• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 33,027 Views, 1,647 Comments

Friendship Contract - Demeristraz

A contractless summoning lands Naruto with quite possibly the strangest/coolest summon's ever seen.

  • ...

Canterlot Clone Wars

"This was a triumph." Said Kakashi, as his students rose groggily from the grass. "I'm making a note here, huge success." He turned another page in his orange book as the children rose to their feet.

"What the hay was that all about?" Naruto grumbled, "Was I dreaming?"

"It was a genjustsu." Sakura supplied, sitting upright.

"Indeed, and you should all know you talk in your sleep. Good news though, you all pass!" He said cheerily.

"Yay." Came Sasuke's sarcastic reply.

"It was the Hokage's idea anyways, he mentioned you three reminded him of the Sanin, the team he trained, and I wondered out loud how similar you really were. This test was to determine that." The jounin supplied, seeing confused faces.

"Honesty, Kindness, and most importantly, Loyalty. The village gave their best to the Sanin, they helped make them the strong ninja that they were, and it turned into a disaster. Orochimaru betrayed us, and is now feared for his cruelty. Tsunade turned her back on the village her family made, and gave up healing. Jiraiya, while I want to say he's still loyal, as he runs Konoha's spy network, he abandoned his other responsibilities. The three of you have potential, this test was mainly to see if you had the strength of character to persevere." Seeing his three students looking contemplative, he decided to continue.

"The council wanted me to hold back on you. Sasuke, they seemed afraid you'd leave to seek your brother when you were strong enough, and seemed quite confident you'd fail. They'd rather you stay here where it's safe, and restore your clan. Sakura, your mother believes if you were not trained, you'd tire of being a ninja before you got to doing dangerous missions. Naruto..." He paused, seeing the grim expression on the blonde boy's face.

"Regardless, you've all proven that their fears are unfounded, and the Hokage has given me permission to train you to your true potential." The three smiled up at him. "Of course you may not still be smiling when you see what that entails.


The next morning Naruto woke up early and jogged to the north gate of Konoha to start his morning run. To his surprise he found Sakura waiting for him. "I remember you said you did this in the academy , I wasn't sure if you still did." She said, seeming unsure of herself.

"Yeah, I usually do a lap of the village each morning, you're welcome to join me." He suggested, and she nodded and walked over to join him. Before they could begin, Naruto ran through a few hand signs and in a puff of smoke an orange pony appeared.

"Hey there AJ, ready for our run?" Naruto asked.

"Sure am! The running of the leaves is in three weeks, I'm gonna beat Rainbow Dash by a mile this time." She replied, before turning to look at the pink haired girl.

"Sakura, this is Applejack, AJ this is Sakura, she's my teammate along with Sasuke, and she'll be joining us for this run." Sakura nodded dumbstruck, still unsure how to deal with the sight of talking animals.

"Alright then, try and keep up!" the pony called over her shoulders as the three set off at a brisk pace along the inside of the village walls.

An hour later they slowed to a stop at the top of the Hokage monument, and sat down to drink some water. While Naruto and Applejack seemed a little winded, Sakura was dead on her feet.

"Y'all right there sugarcube? Yer redder than Big Mac and puffin like a coal train." Applejack said, trudging over to give the girl a bottle of water.

"You do this run... every day?" She asked between pants, quickly draining the bottle of the precious cool fluid.

"Sure do! We used to hit the trails around Ponyville, but the change of scenery is nice. Side's these trails are practically built for running, only makes sense we put them to good use." Applejack said, taking a seat beside the girl as Naruto moved off to do some more exercises.

"You're like the pony version of Naruto you know that?" Sakura commented idly. "I mean between the orange, and the blonde hair, and the ridiculous stamina and upbeat attitude..."

"Yeah, that boy is practically family already. He's helped out around the farm enough to earn it." AJ replied, turning to look out over the village.

"Good job today Sakura! We'll keep at this for the next month or so, till you get used to it, then we can work on your speed." Naruto said, and Sakura couldn't help but wonder what she had gotten herself into.


"Wallflower this is Blondie, come in Wallflower, do you read me? Over."


"Wallflower you're supposed to say over. Over."

"Oh um... sorry... this is Wallflower, I read you Blondie. Over Over."

