• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 14,136 Views, 592 Comments

A Changeling of Heart - Thorax

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Final Chapter: The Unexpected Change (Story Merged)

{ Do to a lack of time caused by College; I have to end this story here. I would like to apologize to those who have taken the time to follow it this far. However, Chrysalis Torment is far from over, you can follow her suffering by going to Equestria's Crazies This isn't a "full" chapter only a means to close this story and create a bridge, it also serves as an announcement that I can be sure people will see. }

It had been a month since Chrysalis had set up her new home beneath Ponyville and surprisingly life had been good for both the Changelings and the Ponies. The entire hive had taken up the disguise of one pony a relative of Carrot Top staying with her for an indeterminate amount of time. The welcome part alone had provided the hive with enough energy to feast for months, something Chrysalis hadn't expected.

In the month the news of the Changeling attack had spread far and wide and for a while Chrysalis had feared the hunt might once again be on. However, both Celestia and Luna had quelled any attempts to start a witch hunt and instead had any captured Changelings shipped off to Ponyville.

Life was good for the Changelings once again and that's all that mattered to Chrysalis and lately she found herself doing something she hadn't done in ages, relaxing.

The Changeling Queen found herself lying in the cool morning grass, though the dew the coated it was of magical creation, it held the refreshing qualities nonetheless. From her vantage point atop the hill she could see the "Village" the other Changelings had built. It was a strange sight indeed, instead of building on singular construct for all the Changelings, they had taken up building houses though obviously built to look like Village far above them, and there were obvious alien features to them.

"Look out!" came the shouts of three foal, knocking Chrysalis from her thoughts as she turned to face the source of the voices she found the reason for their pleas as a large red ball collided with her head and bouncing downing the other side.

The three Changeling foals quickly rushed to their Queen bowing and begging for forgiveness. Chrysalis gave a small chuckle and sent them off in the direction their ball.

It's good to see children play again. She thought to herself It has been ages since the newborns were able to enjoy themselves instead of trained from combat She shook the darker memories from her mind and watched as the three foals chased the ball currently heading towards the town.

Once again her thoughts were interrupted, this time however it was by a blinding flash of light. Quickly she climbed to her hooves and began searching the area for the source. However, as far as she could tell, there was no source.

"What in Tartarus was tha-" Chrysalis's question was cut off as it answered itself

"Discord you idiot!" came a cry from above "You forgot a zero!"

Chrysalis turned her gaze skyward, doing her best to block out the glare from the artificial sun that lit her paradise. Far above her she was able to make out the silhouette of at least 3 creatures plummeting towards the field bellow. Casually she made her way towards their estimated landing point.


"Discord you idiot!" Luna shouted "You forgot a zero!"

Discord shrugged as they continued their descent towards quickly approaching field

"Well if I'm such an idiot why didn't you just teleport us here?"

"I had more hope that you could pull of a simple teleportation spell without something going wrong." the Moon Goddess hissed.

Discord gave a forced laugh "Oh, I thought it was the fact that last time you tried to teleport your front half went to Canterlot while you flank went to the moon."

"That's it!" growled Luna as a layer of black magic covered her own and a spell began to form.

However, the spell was quickly ended as their decent ended as well. With a bone shattering crunch the two of them slammed into the ground.

"Huh, who knew someone could forget they had wings." the Sun Goddess said with a laugh as she landed in front of Chrysalis.

Chrysalis felt a mixed set of emotions run through her. Confusion, amusement, surprise and a bit of pity for the two morons who forgot they could fly. But mostly confusion. However, she remained silent and continued to watch as the two gods slowly climbed from their crater, shoving and pushing each other back down like foals.

Celestia sigh "You two need to grow up already, you're eon old and yet you still act like children." with that she grasped them with a spell and placed them at her sides, before finally turning her attention to Chrysalis.

"Good morning, Chrysalis" greeted Celestia cheerfully

"Good morning to you as well." answered Chrysalis "What brings you to my humble abode this day?" She asked secretly hoping it wasn't about what she thought it might be.

"Well" Celestia began "I'm sure you know why I'm here, I gave you a single task almost a month ago, I've given you the benefit of the doubt that you'd complete it in your own time and sadly you haven't."

"Now, I can explain myself." Chrysalis stuttered as she took a step back, preparing herself to run if things turned ugly.

"There is no need for fear, Chrysalis." Celestia interrupted as she tried to ease the Changeling Queens nerves. "I have come up with an alternate means to improve your public image and help ease the ponies fears of Changeling.

Chrysalis let her guard drop "And what pray-tell is that?"

"You'll be moving from Ponyville to Canterlot." Celestia said bluntly

"Wha..what?!" Stuttered the Queen "You're kidding right? We've just got everything set up here!"

"Do not fear Chrysalis, It'll all be here when you return and just think if everything works out when you return your people will no longer require a disguise to move about." Celestia said calmly "You'll also be able to move between the Castle and your hive any time you wish."

