• Published 14th Oct 2014
  • 659 Views, 6 Comments

Shadow Celebration - Kipakuta

Princess Luna is hosting a Masquerade Ball at her Capital

  • ...

The Gambit

"This is an awesome spread she's got here." Gilda indicated the various buffet tables laden with platters of appetizers and bowls of punch. "Kinda reminds me of all those dignitary lunches my dad used to drag me and Arge to."

"While our host has provided plenty of food, don't forget there are other guests." Trixie replied, adding a few bone-shaped crackers to a plate already laden with appetizers of all types.

Gilda gave her a grin. "Relax, there's stuff just for griffons." She picked out a couple of meatballs with pimento-stuffed olives half embedded inside. The label in front of the tray read 'Monster Eyes.'

Trixie stepped away from the table, and looked around. "We might have some competition in the costume contest."

"Hmm? How so?" Gilda looked to the unicorn. "Someone else going as Aziot and Daring Do?"

"That's Ahuizotl," She replied. "And no. I just saw somepony wearing a very realistic 'Queen Chrysalis' costume."

"Getting cold hooves about participating?" Gilda teased.

"Of course not." Trixie snorted. "Trixie will just have to step-up her game, is all."

"Pardon me." A voice called. Trixie and Gilda turned to see a mid-sized Diamond Dog with reddish-black fur, addressing them. "The Princess has been expecting the two of you. Please follow me."

"Us?" Trixie balked for a moment. "Trixie thinks there's been a mistake. We're not."

"Trixie and Gilda Lulamoon?" the Dog retorted. "My apologies then. I must've been fooled by your elaborate costumes."

"Wait what?" Gildas' feathers fluffed out. "She specifically asked to see us?"

That's correct." The Dog replied. As they followed the dog through the corridors, they noticed a pair of realistic looking leathery wings extending from slots in his jacket. The Dog lead them up a flight of stairs, then stopped in front of one of the rooms. He knocked, then announced the group. "Your Majesty, I have brought the Lulamoons, as you requested."

Luna opened the door and stepped out. "Thank you Chancellor Sardonyx." The Dog bowed, then took position next to the door. Luna then turned to Gilda and Trixie. "I must apologize for calling upon thee like this, but I have need of thy services."

"Our services?" Trixies and Gilda glanced to each-other, then back to Luna. "Your Majesty," Trixie began. "We left our props at home."

"Tis not a full performance that I ask of thee." Luna replied, bringing a clipboard to her hoof. "One of the ponies that I had scheduled as a Master of Ceremonies, had to cancel, due to unforeseen illness. And with one less presenter to keep the crowd entertained, I fear that the celebratory spirit may fade ere midnight."

"So you want someone to keep them pumped up." Gilda rubbed the underside of her beak. "I think I could do that."

"We, will do that." Trixie nudged the griffon. "Your Majesty, how long do you need us for?"

Luna passed them the schedule. "I will need thee to act as presenters for the events that are circled in red."

They glanced at the times and locations of the events. "We can still attend the costume judging competition." Gilda mused. "And look, one of the events's the Haunted Hedgemaze."

"I have cast an anti-flight spell over it, in anticipation of cheaters." Luna said, a smile playing across her face. "But if thou does well in thy performance, I would provide a partial map."

"The Great and Powerful Trixie needs no map." Trixie waved off the offer. "But she would gladly take up this quest for her Princess."

"I am greatly appreciative." Luna said, shaking hooves with Trixie, then receiving a talonshake from Gilda. After they left, Luna looked to Sardonyx. "Where didst thou find them?"

"In the dining hall, Your Majesty." Sardonyx replied.

"Then that is where we will go." Luna said. Sardonyx walked alongside her.

- - -

~"Page 57 shows the three plans we have for changing the price of the toll roads in the Hayneigh region." An earth pony indicated a large placard propped on an easel. ~"Plan one will encourage faster travel between the larger towns, which lowers the prices on goods by weight, but the increase in production should offset that. Plan two greatly lowers the amount of travel along the most worn roads, and will allow civic workers to make necessary repairs, without causing too much of a delay."

