• Published 26th Apr 2012
  • 2,384 Views, 76 Comments

Applejacked - Gregory the Mighty

Something is wrong with Applejack. If they can't fix it in one day, her friends will die.

  • ...

Pinkie Pie VS The King of Kong

The small pink filly galloped down the dusty path. She was dirty and tired, but that didn’t hinder the spring in her step. Soon she met with a wooden fence. She followed that fence for a mile and soon found that it contained an apple orchard. She hadn’t eaten in a while, and even though she had gruel with her in her saddlebag, she had no water to mix it with. It had been a long journey, and she was very hungry. Surely one apple wouldn’t hurt.

No sooner than she had plucked one apple from its branch, did she hear a bell ring.

“Hey you rapscallion! You get your theivin’ mitts off my property!” a voice was heard bounding through the trees directly at Pinkie Pie’s location.

The pink filly panicked and fell from the tree. Standing over her was a small orange filly with a blonde mane. She wore a hat that was much too big for her and something blue around her neck.

The pink one righted herself and began pleading. “Oh, Please, I’m so hungry. Can’t I have just one apple?” Pinkie Pie made a sad face.

Applejack’s resolve started to falter. “Well, I guess one wouldn’t hurt. As long as this don’t become a habit.”

“Yay!!” Pinkie bounced and jumped around the orchard. “I’m Pinkie Pie! I just left my home on the rock farm to find my own path in life! What’s your name?”

The orange filly kicked the ground nervously. “I’m Applejack, and this is Sweet Apple Acres. I’m the filly of the farm now, and that means I’m responsible for what goes on here!”

Pinkie Pie wasn’t listening, she was already too distracted by the shiny gold thing around Applejack’s neck. “Oooooo! What’s that?”

“Oh, this? This is my blue ribbon in hog tying I just won at the state fair! I’m the best in the whole county!”

“Gosh! It sure is pretty. I’d love to be the best at something someday.”

“Now, don’t you worry none. I’m sure you’ll be plenty good at lots of little things. Do you have a place to stay?” asked Applejack.

“Nah. I just started walking. I’d love to go to Ponyville and live there! Are we in Ponyville now? Can I stay here?”

“No, I’m afraid we’re too short on bits to hire any more workers. But I heard yesterday that they’re opening a new cupcake shop downtown!”

“Cupcakes? Oh boy! Good thing I brought my hot sauce!”

Pinkie Pie vs the King of Kong
By Haze
Proofreader Invizibilit3

Applejack nibbled on her cupcake. The peach cobbler center would normally clash with the kiwi topping, but ever since she had gotten pregnant, Applejack got the strangest cravings. The others were totally puzzled by her news tastes. It was their weekly get together at Sugarcube Corner, and all of her friends were there. They shared gossip, sipped tea, and generally used the time to catch up on events of the past week. This week, she had the most news, though she didn’t really want to talk about it.

“Applejack! You are positively glowing!” Rarity was beaming with excitement.

Twilight stared at Applejack from beyond her teacup. “It is amazing how these things happen.”

“Sur is.” replied AJ.

“It would be great if somepony told us how it happened.”

“Sur would.”

Twilight set down her teacup with passion. “Oh, come on AJ! You have to tell us who the father is! We’ll find out sooner or later.”

Applejack inhaled the rest of her cupcake. “Horm. Falm. Mar. Yer a big girl, you can wait.”

Twilight huffed. But before she could continue, Princess Luna came to the table with a tray. “Applejack! I got your pickles and ice cream! I made sure the gherkins were extra sour! Just like you like them!” She placed the tray in front of the apple farmer. “Oh no! You have icing all over.” With that, she magically grabbed a napkin, licked it, and began cleaning Applejack’s face. Beneath her hat, Applejack was turning as bright a shade of red as the fruit she grew.

Among the other ponies, many looks were exchanged.

Applejack urgently changed the subject. “So, Twilight, It looks like we’ll get to learn your secret, though. Your new boyfriend will be stopping by.”

Twilight coughed up the sarsaparilla she was drinking. “Ha! Yes. He will be stopping by today. Hehehe...”

Fluttershy lent a reassuring wing. “You seem to be getting along very well.”

Spike offered a counterpoint. “I dunno. You were pretty upset after your first date. You came back crying.”