"And what if I refuse?" Chrysalis asked slightly worried at the response she might receive

"Well" Celestia began cheerfully "If you refuse, I'll have no choice but to place you under arrest, afterwards you'll be escorted to Canterlot where my original plan will continue. Either way, it's going to happen, how it happens is completely up to you."

Chrysalis was speechless, Celestia wasn't kidding. Everything was going so well too, deep down inside Chrysalis had expected something like this; her luck was never that good.

"Very well Celestia, I'll accept your offer. But in my absence, who will watch over my little Changelings.

Haha Chrysalis laughed to herself you've got her now, she'll have to let you stay.

A soft golden glow began to form around her horn and with a flash another flash of light two smaller ponies had joined the group.

"For the last time" groaned Carrot Top "Ditzy, you're a Pegasus you can't use magi-" Carrot Top paused as she noticed they were no longer in the living room.

"See Carrot!" Exclaimed the excited Pegasus "I told you, I read all of Twilight's spell book."

"Wow, I'm amazed my little pony I haven't seen a Pegasus use magic in quite some time." Celestia stated, hopefully the mare wouldn't realize what had actually happened. "I wouldn't try something like that often though, it's quite dangerous"

Discord was about to speak up and state what really happened. However, a quick hoof to the jaw from Luna was enough to silence the loose lipped god of Chaos.

Carrot Top and Ditzy both exchange a quick confused glace with each other, before bowing to both their princesses. For a time it had been quite common for either one or both of the Princess to show up at their house. Though as of lately neither of them had even written.

"It's good to see you both." Celestia said as she returned a quick bow to each of them. "I've got a "small" task for you."

A small look of worry spread across Carrot's face last time she was asked a favor by the Princess of the Sun it ended with an entire hive of Changelings living beneath her house.

"What is that?" the orange mare cautiously asked

"For the next little while Chrysalis will be staying with us." Celestia began "In that time, I want you to look over her hive."

Carrot Top was Stunned, Ditzy was ecstatic, Chrysalis was Confused.

"You are the only two ponies other than Twilight Sparkle who are aware the Changeling hive is here. You are also the ponies with the most experience on Changelings; it makes sense that you would make the best leaders in Chrysalis place."

Before Carrot Top and Chrysalis had a chance to voice their opinion, Celestia horn began to glow and in a flash of light only Carrot Top and Ditzy remained.

"Did you hear that!" shouted Ditzy "We're Queens!"

Carrot Top groaned and fell to the ground "That's good Ditzy, that's good."

Meanwhile in Canterlot

The three mares and one Draconequus reappeared within the throne room of Canterlot Castle. However, not everything had gone as expected. Apparently in their absence Blueblood had taken upon himself to throw a small "party" for him and some of the higher class snobs.

Celestia had already begun her speech for sending Blueblood and his gang packing. However the sight of the Changeling Queen was enough to do that for her. The nobles scattered as they did their best to flee from the Changeling pushing each other in their attempt to save each of their own lives.

The four of them couldn't help but laugh at the panic caused by the sudden appearance of the Changeling Queen after several seconds the room was destroyed, but also emptied.

Celestia was the first to speak up "Well it looks like we won't have to worry about spreading the news of your arrival in Canterlot. I'd say within the next hour there should be a fair sized angry mob looking for your head on a stake."

Chrysalis was horrified "What do we do then?" she asked nervously

"I'll tell them to go home." Celestia answered flatly "Now, if we don't want to be disturbed I believe its best that I give you the short version of our tour. Luna, Discord would you be so kind as to find Blueblood and deal with him?"

Luna and Discord both nodded in agreement before heading in the direction they last saw Blueblood screaming like a mare in on their way through Luna paused to tap Discord on the shoulder

"Why did she bring us along if she didn't need us?" The confused Lunar Goddess asked?

Discord shrugged "Any screen time is good screen time." With that the two of them continued back on their way.

Chrysalis and Celestia continued on their way through Canterlot Castle. During her time as Cadence she learned the layout of the castle quite well. However, now she had a real chance to explore and move about as she pleased.

"Okay then, our first stop will be your room. Which is right up here. You'll be in the room across from the Nightmare Moon.

A look of fear spread across Chrysalis's face "You mean.... the Nightmare Moon?" stuttered.

"Yes" Celestia causally answered "I believe you to will get along quite well. You both share the same interests, conquering Equestria and secretly plotting my downfall."

The two of them continued on their way, Chrysalis couldn’t help but wonder where the Alicorn of Darkness was. However, she shook the thought and continued on her way. Eventually coming to a stop at another large set of wooden doors.

"This room will serve as your office." Celestia stated as she opened the large wooden doors revealing a large empty room with a single window facing the Canterlot Hedge maze. "You'll be working cross Changeling and Pony affairs once everything is settled."

