• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 14,141 Views, 592 Comments

A Changeling of Heart - Thorax

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Chapter 4: A Talk With A God

{Author Note: This chapter serves as a bridge for the rest of the story. Due to time College and other things in life, I'll be taking this story in a more episodic style. The chapters that come after this one, will most likely have their own self-contained story, I'm sorry if this displeases anyone, my options were this, or completely stopping the story.)

Beautiful, simply beautiful Chrysalis thought to herself as she starred out at the open valley before her. It had been litter more than a week since the new haven had been built and everything was going smoothly. Celestia had remained true to her word; the changelings that her soldiers had already captured had been safely escorted to their new home beneath Ponyville.

One thing continued to bug the changeling queen though, Celestia continued to help them out and yet she asked for nothing in return. She knew Celestia had to have some form of ulterior motive but she had no clue what that was.

"My Queen, there's a pony at the main entrance, she requesting an audience with you." The young Changelings intrusion was enough to knock Chrysalis out of her thoughts.

"If it's the ponies from stairs, I thought I made it clear that this is as much their home as it is ours." Chrysalis answered trying her best to suppress her annoyance. Though she hadn't seen much of the three ponies that recused her, well captured her in the first place. She still received a visit from them every now and again, not so much from the orange one.

The small one and her mother would come down most often. They were fascinated with her children and her children were equally fascinated by the foal and her mother. Two ponies that showed no signs of fear or disgust with the Changeling race, instead they visited them as if they were old friends, causally talking to any who worked up the nerve to approach them.

"My queen?" The young Changeling repeated for the fifth time.

"Oh, pardon me, I was lost in thought." the Changeling Queen answered shacking the memories away

"It’s not the ponies from upstairs."

It was only then that Chrysalis noticed the fear on the young Changelings face

"Then who is it?" Chrysalis asked taking on a more serious tone, it had to be something serious to cause one of her soldiers fear.

"The one from the wedding."

"Celestia?" The confused Changeling Queen asked "She's been coming in and out all week, I thought you'd be use to protocol by now."

The changeling shook his head "No the one who's form you took." he grimaced

"Oh buck me." the queen winced as the Princess of love came into view

"Hello Chrysalis." Spoke the pony princess "It’s been quite some time since we last met."

"Yes, Cadence it has been quite some time." the Changeling Queen answered as she slowly backed away.

"Do not fear me Chrysalis." Cadence said as she reached a hoof out. "My dear Changeling, I hold no grudge."

Chrysalis hesitated Okay now this I'm calling shenanigans on, I took her place for three days. I almost ruined her wedding day. There is no possible way she'd forgive me that easily. I'm going to just go ahead and assume the revenge card. pushing those thoughts to the back of her head she took a step back towards the Princess and her loyal Changeling

"Well then, why exactly are you here then?" Chrysalis asked doing her best to hide the suspicion in her voice.

Cadence sighed "Well, I actually came here for two reasons, one reason is on official business and the second reason is to put some of your fears to rest."

Cadence paused to conjure up a pillow for herself, before taking a set in front of the changeling queen’s throne.

"As I've already said, I bare no grudge towards you."

"And why is that?" Chrysalis asked her need for answers over powering her suspicion

Cadence shrugged "After you and the rest of the Changelings were sent flying away from Canterlot I was furious, I had ordered the guards to begin the search as soon as the wedding was over. But Auntie Celestia had another plan and after a bit of convincing I agreed with it."

Chrysalis wasn't convinced "So you're telling me, just because your aunt asked you to play along with her, you completely got over any hate for me."

Cadence gave a nervous chuckle "Well that's not completely true, Auntie Luna was giving me some dream therapy to help get over my anger and coming her to see you myself was the final step."

I guess that makes sense Chrysalis told herself from what she had seen so far that Celestia was quite the convincing leader. In the past week alone she had managed to earn most of the changelings trust an amazing feat considering they were enemies a mere week before. But now it was time get to the business portion.

"Okay then, now that we've got that part settled, would you like to tell me what the serious business portion of your visit was about."

"My aunt requests your audience." Cadence said with a grin

"Why didn't she just come herself?"

"Because where she wants to meet cannot be reached by conventional means." Answered the Princess of Love her grin only continuing to grow.

She's playing games Chrysalis told herself as she slammed a hoof down "Then how does she propose I meet her, if I have no knowledge of where or how to find her?!"

