• Published 26th Apr 2012
  • 2,383 Views, 76 Comments

Applejacked - Gregory the Mighty

Something is wrong with Applejack. If they can't fix it in one day, her friends will die.

  • ...

The Delivery

The Delivery
by Haze-man
proofreader Invizibilit3

Applejack screamed. The contractions were now two minutes apart. “I don’t think I can take much more!”

Rainbow Dash grabbed her hoof. “Don’t you wuss out on me now AJ! You’re my only rival! I can’t have you going soft! Now you grab my hoof and we’re having this foal together! No excuses!”

Beneath the sweat, Applejack looked up at Rainbow Dash with determination and understanding. It was time for action. The baby was coming. She started to regret refusing the epidural.

Applejack was locked in a stockade-like device that kept her neck and body supported during the process. Mares give birth standing up, and the obstetricians stand by with a pillow on the floor and holding the tail aside. It’s tempting to make a comparison to obstetrics ponies to the cather in a baseball team, but it’s unwise to do so. They take great offence at such comparisons.

Fluttershy flew into the delivery room. “Oh my Luna! Did I miss it?” Fluttershy was eager to witness the life-springing process that she too would experience in just a matter of weeks.

Pinkie Pie and Rarity informed the pregnant pegasus that she had arrived just in time. The contractions were two minutes apart. Applejack was so busy squeezing Rainbow Dash’s hoof that she didn’t hear another of her friends enter the room.

“TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!?” they all exclaimed. It had been weeks and they were certain it would be many more before they’d even hear from her again..

“It’s good to be back, girls.”

Pinkie Pie leaped into action. “Twilight! Omg! Where have you been? What have you been doing?”

Twilight had to fight off a very fierce hug. “I’m fine. I’ve been completing my training in magic. Now where’s Spike? I thought he’d be here.”

Rarity grinned. “Oh, he’s in the lobby. This might be a little bit too personal for him.”

At this point the obstetrician announced that that Applejack was fully dialated. This did not stop Pinkie’s constant barrage of questions.

“What did you eat? Did they have cupcakes? What happened to Princess Celestia?”

Twilight decided to answer that last question, since the others would be curious as well. “The princess is still in her voluntary banishment. She has decided to use the time to catch up on her personal life. I, however, need to use my training for the good of Equestria. I’ll be applying to Luna’s royal court.”

Applejack had begun to push. She was tempted to make a snide comment about the gossiping going on during her big moment, but she decided to save her energy for the birth. Holding her tongue became difficult when another familiar face entered the room.

A much smaller and less intimidating Discord strolled into the room. “Bonjour, Ladies!”

“DISCORD!!!” The ponies cried in unison. It has been just as much time since they had seen the former god of chaos, and they certainly never thought they’d see him again. “What have you been doing? Creating more chaos?” snarled Rarity.

The draconequus was unphased. “Oh, I’ve been working my chaos on a much smaller scale. Without my phenomenal cosmic powers, I’ve had to go back to basics. Misinformation, switching things around. It’s a very grass roots campaign.”

The others looked at Twilight, trying to find some indication as how to act. All but Pinkie Pie, who was giving Discord a very seductive look. Twilight sighed. “Oh, let him go. This is a special occasion, and we can all play nice, just this once.” This seemed to satisfy all present. They turned their attention to the magic happening before them.

Applejack’s foal dropped from her womb. It cried as it felt the harsh lights of the outside world hit it. The doctor caught it just in time and inspected the child. Also, they cleaned up Applejack and made her presentable after the ordeal.

Within a minute, a newborn was cleaned and swaddled and placed in Applejack’s arms. “Oh, my word.” Applejack was overcome with emotions. “It’s a girl.” Her small nose curled up. On her forehead was a tiny nub that would start to grow into a horn. Her orange coat flowed into her tiny wings and you could see the beginnings of her blonde mane.

The other ponies crowded in to see the beautiful foal. A chorus of “Ou” and “Ah” echoed throughout the room. “She’s so precious!” Declared Twilight Sparkle. “And so tiny!” added Pinkie Pie. “Aw! Now my hoof needs an epidural!” cried Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy did not agree that the foal was tiny. “Oh. My. One of those is going to come out of little me?” She started to faint. Rarity rushed to support her. “You silly filly,” said Rarity under her breath, “You don’t know how lucky you are.”

Applejack began to cry in spite of herself. “I’m a mommy, you all. A real mommy.”

Twilight leaned in. “What are you going to call her?”
“Reinette. She’s my little Reinette.”

“I think we should give the new mother a moment. Pinkamina, would you like to show me where the maternity ward is?” Discord gave a wry smile.

Pinkie gave Twilight a look.

Twilight sighed. “It’s OK, go with him. You two were made for each other.”

Pinkie smiled ear to ear, then swept Discord off his hooves for a passionate kiss. Even he was unprepared for that.