Twilight tensed up. “Well, he was very late. It sort of spoiled the whole evening.” Twilight wore a crocodile smile. “But somehow I just couldn’t stop myself from seeing him a second time. And now he’s stopping by...”

As if on queue, Discord entered the Sugarcube Corner. He was disguised as a blue unicorn with an extra long horn. His mane was black and wavy, and he had his trademark goatee. He magically floated a bouquet of flowers over to Twilight Sparkle. “Here you are my dear.”

Twilight blushed. “Oh, My! Thank you! They’re lovely... wait a minute... you didn’t get these off a grave did you?”

“I did, actually. But I didn’t kill the pony in that grave, so I think I should get some points.”

The group had a good laugh at this. Rarity patted Twilight on the back. “He is an absolute gem! Where have you been hiding him?”

Twilight spoke through gritted teeth. “You know... under a rock.” It was Twilight’s turn to change the subject. “Where’s Pinkie Pie?”

* *

“Oh, phooey! Not again! What sort of game is this?”

The arcade game had snapped, and with an electric pop, it rebooted to the title screen. As the hum of warm electricity welled up on the screen, the school ponies crowded around her were in awe. Pinkie rolled her eyes and stepped down from the stool she had been sitting on for hours. The bright blue upright seemed insulted that his mistress was leaving him. Ever since the cakes bought that machine to increase revenue, Pinkie had been the master of it. They actually made more money off the crowds that came to see her play than the bits it would have collected.

“Oh my gosh! Did we just see a kill screen?” Snips was staring, jaw agape.

Pinkie Pie stepped off her bench. “Pfft. This game is just busted is all. That happens every two or three hours.”

Snipps was about to have a conniption fit. “Pinkie Pie! You don’t understand! You played the game so well, you beat a higher number of levels than it could count!”

“Wow! You mean I outsmarted it?”

“You went past outsmarting it two hours ago. You decimated it!” congratulated Snails.

Sweetiebelle squeaked. “That was awesome Pinkie Pie! That monkey was all like; but Pikie was all like jumping! It was amazing!”

“Apes aren’t monkeys.” Apple Bloom corrected.

“What are you? A biology textbook?” chided Scootaloo.

Snipps composed himself. “Pinkie, you don’t know what this means? You’re one of the best players of this arcade game in the world! If you went to the national competition, you could be the champion!”

Pinkie Pie got stars in her eyes.

* * *

Mrs. Cake had come over to the table to give some advice to Applejack. She had only just begun when Pinkie Pie jumped onto the table.

“You guys! You guys! You won’t believe what happened! I just got the highest score ever in Donkey Kong! If I go to the competition next week and win, I’ll get my name in the World Record Book!”

Twilight huffed. “Pinkie, It’s just a silly video game. Do you think anyone will really want to watch you play?” She was ignoring the large crowd in the store, of course.

“Can I help it if I’m so incredibly awesome?”

Rainbow Dash lent her a reassuring hoof. “I feel your pain.”

“The competition is next weekend in New Hampsheer. It’s in an arcade called Funspot on Lake Win-a-pair-of-sockees. We can take a long weekend and be up there in a matter of hours by train! We can stay at a cabin in the woods! What could possibly go wrong?”

“Hmm. I guess it would be nice to get away. This will be my last chance to relax before I’m chasing a foal around the farmhouse.” Applejack liked the idea. The others agreed as well. It had been forever since they had gone on a trip that didn’t involve saving Equestria from some sort of peril.

Twilight turned to Sidd, “Do you want to come with us?”

Sidd was flattered. “Do I?! I’ll go pack a bag now!” He had darted out of the cafe so fast, it was as if he teleported.

“My, that was rather forward!” Rarity giggled.

“Ah, c’mon. This will be her third date, after all.” Said Rainbow Dash.

“What? What happens on a third date?!” Twilight panicked.

Fluttershy giggled. “Oh, silly Twilight. That’s the date where you find out if you’re physically compatible.” She made a lewd gesture of one hoof going into another hoof. “Especially when the date is a sleepover in a cabin! Teehee.”

“I’m gonna? W-we’re gonna do?” Twilight fainted.

“Hey,yougoingtofinishthatcupcake?” Pinkie Pie grabbed the last cupcake from Twilight’s plate. She gobbled it up, but not before dousing it with hot sauce.

Applejack went back to her discussion with Mrs. Cake. “I’ve got an ultrasound tomorrow. Do I need to bring earplugs?”

