• Published 14th Oct 2014
  • 659 Views, 6 Comments

Shadow Celebration - Kipakuta

Princess Luna is hosting a Masquerade Ball at her Capital

  • ...


"I insist I can walk just fine," Gray Pearls protested as Six lifted the unicorn onto his back. "You don't need to strain yourself."

"Ain't no trouble at all." Six replied as he eased into a mild trot. "'Sides, you deserve a little break occasionally." Ponies hurried to move out of the stallions way as he trotted along the street. Starsong hovered nearby, following the two.

"Bah, you're in too much of a hurry to get there," Gray griped. "When you get to my age, you learn to appreciate the trip." He flicked his hoof idly. "Foals nowadays."

"Well just consider me a big foal, gramps." Six retorted. "And I don't see you attempting to get down."

Gray Pearls snorted. "You'll also learn to appreciate the little comforts that you can get." Six chuckled.

"Hey, check this out," Starsong gestured to a large wooden signboard that listed the attractions. "They've got a spider toss, rat rings, pumpkin popper, bone bowling, frog bog, candy count, and bat catch."

"Hyped up carny games." Gray said. "Everypony knows they're all rigged. There's a reason I haven't added them to the Cabaret."

"Maybe we could volunteer ya for the dunk tank." Six looked to Gray.

"See how he treats me." Gray said to Starsong. "I took him into my home, and this is the thanks I get."

"If it were my family, he'd be put to work as a janitor in the bathhouse," Starsong replied. "Then if he did well there, he could move up to cabana colt."

Gray Pearls chuckled. "Hear that Six? Cabana colt."

"At least I wouldn't have to lift weights for a living," He flexed. "Just have to look good for the customers."

"And bring them drinks." Starsong added. "Speaking of which, there's a booth with Spider Cider." She pointed.

"Probably bottom of the barrel sludge at 300% markup." Gray snorted.

"Watch out," Six said. "Granny Pearl's getting mad."

"Granny Pearl?" Gray huffed. "That's it! Sixteen Tons, you're fired."

"Good, cause I'm tired of the circus life anyways." He retorted.

"Seriously?" Starsong looked at the pair. "I suppose I can get you a good gig at the Chateau."

"If I'm fired, who's gonna pull the wagons?" Six grinned to Gray.

Gray looked to Starsong. "Know anypony who's strong enough for the job?"

Starsong grinned. "I can look around for some stallions and jacks."

"Go for the jacks." Six snickered. "You always were an ass stallion."

"I just got rid of one useless ass, why would I want to burden myself with more?" Gray poked the top of Sixes' head.

"I don't recall you ever having a donkey in the Cabaret," Six teased.

"I'll need some new acts as well." Gray told Starsong.

"Sure, what should I look for?"

"Well, First, I need a weightlifter. Preferably one who can lift a block of metal as big as they are."

"I know a pony who can crack that block. But You'd have to negotiate with my uncle." Starsong replied.

"This one will do nicely." Gray tapped Sixes' neck. "He's hired."

"Are you pranking me?" Starsong snorted.

"Relax, he does this a lot. I've lost count of how many times I've been fired." Six chuckled.

- - -

Lamella looked down to the unconscious pony that was sprawled out next to her. A few conveniently placed glass bottles would give investigators the impression that the pony had gotten drunk and passed out. She disguised herself, left the alley and headed for the ramp to the next terrace up. (I really wish that My Queen had more subjects to help with the harvest.)

Ponies were much easier to siphon from when they had their passions raised. While Changelings were most familiar with romantic love, other types could be used if necessary. She focused for a moment, then felt out the local emotional currents. Her sight showed a misty haze which coalesced around others. The colors indicated the type of emotions one was experiencing, opacity was how intense the emotion was, and strands between others showed the strength of their bonds.

