• Published 6th Sep 2014
  • 16,699 Views, 817 Comments

An Apple Far From the Tree - Autum Breeze

You would think life would be normal. Yeah, well, then you ain't me. I've become Apple Bloom, for crying out loud!

  • ...

Chapter 7

Chapter 7


"Well, my next guest has been all over the news the last couple months. She's the newest hot story all over the world and been on here once before. The guy turned into a filly. Give a round of applause and please welcome, Sam Wilson, or as the fan base know her, Apple Bloom!"

I nervously walk out onto the set as Craig Ferguson introduces me with that great Scottish accent of his. I smile as the studio audience cheered. I walk up to Crag, who kneels down and shakes my hoof, before I go and hop up onto the seat next to Michelle. He'd already spoken with Lauren and Tara and we were the next guests.

Craig looks to me. "So, how does it feel, still being a fictional character?" he asked, genuine curiosity on his face. "Is it easy? Do you look in the mirror every morning and have to remind yourself that's you looking back?"

I give a small laugh, shaking my head. "No. It's not easy. Ah still have to remind mahself this ain't some weird dream or some kooky fanfic one of the fans wrote." I giggle. "Mah family an' I are doing fine. Though we have had to make some changes around the house."

"Oh, really? Like what?" he asks, surprised.

I sigh. "Well, ya heard about how the Anti-Brony community have been reacting to this over the last three months?"

He nods. "Oh! Ooh, yes. I hear you had to get security at your house after the last incident."

I nod, sighing. "The fact that they keep acting like Ah'm some kinda act o' the Devil really hurts. Ah just wish they'd let me live my life, what of it Ah can these days, anyway."

"Ah, yes, I heard you've not gotten much time back home anymore, what with all the interviews and the promotions. What was the latest, by the way?"

I smile. "Well, as anypony— a small laugh and several cheers came from he crowd at my purposeful pun— "knows, Ah was at the premier of the new Mlp movie, Rainbow Rocks."

"Really, how was that?" Crag leans forward on his desk a little.

I giggle. "It was a lot of fun, really. Ah was really happy seeing all the little girls there... an' the bronies, o’ course."

A loud group of cheers came from within the crowd and one guy shouts, "Apple Bloom, we love you!"

Michelle and I shake our heads and she continues where I'd left off. "Yes, they were all really excited to see her. We even had a little fun with them all, didn't we, Sam?" She winks at me and I grin.

I turn to Craig. "We had a little play on voices."

He frowns in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Well," I glance at Michelle and we both giggle, "Ah'd let the little girls an' the guys ask me questions..."

"Then Ah'd answer 'em from outta sight in my Apple Bloom voice," Michelle answers, causing Craig to jump with surprise, and causing us and the whole audience to laugh.

"Wow, that— that was creepy," he said, looking amused, though a little shocked too.

"Yeah, yeah, that's kinda creepy," Geoff the skeleton said, then made a shuddering sound. "Sorry, but that's way too creepy."

I smirk. "This comin' from the talkin' skeleton with neon lights fer eyes."

"Well, yeah, guess you got a point there," he agreed, sounding sheepish.

"Anythin' else ya wanna know?" I asked, looking back to Craiv.

He smiled. "Don't worry, Applejack. The spell shows that she's not a Changeling, so you don't have to worry."

I blink. "Uh, pardon, Craig?"

He just looks at me, not moving.

I turn to Michelle, an eyebrow raised. "What's up with him?"

She smiles back. But when she opened her mouth, it wasn't her voice. "Ah know, Twi. But she looks and sounds just like Apple Bloom. Is she one o' those clones from the mirror pool?"

That... That's Applejack. But Ashleigh Ball isn't in the studio. What the heck is going on here?

Suddenly the world goes black and I feel like I'm falling through nothingness.


“Ya sure she’s alright, Twi? Ah didn’ mean fer her t’ fall down the stairs like that?”

“Don’t worry, Applejack. She got a few bumps and bruises, but other than that, she’s fine. Though, this is unusual. If she was just a Changeling that would make this a lot simpler, but she seems like a normal pony.”

“But she can’t be. She’s Apple Bloom, but Ah know she ain’t Apple Bloom neither. Heck, Bloom’s so curious ’bout ’er Ah had to get Mac to keep her an’ the girls busy.”

The voices are faint as I came back to consciousness. I can feel myself lying in a soft bed. Maybe I'm still asleep and this is just some weird dream... well, weirder than life has become anyway.

