• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 14,136 Views, 592 Comments

A Changeling of Heart - Thorax

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Chapter 1: Broken Disguises

{Author Note :} I should have said something about this sooner. But this story works off the "Canon" of my other stories

Equestria's Crazies & The Ponyville Way Though not 100% necessary they'll help to clear up some confusion and several references.

(Also this Chapter may seem rushed and that's because it partially is, for the next week I'll be unavailable, so instead of leaving you guys to waits I've done my best to complete this chapter in one sitting. When I get back I'll spend much more time editing it)

"So what is it?" asked the young filly, as she continued her onslaught of poking and prodding of the creature her mother had dragged home.

"Dinky honey, please stop poking our guest."

Chrysalis remained quiet as she continued to feign sleep, using every bit of her will power to keep from giggling as the young filly continued to poke her, despite the other pony's request.

"But mom she's all squishy, and buggy."

Okay, so two ponies, which means either I'm in a dungeon with a mother and her foal, or I'm in their house. though from the outside there were no signs, within Chrysalis a surge of joy shot through her. She had escaped the forest without getting caught and apparently the news of what she had done, had not spread out this far, yet.

"Ditzy! I'm home!" came the shouts of a third pony from somewhere below.

"We're up here!" Ditzy shouted back "Come up stairs, we've got company." she finished stepping back out into the hall

Chrysalis did her best to slow her breathing as she listened closely for the approaching mare. It was quite easy to tell the approaching was alone, leaving her with still a large chance to escape, even in her wounded state. She focused all of her attention on the two mares that now stood just outside of the room.

"You wouldn't believe how crazy it out here. Royal Guards are flying around Ponyville and Everfree forest." came the muffled sound of the newest voice.

Uh oh the Changeling Queen thought to herself. Apparently escaping isn't a valid option. I wonder, if claim insanity could I at least get the good side of the moon?

"What's going on? Did the princess lose her pet bird again?"

"No apparently some lunatic of a queen attacked Canterlot. They called her a changeling, said they could disguise themselves as almost anything."

Oh, look at that I've already convinced one pony. Dark side of the moon here I come

"So what happened to her?" asked the grey mare.

"Apparently she was defeated with the power of love, how cliché is that?"

Apparently she's never heard of tough love. Chrysalis silently muttered to herself.

"So why are the guards still out if she’s already been defeated?"

The newest mare let out a snorted laugh "Apparently love has an explosive force equivalent to several large sticks of TNT, who knew? The guards were giving out pictures of her; they want us to report any strange things."

"Do you have a copy of her picture, does she look cool? Is she cool looking? Does she have laser eyes?"

"No Ditzy, she’s not cool looking, she looks like a large bug with a horn." Carrot answered, as she began to unfold the scroll.

Ditzy let out an inaudible gasp "I've seen her somewhere!"

Carrot Top let out a slight giggle at her friends sudden outburst "Oh really now, where did you see her?"

Ditzy placed a hoof under her chin and began to recall everything she had seen today.

Uh oh, I've got to do something or I'm busted. Chrysalis let one eye slowly peel open, in a attempt to spot the filly she had seen and heard earlier bingo she mentally cheered as she spotted the the filly staring out the window at the end of the room.

Finally Ditzy removed her hoof from her chin, taking a deep breath as she prepared her answer.

"I don't remember, but I know I've seen her before."

"Sure, you have." Carrot retorted rolling her eyes in the process "Now what about this guest? Where are they?"

Now or never! Chrysalis told herself, she focused every ounce of her remaining energy on changing her shape and to her surprise it appeared to be working. Green flames silently shot across her body, as she could feel changes to place.

"She's right in here." Ditzy said as she turned the knob of the wooden bedroom door.

The audible gasps were the first sign that something wasn't right. However, Chrysalis was certain that a mere pony would not be able to see through her disguise so quickly, even if she was already alert to the situation.

"By the Sun and Moon Ditzy! What’s wrong with her!?"

A cold bolt of fear shot through Chrysalis's body as her mind began to play through the worst possibility. She had used too much magic and was beginning to fade.

"Why is it all sorts of different colors?! Why does it have holes in its legs?! Why aren't its legs the same size “The confused mare continued to shout, staring at the semi abomination before her.

Chrysalis shot up not thinking about the consequences. The only thing she wanted right now was to see what had gone wrong. However in her haste to see what had gone wrong she made another mistake, she startled the orange mare.

As the multi-colored demon spawn began to rise from it spot on the bed, Carrot Top did not hesitate. Using all of her strength she swung at the creature, land a blow directly in what she believed to be its jaw, breaking the illusion it had placed on itself.