Yellow was rather abundant, but she didn't like the taste of fear. Many greens and blues were around, but she needed a particular hue. Off to the side from the main road, she spotted a pair of ponies with a strong cerulean aura. (Perfect) She licked her lips while creeping closer

- - -

"I still don't get a lot of things about this culture," Blank said to his companion. "You willingly expose yourseves to the things that frighten you. And for what? That little rush of adrenaline? That's part of your self-preservation instinct. You shouldn't waste that."

Clear Thought gave a light laugh. "I suppose it's because we're so far removed from the times when we truly needed it, that we miss it." She shifted her walk, to roll her hoof from frog to nail, silencing her steps. "The things that can harm us are largely confined to certain areas. The wild places of the world. Places like The Badlands."

"So you make up new monsters?"

"It helps to remind us that we're not the immortal masters of the world." Clear Thought said, pausing in front of a lamppost.

"Nope, Just Celestia and Luna." Blank smirked. "And what's her name, The pink one."

"You mean Princess Cadance?"


"Blank!" Clear Thought snapped.

"What?" Blank Slate looked to the mare. "I heard you."

"You hissed when I mentioned her name."

Blank Slate nuzzled Clear Thought. "I thought that was you. I mean I respect a pony who could stay awake for a few days, until she ensured her kingdoms' safety." He sniffed along her neck, taking in her scent. (That's odd, why does she smell so enticing?) Blank mused over a sweet scent that stirred something in his memories.

Clear Thought stumbled a bit. " I think the punch had a little extra kick. I feel dizzy." She slumped against him. Blank Slate eased her onto a nearby bench.

"C.T.? Do you need a-Honeypot!"

Clear managed a small chuckle. "A doctor maybe." She reclined on the bench. "Should be, a clinic, near the ramp."

Blank Slate focused his senses. "No, A honeypot is what we call those who gorge themselves on energy." he sniffed again. "They excude this scent, that alerts other fae that they're carrying excess nectar."

"Oh," Clear Thought replied. "What's nectar?"

"It's a fluid that's saturated with stolen energy." Blank stated firmly. His gaze settled on Lamella. "And Honeypots usually indicate the presence of Unseelie fae." Lamella shifted her guise to bring out her wings, then took to the air. "Clear Thought, wait here." He dropped his cover then took off after the other changeling.

"But." Clear reached out to grab him, but Blank was too quick. "Blank, come back!"

- - -

(Notgoodnotgood.) Lamella headed for the castle. (Gotta warn the Queen.) Though she had a brief head start over him, the extra weight she was carrying allowed him to steadily close the gap. Veering off in different directions helped somewhat, as changeling wings allowed for quick changes of direction at the cost of speed.

In his attempts to play catch-up, Blank ignored the attention he was getting from the crowd below. He saw the other changeling alight at one of the windows to Lunas' castle, and followed in pursuit. There was a noticeable lack of other ponies around, allowing Lamella to quickly reach her destination. Blank paused long enough to see which room she entered. "Gotcha." Blank said triumphantly as he landed at the doorway. He strode into the room, approaching the panting changling. "Now, Where is your Queen."

"I'm right behind you." He heard a voice called.

Blank whirled around. "What? No!" Chrysalis slowly stepped closer. Her wings were fluttering rapidly, but she remained groundbound.


"Now, tell me why you're after my loyal servant." Chrysalis demanded.


"She was draining a mare that I, that I." (Don't look at her.) Something about the sound of the queens' wings that interrupted Blanks' thoughts. "The mare who was with me..."


"Oh, she was poaching your prey?" Chrysalis tried to look Blank in the eye, but he kept averting his gaze. "Why do you look away?"


"She is...You are.." Blank Slate. The mares' name was just on the tip of his tongue, iif he could just spit it out.(Gotta, get away.)


"Use your words, grub." Chrysalis stretched her legs in an attempt to loom over Blank Slate. "I am what?"


"The Queen." Lamella stated.


"...The Queen." Blank repeated.


