• Published 6th Sep 2014
  • 16,699 Views, 817 Comments

An Apple Far From the Tree - Autum Breeze

You would think life would be normal. Yeah, well, then you ain't me. I've become Apple Bloom, for crying out loud!

  • ...

Chapter 15

Chapter 15


“IfoundAppleBloombleeding, soItookhertothehopsitaland—”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Applejack cried, holding up her hooves, trying to calm down her frantic friend. She’d been busying herself with fixing some girders in the barn when the yellow Pegasus had barrelled in, speaking a mile a minute and being incomprehensible. She reached forward, putting one hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder, while the other covered the yellow mare’s mouth. “Now, hold up a second there and try explaining slower. Ah ain’t Pinkie. Ah don’t speak rushed.”

“I found Apple Bloom bleeding and took her to the hospital!” Fluttershy blurted after pulling the orange hoof away from her face.

There was silence for several longs seconds as her words filtered into the farm mare’s mind and processed.

Her right eye twitched. “Wh-wha?”

“I was going into town to get a few small things for dinner tonight. Angel’s been so well behaved over the last few days; I felt he deserved a reward. But, as I was walking, I found Apple Bloom lying by a tree, unconscious and she was bleeding from a horrible gash on her right foreleg.”

Applejack just stood there for several seconds as her brain tried to wrap itself around what she had just been told.

Before Fluttershy could respond to her farmer friend’s silence, the orange mare bolted out the door screaming, “APPLE BLOOM!”


Nurse Tender Heart sighed as she sifted through some papers after just having spoken with somepony coming in for a check-up.

She couldn’t stop worrying about Apple Bloom. She’d dealt with injuries the filly had gained during her and her friends many failed attempts at getting their Cutie Marks.

However, never had any of them come in as badly as when Fluttershy had brought her in. It had only been about ten minutes since the youngest of the Apple Family had been rushed into the ER.

“Where is she?!” a quartet of familiar voices shouted, causing the mare to jump, scattering the papers she’d been holding as she fell back.

When Tender Heart managed to get back up, she looked over the desk to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Tender Heart inwardly sighed. Of course they’d be here. They probably met up with Fluttershy and she told them. The four are worried about their friend. She gave a small smile. Makes sense. Those three and their other friend are so close, of course when one of their own is in trouble all three Crusaders would— Wait a minute!

Her eyes bulged open and she looked at the four fillies, her mouth agape, namely due to the yellow-coated, red-maned Earth Pony of the four, who was looking up with more worry than either of the other two.

“I— But how—? And you’re—” she turned her head from the fillies to down the hall, her brain not able to understand what was going on.

“Is Bucky okay?” the yellow filly asked.

Tender Heart felt very light headed. Leaning towards her desk, she pressed the intercom button. “Nurse Redheart? Can you please come to the front desk?” she asked in a faint voice. “Apple Bloom and her friends are here to see Apple Bloom.”

“Um, come again?” the other nurse’s voice replied from the other end.

“Just what I said,” Tender Heart replied, her eyes drooping. “Also, be sure to get somepony to take over front desk duty. I’m gonna pass out now.”

And, true to her word, Tender Heart flopped forward onto the desk, unconscious.

The four young fillies just looked to each other with raised eyebrows.

“What was that all about?” Scootaloo asked.


Twilight stepped out of her home, intent to go and asked Applejack how things had gone last night. However, as she walked into town, an orange blur shot past her.

The Alicorn blinked, her mind doing a quick reset at the fact the blur had not been pink, before she lit her horn and teleported.

When she reappeared, she was flying alongside Applejack, who was running at speeds Twilight was sure Earth Ponies shouldn’t actually be able to... unless they were Pinkie Pie, of course. However, any questions about how Applejack was pulling a Pinkie were suddenly put on hold when she saw the look of outright fear in the farmer’s eyes.

“Applejack?” she cried, concerned for her friend. “What’s wrong?”

“Apple Bloom’s in the hospital!” the orange mare replied, before increasing her speed, leaving the Alicorn in the dust.

Twilight hovered in place for several moments as she processed what the apple farmer had just said. Once they’d worked their way through, however, her own eyes widened in horror and she shot forward, charging her horn.

She reached Applejack in a matter of seconds, grabbed the running mare in her magic and pulled her along in a teleport.

As the teleport faded to show they had appear outside Ponyville Hospital, due to Applejack having been running at the time of teleport, she was still running, thus slammed through the doors.

