• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 14,140 Views, 592 Comments

A Changeling of Heart - Thorax

  • ...

A Buggy Landing (Prologue)

Where did I go wrong? the black creature asked itself.

I had all of Canterlot in my hoof and yet, I still lost.

Chrysalis continued lay in the spot she had landed a little over an hour ago. She continued to replay the event in her mind over and over again. She had captured and trapped that foal Cadence with almost no effort. That foal Shinning Armor hadn't had any doubts she was the real Cadence, everything was going perfect. But those damn mares had to ruin everything. She had done everything she could to stop that wretched stallion Shinning Armor from inviting those mares but yet some part of him was able to resist. If they had never shown up, no creature would have ever found that pampered princess and my people would be feasting.

"Damn them!" she shrieked at the sky, gaining a small amount of joy as birds scattered in fear. However a sudden realization dawned on her and crushed that small piece of joy. That witch of a princess would send her guards out to hunt her and the rest of her children down.

If I stay here I'm a sitting duck Chrysalis craned her head up and began to survey her surrounding Trees, Trees, Rock, Trees A dark forest was all that surrounded her. Staring back up at the sky through the hole she had torn through the tree Canopy the rays of sun shining through the hole as if to mock her.

They won't find me she told herself by the time they get here I'll be long gone and once they've let their guard down, I'll strike again

"Search the area!" Came the sudden echoing shouts from somewhere above the forest. "The local guards said they saw a large black object crash somewhere in this forest, spread out and start looking."

A jolt of sudden fear shot through her body How did they get here so fast? No, I can't think about that I need to get out of here

Chrysalis was able to climb to her feet with surprisingly little effort. However it was only after she tried to walk when she discovered the full extent of her injuries. She dropped back to the ground as a sudden jolt of intense pain flooded her senses. It was only then that she noticed the steady trickle of blood that now ran down her front leg.

"Damn, I guess I wasn't as lucky as I thought" she said aloud, grimacing at the pain.

"Okay, okay, we've got this, we've been through. worse All we have to do is get out this forest and then we can just fly away. There is no way those foalish ponies can keep up with me." Chrysalis continued to speak aloud, doing her best to motivate herself without giving away her position.

Once again, she began pulling herself up and once again she fell.

"Damn it" she swore, "If I don't get out of here now, this will be nothing compared to what that foul Princess will do to me."

Chrysalis began to run through her options in her mind. Flying out of the forest was out of the question. The canopy that hid her was far too thick, and any attempt to break through it would draw to much attention. Using her magic was out of the question. Everything had been drained when her spell was broken leaving her with just enough to move small objects. However, that gave Chrysalis a genius idea.

Focusing all of her remaining magic on her wound, would allow her the ability to move on hoof for as long as the spell lasted.

Okay, at best I've got fifteen minutes before that wound opens back up and I'm done for.

Once again Chrysalis climbed back to her hooves. However this time she let out a small laugh of victory, the pain that had previously struck her down was nothing but a memory.

"Did anyone else hear maniacal laughter?" came a voice from above the trees


Chrysalis took little more than a second to decide on which direction she wished to run in; the one furthest away from the voices. As she continued to run, she couldn't help but feel as if something or someone was watching her. However, she did her best to shake the feeling and keep on pushing forward.

Though the path she ran was dark, she was certain she was heading in the right direction to escape this foul forest, or so she hoped. Through some spout of sheer luck she managed to stumble upon an old trail.

Almost out, she told herself, a small smile forming on her lips.

Up ahead she could see a fork in the road quickly approaching

Left or Right? she asked herself quickly deciding to continue down the left path. However she quickly decided against it as she noticed a large manticore sleeping in the middle of it.

Really now? How could I have not seen that?

Making her way down the right path, she began to experience true joy as the forest began to grow brighter, the exit right ahead. However it seemed that the fates had not smiled on her in this moment as her spell began to fail, the held back blood beginning to flow once again.

Sudden searing pain shot through her body, quickly knocking her out as her body did everything it could to stop the bleeding. There she lay just out of the searching guard’s sights, but slowly bleeding out.

Though the fates did not smile on her, they had not forsaken her. Off in the distance a Grey googly eyed mare trotted happily down the path on the way back to her home, a wagon full of food trailing behind her.

Ditzy Doo hummed happily to herself as she trotted down the stone path, the sun beginning to set off in the distance giving off enough light to allow the mare to find her way. Once again some luck shined on the Changeling Queen as ray of light reflected of her horn catching the eye of the curious mare.

Ditzy cautiously crept over to the source of sparkles, expecting to see little more than a lost bit or a tin can; she was stunned to find what appeared to be a large black pony.

"Are you alright?" Ditzy asked, poking at the creature in front of her.

"Hey Mis...... Mr, hey pony thing! Are you okay?" Poking it again

Worry crept onto Ditzy's face as she noticed the trickle of blood running down the creature’s leg.

"Don't worry, my bestest friend Carrot will be able to help you."

After a few minutes Ditzy had moved all the food out of her wagon and instead rolled the new found pony into it. Though she didn't fit quite properly, it would have to work. Before trotting off Ditzy turned back to her food now lying in the grass

"Muffins, you're in charge ‘til I get back make sure the apple doesn’t do anything stupid." With a wave Ditzy began her trek back home new found friend in tow. Completely oblivious to the fact that in the shadows stood three stallions clad in golden armor with hovering spears at their sides. Behind them stood a much larger pony that any creature could recognize as the ruler of Equestria, Princess Celestia.

"Your Highness, shall we apprehend the fugitive?" The middle guard asked, raising his spear.

Celestia let out a soft chuckle. "No Brass, I believe she is already in perfect care. Tell the rest of the guards to return to the castle. I don't believe she'll be a threat to anypony much longer."

"What about you my princess?"

"I'll remain here; I would like to see how these events unfold."

The three guards turned around and began their march back to the castle. However they were quickly halted as a large bag of bits descended in front of them.

"What are these for, Princess?"

Celestia's grin slipped into a slight frown "Make sure these make their way to Nightmare, tell her she was right." she finished dropping the bag reluctantly.

"If you don't mind me asking, right about what?"

Celestia let out a small sigh. "Apparently Manticore can solve most problems." With that she trotted off, determined not to lose sight of the grey Pegasus.

Chrysalis let out a small groan. To her surprise she wasn't dead, just in horrible, horrible pain. She feared to open her eyes for she knew that by now she must have been captured and was most likely in a dungeon on the moon. However between the small bursts of pain she could feel something soft below her. Determined to find out where she was, she let her eyes slowly drift open as light flooded her view. After several seconds the world had begun to form into solid shapes. However in front of her still stood a grey blob.

"Hi! My names Dinky Doo!"

"Aaahh" Chrysalis shrieked as she fell of the bed, whacking her head in the process and almost knocking herself back out.

"Moooooom!" shouted the grey filly

"What?" came the returned shouts

"I think I killed our guest! Sorry!"

Chrysalis groaned "What fresh hell is this?"

{Author Note} A big thank you to RidiculousPony who sent me an edited version, which allowed me to fix many mistakes through out this chapter.