"Now why were you after my servant?" Chrysalis placed a hoof on Blanks' muzzle, and turned his head to face her.


"Honeypot." Blank intoned.


"And you want nectar?" Chrysalis grinned. "Do you even deserve it?"


Queen Chrysalis' irises were a bright aquamarine, with vertically slit pupils, and rimmed with pale green sclera. (And they're looking at me.) Blank thought. (Queen Chrysalis is looking at me, and she's not angry. She's not screaming, not shouting. She's looking at me, and smiling.)


"I am a, good changeling?" (No! You left, you quit.) "I'm sorry I ran away."


"You were lost and alone." The Queen replied. "I'll forgive your actions, now that you have returned to me."


"Not alone," Blank said through clenched teeth. "I, have, friends."


Queen Chrysalis stroked Blank Slates' muzzle. "Yes, you do. You have Lamella and you have me. Soon there will be more friends." She withdrew her hoof. "But I have need of you now."


"What would you ask of me, my Queen?" Blank wondered.

Queen Chrysalis stilled her wings, then levitated a scroll from the table. "I need you to deliver this letter to Princess Luna."

"I will not fail you." Blank took the letter and tucked it into a gap in his carapace.

"Lamella, allow him some nectar."

"Yes, My Queen." She moved over to Blank Slate then dropped her disguise. The pair embraced and pressed their lips together. Lamella disgorged a small amount of nectar, which Blank Slate eagerly slurped.

- - -

"Huh, wonder what that's all about?" Locks watched as a flight of Night Guards pursued the changelings.

"Dunno, but it's not our business," Argentum replied. "Lets just head over to the theatre and wait for the show."

"Maybe it'll give us some ideas for new routines," Pretz said as she lead the group towards the theatre. "

Inside, they encountered a griffon and pony couple. "Well squawk me flying." The other griffon said. "Fancy seeing you here, little Kiwi."

Argentum reared up and flared his wings. "Don't call me that, Trinket!" He lunged for Gilda, raising his talons. She swiftly jumped to one side, avoiding the strike, and kicking at his side. Argentum winced as the claws scraped along his hide, then turned for another strike. Gilda countered with her own swing, and they locked talons together.

"Arge, stop it!" Pretz pleaded, Argentum ignored her, snapping his beak at Gilda, while she flailed her wings against him. The two attempted to push and overpower the other, kicking, snapping, and wrestling. While Gildas' hindclaws were too blunt to do more than rake Argentums' exposed belly, her costume provided some protection against his.

Trixie manifested a blue aura around Argentum, restricting his movements. "Too chicken to fight your own battles, now?"

Locks charged at Trixie distracting her long enough to interrupt the spell. Gilda jumped back from her brother, and took a swing at the pegasus. Locks winced as the talons caught on a few of her feathers, tearing them out. "You're one to talk. Starting your own harem down here, Kiwi?" Gilda taunted. Argentum snarled and slammed a talon into Gildas' belly, ripping through the costume piece. "Hey, that cost 200 Bits, chump!"

"N.M.P.D.!" They heard a pony call out. All five slowly looked over at the crowd that had gathered. Five uniformed ponies calmly walked up to the group. "Lay down and put your hooves and talons on your heads.

Once they had compliance, the police proceeded to manacle the group. Witness statements were taken, which resulted in Pretz being released. The other four were lead outside, and each loaded into a cart, to be transported to the jail.

Gilda saw the look of disappointment that Trixie had. (We really squawked up this time.) She thought.

(I hope this doesn't get us kicked out.) Argent thought, as Locks avoided eye contact with him.

- - -

The hallways of the castle were narrow but tall, and the decorative tapestries provided a colorful contrast to the dark stone and timber architecture. Bad had to be more mindful of the space around him, since the guests and staff needed to get from place to place. After finding that certain sections were barred to guests, and staff had their own identification, He opted to wander around.

