• Published 26th Apr 2012
  • 2,384 Views, 76 Comments

Applejacked - Gregory the Mighty

Something is wrong with Applejack. If they can't fix it in one day, her friends will die.

  • ...

Moonlit Picnic

Moonlit Picnic
By Haze-man
Proofreader Invizibilit3

Applejack sat in the doctor’s office waiting for the physician to to return. She rubbed her belly. A foal of her own. Applejack was ecstatic. She was a little apprehensive about being a mother, though.

The doctor perused his clipboard. “It seems everything is in order. You are now past your first trimester. You should be showing any day now. We’ll schedule an ultrasound for next week. You’re on your way to having a healthy foal.”

“Thank you doctor.”

“There are just a few things you need get caught up on. Things you need to do for the health of your baby. No roller coasters or hot tubs. Stay away from flea collars and kitty litter. Most of all, you should avoid any strenuous labor before your... labor.”

The doctor stepped out of the room to file her chart.

“Wait, what was that last one, doc?” Applejack was starting to panic for the first time since getting the news. She couldn’t do hard labor? Was this a cruel joke? A day without hauling 78 bussells of cargo was like a day without sunshine! Bucking your hooves against solid appletrees couldn’t be considered hard labor could it? And what about all those races she did with Rainbow Dash? Was this the end of her rodeo days?

Just then a purple unicorn barged through the door.

“Rarity! How could you? You know how naive Spike is! How could you let Spike become a father.”

Applejack sat with her hooves crossed, bemused. “Really Twilight? You mistake me for that prissy pony? Have you had your eyes checked recently?”

Twilight was dumbfounded. When she heard the news that one of her friends had gotten pregnant, she had been so certain it was Rarity. After all, She and Fluttershy were the only ones in relationships right now. Where did Applejack’s baby come from?

“Um Applejack. We really need to talk about something. About what you’ve been doing?”

Applejack sighed. Twilight was about to deliver one of her lectures. She supposed she deserved a good tongue-lashing. Here she had been working the farm with a baby growing inside her for the past season.

“I think I know where this is going. This behavior will stop. It has to. Even if it will be tough for me to quit cold turkey.”

Twilight Sparkle didn’t know any stallions named ‘Cold Turkey’ so he couldn’t be the father. She would have to continue. “I’m more concerned with who you’ve been doing it with.”

“Well, geez, Twi. I live on a farm. I’m doing it before the sun goes up and after the sun goes down.”

“Most ponies do... but with whom?”

“Well Rainbow Dash mostly. That’s a lot of fun.”

Twilight stomped her hoof. “I knew it! But what about stallions, what stallions have you been doing it with?”

“Well, none. Accept Big Mac. Actually, when I’m with him, he does most of the work. I’m sort of embarrassed about that.”

Twilight’s jaw dropped to the floor. “Your brother?! Your brother is the father?!”

“No. What? You mean you’re not asking me about my doing too much hard labor?”

“No! I’m asking who’s the father of your foal! Who’s been giving you the business? Who’s been riding down your dusty trail? Applejack, who rode you bareback?!”

Applejack let out a huge laugh. “Bwahahaha! You thought? Twilight, you dirty girl!”

“In all seriousness, Applejack, how did this happen?”

“Well, Twilight. I’ll tell you how it didn’t happen. Through the mail.”

Twilight huffed. “Just you wait! He’s coming into town next week. You’ll eat your words when you meet him!”

“Forgive me if I don’t hold my breath. It wouldn’t be good for the foal.”

Just then, Rainbow Dash crashed through the window with a mighty multi-colored blur. “Fluttershy! How could you! How could you get pregnant and make my sister a bastard!”

* * *

Three mares trotted down the dirt road up to the Sweet Apple Acres farm house. All three were concerned. The purple one the most. “I just can’t believe you’re pregnant, Applejack. You’re so young!”

“Oh, pish tosh, Twi. I’m at a good mothering age.”

Rainbow Dash snorted. “I can’t believe you won’t tell us who the father is! What about being the element of honesty?”

Applejack smirked. “I can honestly say It’s none of your beeswax--and I can honestly say there ain’t nothing in this world that will make me confess.”

At this point, they had reached the front door of the Apple family farm house. Before Applejack could reach out for the door, it swung open, revealing an enraged Granny Smith. “I heard through the grapevine that somepony is with foal. Now who do you reckon that is?”

Twilight had never seen Applejack so petrified as at that very moment. “Uh, Granny, I reckon that’d be me.”