As the two darted off, Rainbow Dash leaned in to Twilight’s ear. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? I mean, what if they make … little pinkies. I don’t know how Equestria can deal with just the two of them.”

Twilight flashed an evil grin. “Oh, I wouldn’t worry about the pitter patter of little hooves. When we broke up, I hit Mr. D with a spell that will ensure he will never be a father. He he.”

Rarity and Fluttershy exchanged terrified glances. They were both waiting for the other hoof to drop and be told that was a joke. After a few minutes, Fluttershy whispered to Rarity, “I think it would be wise for us never to anger Twilight.” “Agreed.”

* *

Just outside the window, and in cloak mode, hovered a square blue time machine. The door was wide open and three ponies peered precariously into the window.

The tall colt with the hourglass cutie mark breathed a sigh of relief. “See girls, the baby is fine.”

Lyra also breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, I’m so glad.”

Bon Bon had more ideas. “So cute! I want one! Lyra please, can we have a filly of our own?”

Lyra facehoofed. “Bon Bon! Be serious! How are we supposed to make...” The mint colored unicorn’s eyes drifted to the colt standing between them.

* * * *

Spike popped the top on his soda. He needed the sugar and caffeine to support the heavy amount of pacing he had to do. He expected Rarity to come down that hall and start talking baby. What he didn’t expect was for Twilight Sparkle to bound down the hall.
“Twilight!” he was in shock. His first instinct was to run up to the purple unicorn and hug her, but he restrained himself. He had to play it cool, after all. He was a married dragon. The end result was Twilight stopping feet before him and standing there, awkwardly.

“So...” She uttered.

“So...” replied Spike.

“How’s Rarity?”

“Good. Good.”

After a moment of silence, Twilight spoke again. “I didn’t say goodbye, did I?”

Spike put down his soda and rubbed his claws. “It’s ok. It all happened so suddenly. I didn’t think to say goodbye either.”

“It’s not alright. You were my number one assistant. You deserved better. It’s just that you were married so suddenly. You’re no longer my responsibility.”

Spike lowered his head. “It wasn’t going to last forever.”

Twilight lifted his chin up with her hoof. “I thought it would. And I bet you thought it would too. I know you’re like a son to me, Spike. I kept calling you my number one assistant because assistants don’t have to leave one day. Sons do. They get married and leave.”

“I guess I did.”

Twilight drew Spike in close and kissed him on the forehead. “Go on, Spike. Live your life. Start a family and be happy. You’ll always be my number one.”

“Yeah, about that...” Spike shifted nervously in place. “Dragons have a tough time getting ponies pregnant. Is there any spell that could help us along?”

It was Twilight’s time to be nervous. “Yeah, I looked into that during my studies. I’m afraid you’re going to have to consult a higher power on this one. It takes more than a unicorn to fix that problem. Don’t give up, though.”

It was at that moment that a young blue unicorn bounded down the hallways. She had saddlebags filled with checklists. She had short aqua hair and a round face adorned with freckles. the Red of her neckerchief matched the toy airplane of her cutie mark.

“Mistress! I’m so sorry! I couldn’t get all the items on the list!” she panicked.
“It’s okay, Tinker. We’ll go over it again tonight. It’s not urgent.” Twilight patted the blue unicorn on the head in reassurance. Still, Tinker was ashamed at her failure.

Spike developed a chip on his shoulder. “Oh, I see it didn’t take long to replace me.”

“Actually it did. This is Tinker’s first day. I had to go through many hoops to find an assistant as.. unique as you. But I think this will work out nicely.”

Tinker’s eyes glowed around her many freckles. “Wow, you’re THE Spike? It’s an honor, sir. I can only hope to be half the pony you’ve been to my mistress!”

That did soften Spike up a bit.

“Spike, get your wife. I’m treating all my best assistants to lunch.” Twilight beamed at Tinker.

“But what about Applejack?” protested Spike.

“Applejack will have some issues to resolve...”

* * *

Prince Blueblood paced nervously across the train platform. He had been summoned here by Luna herself, and not even he could refuse. Being alone on a train platform was unnerving. He had never traveled alone before, and he certainly had never gotten off a train without someone there to receive him. Why were they late? Had something gone wrong? Did he get on the wrong train?

No, this was certainly Ponyville, and Ponyville only had one train station. Surely They would be here any second. This was a rural area, after all. They tell time here by the crowing of roosters or something, so not being here on the dot would be expected, right? Blueblood went into the breezeway to look for shade and perhaps a water fountain to wet his whistle.

As he turned a corner, there was Applejack. Riding in a carrier on her back was their baby, Reinette. With her orange coat and blonde mane, she was certainly Applejack’s. With both the horn and wings, it was clear she was of royal blood. Normal pony genetics dictates that full Alicorn state is passed on from the mother. An alicorn being born of an Earth Pony is literally a million to one shot, and proof that the stars were aligned against him.