(Dear Sister) Celestia thought to herself. (I hope your party gets really interesting.) She glanced to the small crystal bead that had been added to her peytral. One simple tap, and the spell matrix imbued within would activate, teleporting her directly to Luna's throne room. Though it had been crafted for use if Luna needed assistance, Celestia was tempted to declare an emergency on general principles.

~"Now if you'll turn to page 58, you'll see the anticipated changes in revenue." Celestia turned the page, then began doodling a caricature of the presenter, on the back of page 57. ~"As you see here, we anticipate a general overall surplus. Though plan three for the Hayneigh region, combined with plan five for the Hoofkaido region will result in a two-year deficit, requiring Imperial funds to be spent for upkeep.

(I could teleport Discords' statue here, release him, and their first impulse would probably be to chart out how his mischief would impact their empire.)

~"Most Wise, Honorable, and Virtuous Sun Princess, do you require more tea?" Celestia glanced over to the Kirin Empress. ~"We have noticed that your resolve is wavering. Likely a result of insufficient herbal stimulation."

~"Yes, I would delight in sampling the works of your tea maidens, my most hospitable, frugal, and methodical ally."

~"Then We will declare a respite." The Empress clapped her hooves together. Ponies, Kirins, and a few short statured dragons, gathered papers back into folders and closed them, before leaving their spots. After the room had cleared out, The Empress moved closer to Celestia. ~"Where are you?"

"Hmm? ~I 'm here." Celestia motioned about the meeting hall.

~"Most of you is here," Tai Li said. She tapped her poll. ~"But this part of you is where?"

~"I was thinking about my sisters' party." Celestia replied. ~"She is holding a festival to celebrate a night dedicated to her re-enthronement."

~"Most Honorable Sun Princess." Tai Li emphasized.

Celestia sighed. ~"Also, I find these meetings to be sterile and spirit-grinding." Tai Li raised a hoof to hide her smile with the sleeve of her gown.

~"That is why It is called to order at this time of year." She explained. ~"Ceresfest is over, yet The Running of the Leaves and Hearths' Warmth Day are still to come."

~"Can we move it to an earlier time in the year? Say, the middle of Venara?"

~"That will have to be submitted to the committee, then they decide if it will be included in the plan six years from now." Tai Li motioned for Celestia to follow. ~"Come, I share ancient Uma'an secret with you." She reached into a pocket and produced a small flask shaped like a gourd. She opened the flask, took a sip then passed it to Celestia.

~"I could use a stout drink." Celestia took the flask, then tried the brew inside.

- - -

Even with the supposedly egalitarian policies governing the party, a few of the guests from Upper Canterlot managed to designate a section for themselves. One of the side corridors on the third floor, along with a few of the connecting rooms. They assigned some of their number to keep watch over the entrances to this section, and keep out undesirable ponies.

Exceptions were made for Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor, who, being instantly recognizable, were practically begged to join in. Castle staff were likewise unimpeded, with most being asked to bring up plates of refreshments.

When Cheerilee and Toola Roola tried to pass through to the Hall of Windows, a butterscotch-colored unicorn held out a hoof to stop them. "I'm sorry," She began. "But these rooms are taken."

"We just want to get through to the Hall of Heroes." Cheerilee said.

The unicorn glanced back over her shoulder, at the junction. "It'll still be there in the morning." She looked to the pair. "And there's plenty of activities back downstairs." She emphasized the last two words.

"This wouldn't happen to be about our accessories, would it?" Toola Roola turned and gestured to the ribbon tied around the base of her tail. The other unicorn grimaced.

"No," She drew the word out. "It's just that you don't look like the sorts that would mix well with our little group." She curled her hoof and a scroll appeared in the crook. She partially unrolled it, and displayed the Heraldic Seal within. "Ponies with power and influence, you see."

