• Published 14th Oct 2014
  • 659 Views, 6 Comments

Shadow Celebration - Kipakuta

Princess Luna is hosting a Masquerade Ball at her Capital

  • ...


The bead bounced off of Bad Apples' frog, then began a smaller arc over his shoulder. He shifted his body to catch it. It landed between his thigh and his side, then slid to the floor.

"Well, it's not broken," He remarked. He looked up to Luna. "I know you can take care of all this. I believe in you."

Luna laughed lightly. "Well spoken, my faithful knight. Destrier, release him and take the changeling into custody." The guard complied, then lead Blank towards the stairs that lead to the castle basement. Luna looked to the servant. "I require Princess Cadance and Prince Armor to accompany me immediately."

"Yes My lady." The servant cantered to the staircase leading up.

"Constable, relay to the Lulamoons that I will have a meeting with them at midday tomorrow."

"Yes your Majesty." The officer saluted before leaving.

"Chancellor Sardonyx, I require my blade."

"At once, Princess." The Diamond Dog ran up the stairway.

"Atta girl." Bad Apple cheered. He picked up the bead and brought it to her. "May I ask what the note is about?"

Luna took the bead and pocketed it. "Chrysalis wants to negotiate for territory. Though she was repelled from Canterlot, she never issued any declaration to end the war."

"So she's still considered hostile," The captain replied as the guards drew their weapons.

"Sounds like dangerous work. I better sit this one out." Bad began backing up, but was caught in a dark blue aura.

"What is the nature of your Fae enchantment?" Luna lifted him up.

"A little gift from the Gwyheddion Breuddwyd."

"I will expect a detailed explanation later." Luna lowered him again. "For now though, you should proceed to the main dining hall. A few of your friends are there, and I'm sure your presence will be most welcome."

"Alright, I hope to have your company later." Bad replied.

In contrast to the corridors, the dining hall was a large hallway with a few rows of buffet tables along the middle. Round tables were placed along the left and right areas of the hall, providing places to sit and eat. Bad Apple helped himself to some of the delicacies, before looking around.

"Hey, there he is!" He looked over to see a pony waving him to a table. "Good to see you again, Constable Pome."

"Drupe Cluster, I almost didn't recognize you in this light." Bad replied with a smile. "And the rest of the gang." He looked to the others at the table.

- - -

"I admit it, I was wrong about the cider," Gray Pearls said as he lowered his mug. "Definitely not foals' stuff."

"So, you two wanna check out the castle now?" Starsong folded up a map.

"Yeah, I think we should see what all they have there," Six said. "Though we should bring up the rest of the gang."

"Well, there's not much below the 7th terrace." Gray said. "Unless one of them decided to go sightseeing around a bunch of old ruins."

The three ponies made their way to the castle. Two terraces up they found Clear Thought shuffling towards the clinic. "Greetings, Clear." Six greeted. "Everything alright?"

"A changeling fed on me earlier." Clear replied, wobbling slightly. "Blank chased her off, but he hasn't returned yet."

Six hefted Clear Thought onto his back, then entered the clinic. Starsong and Gray followed. "How may we be of assistance?" The receptionist inquired as they entered.

"Ya got something for victims of changelings?" Six indicated the mare on his back.

"We can treat that, but we'll need to file a report with the Police," The receptionist replied. "Please fill this out and I'll alert the nurses on staff." She passed Six a clipboard with a document and a pen attached then motioned to a collection of benches to one side of the lobby, before heading down a hallway.

"Gray, can ya help me out here?" Six passed him the clipboard. "I don't know some of this personal stuff."

Clear Thought managed to take the clipboard, with a cream-colored aura. "Allow me, I just need somepony to go find Blank Slate."

"A white unicorn? I'll keep an eye out," Starsong volunteered.

"Wait," Clear Thought called, but Starsong rushed out the door. "Why does nopony listen to me." She grumbled.

- - -

"Aunt Luna, You wanted to see us?" Cadance and Shining Armor approached Luna and her guards.

"Indeed. Twould seem that we have a pest problem," She passed them the note as the group headed upstairs. Cadance and Shining quickly read through the note as they followed.

"She can't be serious." Cadance said with disgust. "After what she did? Doesn't she know that you're less forgiving than Celestia?"

"We shall have to demonstrate that to her," Luna replied, as they approached the corridor. "Certain conditions must be met before she earns my good graces."

"And what would those conditions be?" They heard a familiar voice coming from around the corner. Luna drew her sword from the scabbard on her back, wielding it with a magic aura.

"You have some nerve coming here after what you've done." Shining Armor snorted as a long-legged changeling slunk around the corner. Both he and Cadance lit their horns.

