• Published 26th Apr 2012
  • 2,383 Views, 76 Comments

Applejacked - Gregory the Mighty

Something is wrong with Applejack. If they can't fix it in one day, her friends will die.

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Fluttershy Makes a Modest Proposal

Fluttershy makes a modest proposal.

Fluttershy paced back and forth in her kitchen. She had finished work with lots of time to cook her boyfriend’s favorite dinner, olive loaf and scalloped potatoes. She even arranged the olives so that every slice would make a smiley face.

Fluttershy’s heart was in terror town. She had gotten the confirmation from her doctor this morning. She was pregnant. When her live-in boyfriend got home, she would have to break the news to him. But how would he take it? He already has an adult daughter and two ex-wives. Is he ready to be a father again?

“Oh dear. Angel, what will he say when I tell him?” Angel was busy tossing one of his famous garden salads. He shot her a disinterested look.

“Don’t be like that, Angel!” Fluttershy was getting more nervous by the minute.

As if on queue, the door opened. A burly brown pegasus entered the door. He gave a kind greeting, then placed his hard hat and vest on a hook then proceeded to sit at his favorite stool at the kitchen counter. “Hey Hon. How was your day?” He started on the salad before getting an answer.

“Today was fine!” Fluttershy calmed herself. “Yeah. Yes. Everything was normal today. I certainly didn’t get any life-changing news or anything!” She hid behind a big smile. This was not the best way to ease into this conversation. ‘Think, Fluttershy! Think! How do you broach a subject like this?’
“So I was talking with Rainbow Dash today. That got me thinking of how good a father you are.”

Mr. Dash laughed. Hard.

“Um, …” Fluttershy tried to find the words, but nothing came out. After the salad, he began on the main course. It was time for action. “Have you ever thought about having another?”

“Another what?” Mr. Dash was distracted. Probably by the smiley faces on the olive loaf.

Then Fluttershy got an idea. She would have to approach the question directly; but not TOO directly. “Honey, I’ve been thinking. Do you think we could have a foal? We’re doing pretty well for ourselves and I’m very nurturing. I’m still so young and really want one.”

“Oh. Is that what this fancy dinner is about?” He scratched his chin with his large hoof.

“Ur, yes. I wanted us to have a foal together. Wouldn’t it be great?” Fluttershy beamed at him with a hopeful smile.

Mr. Dash stood up, he wiped the crumbs from his face in the most masculine way imaginable. “I see. You’re right, dear. I can’t hold you back just because I’ve had families in the past. If you want to have a baby, I’m game.” He stepped to the other side of the kitchen and kissed Fluttershy. The kiss was long and deep. Soon his hooves began moving behind Fluttershy.

“Oh! You want to start now?!”

“No time like the present. He guided her up the stairs to the bedroom.

Before they could make it out of the room-from the corner of her eye-Fluttershy caught a glimpse of Angel. The disinterested look had progressed into outright leering. Some would even say glowering! No one knew how to shame Fluttershy like Angel. He was the undisputed master.

Fluttershy turned off the stove and covered the dinner so it wouldn’t get cold. They proceeded up to the bedroom as if she hadn’t seen the bunny. Before they reached their destination. Fluttershy couldn’t bare the tension any longer.

“Alright! I admit it!"

“Admit what?”

“I AM pregnant! I found out today! I want your foal! I want to marry you and raise it! Forgive me!” She fell onto the bed in tears. She shut her eyes tighter then the most secure vault, waiting for the shouting and accusations, but they did not come.

“Good for you. Good for us. It will be hard for me to get back into the swing of being a father, especially since I have some many … improvements to make. But this will be good for us. Of course we’ll get married. We have a foal to raise. We’ll do it together.”

Fluttershy was now crying tears of joy. She fell into the arms of her lover and kissed him.

“There’s just one more thing. You’ve been naughty, so I’ll have to punish you.”

Fluttershy cooed with excitement. What would it be tonight? The paddle? The cat-o-nine-tails?

“I just need you to do one thing for me. You’re going to have to be the one to break this to my daughter, Rainbow Dash.”


Fluttershy flew over to Rainbow Dash the next day. Her house was a mess, as if a fight had broken out. Loud thuds could be heard from upstairs. Just then, a shape emerged behind her.

It was a shocking sight that spooked Fluttershy. It was Rainbow Dash in her full Wonder Bolts uniform. She gave Fluttershy a small box with air holes. Fluttershy could see the sad face inside.

“Here, you’ll have to take care of Tank the Tortoise for a while.”

“Why, what’s happening?’

“War is breaking out. I’ve been called up to the Wonder Bolts. Goodbye, Fluttershy.” With no more than a kind hoof to the shoulder, Dash sped out the front door. She would be gone for who knows how long, maybe years. Perhaps she’d never come back. Fluttershy could not let it end like this. She had to tell her friend about the pregnancy. She had to! But she was paralyzed. She just couldn’t speak. Dash was getting further and further away by the millisecond. If she got out of earshot, Fluttershy would never be able to catch her!

‘Darnint lips! Move! You must move! For your best friend!’ Dash was almost gone.

“Dash! We’re getting married! And I’m pregnant! With your sister!”

Rainbow Dash immediately turned around and shot back into her house like a bullet.

They shared a soft embrace. Rainbow Dash broke off the hug. “It’s about time.”