Without warning a small explosion ripped through the castle causing both Celestia and Chrysalis to shake with the floor. After a few seconds the ground stopped shaking.

"Chrysalis, you'll have to excuse me. It sounds like Nightmare has returned from her little vacation."

Chrysalis only gave a slow nod as she watched the Sun Goddess trot off she couldn't help but wonder to herself on constant thing

Why does all the weird stuff happen to me?

{As I stated before the story will continue in Equestria's Crazies I'd also like to apologize for this absolutely shitty chapter, I'm on very limited time and I won't be able to write again till at least the end of the weekend.}

Comments ( 36 )

I need Darth Vader to do a duet with me:



I'm honestly sorry, I just don't have the time nor desire to continue with this story.
At least Chrysalis won't be lost in the back logs of time.



We need more time...

*hands time turner*

Use it wisely...

i wanted to see what nightmare moon and chrysalis has to say. i bet they would talk like cellmates starting with "What you in for"

Off we go!

I was secretly plotting Celestias' downfall too....:fluttershysad:

This... I was ready to drop this story, but now? I am most intrigued...

There's one good thing about this, one less story to track, and a little less than 13 pages of stories to look after.

Don't be too hard too yourself.
I've seen far worse on fimfiction

Man, I liked this story. :fluttershysad: Ah well, better an ending than hopelessly waiting for an update that never comes. Sad to see it go still.

*sighs* Evil is so overrated...

Seriously, ponies! Is something depicted as evil or is it our lack of knowledge that binds us?
Nightmare Moon was a sentiment, a shell, nothing more, nothing less. She is Luna and vice versa. Or, are you telling me you have never gotten so angered that you did some things that weren't thought of?

Discord is slightly insane. yes but he only enjoys games. Everything he does is related to a game and he likes a little bit of disharmony. He's what we call a sadist. I'm sure some of you even recognize themselves here.

And thirdly, Chrysalis. She is not inherently evil. Yes, she did try to conquer Equestria, but she kinda acted as if her changelings were going to starve from lack of food. Acting selfishly and selflessly is ambiguous but nothing is really known about Chrysalis' changelings. To each villain its softer side (except for Discord because he's Discord).

lol not bad now i can start rreading the crazys now lol

How exactly DOES the story qualify as a romance when there is no, well, romance?:rainbowhuh:

You saw nothing, that was a fragment from my original plan.
Must have slipped under the radar.

Fair warning, chapter 6 is where I had to merge two stories together due to extreme time constraints. There is no proper ending to this story, however Chrysalis is present in a different story, I believe the link is in the last chapter.

meh...this had some unique ideas some good humor but it also suffers from appalling spelling and gramer errors mostly of the sort where you used the wrong word.
i am torn some moments where great others generic and some rare one where horrendous.

i think really this NEEDED more time.

but although i consider this a overall "average" story i did like antics of ditzy (and that weird sentient muffin!) and carrot crystalis was also quite well done but for a story that is supost to focus on her i argue it needed more.

potential and skills there but SLOW DOWN.

6 out of 10. (with nether a thumb up or down)

Mother of snakes, Shinning armor I never even saw it.
You know what, I'm not even going to edit it, it's funnier that way.

I found this quite delightful and entertaining! (There needs to be a Fancy Pants emoticon)
To the crazies!!:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:






I just want to let you know... because of you I went and got that game. Here's to encountering each other in EVA?

Uh oh, my joke was Moonbase Alpha.


Yes. Moonbase Alpha is a game. Which is on steam. In that game, you are an astronaut. On Extra-Vehicular Activity, repairing the moonbase.

EVA = Extra-Vehicular Activity. Spacefaring terminology.

1153282 You complain about "appalling" spelling and grammar, yet you seem to know almost nothing about it (If you judge by your comment).:trixieshiftright:

3615395 I didn't even mention any of these in my year old comment. I think you got the wrong person, mate.



Plot twist she was actually house all along

It is kinda sad this story ended the way it did... HOWEVER! The other storys make up for it... I still would have liked to have seen some more of this one however before they had moved her into Canterlot... BUT this is still a good story and I enjoyed it....

One day I might continue this as a "What if" style series.

3978650 I think I would enjoy this...

I don't know if I ever wrote the joke, but Twilight's Library was supposed to fall through and land right next to Chrysalis's castle.

Well in my Story "Equestria's Crazies" (The one this story merged with) Chrysalis has a thing for Sombra. If you enjoyed this story you might enjoy my current main one (The First chapters are of lower quality though as they're almost 3 years old now)

There is typo in your description.

However due to the severity of her woulds she collapses.


4113849 Pfft, I imagined Twilight waking up in the morning, opening the front door groggily, seeing a grinning Chryssie and just slamming the door shut and going to get drunk.

Very nice story. Always happy to see Chryssie being happy.

your grammar is of termination forever

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