"Just one over is fine. Just wanted to let you know, Duck-butt has the target moving towards you. Over."

"Stick to the assigned names please Blondie."

Terror filled Tora as she tore through the underbrush of a Konoha park. She had been enjoying a nice nap in the grass when suddenly a colossal ball of fire came careening towards her. In her blind panic she did not notice the yellow pony laying in wait for her until it was too close to do anything. Tora looked up and locked eyes with the pink haired pony, and her attempt at freedom was brought to an end.

Team seven had been training together three months now, taking D rank missions three times a week on average. Naruto took it upon himself to enlist his ponies in helping, more to get his team familiar with them than because of the difficulty. Although he had to admit Applebloom's carpentry abilities were top notch, it was a wonder that the filly still hadn't gotten her cutie mark by this point.

The cutie mark crusaders were helping team seven repair and paint an old fence, much to Sakura's chagrin as Applebloom marched about giving 'friendly' advice to the pink haired girl. Naruto, as he worked, inquired about their boat.

"It's not a boat, it's a ship, and at the moment it's still grounded. Twilight says she can enchant the ropes for us, but it'll only last a few hours without her there to maintain it, and we can't convince her to join the crew. She says if we found a gemstone big enough she could enchant that, and we'd only need to recharge it like once a month, but even Rarity's never found one that big." Sweetie said, her face was screwed up in concentration as she levitated tools over to Naruto. Scootaloo kept snickering as she brought the necessary items to Sasuke in a fraction of the time.

The rest of their time was spent on training. True to his word, Kakashi's idea of a hard day's work was brutal. Within months Sakura was well on her way to catching up to the boys, who had their own projects to work on. A quick test revealed Sakura's element was Earth, and that Sasuke's was actually Lightning. Naruto learned the theory behind enhancing his weapons with wind chakra, which did little to improve his accuracy.

It was Sasuke who gave Naruto the idea for his next project. About two weeks into their training sessions, Sasuke was asked what he wanted to learn, and without much hesitation he brought up swordsmanship. Kakashi quickly agreed he'd be suited for it and Sasuke was given a training sword to use in their spars. That it was made to be blunt didn't stop him from infusing it with lightning chakra against Naruto. The challenge to truly injure Naruto was ongoing, and neither Sasuke or Sakura had figured out how his Armor technique worked.

Naruto was fiddling with a kunai during his downtime between spars. Curious Kakashi came over and the two got into a discussion. "I'm trying to get the wind chakra to make a kunai into a full sized sword." He said simply, at the moment he had given the knife the length of a short sword, which he demonstrated by swinging it lazily at a nearby tree. "Right now it's sharp and long, but it isn't like a real sword, it wouldn't be able to parry Sasuke."

"I don't think it's possible Naruto, you need to have a base to work from, eventually stacking chakra on chakra causes it to collapse, which is why you can't get the length any higher. I could get you a sword if you are interested." His teacher replied after giving it some thought.

"Nah, swords are too bulky to carry around, besides you've given me an idea. I've stacked chakra on chakra before, it's how I developed the Twilight Bubble technique. You have to make sure each layer is really dense and solid, but it can be done." Naruto shook his head and stood up, once again picking up his kunai. With great concentration he focused on pushing raw chakra into the blade, coating the metal and extending, as if making a barrier outwards from it. When he was done he held it stable, and knocked it against the tree. It was blunt, but solid enough to keep its shape.

"It'll probably take me a while, but I should be able to make this smaller, and then layer the wind chakra over this for sharpness." He said with a grin. Kakashi was dumbstruck, the orange boy was truly full of wonders.

The end of the three months saw Naruto completing the technique. It took a moment of concentration, but he could now push neutral chakra up the kunai as a base at the same time he breathed wind chakra over it, forming a decently functional sword on a moment's notice. When he completed something similar with shuriken, he and Sasuke decided to see who's latest technique was more destructive.

The tops of three closely packed wooden training dummies fell to the ground as a single shuriken passed between them. "Ha, check it out, three with one tiny little shurieken." He bragged. Sasuke smirked and stepped towards another target. Taking out two kunai he began charging one with chakra. In a blur of movement he threw both, the first going above the target, the second struck the first and changed its direction, leaving the charged kunai lodged behind the dummy.