"I really didn't want to have to do this." Cheerilee said through clenched teeth. She crooked her own hoof and summoned her talismanic scroll. She gripped the end in her teeth, then unrolled it to display her own Seal.

After a moment of sputtering, the unicorn disported her scroll. "That's a very clever forgery." she sniffed.

"Is everything alright over here, Spring Lace?" Cadance asked as she approached the group. " I felt a disturbance in the Force."

"Your Highness, these peasants were trying to sneak in with a forged Honorarium." Spring Lace said, moving aside to provide room. "I mean, just look at this." She pointed to the scroll that Cheerilee held. "How gauche can a pony be?"

"May I inspect this?" Cadance asked Cheerilee. "I happen to be well versed in Heraldry." Cheerilee passed her the scroll, and Cadance unrolled it fully. "This is the Coat of Legs for the La-Roulette Family of White-tail woods. Escutcheon Ars Baroque. Quartent viren, aur, aur, viren. Ornata Bend, Losengy, Ruber et Carbo." she rerolled the scroll. "I can see where you might be suspicious. The primary association for this grouping of colors is gambling."

Spring Lace grinned smugly. "They even carry the implements of such pastimes." She gestured to the staves that Cheerilee and Toola Roola carried.

"Still, that doesn't disqualify them from having a Crest." Cadance said. "And if somepony wanted to fake a crest, there are much better color combinations to pick."

"Like you said. Associated with gambling," Cheerilee said proudly. She looked to Spring Lace. "How many of your peers play Baccarat?"

Spring Lace hmphed. "I didn't come here to be insulted."

"Soiree, ma-dame." Cheerilee curtsied.

"Allow me to escort you through." Cadance said, hooving the scroll back to Cheerilee. Spring Lace grudgingly stepped aside, then watched them pass. "Oh, and I will be telling others about your behavior." Cadance called back. Spring Lace eeped and quickly made herself scarce.

As they entered Lunas' Hall of Legends, Cadance looked to Cheerilee. "I admit, I found your little retort amusing. She may have thought you were apologizing, but I know my Auntie Luna enough to recognize the inflection and speaking tempo."

"Thank you, for helping us out back there." Toola said. "We're still new to this whole Nobility thing."

"It's a nasty cut-throat business." Cadance replied. "And I don't blame my sister-in-law for wanting out."

"But our friend Rarity wants in," Toola said with a shrug.

"She'd get tired of it rather quickly," Cadance said. "The Solar Peerage is always looking to one-up each-other, or to denigrate somepony else for not being as priveledged as them. Fortunately, the Lunar and Crystaline Peerages are much better behaved."

"Could be because they don't have centuries of clout yet." Toola said.

"Then we'll need a way to keep them in line." Cadance replied. "I heard there used to be an organization of ponies who skirted the law, but with the intent of helping the less fortunate."

"Cheval L'Honneur." Toola replied.

They stopped in front of the single stained glass window in the hallway. "Sooo," Cadance began. "This is your window." She studied it.

"Yes, your Highness." Cheerilee replied. "I was surprised that we got one. I suppose that we are heroes."

Cadance turned and bowed before the pair. "If what I heard is true, then you are greater than I am." Toola and Cheerilee blushed.

"Please, we're just simple landowners," Toola replied. Cadance rose. "We're not looking for status and prestige among the Peerages."

"I know." Cadance replied with a wink. "You act in opposition to their excesses. The Order of Fortuna, I believe it's called."

"Will that be listed in the big book?" Cheerilee asked.

Cadance nodded. "Aunt Luna made the charter, and as the first inductees, you two and Starsong, are merely the start of the 7th Way. I'm a knight in high standing of the other six, and I hope to follow in your hoofsteps."

"We will see, Your Highness." Cheerilee said. "We're still not sure what she intends for us to do."