Granny slammed the door in Applejack’s face.

Applejack went to open the door again, but she was met by a glowering Granny Smith. “You ain’t stepping one hoof into this household you hussy!”

“But-But Granny!”

“No buts! I’m not having you in here setting that kind of example for your sister. Before you know it, Apple Bloom will have a cutie mark in giving saddle dances or giving hummingbird jobs!”

Dash raised an eyebrow. “Hummingbird jobs?”

Granny snorted. “Well, whatever you young whipperslappers are doing. Probably whipping and slapping. Do you even know who the father is?”

Applejack leaned in and whispered something into Granny Smith’s ear. Granny Smith’s eyes bugged out. “Who?! Really. Alright, you’re forgiven.”

With that, Applejack was let back into her house.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash stood there, dumbfounded. After much eye-twitching, Rainbow finally spoke. “S-She can’t do this to us, right? She can’t go on for 6 more months without telling us who it is, right?”

Twilight composed herself and started trotting home in a huff. “She can try, Dash, but this is a small town...”

The First Night

Applejack stepped outside to see the moon. It was a nervous time for her. She wanted to be sure the moon wouldn’t turn her into a monster. Princess Luna had kept the moon sequestered for a few days to make sure the lycanthropy had worn off her. Applejack was very grateful for the princess to do that. Today was the moon’s big return.

It had been a big day for her. Bigger than the day she bucked a hundred trees in 24 hours. She would be a mother soon. It was a strangely lonely revelation. Her family would support her and help raise the foal, but it would still be isolating her in many ways. No more rodeos. Would she even have time for barn dances? What about hanging with her pony friends? All took a back burner to the little one. Applejack sat on a crate by the water pump. She rubbed her belly and sighed.

She heard a rustling in the trees. Then there was a blue streak through the sky. Applejack could smell the foam of a beach at dawn. It was the smell of Princess Luna’s mane.

Applejack’s heart stopped for a beat. The blue princess glided to a stop in the middle of the north apple orchard. She crept forward at a slow trot, only partially illuminated by her moonlight.

“Are you the pony known as Applejack?”

Applejack was frightened at first, but then her heart skipped a beat. This was the pony that saved her. This was the most graceful and powerful pony she had ever met. “Oh, my! Princess! Is that you? You came back. I’m so glad you came back.”

Applejack’s welcoming tone coaxed Luna from her shadows and out into the open. “Well, yes. I came here the other night to rescue you, but had to leave abruptly because of the dawn. I don’t do well in the daylight.”

Applejack ran up to her. “Oh, I’m so grateful! You saved me, my kin and my friends all in one fell swoop. You were so magnificent!”

Luna blushed deeply. “Oh. I appreciate your gratitude, young Applejack. However, I was just doing my royal duty. Also, I detest monsters who use the moon for evil purposes. It besmirches the good name of all creatures of the night.”

“Oh, your majesty, please, I have to do something to make it up to you.”

Luna thought for a moment. “Call me Luna. I would very much like us to be friends, dear Applejack.”

“Good princess. I mean Luna.” Applejack dug a small hole in the ground with her hoof. “Um, would you like to come in for coffee?”

Luna was nervous, but agreed. Before long she was sitting in the Apple family kitchen with Applejack running about making coffee. She delivered the mug of coffee as ordered, black. Then gave herself a mug of her own. She then put out the fanciest thing she could find for snacks, which came to apple slices and cheeses. “I hope you like these, Luna.”

“Oh, they are very fine, dear Applejack.” Luna was strangely comfortable in her kitchen. There were none of the scary new devices that littered Celestia’s kitchen. No microwaves or cappuccino machines here. Just a pot-bellied stove with a simple water kettle on it. It was very refreshing. “Your home is quite lovely, Applejack.”

“Thank you for saying so, Luna. It gets the job done. I’m sure it’s no where near good enough for a beautiful pony such as yourself.” Applejack chuckled.

Luna blushed again. She was not used to being showered with compliments, not even from her personal guards. Perhaps it was something about her modifying their DNA to give them bat wings, but that would have to wait for another time. “Applejack, you flatter me. Such is not necessary.”

“Beg pardon, Luna, but I really do mean it. You are something very special.” Applejack was rambling now. She was losing control of her words. She fidgeted with her hat nervously. “You should come by more often! We could hang out and drink all sorts of coffee.” Applejack giggled nervously.

Luna blushed deeply. “I’m sorry, this was just a one time engagement. I really need to get back to the palace.”