Luna quickly placed the blade to Chrysalis' neck. "This time you have not the reserve of magic nor followers."

Chrysalis chuckled, stroking the blade with a hoof. "Silver coated iron. I think it suits you." She lowered her hoof and frowned. "I come to you in the hopes of making a compact, and you stand ready to destroy me." She gestured to Cadance and Shining Armor. "And when did vengeance become a pony virtue?"

"You left me to die in a cave, beguiled my husband, invaded Canterlot, almost depowered the Element Bearers, assaulted my aunt, escaped justice and you have the audacity to chide me for vengeance?!"

"I had my power, status and lands taken away, almost all of my subjects abandoned me, and you think I escaped justice?!" Cadance and Chrysalis glared at each-other.

"Hold, thou Unseelie," Luna approached. "Equestrian Law would have been more merciful than the power-mongering of thy fellow Court." She withdrew her blade. "Thou art not in a position to make threats nor demands." Cadance snorted and turned away.

"Tell me, Princess." Chrysalis looked to Cadance. "Now that the tables are turned, would you leave me to die of starvation?"

Shining Armor drew his own sword and approached Chrysalis. "You haven't changed one bit, monster."

"And you intend to mercy-kill me?" Chrysalis grinned at him. "All I ask for is food and shelter."

"Then stop this torment," Shining growled.

"But I thought this was a night to celebrate and appreciate monsters," Chrysalis taunted. "Or is it only the honey-coated ones that get a pass?"

Luna slammed her sword in the floor in front of Chrysalis, embedding it in the stone. "If thou wants favor, thou must show thyself as worthy. Thou hast offered me nothing in exchange for thy requests."

"I was hoping to appeal to your kindness, Luna." Chrysalis slowly stood up. "But I see that this was a mistake."

"Thou darest invoke one of the Elements of Harmony," Luna approached. "Thou twisted the idea of Honesty to make us seemest as base as thou." She loomed over the changeling. "The Pony way is to trust, and give without expectation of reciprocation." She removed her headpiece. "Yes, Honey coated scares are given a pass. We may wear masks on this night, but without intention of deceiving and stealing from each-other, which is why Seelie Fir Dharrig are welcome. Guards, take this one into custody."

"I'll do it." Cadance turned and approached. She surrounded Chrysalis with a blue aura. Parts of the aura flashed to pink as it washed over the changeling. Cadance took a set of manacles from a guard and applied them to Chrysalis' front hooves. Once finished, she set the Queen down. "I place you under arrest, for heresy."

"Yes, I suppose that trying to undermine your sense of self, would constitute an affront to your Harmonic values."

Luna pulled her blade from the floor and twirled it to point at the changeling. "We protect the sanctity and safety of the herd, from threats both without and within. The Office of the Cult-Finder General has thee listed as their top Being of Interest, since Discord is encased in stone, both Sombra and Si'Mu'Ze are dead and their souls banished to Tartaros, and Any Random is serving time in custody for attempting to overthrow Ourself and Our sister. And while thou mayest balk at our 'tender mercies,' Thy fellow Unseelie have taken everything they could from thee. Thou may adhere to the Escheat, but the Seelie court would end thee without hesitation."

"You'll have your food and shelter." Cadance added. "But nopony said that you would be allowed to enjoy it."

"You would have done well as one of the Fae." Chrysalis muttered as the guards lead her to the dungeon.

- - -

"Girls, wait up." Cheerilee and Toola looked behind them to see Starsong approaching.

"Stars, whats up? Where's the Cabaret?" Cheerilee asked. "You were supposed to be showing them around."

"Well, I just couldn't stop thinking about you two." She nuzzled up to Cheerilee.

Cheerilee gently pushed her back. "Stars, not in public."

"Aww, ok," Starsong turned, and began leading them along the main road of the First Terrace. "Hey, wanna try the hedgemaze?"

"We were heading there anyways." Toola replied.

"Good, because I wanna-" She was suddenly tackled by another pegasus who looked exactly like her.

"Hooves off my crew!" The second Starsong snapped.

"What is this?" Toola sputtered. "Two of you?"

"She's a changeling." The second Starsong replied. The first shoved her aside.

"I think you're the changeling." She retorted. "What's the idea of assaulting an innocent mare?"

"I know of a way to settle this," Cheerilee approached. "What color ribbon does Toola's father wear?"

"Yellow?" The first one replied about a moment of hesitation.

"He doesn't wear a ribbon, since he never joined a Roani tribe." The second said.

"Busted." Toola Roola singsonged as she, Cheerilee, and the second Starsong turned to face the first.