"That's a great trick, but you missed the target." Naruto taunted, as Sasuke moved a hand forward and poured on the chakra. There was a loud crack and a flash, leaving the smell of burnt wood and ozone, and a hole right through the dummy. "I positively charge the first kunai, and set it up behind the target, then negatively charge my hand. The lightning jumps out to my kunai, frying anything on the way." He grinned, trying not to show how much the technique took out of him. "When I get stronger, I should be able to throw several kunai, and use forked or chain lightning to hit multiple targets."

Sakura was a little disheartened to be left out of the two boy's technique arms-race, but took pride in the rate she was catching up physically. Already she could keep up with Naruto in his morning exercise without too much trouble, and she was even beginning to land hits in their sparring matches, though she had yet to actually injure the blonde. At first she thought it was terrible how vicious Sasuke could be to him with his electric training sword, but a few haymakers that left no marks or bruises and she understood the desire to make the blonde boy yelp.

Eventually they found themselves in the Hokage's office, returning Tora the cat to the Daimyo's wife once again. As she smothered her precious pet the team turned to leave, but the Hokage interrupted. "Actually Naruto, I'd like to have a word with you." The others shrugged and moved out of the office, leaving the boy alone with Sarutobi.

"I've been keeping correspondence with Princess Celestia lately and we have come to some form of agreement. Equestria has a very large archive on spells, and you have already proven the ability to replicate various effects using chakra. She has agreed to let us have portions of the archive, on the condition that we reciprocate. Because of this you will be leaving on a mission to Canterlot to help with security during the royal wedding. " Naruto was dumbstruck.

"The Royal wedding? As in Shining Armor and Princess Cadence's Royal Wedding? That's my job? This is the coolest mission ever! Wait, this is Equestria, why would they need ninja protection." Naruto said, calming down.

"You may have heard there have been... disturbances, around Canterlot recently. Celestia believes those responsible may attempt something during the wedding ceremony. This is of course only part of it, we are getting a good deal of knowledge out of this trade, so Celestia asked for one other thing. 'Give Naruto something he would find useful' I believe were her exact words." The Hokage reached into his drawer and pulled out a small scroll. "This was originally kept in the forbidden scroll, as most jounin lack the chakra to make decent use of it. It's commonly used for scouting, but I think you'll find it has many other practical aspects."

Naruto took the scroll reverently, anything in the Forbidden Scroll must be awesome, I mean the scroll has Forbidden in its name. "Thanks Old Man, I'll make good use of it I promise."

"You have till tomorrow, then you must get to Canterlot. I suggest you get to work learning that technique."


It had taken most of the night but Naruto could now say he had a new favorite technique. He had read the scroll quickly and pushed himself hard to have it down by the time he arrived in Ponyville. He took the train with his closest friends, all of them were psyched for the wedding. As expected, each of them had been roped into doing something for the wedding.

The city was already under heavy guard by this point, a magical pink barrier covered the entire city, with pegasi and unicorn royal guards patrolling the streets.

"Big Brother!" Twilight called, out, rushing forward to greet the white unicorn.

"Twi-Twi!" He called, and the two bounced about like little foals. "I'm so glad you are here, planning this wedding while keeping up with work has been a nightmare."

"Well no more worries about that, I'll help with the patrols, and Twilight and her friends will make sure this wedding goes off without a hitch." Naruto said, striding forward to hoof bump his mentor.

"Thanks, all of you, I've got to keep the barrier up, in the mean time, see what you can find around town and report back in the evening. You mares should go find Cadence, I'm sure she'll have directions for the wedding preparations." He said, and the group nodded and broke apart.

Naruto quickly made a cloud and went skyward, it was so much more exciting to do so in Canterlot, sharing the skies with pegasi and other weather patterns. Not sure exactly what he should be looking for he resolved to just watch for any suspicious behavior. "Well, it was designed as a scouting tool..." He murmured to himself, before making his new favorite hand seal.

Dozens of orange boys dispersed among the city, leaping from roofs and walkways, and scaling walls for better views. The royal guard was caught flat-hoofed at first, but several of the clones quickly calmed them down. Each of the clones found a suitable spot, and settled down for a very long stakeout.