“Well, this isn't something I've ever seen before. She seems like Apple Bloom, though the genetics are a little off. I’ll need to run some tests on the samples of her mane and fur I took before I can really say what she is. But, since she didn’t change when I used the spell, we know she isn't a Changeling, but I don't think she's Apple Bloom from the other world, either. She would've run from you otherwise, knowing her big sister was after her.”

I moan, slowly opening my eyes. I am lying in a bed. If the ceiling’s any indication, it’s Apple Bloom’s room.

Blurry brightly coloured shapes are standing around me, one purple, one orange. I rub my eyes with my hooves and my vision clears. Standing around me are Applejack and Twilight Sparkle.

“Hey there, surgarcube,” the orange mare says, smiling gently at me. “Doin’ okay?”

I shift, before wincing. My whole body aches. I can feel plasters on my front legs, one on both cheeks and a small bandage around my head.

Applejack puts a hoof on my shoulder. “It’s okay. Yer safe here. Sorry Ah acted the way Ah did. Ah didn’ mean fer ya t’ get hurt.”

I want to panic, I want to thrust off the covers on me and run, but my body is refusing to do as my brain screams at it to move. I slump back, looking to Twilight. “How’d Ah get here?”

She blinks, then smiles. “Applejack brought you up here and put you in bed. Then she had Big Macintosh come and get me so I could—”

I shake my head. “No. How’d Ah get here, in Equestria?”

This seems to take them both off-guard and they glance at each other, before Twilight looks back at me.

“Where were you before?”

I sigh. “First off, Ah ain’t a pony. Or, Ah wasn’t a pony afore a few months ago.”

Twilight leans a little closer, concern and worry showing in her eyes. “What were you?”

I sigh. “Ah was a human.”

Twilight gasps, her eyes going wide, but I hold up a hoof to stop her, though it came up slowly.

“Afore ya get all frantic, Ah ain’t the Apple Bloom fr’m the other world, so don’t worry ’bout that.”

The Earth Pony frowns. “If ya’ll ain’t fr’m there, then where were ya fr’m?”

I shake my head. “A diff’r’nt world. There, I used ta be an adult male. My name was... is Sam.” I sighed. “But, fer some reason, little over three months ago, Ah just woke up lookin’ an’ soundin’ like Apple Bloom... then Ah wake up here shortly afore Applejack spotted me an’ mistook me fer her sister.”

Twilight suddenly looks more concerned than she had when she thought I was the other Apple Bloom. “Three months ago?”

I nod. No point in lying, the Element of Honesty is in the room, so may as well tell the truth and get it over with.

Twilight bites her lower lip. “Oh, Celestia. Tell me that didn’t happen,” she whispers, though I heard it clearly and so did the other mare.

“Tell ya what didn’t happen, Twi?” she asks, cocking an eyebrow.

Twilight almost jumps, as if she’d been lost in thought, then shook her head firmly. “I need to see the princesses. Maybe they know what happened and how we can send her back.”

Applejack blinks. “Send her back? Looking like mah sister? Twi, that’s gotta be onea the worst ideas Ah ever heard, an’ Rainbow Dash has had a ton o' ’em.”

I look to Applejack, feeling hurt. “Ya’ll think sendin’ me home’s a bad idea?”

She widen her eyes, shakes her head and smiles sadly at me. “Sorry, sugarcube. Ah didn’ mean it like that.” She puts hoof on my shoulder. “Ah jus’ meant sendin’ ya looking an’ soundin’ like mah sister might not be the best. Ah don’ think yer race were exactly happy ’bout it, were they?”

I wince at her words, then looked down. It was true. While things hadn’t been as bad as they could’ve been (no people in black vans, wearing HAZMAT suits coming to take me away for study or experimentation at any point), it had started going downhill during the third month.

Several times after leaving from a place I’d made an appearance, whether just as an appearance or for an interview, some of the Anti-Bronies in the crowd had thrown stuff at me. I’d even been hit in the head by a bottle and when I came to, I was being driven away in an ambulance, having received a concussion from the impact and had a massive gash on my forehead.

One night, I’d woken up to a bunch of guys standing in my room and saw that they all had their pants down. I’d screamed and my parents had come rushing in. I’d never seen my dad so angry before and Mum? Well, let’s just say the sight of Celestia as Solar Flare wouldn’t come close to how scary my mum looked at that moment.

