• Published 6th Sep 2014
  • 16,718 Views, 817 Comments

An Apple Far From the Tree - Autum Breeze

You would think life would be normal. Yeah, well, then you ain't me. I've become Apple Bloom, for crying out loud!

  • ...

Chapter 13

Chapter 13


Almost done, Applejack mused to herself as she and Cheerilee sat in the teacher’s office, finalizing Applebuck’s transfer.

With only a few more papers to go, Cheerilee looked to the orange mare. “So, you mentioned something about how I’ll need to make sure your sister and Applebuck keep distinct from each other. What exactly did you mean?”

Applejack blinks, before facehoofing. How could she forget that detail? Sighing, the farmer looked back to the teacher. “She’s just like Apple Bloom.”

Cheerilee blinked, confused. “You mean they have similar personalities?”

Applejack shook her head a bit firmly. “Not really. If anythin’ Ah’d wager she and Bloom have totally different ones.”

Cheerilee frowned. “Then why did you say she just like your sister?”

Applejack glanced down at the papers. She was honestly trying to avoid this because she knew what the teacher’s first thoughts would be. “Applebuck looks and sounds just like Apple Bloom.”

She waited for the pin to drop as she watched the mulberry mare’s features.

She blinked in confusion, then frowned, then her eyes widened.

Applejack shook her head. “No, she ain’t a changeling. Trust me. I made that same mistake and... it didn’t go over well.”

The other mare just stared at her, her mouth trying to work. “But... Applejack, how...? How can another filly look and sound exactly like your sister and not be her? Wait,” she gave a deadpan expression, “Apple Bloom hasn’t been messing with the Mirror Pool, has she?”

Applejack blinked, surprised they’d never considered that either. Though, if Applebuck had been a Mirror Pool clone, she wouldn’t have been able to give such a detailed example of her human life. Heck, she likely wouldn’t have even known about humans unless Twilight told her, which she knew the Alicorn had not.

She shook her head. “Ah give you mah word, Cheerilee: Applebuck ain’t no Mirror Clone.”

Cheerilee looked at her uncertainly for several moments, before nodding and returning to the paperwork.

“Ya’ll look up what Ah told ya she mentioned, right?” the farmer asked. Before they’d actually started with the creation of Applebuck’s school file and entry, she’d talked with the teacher about concerns regarding what she’d learned about Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom.

Cheerilee sighed, looking suddenly a bit older than she really should, before turning to Applejack. “In all honesty, it wouldn’t surprise me. Diamond Tiara was the one in charge of the Foal Free Press when that Gabby Gums incident happened and I learned she was forcing your sister and her friends to keep going with the embarrassing stories or she’d post similar stories about them.”

Applejack blinked, before scowling. “Please tell me yer not just lettin’ her get away with all these things.”

Cheerilee returned the scowl, though Applejack could tell it wasn’t directed at her. “Oh, believe me; I would if I could, Applejack. However, Diamond Tiara’s mother is on the school board and, loath as I am to admit it, when Diamond causes problems, she does it in a way her mother has managed to get her off almost scot free.”

Applejack blinked, before folding her arms. “What Filthy sees in that mare Ah’ll never understand.”

“You and me both,” the other mare agreed.

With that said and done, they returned to finalizing Applebuck’s admission into the school.


“Well, what’s up, kid?” the blue Pegasus leans down, looking at me with a raised eyebrow of curiosity. “I know I saw you at school when I flew over there. How’d you get here so fast and... wait. Why aren’t you wearing your bow?”

I glance up at my mane, where a bow would likely be expected to be sitting atop. I gulp, before glancing at Big Mac, begging him for some help, but he looks as stunned as I feel. Not good.

“Er...” I say, my brain deciding now to go completely blank when my ability to think on the fly, one I relied on so much back in high school, could really come in handy right now. “Ah, er... um...”

As I stammer, I can’t help getting anxious as I see the look in Dash’s eyes change. She’s becoming suspicious. Crap, crap, crap!

“Wait a minute,” she looks from me to Mac, before her eyes narrow, then turns back to me. “What did you and the crusaders do that nearly tore my cloud home apart?”

My body goes stiff, locking me in place. Shit, shit, shit, SHIT! She thinks I’m a changeling! Why else would she ask me a question clearly only the real Apple Bloom would know?

Crap! What do I do now?! Do I tell her? Will Rainbow Dash even believe me?

“She’s a distant relative.”

Oh, thank sweet pony Jesus!