It was almost dusk when one of the clones vanished, reporting the unusual activity to the original Naruto. Some 'off-looking' ponies had met together in a park and exchanged a package, one of them leaving with it and entering the basement of a rundown shop.

Naruto quickly sent a clone to tell Shining Armor, and headed for the store himself to investigate. The shop itself was closed, and seemed to have been for quite some time. Around the back alley there was a storm cellar, which opened after a quick lock picking. The basement was dark, but Naruto could easily make out where the shady pony had gone in the dying light. Several piles of rock and dirt littered the basement floor, and a hole opened up into descending darkness.

Naruto silently slipped into the tunnels, sending out clones to mentally map them as he snuck deeper and deeper into the tunnels beneath Canterlot. The caverns were lit with the occasional lantern, lit by an eerie green fire, and occasionally Naruto would see dark shapes move ahead in the darkness. He was startled by a memory of one of his clones, the one sent to Shining Armor, being knocked out by Princess Cadence. Deciding it was time to leave he turned back towards the surface, but quickly found he was surrounded. One by one memories of clones being subdued filtered into his mind, as the looming shapes closed in on him.


Naruto was quickly bound with some sort of biological green rope. He suppressed the urge to ponder where it came from. After a short trip being dragged behind several black pony-insect hybrids, with compound eyes, transparent wings, and gnarled horns. He was unceremoniously tossed into a small hole in the wall.

One of the creatures remained behind to guard him, and Naruto tool a moment to go over his new memories. The creatures didn't seem to ever speak, either they couldn't or they didn't need to. Their features reminded him of his talks with Shino at the academy, about how hives of bugs functioned. If he had to guess these things were drones, working for a queen, likely somewhere in Canterlot already.

Deciding it was worth seeing what he could glean from his captors, Naruto leaned forward. "Just what are you anyways?" He asked, as his guard turned to look at him. The creature seemed to ponder a bit, before nodding and becoming encased in a cocoon of green energy. When it dissipated he was left looking at a nondescript earth pony mare.

"We are a changeling, what are you?" The mare asked.

"I'm a human. Can you change into anything?" Naruto asked, mind already working furiously to work out the ramifications of this.

"Any pony we can see yes." The changeling said.

"What is your plan here in Canterlot?" Naruto asked.

The changeling was silent a moment, and Naruto was worried she had wizened up and would remain silent. "Changelings feed on love, there is more love in Equestria than anywhere we have been before."

"So why the sneaking around? Like you said there is plenty of love here, what are you trying to accomplish." Naruto said, he was confident he could break his bonds with wind chakra, but he wanted to wait for the opportune moment.

"The queen will overthrow the princesses, she will rule Equestria and provide all the food we could ever want." She responded.

Naruto sighed, they were walking in circles. "How do you usually get love?"

"A changeling drone will find a pony in love and wait for it to be... indisposed, and then impersonate it. Then we spend the day with the pony's lover, and feed off of the emotions." His captor responded.

"And I suppose you don't care about the results of your little one day stand?" Naruto said, rhetorically.

"There is usually some confusion, but by then we have moved on."

"Don't you get sick of always moving on? Don't you wish you could stick around? Live their lives? Make friends? Don't you wish you could go a month without wondering where your next meal comes from?" Naruto asked, picturing how horrible an existence it would be, to impersonate someone else just to feel affection.

"The hive sustains us, we have all we need." Came the stoic response.

"You refer to yourself in plural." Naruto noted.

The changeling nodded. "We are all connected, we have individual opinions, but it is the opinion of the hive that matters. You speak to both this one, and every changeling."

"What does the hive think about this plan? Do you think a hostile take-over will bring any good?"

"The hive is in majority for the action, we have been in a state of famine for many years. The queen is young, and not used to ruling."

"If the hive was in majority against the action?" Naruto asked, slightly hopeful.

"The queen's decision still stands, although the hive's opinion may change her mind."

"If you had the chance for a pony to fall in love with an individual, would you? Could you live your entire life on the love of one pony?" Naruto asked.

"The hive believes this to be foolish, no pony could love a changeling, only the ponies a changeling impersonates. Changelings have the collective acting experience of generations."