Near one of the passageways that connected to one of the outer towers, he heard a group approaching. He slipped under a nearby table that was tucked into an alcove, and waited. The voices approached, and he could make out different speakers. Though he didn't understand the words, he recognized Lunas' distinct tone, and there was a dog-like quality to one of of the other speakers' voices. The group came around a corner and passed by the table. (That's weird.) He watched as four mismatched legs passed by, followed by a pair belonging to a dog, and quads for each pony.

He crept out then followed along behind the group, keeping a slight distance. With his view unobstructed, he saw that the mismatched legs were part of Lunas' costume. (Note to self, ask her about it later.) He didn't recognize the other ponies, or the Diamond Dog. He did however, recognize the armor on the ponies that were approaching from the other direction.

"~Your Majesty, we have a report of changelings in the castle." The lead guard said while saluting.

"~Thank you, Captain." Luna returned the salute. Two unicorn soldiers approached, then cast a spell. A brief burst of reddish-gold magic washed over the group.

"That one." One of the unicorns pointed at Bad Apple. Luna turned to look, and gasped upon seeing him. She also noticed the fading emerald aura around him.

"DOST THOU THINK THAT THY PRANK IS IN ANY WAY AMUSING?!" She levitated him and manifested opaque rings of crimson light, binding his legs together.

"No, I was hoping to amuse you in another manner," Bad Apple replied. "But I can explain."

Both the aura and light rings faded, allowing Bad Apple to fall on the floor. He scrambled to his hooves. "Yes, you shall." Luna replied. "Destrier Star Current, detain him for questioning."

"Your Majesty?" The Destrier hesitated.

"He has only a fae enchantment." Luna replied. "The dispelling rings would have nullified any glamour of disguise, if he was a changeling." The Destrier saluted then placed manacles around one of Bads' front hooves, and opposite side rear hooves, hobbling him.

"You Highness." A staff pony approached. "The guests on the third floor are unhappy with Princess Cadences' behavior." He paused and fidgeted as one of the unicorns cast a scanning spell on him.

"Why does this merit Our involvement?" Luna looked to the servant. "Princess Cadence is the ruler of a Protectorate. She is not a giggling filly who needs adult guidance."

"Your Majesty." A uniformed pony approached. "I'm sorry to report that the Lulamoons are in custody, following a minor dispute." He ignored the unicorn and their scanning spell.

Luna rubbed around the base of her horn. "What was the nature of the dispute?"

"They engaged in a fight with another griffon, and a pegasus," The officer replied. "One of the bystanders volunteered to cover their positions."

"We thank you for letting Us know." Luna waved the officer away. She turned to the servant, but stopped as she heard somepony approaching from the other end of the corridor. Both the guards and the officer drew their weapons.

"Halt right there!" The Captain called. Luna saw an undisguised changeling approaching. The slow steady gait did not change, even with a repeated call to stop. The guards rushed the changeling, and tackled him. The changeling struggled to get free, until one of the guards slammed a hoof on the back of his head, stunning him.

The guards backed up as Luna approached. "Thou art quite bold to approach so openly." She looked down at the 'ling. "To what do I owe thy presence?"

"Your Majesty, we found this under his carapace." One of the guards hooved over a scroll.

Luna broke the seal, unrolled it, then read the letter within. Once finished, she crumpled it up. "Never one to hold back, are you, Fortuna?" She muttered.

"Something wrong, my Dear." Bad Apple gave a look of concern.

Luna took a small glass bead from a pocket. "All I must do is break this, and Celestia will arrive. We may then split up the tasks that need tending to." She raised the hoof. "But you, you are a gambling stallion."

"Guilty as charged," Bad Apple grinned. "But why is that relevant?"

"Do you fancy yourself the kind of pony who could outwit Fortuna herself?" Luna grinned as well.

"I'd never make that claim," Bad answered.

"Catch." She tossed the bead in his direction. Bad Apple dove, his free front hoof outstretched.