All those creeps (half Anti-Bronies who’d obviously just wanted to hurt me) had been sent to hospital for care, then arrested for what they’d been about to do to me, the thought alone always gives me shivers. I’d spent the next few days sleeping in my parents’ bed, I was too scared to sleep on my own and we’d gotten more security all around the house to prevent such a thing from ever happening again.

I’d refused to do any more interviews or leave the house for the rest of my time on Earth (not knowing I’d be leaving Earth at all, though), and remained in my room, just sitting on my bed, holding my Togepi plush toy close, sometimes watching cartoons or other shows from my DVD collection, even MLP a bit.

I nod, tears brimming in my eyes.

At once, I feel someone... no, somepony embrace me in a warm hug, and from the scent of apples and earth, I know it's Applejack.

As soon as she held me I couldn’t stop myself. I wrapped my legs around her neck and bawled. I couldn’t hold it in. This was all just too much. Not only had I been through everything I already had, now I'm in Equestria, with no explanation as to why or how.

I'm completely separated from my parents, my siblings, everyone I know and care about. I was a stranger in a world I wasn’t even sure had existed until a few hours ago and I'm all on my own.


I cried for what felt like hours, just crying, not wanting to be here, but knowing I don’t have a say in the matter. All the while, Applejack held me, rubbing my back and making soothing noises. It helped... a little.

At some point, I was vaguely aware of Twilight saying something about sending a letter to the princess, but didn’t listen. I didn’t want to listen. I just wanted to be home, to be with my family and friends, to live my life without any more weirdness than I’d already had to deal with.

At some point, I must have cried myself to sleep, because I woke up to find Applejack still holding me, her head resting on top of mine.

“Ah... Ah know how ya feel, Sam,” she whisper, either just to say it or because she knew I'm awake again. “Ah know just how ya feel.”

I push her aside, glaring at her, tears still in my eyes. “NO, ya don’t!”

She blinks. Apparently she didn’t know I'm awake and heard that. She then frowns. “Yes, Ah do. Ah know just how ya feel.”

I growl at her. “No, ya don’t! Ah’ve been separated from my parents! Ya’ll don’ have a clue how that feels!”

I realize just what I’ve said too late.

Applejack looks at me, an angry, but sad look in her eyes. They start to fill with tears and she wipes them away with a foreleg, before looking back at me.

“Ah know just how that feels, Sam. Ah lost mah parents when Ah was just a little filly. Apple Bloom was barely more than a foal.”

She shifts forward and I try to move away, worried she’ll hurt me. The bed doesn’t give me much room to move and I’ve somehow gotten my hind legs tangled in the cover. She reaches out and I brace for the worst, only for her to wrap her hooves around me and hold me close.

“Ah know how it feels ta lose yer parents. Ah do.”

“Ah’m... Ah’m sorry,” I whisper, shame etched on my face and in my voice. “Ah... Ah didn’t mean ta say that. Ah... Ah’m sorry, AJ.” She pats my back gently, which makes me feel a bit better.

“It’s okay, sugarcube. Ya’ll were angry an’ yer worried ’bout getting home ta yer family an’ how they’re doin’. It’s natural.”

I hug her a little tighter. Held in her bigger legs I feel comfortable. I don’t feel so scared anymore.

She pulls away enough to look me in the eye, a warm smile on her face. “Til Twi can get ya home, ya’ll can stay here, alright?”

I look at her in confusion. “But, what if she sends me back t’day?”

She shakes her head. “Tain’t that easy. World crossin’s big magic and even Twi can’t do it like that.” She lifts a hoof and somehow causing a clicking sound, like when humans click their fingers. “She’ll need time to find yer world an’ send ya back.”

I look down, my ears drooping at the knowledge I wasn’t going home.

Applejack tilts my head up and smiles. “Like Ah said, yer more than welcome ta stay here til then, ’kay?”

I wipe my eyes on my foreleg, then give a small smile. “Okay.”

She nods, right before a loud gurgle/rumbling sound comes from my stomach. She grins as I blush furiously.

“Looks like somepony’s hungry. What’s say we get you sumthin’ ta eat, huh?”

I nod, my blush refusing to go away, which only makes me blush more.

Author's Note:

here's the third make that seventh chapter. was going to make it longer, but decided i should seperate it into two instead of just the one.

So, Sam's going to stay with the Apples for a while. wonder how the rest of them will react. wonder if rarity will faint at the sight of two Blooms?

You'll just have to wait and see because i won't be working to make sure the next chapters fit the story again til Sunday, since i'm not allowed to use the computer on Saturdays and it's almost 5:30pm here now.

til next time, later everypony