"What do you think? As an individual, do you think you could act like yourself? Do you think changelings could live among ponies in harmony?" Naruto pressed, seeing the pony infront of him hesitate.

"This one... believes that is a utopian dream. Changelings cannot love. Changelings cannot sustain each other. Ponies would never love something that cannot love them back."

"You expect me to believe that after generations of acting knowledge you can't show affection? You can't show Kindness, or Generosity, or Honesty or Laughter or Loyalty?" Naruto said, again prompting the changeling to pause.

"Such actions cause no effect. Changelings cannot sustain Changelings."

"You need ponies to survive. There may not be any magic in your love, or there may be magic that you just can't use, but I don't believe you are incapable of love. You must care about eachother's well being, and about your offspring." Naruto insisted.

"We do care about our continued survival as a species, and we offer our younglings kindness and nurture." She admitted.

" I think you, as a species, are gifted. You can be whoever you decide to be. I think you should try being yourself, I think you can find a pony that loves you for you, I think your entire hive could, given the chance. Ponies don't get power out of love like you do, they wouldn't care that there is no magic in it. That seems like a better life doesn't it?"

"The hive... The hive rejects this."

"How much of the hive?" Naruto asked.

"The majority."

"Is there a minority to believes me?" Naruto pushed.


"That's all it takes. I encourage them to try it. Think of a name. Think of who they want to be, and be that pony, instead of trying to be somepony that already exists. If they stick with it, they'll find love, even if it's just the love of a community. Like you said, Equestria is full of love. Ponyville alone has enough of it to last me a lifetime." Naruto said.

"This one will consider your words." Said the changeling, reverting back to its true form, and turning to guard the cave once more. Naruto watched for a moment, seeing the light from the lantern sparkle across the cave walls. Naruto settled back to continue waiting, it seemed the invasion wouldn't start for a while anyways.


Naruto awoke to the sounds of explosions, and cursed himself for falling asleep. With a flare of chakra the bonds holding him were torn to shreds, and he sprinted out into the tunnels, heading towards the echoing sounds. As he approached he picked out the sound of malicious laughter and blasts of magic. Rounded a corner and barely managed to duck a blast from a very angry Twilight Sparkle.

"Twilight!" He yelled, trying to get her to calm down.

"Naruto! It's Cadence! She's evil!" Twilight cried, nearly hysterical. She fired another shot at the cave wall, where a reflection appeared to be laughing at her. The wall collapsed under the force of the impact, revealing a very worn and battered pink Alicorn. Twilight growled and lunged, only to be intercepted by the blonde boy.

"Calm down Twilight, the Cadence you saw was an imposter, this one is real, and she's probably been stuck down here for days." Naruto said, restraining his friend.

"Naruto? Twilight!" The Alicorn cried, rushing forward to embrace the two, tears in her eyes. "That imposter is going to do something awful to Shining Armor, I just know it."

"I know what they are planning, we have to go and stop that wedding, I'll explain the rest on the way."

The three made great time reaching the surface streets of Canterlot, which was fortunate as the wedding was already underway. Upon reaching open air Naruto took to the sky, urging the two ponies to interrupt the ceremony, while he went to provide the royal guard with reinforcements for the impending battle.

Reaching the top of the tallest building Naruto looked up at the barrier, hundreds of Changelings filled the air with buzzing, several bashing away at the steadily weakening defense. With a crack the barrier began to crumble, and the changelings began to dive for the streets.

With a hand seal a flood of orange cascaded down the walls of the tower like a waterfall towards the rest of the city, and the battle was joined. The shadow clones were an incredible boon to the orange boy, providing an effective way to use his chakra reserves over a large area without collateral damage. On their own each of the three hundred clones he made would last an hour if they avoided using chakra. Simple things like wall-walking took seconds off their life spans, kunai laced with wind chakra, to cut the bonds of captured royal guards, took minutes.

A direct hit would dispel a clone, the Shining Armor technique could soak a hit, but using it to that level took five minutes off the lifespan of a clone for every second it was on. In a brawl like this the clones didn't bother, with orders to subdue with as little harm as possible, they took to the streets in droves, an endless swarm of orange clashing with an endless swarm of Changelings.