Chrysalis's world once again faded to black.

Several minutes later, life returned to her body as she tried to sit up. To her surprise she was completely unable to move, or see for that matter. It appeared that during her forced nap one of those ponies had seen it fit to tie her up and blind fold her. Once again she slowed her breathing as she heard the sounds of hoof beginning their ascent up the stairs.

"Insane! How could you possible think bringing something like That into our house?" came the voice of the mare she had now come to label as orange

"Well I couldn't just leave it out there by the forest. Its hurt didn't you see the holes in it? I'm pretty sure that's not healthy and besides how do we know it's bad?" asked Ditzy as she stopped just outside of the door.

Carrot top scoffed "Really? There are hundreds of guards searching Equestria for this creature. Its apparently attacked Canterlot and you're honestly asking me if we know it's bad?"

Ditzy nodded in acknowledgement

"Of course it's bad! The only reason I haven't called the guards yet is because of the puppy dog eyes. Which by the way I'll beat it one day. For now it wouldn't hurt to find out what it is.

"I call it Bizzaro Celestia." Ditzy blurted out before grasping the handle.

"Whys that?"

"Because she's like Celestia, but uglier." the grey mare happily answered as the door opened. Revealing the large black creature now firmly strapped to the bed, potato sac placed on its head.

"I command you to release me at once!" came the muffled demands of the changeling queen. Her patience stretched as far as it could go.

Carrot let out a mocking laugh "Really? and who are you to be giving commands?"

"I am Queen Chrysalis ruler of the abyss and sovereign of the Changelings. You will release me at once or suffer dire consequences, “came the once again muffled shouts of the queen from within her mask.

"Well I guess if you want, Miss Chrysalis, I could fetch the royal guards. I'm sure they'd be more than glad to give you the royal treatment."

Chrysalis paused for a second not quite sure on how to answer. On one hoof she hated being so powerless, but on the other hoof so far these ponies hadn't turned her in, which meant she still had some hope. However on the other hoof, her forth hoof really, really itched, but that was something that could wait."

"No, no, no," she quickly blurted "after reassessing the conditions, I've decided that my current lodgings will suffice."

"Good, I'd hate to have the royal legion muddy up my clean floors."

"Hey Carrot," the grey Pegasus said as she moved to the side of the bound queen. "Can we take the potato sac of her head? It seems like a bit much, it's not like she’s going to bite us." Ditzy paused and tilted her head towards Chrysalis "Wait, you aren't going to bite us, are you?"

"What?! Bite you? What do you take me for?"

"Huh, I guess that's a yes." Carrot answered as she trotted over and began removing the sac from the Queens head.

Chrysalis clenched her eyes shut, as the darkness that had once filled her vision was destroyed and quickly replaced with a blinding light. She let out a sigh of relief as she was once again able to breathe easily.

"Okay then, start talking." Carrot Top demanding staring coldly at the changeling queen.

"Ooooh, someone’s bossy." Chrysalis giggled mockingly "Why should I tell you anything? Once I do you'll just hand me over to those guards."

"Who said we were going to do that?" Ditzy asked slightly confused at the Changelings assumption.

"Ditzy is correct," Carrot added "We never said we'd turn you over to them. In fact when this is all said and done, we might even help you get out of Ponyville."

"Is that so?" Chrysalis scoffed "If you're already aware of what I've done why would you help escape? In fact if you already know the crimes I've committed what is there for me to tell?"

"First off, Ditzy has never been wrong. If she believes there is some good in a creature, than there is some good in them. Heck right now, there is a genetically altered muffin eating a salad downstairs. If it wasn't for Ditzy I think I might have kicked the poor thing out."

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow “Genetically modified muffin? Eating a Salad?"

"Don't ask" Carrot answered flatly "All you need to know is sciences is bad and magic is good. Magic and Science I don't know what they do."

Chrysalis did the best she could to shrug "Fair enough, so you're willing to let me go under the assumption that part of me is good. And all I have to do is?"

"I was getting there. All you have to do is tell me why."

"Why what? Why you should let me go?"

"No, I want to know why you attack Canterlot. It seems like such a stupid plan, out of all the places in Equestria you could have chosen you picked the one with not one, but four gods living inside of it, I can't see you being evil, stupid maybe, suicidal even, but not evil."

Chrysalis paused and began to think about all the planning she had gone through. In order to begin plan a she had sent her spies out to do research. Though in the end, they had little to show she had learned what she believed was enough to complete plan A without any confrontations.

"What do you mean "four gods"? My spies told me there were only two Princesses and some guards watching that city. The one known as Celestia and the one currently trapped within the moon, Luna."