Everypony inside leaped as the doors were flung open and the orange mare and Princess of Friendship came barrelling in, only to suddenly skid to a stop when they saw a black unicorn stallion talking to four fillies.

“Apple Bloom!” the fillies barely had a chance to respond before the farm mare had rushed over, grabbed the yellow filly and pulled her into a bone-crushing hug. “Apple Bloom! What happened? Fluttershy said she brought ya bleeding.” She blinked, before pushing her sister back a bit and looking her over, her urgency at once being replaced with confusion. “But, ya’ll look fine.”

“She didn’t bring me, sis!” Apple Bloom said, trying to get out of the older pony’s grasp. “She brought in Bucky, thinkin’ she was me.”

“That’s what we’re talking to this stallion about,” Scootaloo said, indicating to the black stallion.

Applejack, however, had gone rigid as her little sisters words went through her mind, then processed with everything else.

Applejack suddenly launched at the stallion and grabbed him by the collar of the white doctor’s jacket he was wearing. “What happened? How is she? Why was she bleeding? What—?”

She was cut off as a white aura encased her, the stallion’s horn glowing.

“Calm down, ma’am,” he said in a monotone voice. “It’s only been a little over ten minutes. Give the doctors and nurses time. Sit in the waiting room with everypony else and we will inform you when the young filly is out of the ER.”

It took several minutes of Applejack struggling against the unicorn’s magical hold on her, before, finally, she calmed down and he released his hold on her.

With that done, he gave them a nod and moved over to the front desk, where he sat down and began dealing with the tasks he’d been left with.

However, though she had calmed down enough that she wasn’t barrelling through the hospital, trying to find the young filly under her care, she rounded on the four fillies, her face determined. “What happened?”


“An’ then we all rushed here and tried t’ find out what happened and how Bucky was doing,” Apple Bloom finished several minutes later.

They were all sitting in the waiting room, still unsure how the youngest Apple’s doppelganger was doing. The CMC had spent that time informing Applejack of everything they could. During which time, Fluttershy had managed to catch up and had listened in too, though not before they all went through the confusion of Apple Bloom being there like when AJ and Twilight had first gotten there.

“I wondered why Pinkie seemed so upset earlier,” Twilight said, thinking back to when the pink mare had come to look for a book in the Public Reading area of the castle.

“Oh, the poor thing,” Fluttershy murmured, her ears wilting. “Lost from her family and then this?”

“Ah am havin’ stern words with Diamond's parents later,” Applejack growled through gritted teeth.

“Miss Applejack?” the sudden monotone voice startled them all and the turned to see the unicorn who’d been speaking with the CMC when Twilight and Applejack arrived was staring at them from the front desk. “You can go and see her now. Room 236.”

Twilight was disconcerted by the second more Pinkie than Applejack behaviour the orange mare had displayed that day as Applejack was suddenly gone, a fading smoke imprint of herself being the only thing left as they heard running hoofsteps on tiled floors.

Nodding amongst each other, the group hurried at a decidedly slowly pace, Twilight following the room numbers, until they found an open door with Room 236 on the front of it.

Walking inside, they all took a quick breath at what they could see. The young Apple Bloom lookalike was laying on her back in the hospital bed, a drip and heart monitor attached to one foreleg and a breathing mask over her face. Her other foreleg had a large bandage around it, causing the four fillies to squirm a little and the two mares to take another gasp.

Applejack was staring down at the unconscious filly with blank eyes as Doctor Stable was talking to her.

“... stable for now, though we’ll keep her in for a few days, to monitor her progress,” he was saying, though it was clear Applejack was not listening. He looked over to them all, nodded and headed out.


My mind feels so sluggish. Where... where am I?

“Sam?” a faint voice calls out to me.

I slowly open my eyes, but my vision is really blurry. I notice there’s someone next to me. “Sam, hey. How are ya doing? ”Their voice is soft and gentle.

I feel my brain’s trying to tell me something, but I just give a small smile.

“Mama?” I chuckle. “Ah had the weirdest dream. Ah was in Equestria and staying with the Apples.” I close my eyes, feeling relieved that it was all a dream. That doesn’t explain why I feel so drowsy though, but I’ll ignore that for now. It hurts to think too hard.

“It’s alright, Sam,” she says and I feel her stroking my mane, though it feels weird for some reason. “You’ll be okay. Just rest, alright?”

I nod, feeling the world already fading away again. “Ah love you... Mama.”