* * *

The train whisked north through the mountains. It wasn’t sparse, but it wasn’t overloaded either. The girls had almost an entire car to themselves to talk or rest at their leisure. Rarity, Spike, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Luna, Twilight Sparkle, and Discord were all there. Discord was in disguise as Sidd, as per usual. Fluttershy’s boyfriend couldn’t make it due to work.

Applejack, however, used this opportunity to give her back a rest and she spread out on a free bench for a nap. Luna at first looked at this like an invitation, but then thought better and retreated to a quiet compartment to read her newspaper.

The wheels began to turn in Twilight’s head. “Ok, Sidd. If you want to show me that you’ve really changed. You’ll help me with a little project. We’re going to find out who the father of Applejack’s foal is.”

“Wait you want me to help you spy? Are you sure this isn’t me asking you over to the dark side?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

“Cuz, y’know, we have spaces open here on the dark side.”

“No, Sidd.”

“We have cookies...”


“Fine, what are we going to do?”

“We corner Luna and coerce her.” Twilight rubbed her hooves together.

“Alright, You take the front, I’ll take the back. You lead.”

“What? No, Luna isn’t into that.”

“Are you sure? It’s always the quiet ones...” Sidd grinned.

“Just get in there and pump her for information! Information and nothing else.”


Sidd stepped into Luna’s compartment without knocking. He sat down and leered at the princess as she read her newspaper. “Luna.”


“It appears we both have something to hide.”

“It seems we do. What are we going to do about this?”

“I think a peace offering is in order. Something to show that we can work well with each other. How about you tell me who Applejack’s baby-daddy is?”

“Fine. It was Prince Blueblood. Now you have to do something for me...”

* *

Twilight fidgeted in her seat. As if not knowing Applejack’s secret wasn’t enough, she now had the pressure of being on the THIRD DATE to drive her crazy. Her panic had gotten pretty far along, but before it could go critical, Sidd returned.

He gave a nonchalant look, then motioned for Twilight to follow him into the next car. Without thinking, she got up from her seat and went with him. After stepping into the next car, he slid into a closet. What was that about?

That’s when a horrifying thought leaped into Twilight’s head? Was he inviting her in there for the sex? This was the third date, so sex was expected. Were they supposed to do it right here on the train? In the closet? Was Twilight about to join the mile high club? Wait, that only applies to airships. What do you call it when you do it on a train? The mile low club? Calm down Twilight. I’m sure this is nothing too severe. I’ll just step in there and keep my distance.

Upon stepping into the closet, she found that there was barely enough room to stand at all. Upon closing the door, their chests touched. Twilight’s blood was about to boil over.

“Fine! Take me! I’m yours, but please be gentle! I’ve never done this before!” She fell onto him with arms outstretched. She waited for the passion to commence. She waited for a full minute, but nothing happened.

“Um, I asked you in here so we could talk without your friends hearing...” Sidd was more than amused. It was all he had not to belt out laughter.

Twilight’s eyes bugged out. How could she have made such a mistake? “Oh, yes. I was just testing you.”

“Sure you were. Anywho, I’ve discovered that the pony in question is none other than Prince Blueblood!”

Twilight’s jaw dropped. “Oh sweet Celestia! No wonder she didn’t want to say--the scandal would be huge. It must have happened at my brother’s wedding in Canterlot!”

“Indeed. Welp, since we’re already in here...”

Twilight tensed up. “Oh, yeah, we really should be going …”

Before she could exit the closet, Discord winked at her. Twilight couldn’t help but blush.

* * *

They arrived at Funspot with plenty of time. Lake Winnipesaukee was a vacation community and the largest lake in New Hampsheer. There were many privately owned motels that consisted of several small cottages that were not bigger than a normal motel room. There were several arcades, as well as restaurants, boating, and a drive-in theatre. Funspot, however was the largest arcade in the world, and the place where the contest was being held.

The contest would be winner take all of contestants whom had passed a qualifying round. Once you proved your metal to a judge, you’d get one token on the eve of the contest to get as many points as possible.

As the group of friends entered Funspot, they were amazed at how large the place was. They had every arcade machine you could remember, even from the farthest reaches of your memory. In addition, they had room for a snack bar, a small bumper car pen, and indoor miniature golf. They even had a full bowling alley which had a bar in it; which itself had more arcade games in it.