The sudden laugh of Dinky Doo caused everypony to jump in surprise "That's funny; it sounds like your spy ponies information was almost as outdated as our school text book."

Funny, A foal had better information then I did. Chrysalis mused to herself.

"So then Child, if you know, who are these other two "gods" that live in the Canterlot?"

"Well there is Discord, he's the god of weird things and fun. I like him the most because he replaced all of our school lunches with desert. Then there is Nightmare Moon, Princess Luna created her with Science and Magic but I'm not suppose to tell anypony that, so please keep it a secret. She was mean before and scary before, she's still pretty scary. But one time when I was visiting the castle with my mom, she paid me twenty bits to give her something called an "alibi".

Chrysalis did her best to nod from her position strapped to the bed. "So you're telling me Equestria is also run by a schemer and an idiot?"

"Pretty much" Interrupted Carrot

"Hey! That's not nice Miss Carrot."

"Dinky let me tell you something, well Discord brought you desert. He turned my carrot garden into a horror show of cannibalistic carrots. I spent two hours watching as my garden ate it then began a march across Ponyville. Anyways I believe we've gotten extremely off topic."

"Okay then, just so we are all clear, all I have to do is tell you why I attacked Canterlot and you'll let me go?" Chrysalis asked as she craned her neck back up in an attempt to maintain eye contact with the two mares.

Carrot Top stiffed a laugh "Well let you go, as long as we believe there was some form of good intentions in you’re terribly thought out plan. If you can't convince us we get the guards and I don't think they'll be as understanding. Also it's in your best interest to tell the truth. Ditzy doesn't like it when ponies lie to her."

"Me lie? I would never." The changeling queen said sarcastically. However a sudden spear of anger shot through her. Leaning back up she found the source to be none other than the grey mare.

Carrot Top laughed again "I told you don't lie, now whenever you're ready begin."

Chrysalis laid her head back down on the bed and returned her gaze to the ceiling. Meh she thought to herself I'm screwed either way, at least this way someone will write my story.

"Okay then," she said with a sigh "If you want the full story. I guess I'll begin eight hundred years ago."

"You're old." blurted the young foal

"Yes, yes I am, and I believe you might be tasty, but I don't go blurting it out around other creatures do I? Now if you'll let me continue." Chrysalis laid her head back on the bed and began her story once again.

"My legend dates back to the 12th Century you see. My legend is quite old. The 12th Century was a long time ago. You see back then Changelings were far more common, except unlike now, ponies knew we existed and yet they were powerless to stop us until we had already finished feeding."

"Feeding on what?" asked the curious foal

"Okay, before I say this it's going to sound much worse than it actually is." Chrysalis continued to stare at the ceiling wondering if there were anyways to avoid this. She quickly realized the best option was to continue with the truth. "Changelings feed off the love given off by ponies."

A look of disgust quickly washed of Carrot top's face "That's horrible, were not even into your story and yet, you've already gained a down vote from me."

"Why?" Ditzy asked confusedly "Don't we all feed on love?"

Carrot top shook her head. "No Ditzy, we sure we feel better knowing we're loved. By what she's saying is they eat love."

Chrysalis let out a heavy sigh "Foals" she paused and thought for a moment No, No, No, I've got to earn their trust if I want out of here she let out a forced chuckle and muttered an apology

"I guess this is my fault for not explaining better. You see a changeling doesn't feed on love itself, they feed on the magic created by love. You see a changeling is made almost entirely of magic, that's how we can harness and use it."

"So you're a parasite?" Interrupted the orange mare

"Ouch that really hurts you know," the Changeling Queen retorted "If a parasite is how you see us, then so be it. However the magic given off by love is the only source pure enough to sustain us. Do you see the holes in my legs? If we go to long without absorbing any magic we begin to fade, eventually our bodies completely disappear and Poof we are gone. So call us parasites if you wish, we have no say in this matter."

Carrot Top looked awkwardly around the room doing her best to avoid eye contact with the Queen

"I guess I over reacted, sorry. No pony can change what they are and I guess that goes the same for other creatures. Though that doesn't explain why you attacked Canterlot."

"Well then if you'd let me continue I could tell you my story and we could be done with all this." She said doing her best to hide the agitation in her voice.

"As I was saying, back then ponies were completely unable to stop us from feeding. We would send five to ten of our top solders in, we would swap them with the real pony and they would live amongst them for up to a week."

"What would you do with the original pony?" Asked the concerned grey Pegasus

"We'd usually hide them in a cave and when we were done gathering the energies we would release no worse than when we took them. Sometimes however they would escape before we could finish thus blowing our cover. This is how it went for hundreds of years. We'd gather as much energy as possible, and then move onto the next town.