“Wait! Can you visit me again? Tomorrow night?”

Luna held her head low. “I do not know, Applejack.”

“I’ll make a picnic! It’ll be just great! Please come on by? Please?”

Luna wanted to spend more time there, but she was afraid of what her feelings might make her do. “Alright. I’ll come by just for tomorrow night. It’s only right that I allow you to thank me properly. I shall return on the next moonrise.”

Luna collected herself and left the kitchen through the back door. With a mighty beat of her wings, she rose into the sky and flew away.

The Second Night

Luna met Applejack on the checkered blanket. As promised there were apple treats of every type. The princess of the night was nervous, but she took an apple tart just to be polite. She was blushing as she took a demure bite. She was so nervous, in fact, that she didn’t realize Applejack was making short work of two apple pies at once.

“Sorry, your highness, I’m eating for two now.”

Luna was perplexed. She grabbed her plate and defended it from Applejack.

“No, no, princess. I’m with foal. She’s in my tummy right now.”

Princess Luna was shocked. “You mean, you’re going to have a foal? How did this happen?”

“Well, you see, when two ponies love eachother very much, the colt gets behind the mare and...”

“No! I have been around for millennia! I know how it works. But I must know, who is the father?”

“Oh, well, promise you won’t tell anyone...”

Luna calmed down. She wanted to hear this more than anything. “Absolutely.”

Applejack shifted around nervously. “Well, while I was at the royal wedding in Canterlot, I met this nice colt and we did it.”

“Yes, but WHICH colt?”

“It was Prince Blueblood.”

The Third Night

Applejack paced back and forth. She had everything ready. There was a smaller but lovely picnic set up on a small table out in front of the farm house. The cowpony paced back and forth in the lamplight of her entryway. She would be here, right? She wouldn’t skip out on their date, would she?

A bark from Winona heralded the princess’ arrival. As with the previous evenings, she landed in the darkness of the apple orchard, then walked slowly up to the house. The stood there in silence for what seemed like hours. Their eyes met and they drew in closer to each other, neither saying a word. Before they knew it, they were so close their chests bumped.

There is no way to describe how embarrassing that is for ponies, but suffice it to say they were both glowing red.

Luna turned away. “I shouldn’t have come back.”

“But you did come back. That does mean something, doesn’t it?” Applejack pleaded.

Applejack and Luna were lost in each other’s eyes.

“You are so kind and honest. There’s something about you...” Luna leaned in toward the orange pony. Applejack's eye lit up. They had embraced in a passionate kiss. They kissed long and deep. Their muzzles danced back and forth with a heated passion. They broke only because they couldn’t resist necking ferociously.

After a while, Luna broke off. She was short of breath. “Applejack, you are an extraordinary pony, but you gave your love away so readily to Blueblood. How can I trust this love you give so quickly to me?”

“No princess, it wasn’t like that. I wanted him, but only in the short term. You! You’re different. I’m in it for the long haul with you!”

Luna really didn’t understand. She thought about Applejack’s words. She had left so abruptly last night that she didn’t get all the details. It would probably be wrong to judge her. Besides she knew Blueblood was infamous around Canterlot for sowing wild oats.

Applejack lunged forward. She kissed the princess of the night again. Luna could not resist returning her passion.

Luna pulled away. “No! This has gone too far already. We are too different, you and I.”

“Luna, please. Please can you stay with me? Can’t we be together on my farm, Just for a while?”

“I cannot, Applejack. I have neglected my duties for far too long. I am only now able to work as a princess of the night. I can’t stop now. Being active in the daylight would drain my powers terribly.”

“But you wouldn’t need none of dem fancy powers on my farm. Um. Except for the monster attacks. Believe me, those are rare.”

Luna looked back at Applejack. Her eyes were wet and she looked like she wanted to say something. She didn’t. With wings outstretched, she took a mighty leap into the sky and flew home.

* * *

Applejack woke up to the rooster’s call. Her eyelids were as heavy as her heart. She knew last night was the last night she would ever see her darling Luna. She rolled her large stomach out of bed. She was really starting to show.

“C’mon little darling. You and mommy need to get some breakfast.”

What awaited the orange pony downstairs was much more than the usual apples and oats. Standing at the edge of the table was the Princess of Equestria, Luna. The sunlight had affected her powers. Her mane was no longer shimmering with stars, but was a simple blue that framed her demure face.

“I realized the kingdom had done without me for a thousand years. I don’t see why I can’t take off for 6 months.”