Cadence chuckled "You let me deal with that, all you have to do is sleep."

"What do yo-" *Thwack* with a mighty thud the Changeling Queen was rendered unconscious her motionless body falling to ground in front of the young soldiers and his queens attacker.

"Do you feel better?" asked the Changelings as his body was engulfed in blue flames.

"Much better Auntie Luna." Cadence said with a giggle as she turned to face her aunt. The last bits of Luna’s disguise burning away with the flames.

"Do you think you can forgive her?" The Lunar princes asked with a grin

Cadence shrugged "Let me do one or two more things before she wakes up and I'll consider us even." The devious princess laughed as she conjured several small markers and large box of corks.

"Cadence, I feel as though you've been spending too much time with Discord."

Cadence shrugged once again "If you want to be so boring, I for one am going to enjoy this immensely."

Meanwhile in a void between Nothing and Everything

The Changeling queen let her eyes slowly began to open, she was met with a blinding light and the pounding of her head. From her view point on the floor, if it could actually be called that. She could see she was no longer in her hive, but instead a large white room. Slowly the Changeling Queen was able to climb to her hooves, doing her best to ignore the pounding of her head.

"What happened" she slurred still trying to shake the dazed like feeling

"I believe Cadence still holds some form of grudge." rang a familiar but unseen voice. "Hard to blame her though, you did almost ruin her wedding and hid her in a cave for three days."

"Who's there?!" Hissed the Changeling queen as she searched the featureless room.

"Oh, did I forget the physical body? Give me a moment." The voice echoed seemingly nowhere and yet it was everywhere at once.

As her vision finally stopped its spinning and the drums inside of her head finally began to stop their assault on her brain Chrysalis was finally able to recognize the voice.

"Celestia?! Where are you?" Shouted the queen

"Here I am!" rang the sing-song voice from behind her.

Chrysalis spun around on her hooves and found herself face to face with the Sun Goddess, her mane still managing to blow in an unnatural manner despite that lack of... well anything.

"Where are we and why does my head feel like someone hit me with a brick?" Stammered the confused queen as she continued to try and take in the lack of anything..

Celestia chuckled as she conjured two small couches, gesturing for Chrysalis to take a seat across from her.

"Let me answer your second question first, then I'll explain the first one. First off, I'm going to assume Cadence didn't use the spell I gave her?"

Chrysalis paused as the memories came back and a frown spread across her face

"She knocked me out!"

"You locked her in an abandon mine" the Sun Goddess retorted

"Fair enough." Now how about telling me where we are and why you brought me here?"

Celestia turned her gaze towards the nothingness that sat above them

"First off, try not to think of this place as a "where" instead you have to think of it as a "when" we a currently sitting in a place that never happened, It's a blank slate that we left out of time and space."

Chrysalis was amazed not even in her wildest dreams could she have imagined something like this could exist. Well technically it didn't exist, but that's beside the point.

"Here the normal rules don't apply" Celestia continued "Here there are no restrictions on what I can do with my powers."

With a flash of her horn the white room was gone. Chrysalis and Celestia now found themselves sitting in a large open field a single oak tree provided shade for the both of them.

Chrysalis was stunned, had never even considered magic this powerful existed.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Celestia asked as she stared into the sun

Chrysalis nodded in response

"Surely you didn't bring me here, just to show off your powers."

Celestia's face slowly gained a red shade

"Really?" the Changeling Queen groaned "You really brought me here to show off."

"No" the Sun Goddess answered awkwardly "I...I want to talk to you about something important."

"And what’s that?" The skeptical Queen asked

Think Celestia think The Alicorn told herself Come on, you can't tell someone you brought them here just to show off. You're good at lying on the spot, we can totally play this off.

"Well, I wanted to talk to about trust." Celestia answered doing her best to sound confident in her lie.

"What is there to talk about, I trust you, you trust me." retorted the Queen

What is there to talk about? Celestia asked herself Distraction, that's what we need a nice big distraction

"Is it really hot out here? Or it just me?" The princess blurted and with another brilliant flash of her horn they found themselves on a beach, the cool breeze slowly whistling past them.

"Wow isn't that much better?" Celestia asked with a forced chuckle

"Yes, it's so much better." Chrysalis answered flatly "Now how about you tell me what you wanted to tell me."