"So what changed?" Carrot Top asked now deeply focused on the story being told to her.

"The unicorns did, after time they discovered ways to break our disguises. One particularly annoying unicorn I believe his name was sunswirl or duskswirl, it doesn't really matter. He managed to create a spell that could break the disguise of any changeling within a mile radius. Eventual it became nearly impossible to gather enough food to sustain such a large group."

"So is that when you began attacking villages?"

"Gods no, Canterlot was our first attack, and even then it was never meant to be an attack. But I'll get to that point in a moment. After town began using that spell to weed out any of our solders we eventually came to the conclusion that in order to survive we would have to split up. Three of my generals took control of one portion of the clan; well I took control of the main group. Even then we were forced quite literally underground. We retreated underground, and lived off the stored energy for the past two hundred years"

"Let me guess, you ran out of storage?"

"For a pony you're quite smart. But yes you are correct; we did our best to ration out what we had stored. Sadly we were the lucky group; I do not know what became of my generals or the rest of my children, though there were only hundreds of us down there. We he had enough energy stored in crystals to feed thousands for many years. But when it ran out I was left with one option. Return to the surface, or let my people starve."

"Okay then, but why did you attack Canterlot? Why didn't you just try to sneak back into society, as you had done before?"

"We were desperate, and very little stored knowledge of the surface world, using all the records we could find, we discovered that Canterlot was one of the closest and largest Cities in Equestria however it was also home to Princess Celestia and even though during our time above ground we had never met her, we all knew the tales of her might."

"That still doesn't explain attacking Canterlot, even if you were desperate why not at least try to sneak into the towns?"

"The attack was our plan B, Our plan A was to simply get as many Changelings into Canterlot and gather enough Energy to bring back to the Hive. Penetrating Canterlot castle was much easier than I expected, my main goal was to see if they had any remaining knowledge about us and to my surprise they did not"

Carrot Top was starting to get a reasonably good understand as to how the creature sitting before her worked

"So if everything was going according to plan, why did you switch to plan B?"

Chrysalis let out a small sigh "One simple screw up by a clumsy solder, he blew our cover and sent Celestia into high alert. Once that chained had started, she got that fool Shining armor to put up a barrier to keep my children out. The only problem was me being trapped inside. So after a few changes and one kidnapping I had modified plan B for the perfect attack."

"Well apparently it wasn't perfect." Carrot Top retorted.

Chrysalis shrugged the best she could, her body still bound to the bed. "That was plan C, at first everything was going great. I began absorbing Shining Armors energy thus weakening the shield. Phase two of the plan was simply break the shield swarm and gather as much energy as possible before the guards or Celestia could catch us."

Chrysalis did her best to keep her shame from creeping into her voice "However as I drained more and more of Shining armors energy I began to feel more powerful, but I wanted more, I told myself it was for my subjects, I told myself it was for us I told myself we deserved it. I told myself I deserved it. I broke the shield and instead of giving the order to begin collecting, I gave the order to attack."

Chrysalis let out another sigh "And that's how I ended up here, defeated and strapped to a bed, oh how the universe hates me." Surprisingly she immediately perked up "So can I go now?"

"I don't know," Answered Carrot who had now heard all there was to know of the creature her friend had brought home “you did go all power hungry and evil, but on the other hoof you did it for your people. What do you think Ditzy?"

Ditzy smiled "I think we should go get some Ice-cream that always helps me decide."

"Yay Ice-cream!" Cheered the unicorn filly.

Carrot Top turned to face the bound queen a sly grin spread across her face "Well I'm sorry it looks like we are going to have a short recess, when we get back will give you our verdict." With that three mares dashed out of the room.

It took Chrysalis's mind several seconds to process what had happened and the now empty room, she continued to stare at the ceiling expecting at any moment the ponies would return and at least until her. However the house was now completely silent.

"Oh come on, can you at least untie me?"

Chrysalis tilted her head as far as she could, just enough to see out into the dark hallway. She waited several seconds for a response but none came.

"Come on, this isn't funny."

Still no response

"But... but, I like Ice cream to!" She received only silence "Ah Bucket" she muttered. She had a bed might as well enjoy it. Once the guards find me it'll be moon rocks for the next thousands years.

{Author Note 2:} Once again let me repeat this chapter is rushed, it was either I finished it tonight or it didn’t see the light of day for the next week and a half. It should be also noted there was A LOT of talking, this won’t occur again as the next few chapters will allow me to show more then tell.