper, one who didn’t care about consent, found me? They’d—

I shook my head. The thought was too horrible.

Mum seemed to see I was scared, because she leaned down and hugged me. I latched onto her, putting my forelegs around her neck.

“Ah-Ah’m scared!” I said, tears welling in my eyes, some of the first tears I’d shed in a long time. “What’s gonna happen ta me?”

Mum just rubbed my back gently. “Shh, shh. It’s okay. We’ll get through this. I don’t know how, I don’t know when, be we’ll get through this together, okay? Your father and I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”

I nodded against her shoulder, sniffling.

She gave a small chuckle. “We haven’t done this in a long time, have we?”

I shook my head. It had been a really long time since I’d needed her comfort the way I did right now. The last time I could think of such a thing happening was when I’d been a little older than ten.

Still, it was nice to have Mum hold me again. She made me feel safe.

After a few minutes we pulled away from each other, she laid me down and lifted two white pills to me. I nodded, taking them on the flat of my right forehoof and tossed them into my mouth. She held a glass of water to me and I gulped it down, washing the pills down my throat.

They were my medication. I don’t produce melatonin as much as others do, so I need to take it in pill-form before going to bed.
Mum smiled as I finished the glass, taking it away from me. She kissed me on the forehead, tucked me in and left the room, turning the light off before closing the door.

I sighed, turning to my left, holding my Togepi plushie I got on my eleventh birthday close. It was now almost half as big as me, but I still felt comfort in holding it close to me.

I was asleep about fifteen minutes later, wondering just how we were going to deal with my being Apple Bloom for the rest of my life.

Author's Note:

well, here's my newest fic.

so, what's Sam/Apple Bloom gonna do? What does tomorrow hold? Only time will tell.

Now, before you comment PLEASE don't ask or say anything about me making another story while i've yet to finished any of my others. I am very tired of those type of comments.

anyway, i hope you liked this first chapter, please comment and, till next time, goodnight everypony