Applejack felt horrible as the young filly before her went back to sleep.

Stepping back, she wiped the tears from her eyes.

The whole gang had come by after a while, Pinkie, Rarity and Dash. Both Pinkie and Rarity had been shocked to see two yellow fillies that looked like her younger sister. Twilight had thankfully filled them in with Dash’s help. However, they couldn't all stay. they all had their own jobs they needed to do, and though Applejack was thankful to them for staying to give their support, she refused to let them cause themselves problems for her own mistakes. So, they left, giving their best wishes and promising to come soon, Big Mac and Granny taking Apple Bloom with them, leaving her and the injured filly alone.

Now, Sam had briefly regained consciousness. However, she’d been so out of it, she hadn’t been able to tell Applejack wasn’t her real mother... and the farm mare hadn’t had the heart to tell her otherwise.

As she sat, watching the sleeping filly, she became aware of voices outside the door of her charge’s room.

“But Daddy, why do we have to be here? It’s not like her being in here is my fault.”

“Agreed, dear,” another voice said, in a haughty tone. “Why you feel our daughter holds any responsibility for this situation, is beyond my understanding.”

Applejack turned to the door, frowning. Getting up, she walked over and pushed it open to find three ponies. A brown stallion with a black, greying mane, a pink filly with a tiara and a mare with a diamond ting for a Cutie Mark.

“Miss Applejack,” Filthy Rich said, a bit startled by the sudden opening of the door. “We... we came after Miss Cheerilee informed us something had happened to... um...”

Applejack just gave the filly a cold look. “Yeah. She’s asleep right now, but thanks fer comin’ t’ apologize at least.”

Apologize?” Spoiled Rich asked, giving the farm mare an indignant look. “And what exactly is my daughter supposed to be apologizing for? She wasn’t the one that thrust that wooden spike into that filly’s leg. She did that all on her own.”

“After yer daughter went pushing her with accusations o’ bein’ a Changeling!” Applejack snapped back, her eyes narrowing at the unturned-nosed mare. “That filly is in mah care. She’s away fr’m her family, her home and has been dealing with Ah don’t even know what kinda stress before and after she got her and yer daughter wouldn’t leave her alone. She’s emotionally unstable right now an’ Diamond’s pushing her like she did didn’t help none at all!”

Spoiled just sniffed, lifting her nose. “Well, if she’s emotionally unstable and under your care, I guess that doesn’t say much about your abilities to care for a filly, does it?”

Applejack’s right eyebrow twitched. “Oh, really? Well, Ah’d say the fact yer daughter is so cruel to another filly that that filly ends up in the hospital doesn’t say much about yer abilities in caring fer a filly either, does it?!”

Spoiled eyes narrowed, before she pushed her face up to Applejack’s. “How dare you, you filthy farmer! Do you have any idea who you’re talking to?”

“Not a good parent, Ah’ll tell ya that!” Applejack shot back.

A vein on Spoiled’s forehead twitched. “I am the head of the school board and one of the wealthiest mares in this town! How dare you speak to me that way!”

Applejack snorted. “Am Ah supposed t’ be impressed? Cuz Ah ain’t! If’n it weren’t fer mah grandmother’s Zap Apple Jam, ya’ll wouldn’t even have all that money!”

Spoiled scoffed, giving Applejack a pitying look. “Well, I can imagine toiling in the fields all day like a beast would lead to such delusions.”

“Enough!” Filthy Rich did not raise his voice, but his tone shut both mares up in an instant. He gave his wife a disapproving look, before looking to Applejack with a stern one. “Miss Applejack, I can see you’re under a lot of stress at the moment. I believe it would be better if we came back another time.”

Applejack gave a firm nod to him, before glaring at Spoiled. “Eeyup.”

With that, the trio of ponies left, Diamond Tiara quickly sticking her tongue out at Applejack, whilst Spoiled gave her a scathing look, before they followed after Filthy and left down the hall.

Applejack took several moments to calm herself down, taking deep breaths, before returning to the room and watching over the young filly once again.

Author's Note:


This took WAY too long to right and, in all honesty, i'm not sure i like how this came out. I feel like what's hear is the skeleton of what i originally wanted to do.


Regardless, here's the latest chapter.

There's a ton of things i wanna say, but, in all honesty, i don't even know where to start right now, so i'll just leave it there.

Hope you enjoyed this more than i do, really, cos i don't think it came out all that good.

whatever. Til next time, later everypony