Come on Celestia we got Twilight to go out and makes some friends with a lie and hell, that ended with her earning the Elements of Harmony Celestia continued to coach herself Now just make up a lie about trust and we'll be home free for the next thousands years or so. Then a spark went off Twilight and friends

"Well you see, I trust you, and you trust me. That is correct, but the other Changelings do not trust ponies and vice-verse. I've devised a plan to remedy this situation." Celestia stated proudly

"You're making this all up on the fly aren't you?" Chrysalis asked

"Shut up and listen to my amazing plan" answered Celestia "The news of the Changeling attack has already spread quite far across Equestria and it'll eventually reach all the way across. The bad news cannot be stopped and the damage will be done. However, we can reverse its effect."

"And how exactly do you expect to do that?" Asked the skeptic Queen

"Simple" the Sun Goddess answered rubbing her hooves together "We provide good news about the Changelings."

"What kind of good news?"

Celestia gave a devious chuckle "Well first you need to complete phase one, then we can continue onto phase two"

Chrysalis gave a sigh "You don't have a phase two yet, do you?"

"Shut up and listen to phase one" hissed the Equestrian Ruler

The Changeling Queen gave a groan "Fine what's phase one?"

"You will befriend the Elements of Harmony and the other ponies of Ponyville" Celestia finished with a manacle laugh. However it seemed the conjured beach enjoyed Celestia's laugh as much as Chrysalis as one of the larger waves managed to not only hit, but completely drench the Princess.

"You know Celestia; an evil laugh works better when you're creating an evil scheme, not plotting for someone to make friends." The Changeling Queen said with a genuine laugh as the Soaked Princess's horn began to glow as she dried herself off.

"Yes, because I'm going to totally take advice from the villain who was defeated by the power of love." retorted the princess

"Shut up and tell me how making friends will make ponies trust the Changelings?"

"It’s quite simple actually, if the Elements of Harmony, the ponies who have saved Equestria twice now, trust you, Then more ponies might be willing to give Changelings a chance."

"So are the Elements aware of your plan?" Chrysalis asked

Celestia laughed "Are you kidding, the only one who knows you're here is Twilight Sparkle."

"Oh great, so the only pony who knows I'm here is the sister of one of the ponies who's wedding I almost ruined. Let me guess, she probably wants to knock me out as well?"

"Actually no" answered Celestia "She's more fascinated with the Changelings, in fact she's asked several times to come with me on my check-ups. I'll set up a meeting for you two, maybe if you let her do some studying on you, she'll be your friend."

"So I'm supposed to become her friend, by letting her do science to me? Yeah, there's no way you're not making this up on the spot." groaned the Chrysalis

"Oh well look at the time" stated Celestia "It looks like our time together is over." the Sun Goddess finished as she conjured a large brick.

"Don't you dar-" *Thud* Chrysalis world faded to black

Back in the Hive

"I can't believe you filled every one of her leg holes with corks" stated the astonished Lunar Goddess

Cadence laughed "Well I can't believe you have such artistic skills with a blue sharpie"

Life began to stir within the Changeling Queen once again. The sudden movements startling the two ponies princess.

"I think it's time we head home, right auntie?" Cadence quickly asked

Luna nodded "Couldn't agree with you more." With a blue flare of her horn the two ponies vanished, leaving the groggy Changeling Queen to herself.

"I really have to learn to duck." groaned Chrysalis as she rubbed her head. Once again she found herself climbing to her hooves and once again she found herself alone, save for the Changelings playing in the fields below. It was only as she took a step towards her nest that she noticed a strange feeling in her legs.

Looking down she was able to see the source of the strange sensation, during her little "nap" someone had seen it fit to plug her leg holes

"Very funny" she muttered to herself as she focused her magic to remove the corks. Each firing off like a small cannon ball.

"All of them are lunatics" she groaned ash she continued towards her nest. As she approached her nest a small shimmer of light caught her eye.

"A mirror?" she asked herself as she examined the small polished hoof mirror. It was then that she saw the other part to their sick and twist joke. Across her muzzle that Evil Princess had drawn a large mustache, which could only be described as fabulous; around both her eyes Cadence had drawn two large black rings and angry eyebrows.

Chrysalis moaned as she dropped the mirror

"I remember when I didn't have these kinds of problems, it was a nice time."

{I'm sorry if this chapter didn't meet people’s expectations, the entire thing was written in one sitting and completely on the fly. Once again, due to my time constraints (College) I'm not completely sure when I'll be able to write another chapter.}

(I truly hope you guys will forgive me for the future delays)