A wave of green fire washed over Lamella as she dropped her disguise and took to the air. Starsong leapt up after her and grappled onto the 'Lings hind legs."No you don't." The sudden weight caused Lamella to crash into a nearby building.

"Help, Police!" Toola shouted, alerting a few officers nearby. They hurried over and took the changeling into custody.

"You'll get nothing from me." Lamella spat."

"Don't need to." One of the officers replied. "We've got one of your buddies in custody already, and the Princess is on the hunt for your Queen."

There was a brief crackling hiss from a crystal on the guards belt, then a voice was projected. "Attention all units. Queen Chrysailis is in the custody of the Lunar Guard. I repeat, Queen Chrysalis is in the custody of the Lunar Guard." Lamella slumped, allowing herself to be dragged away.

- - -

"This totally blows," Gilda paced inside the jail cell. "Stupid Kiwi and his stupid friends."

"Who was he anyway? An ex? a rival?" Trixie looked over from one of the bedplanks.

"He's my idiot brother," Gilda scraped her talons along the floor. "Second of First, but he gets first peck at the inheritance."

"Is he your only brother?" Trixie poked at the worked stone cone that covered her horn. "Trixie may have to ask for a favor."

"Oh no," Gilda turned and pointed a talon at the unicorn. "I'm not letting him put a talon on you. You're too good for the likes of him."

Trixie blushed, then tried hiding her muzzle behind a hoof. "A question. Is Kiwi his real name? It seems odd that he'd be named after a bird in the opposite hemisphere from the Griffon Empire."

"His name's Argentum. I call him Kiwi cause he sucks at flying," Gilda climbed onto the plank above Trixie. "Compared to me, anyway."

Trixie rolled onto her back. "I wish they'd let me keep the deck of cards. We could play a game or two."

Gilda chuckled. "Yeah, it sucks, but they rarely keep you more than 24 hours, unless you've been really bad."

"Oh? You've been in jail before?"

"I told you how me an' Dash used to get drunk and pick fights a lot," Gilda let one of her front legs hang down next to the plank. "Many a morn's when I woke up in a drunk tank or a jail cell."

"So how did you keep yourself entertained?" Trixie reached over and stroked the limb.

"Mostly I was too focused on a killer headache. Some of the other lock-ups would have stories and gossip to share," Gilda looked around. "This place is rather clean compared to some of the cells I've been in. Squawk, it's cleaner than some motel rooms I've rented."

"I hope to never see these alleged rooms," Trixie said. "I could take my chances with a broken-down vardo."

"Ya take what ya can get, right Fishcake?" When she received no replied, she shifted position to look over the edge of the plank. "Listen, Trix. Ya got every right to be mad at me. I know I squawked up, but I didn't mean to drag you into this."

Trixie smiled. "If this were any other night, I would tell you off, but I bucked up as much as you did." She brushed back part of her mane. "But I know you're trying, and every time you stumble, I'll be there to catch you. You would do the same for me, of course."

"Yeah, totally," Gilda curled her front talons into a ball, and bumped it lightly against Trixies' hoof. "You and me against the world, babe."

Trixie arched an eyebrow. "The whole world, or just those parts of it that disrespect us?"

"Maybe not the whole world. I mean it's cool to have some support that we can count on." After another moment of silence, Gilda tapped her beak. "There ain't nothing to do here, and I ain't too keen on my family. let's talk about yours."

- - -

Sardonyx inspected Lunas' sword. "Will need to be straightened and resharpened."

"We apologize for misusing it in such a manner," Luna peered over the Dogs' shoulder. "But it did prove a sufficient trial of your colonys' paw-work."

Sardonyx lowered the blade and looked to her. "What is to be done with the Changelings?"

"Soon or late the rest of the swarm, if there be one, will come looking for the queen. The guards will take them into custody as they reveal themselves. Chrysalis' tribunal is to take place once Celestia returns and is sufficiently rested."

"Aunt Luna, are you almost ready?" Cadance called from outside the room. "The parade is scheduled to begin in twelve minutes."

"Has it already been three hours since dusk?" Luna retrieved her blade. "Tis true what old wise ponies say. Time gains wings when one is having fun."

Sardonyx chuckled and held the door open. "Anything I should attend to while you're out?"

Luna paused and thought for a moment. "Yes, there are tasks for you to accomplish, Chancellor. First, do you recall the caramel colored stallion who was in our presence earlier?"

"Yes, should I retrieve him from the dining hall?"

"Have him rendeveux with me at the parade grounds."

"Yes My Lady." Sardonyx bowed.

"Second, transcribe the names of every-one who hath sequestered themselves in the exclusion zone on the third floor."

Cadance managed a small giggle. "Taking names and kicking flanks."