It was at the counter at the bowling alley where Pinkie went to sign up for the competition. All along the length of the counter were different colored books with the different classic arcade games. At the far end was a dusty old book for Donkey Kong. Before Pinkie could reach it, a mare with a crowd of sheep followers blocked her way.

There Stood Filly Mitchell. She was surrounded by a legion of faithful followers, all bleating her praises. She was a young mare, older than Pinkie, with a light cream colored coat and a light blue mane. She wore a shirt with a red, white, and blue tie and had a cutie mark of a bottle of hot sauce.

“Excuse me, you must be new here. No one writes in that book.”

“But that’s the book to try and beat the Donkey Kong record...”

“You fail to understand. I am the great Filly Mitchell. Gamer of the century. No one even tries to beat my Donkey Kong score.”

“But then why is that book there?”

“The book is there to remind everyone how awesome I am.” Mitchell swatted Pinkie’s hoof away.

“But I’m really good at Donkey Kong! I want to play!” Pinkie gave a sad face.

Filly Mitchell almost looked like she was going to more badgering and swatting, but at the last minute she turned and trotted away, followers in tow.

* * *

Back at the cabin, the ponies unloaded their luggage.

“What a sore winner! If I wasn’t five months pregnant, I’d hogtie her and make her apologize to Pinkie!” cried Applejack. Luna stepped in with a soothing back rub to calm AJ down.

“Oh, I don’t know. She was just being assertive.” Sidd smirked as he stepped into the cabin.

Twilight was cautious every time Sidd spoke. She was constantly worried the others would find out he was Discord in disguise. “How can you say that? She was a total jerk!”

“Haven’t you ever heard the expression ‘ask and ye shall receive’? That was Filly Mitchell’s way of asking you not to compete so that she would win by default.” explained Sidd.

Pinkie replayed the events in her head. “Yeah, I guess when you put it that way, it’s not so bad.”

Twilight objected. “Yes it is! It’s exactly as bad!”

“I agree with Twilight. That pony is trying to psyche you out.” added Rarity.

Rainbow Dash growled. “She’s trying to break down yer defences and make you go all nutty!”

Pinkie Pie just giggled. “She don’t know me very well, do she?”

* *

After a long card game, the group set off to retire. Applejack and Luna took one bedroom, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie went to the bunk beds, and Rainbow Dash and Spikity were sent to the futon and daybed in the main room. That left a spare bedroom for Twilight and her boyfriend.

Rarity giggled into her hoof. “Now, you two play nice.” With a swift motion of her flank, she had bumped the two of them into their bedroom and locked the door.

Twilight lay on the bed hooves up. She immediately got embarrassed and flipped over onto her stomach. “So, um, nice weather we’re having.”

Discord sat on the bed, still in disguise as a blue unicorn. The room was so small, he probably couldn’t turn back into a draconequus, even if he tried. He stroked Twilight’s purple mane. “Now, now, my dear. You don’t have to perform anything you don’t want to. I fell in love with your for intellect. Your words of wisdom fill my cup of knowledge. If you don’t want me to fill you up with anything right now, that’s ok.”

Against better judgment, Twilight grabbed Discord and held him tight in her arms. “I’m scared, Discord. I don’t know where this is going. I don’t even know where you came from.”

“I never really found out where I came from. I’m guessing It’s probably a sordid story. But just cause I don’t know where I came from doesn’t mean I don’t know where I’m going.”

“But you DON’T know where you’re going!” Twilight protested.

“We’ll that’s because I’m walking a path of chaos. That’s just a coincidence.”

“How can I be sure you won’t cheat on me then?”

“I never cheat at love, dearie.”

“Why not?”

“Because all’s fair in love and war. That means it’s impossible to cheat. And that’s no fun.”

“Har. Har.” Twilight was not particularly amused. “I just don’t know if I’m ready.”

“No one does. It’s sort of a leap of faith kind of thing.” Discord stroked her mane again.

“I suppose it is...”

* * *

Twilight awoke from the best sleep she’d had in years. Discord was still in pony form. She checked herself in the small mirror on the bedroom’s wall. She straightened her mane. With her appearance totally normal, she ventured out into the cabin.

She found that she was the last to rise, and everypony else was already up and about. Pinkie had made fresh banana nut muffins from scratch.

Twilight approached the others, who were all at the kitchen table for breakfast. She suddenly became very self-conscious of all the moans she had been making last night. “I hope I didn’t disturb anyone last night with all the noise...”