The Changelings began losing ground almost at once, each individual no match for a human proficient in hand to hoof combat. But one of their biggest advantages was their mental link, buzzing away at the back of their minds. A single good idea was picked up and broadcast to each of them, allowing them to adapt at alarming rates. Soon enough the entire army changed tactics, and transformed into nondescript ponies. What was at one point a swarm of invaders, now became a stampede of civilians. As the clones struggled to keep tabs on their enemies they were quickly hit from blind spots and dispelled.

Forced onto the defensive many clones took to the air, some dispelled themselves creating clouds for others to use as platforms. From their vantage point they played spotter roles, marking ponies that attacked clones as bad guys for others to take down. Another quick strategy change had Changelings disguised as pegasi dive bombing the cloud formations in large numbers, only to be met by under powered air blasts from clones standing on building tops. Pegasi and Changelings alike soon learned that Canterlot had quickly become a no-fly zone.

The battle continued to rage on as more and more Changelings and clones were flung into the fray, until at last there was a surge of light, and Shining Armor's ward returned with a vengeance. Met with an unyielding wall of force the Changelings were blown away, becoming little specs on the horizon within seconds. The clones slowly dispelled themselves, group by group, as the original Naruto made the walk to the Cathedral to meet up with his friends.


The next day was spent in a rush as new wedding plans were made and the city was cleaned up. With the threat now believed to be over the entire city was in high spirits as they celebrated the wedding of one of Equestria's most famous couples. Naruto stayed for the festivities, enjoying the company of his friends and giving the couple his fondest wishes. With a few days remaining before he was expected back in Konoha, he decided to take the train back to Ponyville for a while with the others.

When they arrived at the library they found a rather large crate waiting for them. "My faithful student Twilight Sparkle, It has come to my attention some of my little ponies have been seeking a gemstone for enchanting. This was found while excavating the caverns beneath Canterlot, and while it's worth as a gem is little, it's value in holding enchantments should be suitable for your needs. Give my best wishes on their upcoming adventures."

Inside the crate was a massive crystal. It was an ugly thing, with smaller crystals branching out from a central stone at irregular angles, but for what it would be used for it didn't need to be pretty. Twilight immediately began blabbering away about the possibilities, apparently a stone like this could hold more than just a simple flight enchantment.

The two of them set about moving the stone to the construction site, where the fully built ship now waited for them. Even having helped build the thing Naruto was impressed by its size. While he knew nothing about ships, the boat had three masts, with the middle sporting a crow's nest and flag with the Cutie Mark Crusader's emblem. A steering wheel sat at the back on an upper deck, the lower deck held enough room to run about on. The front of the ship had an ornately carved Alicorn rearing up, it vaguely resembled Rainbow Dash, except with a horn.

Naruto created a few clones to help Twilight load the stone onto the ship. It would need to be placed down in the hold, and then connected to a series of complex enchantments. Before he could climb aboard himself, he was interrupted by a voice to his side.

"Greetings!" He turned to see a coal black unicorn with teal hair and green eyes. "You are the one they call Naruto yes? This one is called Glimmer, and would like very much to make your acquaintance."

Naruto tried to fight down a grin, but failed. "Hello to you as well Glimmer, I take it you are new to Ponyville?"

She nodded, seeming a bit unsure of herself. "This one has recently moved into a house nearby, and is wishing to acquire... friends."

"Well, I'll just tell Twilight where I'm going and leave her to her work. I think you need to meet Pinkie Pie, she loves to meet new ponies." Naruto said with a grin, sending a clone towards the ship and guiding the unicorn back towards Ponyville.


The time-frame of the mission came to an end, and soon Naruto was giving his report to the Hokage. He included Glimmer's presence in the report, and upon consulting Celestia, they decided a 'wait and see' attitude was best. As Naruto had put it, it only takes a few willing to try new things to start a change.

Once the debriefing was finished, Naruto met with his team. "Thank goodness you're back Naruto, we were getting bored." Sakura moaned, Sasuke for his part seemed neutral on the subject.

"Kakashi said once you're back we can start doing the occasional C rank. We're starting on that tomorrow, so be ready to leave the village." He said, trying to hide his grin.

Naruto's enthusiasm was less discrete. "It's the rest of the world that needs to get ready for me."