I turn to look at Mac with more gratitude than I probably ever have anyone before for saving my ass there... until I see Rainbow's skeptical expression.

Really? That’s what you’re going with?” she glances from Mac to me and I wilt under her gaze. “Mac, she not only looks like Apple Bloom, she sounds just like her. What’s going on?”

Well, at least she isn’t downright jumping me and holding me down.

Looking to Mac, I sigh and turn to Rainbow. “It’s... kinda a long story.”

“I’ve got time,” she says flatly. “Now spill.”

“So, just to get this straight: You’re a human from a world that is like the one Twilight went to through that mirror, only there, there’s no places named similar to the places here, nor are there humans that match ponies here?”

“Well, when ya say it like that...” I say, looking down and the floor.

I’m honestly glad Big Mac had been there when Rainbow Dash just dropped in like she did. It made confirming my story, as ridiculous as it really does sound when you think about it, a lot easier, which, despite everything Applejack told me before about key characters knowing there’s a show about them, even if they don’t know all the specifics, did not seem to ease Dash’s suspicions about me.

I should probably get used to having to explain I’m not a changeling, I have a strong hunch this won’t be the last time.

Dash glances at Big Mac with lidded eyes. “And you’re sure you can believe her.”

“Eeyup,” Mac said, his tone a firmness I’ve ever heard a select few times in the show, which is remarkable in itself, seeing how little he talks in the show. For some reason, hearing it makes me feel warm inside, safe somehow.

Dash just sits on the couch, her forelegs folded.

We sit in silence for several moments, myself hunching down and my ears flatting as the seconds move on. Why isn’t Dash saying anything? What’s she thinking?

“Okay,” she shrugs.

What could she be thinking that’s keeping so quiet that— wait, what?

I stop and stare at her, wide-eyed. Really? Jus’ like that?”

She smirks. “Look, kid, throughout your story you sounded like you weren’t lying and the way you stood up for the crusaders was pretty cool. You seem like a good kid, so I’m willing to give you a chance.”

I blink for several moments, before giving a small smile. “Thanks, Dash.”

She chuckles, turning to Mac. “I can’t wait t’ hear what happens when she and Apple Bloom go to school together.”

I find myself chuckling now. “Oh, Ah ain’t goin’ ta school here, Rainbow.”

She turns to me, looking confused.

I smirk. “One, Ah graduated fr’m high school several years ago back home, so Ah don’t need t’ go t’ school here when it’s pretty much stuff Ah covered years ago. Plus, Ah’m not gonna be here too long. Once Princess Luna can get some answers fr’m Princess Celestia, Twi’s gonna get me a way back home quick, so mah goin’ t’ school wouldn’t make sense,” I turn to Big Mac, grinning. “Right?”

I expect him to answer right away with a chuckling “Eeyup” and we move on... but he doesn’t.

I frown, looking back up to him and notice he’s not meeting my eyes.

“Mac?” I ask, cocking an eyebrow. “Why’re ya’ll lookin’ away? What’s up?”

“So, she is going to school?” Dash asks, looking between the two of us.

“No,” I say.

“Eeyup,” Mac says quietly at the same time.

I blink, thinking I must have misheard. I turn to Mac, confusion on my face. “Mac, Ah’m not going to school, right? Ah’m just gonna be hangin’ round til Twi can send me back.”

I notice he’s started to sweat a bit and is pointedly not meeting my eyes, keeping his own averted, looking up at the ceiling.

A frown creases my brow. “Mac, Ah’m not going t’ school here, right?”

For several moments he sits there, doing his best to look anywhere but at me. He starts fidgeting, his lips curling in a bit, a sign I know from Applejack means the truth is being hidden. Seems all the Apple Family have that tick.

“Mac,” I say flatly, my tone seeming to unnerve Rainbow if the look she’s giving me is any indication, “Ah’m not goin t’ school.”

“... Eenope,” he manages to stutter, still refusing to meet my gaze.

“Ya mean no, Ah’m not goin’ t’ school, or no, Ah am?” I ask firmly.


I grit my teeth. “Mac, am Ah goin’ t’ school?”

At once his body tenses several times over.

My eye narrow to slits. “Answer me, Big Mac. Am. Ah. Goin’. To. School?”

He looks from me to Dash, as if she can get him out of this somehow, but she’s looking back just as worried.

I swear, if he doesn’t answer me soon, I’m going to use my likeness to his youngest sister against him. I swear, as God as my witness, I will!