They all gave her a quizzical look.

“... of my snoring...”

Rarity chuckled into her hoof. “Oh, dear. If you did make any noise last night, no one heard it. Not over the din coming from Applejack’s room!”

Applejack was really red in the face. “Yeah. I can’t imagine what we were doing. Must have been practivin’ ma square dancing. Or somethin. heh.”

Luna was all about Applejack, refilling her coffee and cleaning crumbs off her face.

“You certainly have a way... with royalty. Don’t you Applejack.” Twilight shot Applejack a knowing glance.

Applejack panicked and changed the subject. “C’mon everypony. We’ve got a big day today. Pinkie has qualifying rounds today for her little contest. We need to be there to cheer her on.”

“Oh, c’mon. I’ll have no trouble with that. It’s mostly just a lot of waiting in line. You ponies should take this time to relax and leave the hard work to me!”

Spike chuckled. “Hard work of playing video games. I’ll take that over doing chores any day.”

Rarity spoke up. “Now, Spike, if Pinkie doesn’t want us standing around making her nervous, we should take advantage of this beautiful day. Who’s up for some miniature golf?”

* * *

“Behold! Pirate Rainbow Dash!”

“Give it up, Rainbow Dash. No one cares about your silly eyepatch.” Rarity was positively against the vest and plastic hook RD was wearing. Rainbow Dash didn’t care. She had been more enamored by the Pirate Cove Miniature Golf gift shop than anything else they had done that day.

Twilight, however, had other objections besides the new outfit of Rainbow Dash. “You totally cheated!” She shot her accusation at Sidd.

“I did no such thing. I simply insisted we count every stroke; no do-overs. Is it wrong to demand excellence in scorekeeping?” It was true. He spent no less than 5 strokes to get to sink each hole, but all the others took two or three hits. Still, there was always one set where they got stuck and took an extra 10-20 strokes to reach the goal. Sidd’s plan was masterful. Take no risks himself, but make sure everyone else’s mistakes were fully accounted for. This is why normal miniature golf scorekeeping stops at four or five per hole.

“He’s right, Twi. It’s not our fault we couldn’t keep ourselves from stroking on them balls.” interjected Applejack.

Spike desperately wanted to say something to the pregnant mare, but held his forked tongue.

Twilight was still not amused. “There’s always ONE hole you can’t get it into! That’s why you need a ton of strokes.”

Spike was about to have a seizure.

Rarity stepped in. “Calm down Twilight. If you start treating miniature golf like it’s a big thing, ponies will start to talk.”

* * *

Today was the big day. The ponies trotted down the path to a diner for breakfast in preparation of the big championship. While they were walking, Rarity and Rainbow Dash fell behind and cornered Twilight for some intense questioning. “So, how did it go?”

Twilight wore a large smile and blushed. “What do you mean?”

Rarity choked down her excitement so that she could speak in an inconspicuous whisper. “You lost it last night, didn’t you? How did it go?”

Twilight blushed to the point of being red as a firetruck. “It felt really good. It was so natural. I think we’re really good lovers. I understand now how you all felt after getting your rocks off at the bachelorette party. So relaxed. So at peace.”

“Avast! Did he make you swab his poop deck?”

Rarity chomped at Dash. “Dammit, take off that eyepatch!!”

* *

After a hearty breakfast, the group trotted over to Funspot. Everyone in the arcade had gathered for this performance. No one had dared to challenge the high score in Donkey Kong for years, and word had spread far and wide. The main hall of the arcade was full from corner to corner, and some had crawled onto the pinball machines to get a better look. They had wheeled out two upright arcade cabinets so both Filly and Pinkie could play simultaneously, and they had camera’s recording the event. A kindly old pony with a thick beard served as the referee. He gave the girls each a token.

“Oh, it is on! On like Donkey Kong! Tee hee. I just made that up right now.” Pinkie giggle.

Filly Mitchell facehoofed.

The contest began. Within minutes Pinkie had beaten the first four screens, but her score was only 39000 points. She peered over her shoulder to see Filly was only on stage two and had almost 50000 points!

“What?” Pinkie panicked. In the split second she had looked away, a roque barrel had trapped her in a corner. She was down one life.

“It’s ok. No reason to panic. Still got two more lives left...”

Within minutes, Pinkie had lost two more lives. “What? Already?”