Applejack was far from alone. Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia’s prized student was there as well as Princess Luna, who was visiting in Ponyville that day. Two Pegasus and a pink Earth Pony were also there. Blueblood was cornered.

“Well.” Stated Applejack flatly. This could only end in tears.

Blueblood cleared his throat. “So, how have you been. You look good...” He couldn’t continue. The look on Applejack’s face could stop a train if there were one passing by. Blueblood’s mind raced. The blackmail. The palimony. There was no end to what she could ask for.

“I want another one!”


“She’s just too adorable for words! I can’t stop here. I need to have another!”

“Er, what?! You come all the way out here and tell me I have a daughter that I’ve never met, then proceed to treat me like a piece of meat? I am a pony with thoughts and feelings, not some impregnation apparatus!”

Silence fell on the platform.

A moment later, all present burst into laughter.

“I’m sorry, but I really had you going there for a moment, didn’t I?” laughed Blueblood.

Applejack chuckled. “You sure did! Now what say we get in that broom closet and start givin me some service!”

“Right this way!”

Luna spoke up, “Can I have a foal too? Can you impregnate me as well?”

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash chimed in. They wanted one as well.

“Okay everypony! Free impregnations for everyone!”

A mighty cheer was lifted, but before he could step into the closet, he felt a sharp poke in his ribs.


“It's your turn!” Demanded Applejack.

Blueblood woke with a start. He turned to see his orange cowpony wife. “Hey, I was having the best dream!”

The poking continued. It was now that Blueblood heard the soft cries of his daughter in the other room. “I donna care whut dreams you bin havin’, git in there!” The stallion mumbled about his misfortunes under his breath.

Blueblood begrudgingly stumbled across the hall. There, in Applebloom’s old bedroom was the new nursery. Easily seen below her nightlight, Blueblood found little Rienette and held her. After a diaper change and some rocking, she was asleep again.

What madness was this? The Prince doing the work of a governess? It was so demeaning. So beneath him!

Blueblood peered down at his daughter as she cooed off to sleep.
“Perhaps it’s not so bad afterall.”

Everything She ever wanted...

Months later, Twilight Sparkle crept in the door of her condo in Canterlot after another late night at the office. Being the head sorceress as well as a princess of Equestria was a tough job, but it had its perks. She had a penthouse suite in a view and her own sunroom. It was only a short trolley to the castle or downtown, and she had become very happy there.

She felt no need to turn on the lights as she crept into bed. After disrobing, she crept under the covers. Shortly after, another form arose from sheets, a blue pegasus. She began kissing twilight on the neck. She brushed her rainbow mane out of her face and began kissing Twilight deeply. After a few minutes, Twilight broke off the kiss. “I don’t know. I just don’t feel Rainbow Dashy tonight.”

The blue pegasus looked puzzled. She thought for a moment, then in a puff of magic, She transformed into Applejack.

“Not bad, but I think I’d like to make love to the real you tonight.”

“With pleasure, my mistress.”

What followed was a night of passion that would rival the greatest in history.

* *

The next morning, Twilight awoke to breakfast in bed. Chrysalis had changed back into her standard Tinker disguise and had put on Twilight’s favorite outfit, the french maid uniform. She was bounding about the condo and cleaning everything in sight. After the dose of affection she received last night, Twilight was surprised she wasn’t rocketing toward the moon.

The arrangement was rather brilliant. Twilight was not uncaring, but she had a relatively slow sex drive compared to most mares. She gave Chrysalis just enough affection to be healthy and happy, but not enough to give her enough power as to be dangerous. And without a male lover, she could not produce more changelings. Despite their appearance, changelings are not insects, and a female changeling can only produce 4 young per pregnancy at most.

Twilight looked up from her coffee mug. Queen Chrysalis was doing her normal morning chores now. Watching her reshelve books and dust while wearing that frilly maid’s outfit always made Twilight smile. Still, she was a potential threat to the kingdom. The purple unicorn couldn’t keep her as her private toy for much longer without causing suspicion. It was time for a drastic change.

“Chrysalis! Pack a picnic lunch. We need to go out to the country this afternoon!”

* * *

After a short carriage ride the two were alone under an apple tree in the middle of a rolling green meadow. Twilight nuzzled her assistant’s neck and whispered in her ear. “We’re alone, you can drop the guise. I want to spend time with the real you.”

Chrysalis gladly dropped her copy form and began spreading out the lucious picnic lunch she had planned. As per usual, she went straight into giving Twilight her daily shoulder massage. Today was different, however. Twilight put a hoof on hers and told her to stop. “Please, sit down.”

The changeling took her seat on a tuft of grass beside Twilight. “Is this bad news? Am I being punished?”

“No, I’m afraid you’re not going to be my to assistant anymore.”

Twilight slid her a small wooden box. It contained an engagement ring.