“Ee.... yup,” he slowly manages, sounding defeated.

I blink, his answer taking several moments to process through my mind. Once it has sifted through completely and settled into place, however, my lips pull back into a snarl.


“AJ wants you to be around others.”

The words in a low squeak cause me to halt in my tirade and my eyes narrow til they’re almost completely close. “What?” I hiss quietly.

The two larger ponies flinch at my quieter tone, Big Mac refusing to look at me, seeming to find staring at a hole in the living room carpet far more an appealing sight to observe.

“She... she knows yer unhappy and wants ya to feel better around us,” he says with a shaky tone. I indicate for him to go on, my expression never changing. “W-well, she thinks, since you and Apple Bloom seem to be getting along so well, if’n ya were with her more, ya might feel more at home here.”

I snarl. “This. Ain’t. Mah. Home, Big Macintosh.”

Saying his whole name seems to make him wilt, almost like it was explaining to him just how much trouble he was in.

“Ah... Ah know, that, Applebu—”


He pauses, glancing at me uncertainly. “What?”

I dig my hoof into the floor. “Mah name... is Sam! Sam Wilson! Ah’ll go by Applebuck outside the farm and if’n others outside the Element Bearers are around. But, here, when it’s just us, Ah. Am. SAM! Got it?!”

I turn towards the stairs, looking coldly at them over my shoulder. “An’ ya’ll can tell Applejack that if she thinks Ah’m just gonna do this, she’s got other fucking thing commin’!”

Rainbow’s mouth drops open as I turn and stomp up the stairs.

“Apple— Sam, wait—” Mac calls out, but is cut off when I slam Apple Bloom’s bedroom door behind me.


Applejack was walking home, feeling better about things. Miss Cheerilee had agreed to do what she could to make sure Applebuck wouldn’t feel too uncomfortable whilst attending school. She’d make sure Diamond Tiara didn’t give her too much strife, nor would any of the other fillies and colts, just because the filly looked just like Apple Bloom.

As she turned down the familiar path to the farm, she could sense something was... off. She couldn’t explain it, but there was some kind of tension in the air as she neared the farm.

Curious, she quickened her pace, hurrying up the porch and inside. What she found was Big Mac and Granny Smith sitting in the living room, their heads bowed, their expressions crestfallen.

Applejack’s heart clenched in her chest as she rushed over to her family. “What happened? What’s wrong?” she asked, looking from one to the other.

“It’s Apple... It’s Sam,” the elder mare murmur quietly.

Applejack’s heart tightened further. “Applebuck? What happened? Is she alright? Did she get hurt?”

“In a sense, hurt’s sure the right word Ah’d use,” Granny replied solemnly.

“Why? What’s happened to ’er?!” the orange mare asked, panic seeping into her skin.

“She learned ya’ll wan’ her in school.”

Applejack blinked, before glancing to Big Mac in confusion. “Hwhat?”

“She learned ya plan on sendin’ her t’ school with Bloom. Now she won’t talk t’ any o’ us, save Bloom, an’ even then she’s barely spoken.”

Applejack cocked an eyebrow. “Wait. She’s not talking to ya jus’ cuz Ah’m sending her t’ school? That’s the problem?”

They both nodded solemnly.

“Phew!” she called, her body relaxing, wiping her forehead. “Ya’ll had me worryin’ it was sumthin’ serious, there.” She laughed, but cut herself off when she realized neither pony was joining in. “Uh... did Ah miss sumthin’?”

“She says she ain’t goin’ t’ school,” Granny murmured.

Applejack just chuckled. “Granny, that’s normal fer fillies. None o’ them wanna go back t’ school. If she’s not talking t’ anypony, that’s fine. It’ll pace. Bloom’s always having these little grumps. All fillies and colts do that from time t’ time.”

“But she ain’t a filly.”

Applejack blinked, before turning to her brother. “Huh?”

He looked to her firmly, though the sadness was still there. “She ain’t a real filly, AJ. She’s an adult, stuck in a filly’s body. It ain’t the same as with Bloom.”

Applejack blinked, before her shoulders sagged slightly, along with the rest of her. He was right. Applebuck had told them when she first came to that she was really an adult human stuck in an identical body of the Apples’ youngest member.

She’d been thinking of her like any ordinary filly since going to bed the night before last and had let that dictate how she treated her. Punishing her like she would Bloom, lecturing her as if she was a filly who’d broken a rule...