Luna stepped out the doorway. "My dear niece, I prefer to call it 'Corrective Discipline.' Sister will relish the opportunity to scrutinize their Honorariums for possible misconduct."

"Sometimes ponies need a little 'tough love,'" Cadance replied.

"Aye, but let that pass." Luna and Cadance followed the corridors and stairs to the courtyard.

- - -

A few blocks from the Theatre, Pretz noticed Starsong, Cheerilee and Toola Roola coming down a ramp. "Hey!" She called as she broke into a fast trot. "We've got a problem."

"A lot of problems are coming up tonight." Cheerilee replied. She motioned Pretz over. "Clear's been attacked by a changeling. Six and Gray are with her at the clinic, Bank Slate ran off, and Udan's missing. Where are Argentum and Oiled Locks?"

"They're in jail." Pretz replied as she joined them. "They got in a fight with another griffon and a unicorn. I think they were Roani, they had ribbons."

Toola sighed and began walking along the main road. "Let's just get to the clinic and you can explain there."

The trip only took a couple of minutes. They entered and found Gray and Six seated in the small lobby. "There's bad news and worse news," Starsong said as her group came over.

"No good news?" Six looked over. "Well, besides Clear being treated."

"Arge and Locks are in jail for fighting," Pretz blurted out.

"What?" Gray pearls walked over to Pretz. "Who and why?"

"Another griffon, and her unicorn friend. The hen taunted Argie, I think she might have been an ex or something."

"Arge, I can understand," Six rubbed the back of his neck. "That old 'Griffon pride' thing. But Oiled Locks?"

"She tried to defend him," Pretz said. "What happened with Clear?"

"She was fed on by a Changeling." Starsong replied. "Found another one attempting to do the same with my Posse here." She indicated Cheerilee and Toola.

"Tell her about the police report." Cheerilee nudged.

"Yeah, as the police were booking the bug, the word came over the radio that Big Queen C herself, was in custody."

"What?" Pretz, Six and Gray said at once. The sentiment was echoed by staff within hearing range.

"The same one that tried to take over Equestria a few years back?" Clear Thought asked as she exited from the hallway. "This is bad, so very bad."

"The Lunar Guard'll put the word through to the Solar," Toola replied. There's really nothing that we can do except to stay alert."

Clear Thought turned to Toola. "Cousin, please, I ask for your help. I need an audience with Princess Luna."

"I'd love to help," Toola said. "But negotiating with Luna? I don't know if I can deal with that."

Cheerilee slid under Toola's barrel, then pushed upwards, lifting her off the ground slightly. "I believe in you, and you have a problem to solve."

"That's more like it." Starsong added with a grin."

The group filed out of the clinic just as the sound of brass horns could be heard coming from the castle. "The parade's starting," Starsong announced. "We gotta be quick." Gray offered no complaints as Six lifted him onto his back.

They arrived at the perimeter of the staging area just as the first of the carts were leaving. "This area is blocked off to civilians." One of the guards stated while blocking their way.

"We need an audience with the Princess." Starsong said.

"Princess Luna will be available after the parade," The guard replied. "We can't delay her parade cart for a meeting."

"What's all this?" Another guard ambled over. The visor on his helmet was lowered, lending a muffled echo to his voice.

"Just some rowdy guests, Sir." The first replied.

"Just give me a minute with them, Corporal. Go make sure that the first regiment is lined up straight as they leave the area."

"Yes Sir." They exchanged salutes, then the first guard left.

The second guard raised his helmet. "Relax guys, it's me."

"While I'm sure there's an interesting story about this," Cheerilee began. "We have a problem."

"I heard about Chrysalis." Bad Apple replied. "I also happened to overhear the report about the ambush on you." He pointed to Toola and Cheerilee."

"Kako," Clear Thought stepped close to him. "I need a private audience with the Princess as soon as possible. Can you deliver that message?"

"Yeah, I'll make sure that it reaches her ear," Bad replied with a wink. "For now though, go about your business normally, just keep an eye out for suspicious ponies, and don't travel alone."

"Alright. Don't get caught, Uncle." Toola replied. After they left, Bad lowered his visor, then trotted over to the carriage at the end of the line.

"Princess," He saluted. "A civilian has requested an audience with you."

"I did observe that my brave heroines were among the group with which you were conversing," Luna replied as Bad Apple boarded the carriage. "And it is with much delight that I will grant the request. And you need not be so formal with me. Let me see your face as we ride."

"Thank you," Bad lifted his visor again. "Are you sure I should leave my visor up? What if somepony recognizes me?"

"Your mane and coat colors are not unique," Luna replied. "And with your Cutie Mark obscured, there will be none who would know you as anything other than a guard."