Pinkie Pie had lost. As soon as sounds of defeat sprang from Pinkie’s arcade cabinet. Filly Mitchell yawned and casually walked away from her cabinet. “That was even easier than I thought.”

Pinkie just stood there, hair deflated.

“Don’t give up Pinkie!” Yelled Sidd.

Pinkie Pie wore a terrible frown. “But I lost.”

Sidd placed another token in the Donkey Kong machine. “You didn’t come here to beat anyone in a contest. You came here to show us what you can do! So do it.”

Pinkie Pie was ignited with a fiery passion to achieve the highest score in existence. Despite being disqualified, she continued playing. Within minutes, she had reached the dreaded 14th level, and had broken through to the insanely difficult. Although many opportunities for bonus points were being missed, Pinkie was unstoppable. It was clear what she was doing. She was going for the kill screen.

The crowd that had started to dissipate after Filly’s victory had snapped back into place. The room was now hush as hundreds of eyes were glued to Pinkie’s screen. Filly Mitchell was dumbstruck. “Impossible! No one has ever hit the kill screen at Funspot before!”

“There’s a first time for everything!” Pinkie plowed on. A hundred screens down, seventeen to go.

Just six screens left. Pinkie lost a life to a roque fireball.

One screen left. The jumps were as tricky as ever, and Pinkie lost another life.

There it was. The kill screen. Just like back in Sugarcube Corner, she had defeated the machine utterly. The crowd cheered like no pony had ever heard before; twice as loud as they cheered for Filly Mitchell and her victory.

Filly Mitchell appeared to be gritting her teeth, but quickly turned her nose up and trotted away, never looking back.

Pinkie became even more un-inflated than when she initially lost. “Oh, no...”

“What’s up with Pinkie Pie? I thought she’d be happy showing up that smartypants pony.” said Twilight.

“Oh, Twi. Pinkie’s just not like that. She doesn’t want to show up anypony. Not really. It just ain’t in her. She just wants everypony to be her friend.”

“Hmph. Good luck making friends with that pony.” huffed Rarity.

* * *

Deep within the bowling alley, Filly Mitchell sat in the bar, drowning her troubles in cider.

Pinkie Pie crept up to her and squeaked mildly to announce her presence. Mitchel hid her face behind her mug. After a few minutes, she acknowledged the pink one. “Have you come here to gloat?”

“No, I just wanted for us to be friends.”

“I don’t need friends. Friends are for the weak. “

“Nonsense. I couldn’t have done what I did without my friends cheering me on.”

“You did nothing! The point of a competition is not to crack under pressure. You, Pinkie, are a cracker.”

“That’s funny. I always thought of myself as a cream puff or a meringue.” said Pinkie.

“You are bubbly enough...”

The two shared a weak giggle.

Pinkie Pie twiddled her hooves nervously. “I’m really a fan of your hot sauce. I always put it on my cupcakes!”

Filly Mitchell seemed puzzled. “Cupcakes? really? I thought it was only used for hay, or sometimes eggs.”

“Oh, no! It’s good on totally everything! Like muffins and cookies and cupcakes and pies!”

Mitchell began running her eyes across Pinkie, the way a lion looks at a zebra. “Perhaps there is something to your madness, Pinkie. You know, for some reason, I could really see you in a commercial...”

* * * * *

Applejack blushed as she squeezed into the booth at Sugarcube Corner. “You don’t have to do this for me.”

Luna scoffed at the notion. “Nonsense. Your foal will be here in a matter of weeks. This is the last time I get to take you out on a nice date.”

“I guess so. I reckon I’m mighty pleased with how the farm’s coming along. I didn’t think a princess would take to hard labor so quickly.”

“Applejack, your love gives me strength!”

AJ blushed again.

At that moment Pinkie Pie was ringing a bell signifying that an order of pickles and ice cream were ready. Luna sprang into action.

Luna lovingly placed the tray on the counter. Applejack inspected it. “Wait just a cotton pickin’ minute. I didn’t order any alfalfa. Where’s my side order of daisies?”

At that very moment, Fluttershy floated over. “I’m sorry. I think we got our orders crossed. I ordered the pickles and ice cream with alfalfa, and you must have ordered it with daisies.”

“Shy? You’re eating pickles and ice cream?” Luna and Applejack exchanged a glance.

“Oh, Yes. I don’t know why, but I’ve been having the strangest cravings lately.”