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then let it out. “Ah’ll go talk to ’er.”

She turned and headed upstairs, stopping and knocking on door to the bedroom the two fillies were sharing.

“Go buck yerself!” Apple Bloom’s voice growled from the other side.

Applejack’s eyes widened and she opened her mouth to tell her little sister off, before she closed it, recognition filling her mind. That was Applebuck who’d spoken.

Taking a deep breath, she steeled herself and pushed the door open. What she found worried her. Apple Bloom was sitting on her bed, looking sadly at her double, who was sitting in the corner of the room, her body tense, shoulders hunched.

Glancing to her little sister, then back to the other yellow filly in the room, Applejack slowly made her way over, before stopping just behind the angry pony.

“Oh, it’s you,” she spat, her voice filled with venom on the third word. “Well, then, what now, huh? Gonna tell me no dessert for a week? That Ah’m grounded until Ah learn t’ behave like a good little filly?” She shot up, whirling around, her eyes narrowed to slit, her mouth pulled back into a snarl that reminded Applejack of a Timber Wolf. “Or how about explaining how ya’ll went behind mah back and put me inta school without even askin’ me first?! Or do Ah not get a choice cuz yer the Elemnt o’ Harmony, not me?!”

Applejack’s eye widened in shock, before narrowing. “Now, see here, little missy; Ah ain’t never thought mahself better or more important than anypony else just cuz Ah’m an Element o’ Harmony.”

The yellow pony’s right eye twitched. “Little missy? LITTLE MISSY?!” Applejack flinched at the sudden volume rise as the filly before her glared at her with hatred the like she’d never seen. “AH’M OLDER THAN YOU, YA SELF-CENTRED BITCH! YA’LL THINK, JUS’ CUZ YER BIGGER THAN ME, YA’LL CAN JUST GO ON AND DO WHATEVER YA WANT WITH ME?! NEWS FLASH, APPLEJACKASS, AH AIN’T SOME FILLY YA’LL CAN ORDER AROUND! AH’LL GO TO SCHOOL ALRIGHT, BUT YA’LL WANNA KNOW WHY? SO I CAN GET AWAY FR’M YOU! AN' DON’T COUNT ON ME COMIN’ BACK AFTER!”

Before the farm mare could really process what was happening, the yellow filly whirled around, reared up and slammed her back hooves into the larger mare’s chest with so much force that she went flying out the door, slammed through a wall, and tumbled several feet.

Applejack winced, taking in a hiss of air as she held her chest. That was way harder than the last time Applebuck got her. She could swear her ribs were even bruised this time round.


“Applebuck, wait—”

Applejack’s voice is cut off as I storm out of the house the next morning. I don’t want to listen to her.

And I wasn’t lying either. Soon as school ends, I am not returning to Sweet Apple Acres. I don’t care where I go, I’m not going back there. At first I thought it would only be Applejack I couldn’t stand, but no I can’t even look at Big Mac or Granny. Neither of them bothered to try and change Applejack’s mind? Not once?! And they weren’t gonna tell me til when?

The only Apple it seems I can trust is Apple Bloom. As I stomp through Ponyville, Apple Bloom having caught up several minutes after I left and showing me the right way, I grit my teeth, going over places I can stay that won’t have me seeing that stupid orange mare’s muzzle til I can go home already. Screw the jerks that kept trying to hurt me there, I’ll take them over ponies lying and talking behind my back any day. At least I can buck pain into those assholes, being the only Earth Pony on Earth.

As we head towards the school, the hairs on the back on my neck stand on end. It’s a warning I learned my body sense when I’m being watched.

No sooner have I thought this, however, before a cart appears before me, a bright pink pony alone with it.

“Hi there!” Pinkie Pie cries, grinning widely at me. “I’m Pinkie Pie! I just wanted to welcome you to—”


The pink mare freezes in places, as do a lot of nearby ponies, who all turn to me as I glare at the pink mare.

I know Pinkie Pie didn’t do anything wrong and I know I shouldn’t take my anger out on her, but I am in no fucking mood for her happy go lucky antics right now. Maybe when I’m on my own, away from the Apple Family, I’ll indulge her, but right now, the idea of her celebrating what is basically my being taken from my own home and ending up stuck in the care of a family where only one member seems trustworthy anymore, pisses me off to no end.

“But... but, I don’t understand,” Pinkie says, wilting a little.

