• Published 14th Oct 2014
  • 659 Views, 6 Comments

Shadow Celebration - Kipakuta

Princess Luna is hosting a Masquerade Ball at her Capital

  • ...

Enchanting Evening

The office that Luna used for private meetings was rather small, and only had enough seating for six, not counting Lunas' own bench. She asked the rest of the Cabaret to wait in some of the neighboring rooms. As Sardonyx escorted Clear Thought into the room, Luna cast a sound-dampening spell on the walls. "Tis a precautionary measure," She explained. "So that what is said here does not reach beyond our ears."

Clear nodded as Sardonyx closed the door, allowing the spell to cover it. "I appreciate you taking the time to listen to me. But what about your Dog?"

"I am privy to all politically confidential information," Sardonyx explained. "If there is a plot against the Princess, I should know of it as well."

"That''s fair, I suppose." Clear shifted position to get comfortable. "Well, I don't know about a plot, but one of my fellow performers..." She took a deep breath. "He chased off a changeling that was feeding off me, and he's gone missing."

"So you fear that he may be captured?" Luna raised an eyebrow. "I shall add 'Abduction of a citizen' to the list of charges. What is your friends description?"

""Blank's not a citizen." Clear replied. "He's an unregistered defector."

"For how long was the Cabaret harboring him?" Luna used her magic to scribe on a scroll. "After the failed invasion, many of the Leanan Sidhe came to Celestia and Ourself, in hopes of receiving amnesty."

"It was a while before your return." Clear replied. "About early 90s. He renounced his Queen and Hive, and chose to travel with us."

Luna nodded. "So they would be on the lookout for him, but he is innocent of any wrongdoing otherwise?"

"As far as I know," Clear said. "He didn't have much info of value to us. He was a scout."

"We have three changelings in custody already. Though the guards have reported no further captures, I believe that one of them may know where your friend is."

"I hope so." Clear replied. "We might not get much from the queen, but one of the other two may be more talkative."

Luna looked to Sardonyx. "Have the guards bring the other two changelings here for a discussion." The Dog bowed then left. Luna looked to Clear. "If there are no further issues to discuss, I would have you wait with your troupe."

"The only other thing is that a couple of other members got in a fight, and were arrested by the police."

"Have you any other details to offer?" Luna prodded.

"Pretz was a witness. She could tell you."

"Sard-oh,." Luna noticed that they were alone. "Such a dedicated and hardworking servant." She said with a smile.

Clear muffled a giggle with her hoof. "I'll go and tell Pretz to come see you," She offered.

After Clear left, Luna quickly wrote a note in another scroll, then ignited it. The cloud of green smoke whisked off to the recipient. A moment later, Pretz entered the room. "You asked to see me, Your Majesty?"

"You are the one know as Pretz, yes?" Luna motioned for her to take a seat. "I have heard that two of your companions were involved in a scuffle of a sort."

"We were minding our own business when this griffon hen taunted Argentum and provoked him into fighting and the unicorn with her tried to restrain Arge so Oiled Locks went for her and I think they had ribbons on their tails and after the police arrested everypony the theatre owner asked me to be the MC." Pretz managed to say on one breath.

"I can see that you are very much agitated in regards to this," Luna took a picture from the desk. "This unicorn and griffon pair, is this them?" She showed the picture to Pretz.

Pretz studied the picture for a moment. "Well, they had some elaborate costumes, but yeah, that looks like 'em."

Luna returned the picture to the desk. "I would not expect you to leave your allies behind, but does your band have any plans to which you must adhere?"

"No, we don't have a destination." Pretz replied. "We were gonna wander around the Principality for a week or two. Usually we travel around Caballo and Cavalino at this time of year."

"You would not travel with two of your fellows incarcerated." Luna rubbed her cheek. "And if you cannot perform, you cannot earn money." She smiled. "A proposition, if you will hear me out."

Pretz blushed. "Well, Gray Pearls is in charge, You should talk to him about that sort of thing."

"Very well. Please retrieve him."

- - -

Bad Apple stepped out onto the balcony, where he found Cheerilee overlooking the city. "Admiring the view?"

"Sort of," She replied. "It's a lovely city, and Toola has been enjoying it so far."

"I sense a but in there," Bad Apple moved closer. "Something troubling you, Wordsmith?"

"It seems like ever since I married Toola Roola, my life has turned into a fantasy." Cheerilee looked to the stallion. "I never wanted more than to live a comfortable life. My biggest aspiration was being the idol for my students, and maybe a principal. Becoming the community leader for Ponyville, Lower Canterlot, and Northern Yoke, was highest I ever aspired to."

"Are you unhappy with that position now?" Bad Apple patted her back. "I think you're doing a wonderful job, if the letters I get from my brother are any indication."

"If that was all I achieved, I could settle down." Cheerilee said. "Being a national hero was exciting and all, but ever since then, it seems that I've been hooved everything on a silver platter. Princess Luna knighted us, ennobled us and gave us a small domain here. I'm not sure I'm cut out for that kind of life."

"Listen, I know it seems rough, but your doubts will keep you honest," Bad gave her a smile. "Whatever Princess Luna asks, just trust in her."

"What's next? Toola and I ascending to Alicornhood?"

Bad Apple chuckled. "I think you'd both look great with wings and horns. But that requires effort on your part. You two would need to delve deep into your special talents before that happens."