“Oh, well there’s a big fucking surprise!” I snark, gritting my teeth. “Ya know Pinkie Pie, Ah'd think after what happened with Cranky, ya’d know not everyone wants a welcome party the first moment they meet you!” I snort. “Now, if ya’ll excuse me, Ah got somewhere ta be afore Ah find a new place ta live whilst Ah’m stuck in this world!”

With that, I stomp passed the pink mare as her mane slowly deflates, Apple Bloom’s voice giving assurances, before calling after me.


“I knew I was right! Your family are all changelings!”

I feel my left ear twitch in irritation, before looking over my shoulder as I stand before Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

My introduction into school was as loud and confusing as you would expect. The first thing every filly and colt asked upon seeing me was if I or Apple Bloom were changelings. Thankfully, Cheerilee dissuaded the majority of these, I introduced myself until that name I know hate, we went with the stupid cover story of how I’m I distant relative of the Apples and we went from there.

Classes were as annoyingly easy as you’d expect for someone who graduated high school already and hearing the term nerd whispered around (mostly by Diamond fucking Tiara), didn’t help matters.

When Recess finally came around, I joined the crusaders and we talked about our unfair punishments after pranking the school bully.

And now, it seems said school bully wants to shove her hoof into a hornets’ nest.

“Give it a rest, will you, Tiara,” Scootaloo says, looking bored. “You’ve been at this since yesterday. It wasn’t funny then, and sure as hay isn’t funny now.”

“How would you know?” the pink filly retorts, giving Scootaloo a firm, pitying look that makes me want to sock Tiara in the jaw. “You remember what happened to Prince Shining Armour. He was mind controlled to love that bug. How can you be sure you’re not just friends with those country bumpkins because they’ve used their mind control magic on you?”

“Don’t you dare insult mah family like that!” Apple Bloom shouts, getting up and cutting herself on a thumbtack that was lying in the grass. She winces, pulling back, a tiny trickle of blood flowing from where she pricked herself.

There’s silence for several moments, before Tiara whirls on me, shoving her hoof in my direction. “See? I told you! Not only was I right that I didn’t imagine seeing two of that Blank Flank at the farm, but she’s a changeling!”

“What?” I snarl, getting up and glaring. “An’ what evidence do ya have t’ prove it!”

“Her blood’s red!” Tiara shouts, pointing at Bloom as Sweetie Belle and Twist are tending to her cut. “Changelings have green blood, and since she has red blood, that makes you the changeling! That’s my evidence! Wanna prove me wrong? Show us! Prove you’re not a monster!”

Prove you’re not a monster!

The world goes white.


Tiara smirked after her last words seemed to hit it to the changeling that it had been caught as its eyes shrunk to pinpricks.

Suddenly, the changeling narrowed its eyes, causing them all to flinch. But, instead of charging at them, or dropping its disguise, it turned and walked over towards the most broken of the playground equipment that had been damaged during Princess Twilight’s battle with Tirek.

She frowned, wondering what the changeling was doing, until it bit down on a large splinter of wood and yank it, before glaring at Tiara. “Ya wan’ p’oof Ah ain’ a ’hanghin,” it said through the wood in its mouth, turning its head and holding out its left foreleg. “Then Ah’WW SHOW HOO!”

With that it thrust the wooden spike right into its leg, causing a burst of... red to burst forth.

All was silent for several moments as the yellow filly before them stood, tossing her head back and letting go of the wood after yanking it out from where she'd thrust it into her foreleg, her red blood drooling down from the large gash she’d made in her leg as she glared daggers at Tiara as tears started dripping from her eyes.

“What was that ya’ll said?” she hissed, thrusting her bleeding foreleg forward, causing blood to spatter outward, hitting the ground just before the group of mortified fillies and colts. “Ah’m a changeling cuz Ah got green blood, huh? Well, Ah must be colour-blind then!”

With that, she turned and stomped off, heading away from the school all together, a trail of blood following in her wake as her wound kept seeping the red liquid

Author's Note:


I do not know how i feel about how this came out. After everything, i've just been struggling where to go and how to handle Sam's emotions, and this was the best i could come up with.

Next chapter, Sam is missing and everyone is trying to find her, whilst Apple Bloom is taken by Fluttershy to the hospital.

Don't really have much more to say right now. I think after this chapter, i might try writing a few other stories again, including my Raven story and maybe even try getting a new chapter for Accidental Soulmates out, though don't hold me on that second one.

Well, til next time, later everypony

Really hope people don't think this chapter sucks as much as i do