Cheerilee laughed along with him for a while. "The important thing is that we have each-other." She sighed with a smile.

"Cheerilee, I know you'll be able to take care of anything that comes your way. In a way I'm glad your life is going the way it is. It gives me hope that my own life will work out in the end."

Cheerilee tapped her chin. "That's something that I've been meaning to talk to you about."

"Curious about your wandering uncle?" He leaned against the railing. "There are some secrets I'd like to keep, but I'll answer what I can."

"Here's what I've noticed," Cheerilee began. "You use a lot of aliases. My father-in-law's given you many falsified I.D. cards. Even the name we know you by, 'Udan' is an alias that he gave you. That, and you seem to have a close connection to Princess Luna. She treats us like family, more than any other Roani." Bad blushed. He opened his mouth to reply, but Cheerilee continued. "Here's what I think. Back in the first reign, she had a child. After her fall into Nightmare Moon, the child, or a descendant, was hidden away. And all down the millennium, the bloodline was kept secret, known only to Celestia and her most trustworthy friends."

"That's an interesting conjecture, but how does that apply to me?"

"Simple, You're the Moon Prince." Cheerilee grinned. Bad Apple burst into laughter, with Cheerilee joining in a moment later.

- - -

"I must apologize for my earlier behavior." Spring Lace approached Toola and Starsong. "I had no idea that you two were in such high standing."

"It's ok Mademoiselle," Toola replied. "We just want to go about our business."

"Allow me to make it up to you." Spring Lace motioned for them to follow.

"We already got plans." Starsong replied. "Is this gonna take long?"

"No, not long at all. Just a minute of your time and we'll be done."

"Alright, we're listening." Toola sat.

"The other Peers and I have prepared a surprise for you," She pointed down the hall. "Just follow me."

"Ok, just for a minute." Toola said. She and Starsong followed Spring Lace to one of the conference rooms.

"Here we are, just head on in." Spring Lace gestured to the door.

Toola put her hoof on the door and started to open it, but Starsong stopped her. "Hold up a second." She gently pushed Toola away, then turned around. "We should enter in style." She bucked the door open, causing it to swing and slam into the wall. A bucket fell from the top edge and splashed a teal goop onto the floor. Toola skittered back to avoid being splashed, then glared at Spring Lace.

Starsong whirled around to face the stunned occupants. "I've been expecting somepony to pull this prank, and you have all lived down to my expectations," She strutted in. "That was downright cruel. A violation of the Virtue of Kindness"

Spring Lace entered after her. "Who are you to lecture us? Such a minor prank is hardly worth citing the law."

"Yeah," Another pony chimed in. "Nopony got hurt."

Toola entered. "I bet you were expecting to have big laughs if that fell on me. Allow me to show you something." She lit her horn then reshaped herself into a grotesque likeness of a pony. There were screams of fright and groans of disgust from the other nobility. "This is what you all look like to me." She spoke in a guttural voice, before resuming her original appearance.

"Alright, it's been a minute, we're out," Starsong left, with Toola following behind. "You miiiiight want to get this mess cleaned up. I would haaaate for you to slip and fall and breeeaak something," She screeched.

- - -

Luna looked to the two changelings that Sardonyx had brought in. One was pressing itself into a corner and averting its gaze. The other was posturing aggressively and hissing . "I ask thee to still thy choler and conduct thyself in a civilized manner. Thy companion seems to lack a spleen."

"A thousand wasps to lay their eggs in you, and the grubs chew their way out!"

"Once again. What is thy name?"

"Get buried in a nest of [carnivorous Zebrican ants]!" The last word was a series of clicks.

Luna sighed. She lit her horn then approached the changeling. "DOST THOU THINK TO INTIMIDATE US INTO RELEASING THY QUEEN?!" Lamella took a step back, unsure of how to respond. "WE MERELY ASK FOR THE PROPER WORD WITH WHICH TO ADDRESS THEE."

"She who, devours, the moon." Lamella stammered.

"Alright, Moon Devourer, how many changelings are in Nocne Mesta?"

"Three, hundred million. All ready to consume this city, unless you release Queen Chrysalis."

"Useless." Luna declared. She opened the door and addressed one of the ponies outside. "Guards, please remove this uncooperative changeling." One complied and half-dragged Lamella back to the dungeon. Luna then turned to the cowering changeling "Perhaps thou wilt be more cooperative."

"M-my n-name is B-Blank S-Slate, Princess, Ma'am."

"Blank Slate." Luna approached. "We were told of that name by another."

"Clear Thought?" He asked hopefully. "Is she alright? I kinda left her."

"Why didst thou abandon thy companion?"

"I was trying to catch that other one after she feed off of Clear."

"So thou attempted to capture the other Sidhe."

"Yeah." Blank Slate looked to his hooves. "But I got captured instead. Queen Chrysalis enchanted me."

"Clear Thought is in good health. She and several of thy companions are worried about thee," Luna replied. "And We can forgive thy transgressions."

"I don't want them to see me like this," Blank replied. "Can I get these cuffs off?"

"Sardonyx, take Blank to be fitted with a tracking bracelet, then return with him, to this room."

"A tracking bracelet, your Highness?" Blank tilted his head. "Is that a standard procedure?"

"Two of thy fellow performers are incarcerated for fighting." Luna replied. "And We have negotiated with the Cabaret Manager, Gray Pearls. The rest of the Cabaret has volunteered to be confined to the City, until this situation is resolved."