• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 33,027 Views, 1,647 Comments

Friendship Contract - Demeristraz

A contractless summoning lands Naruto with quite possibly the strangest/coolest summon's ever seen.

  • ...

Royal Rumble

Naruto was psyched. Someone must have heard him asking for books on chakra usage, as he awoke this morning to a very large package of texts. Already his inner Twilight was giggling away looking at titles such as 'intro to chakra' and 'Five steps to better chakra control', as well as interesting titles like 'a genin's introduction to sealing' and '10 techniques all genin should know'.

As much as he wanted to crack them open right then and read all day, he really shouldn't miss his second day at the academy. Writing a quick note he summoned the stack of books of to the ponyville library, and took off for class. As he ran he idly wondered who had left him the books, there was no note, so they wanted to remain anonymous. They likely came from a clan, so it was possible whoever left them was worried their clan would be upset, most clans in Konoha took their secrecy seriously.

Deciding on a course of action as he entered the academy grounds he sought out the closest classmates. "Shino!" he called, and the stoic boy nodded in response. "Thanks, for helping me towards my goal."

His classmate seemed caught off guard a moment, before nodding warily. "I appreciate our friendship as well." He said, in his usual monotonous voice.

'Probably not Shino, but it's still worth doing.' Naruto thought, heading off to find others. Thanking the others didn't get results either, just some odd looks from Chouji and Shikamaru. Kiba's response was "Hey, if you need me to kick your ass, you can ask any time."

"Yeah right, I must have kicked you in the head too hard, you don't seem to remember yesterday right." Naruto muttered as they headed towards class, Sasuke fell in beside him as they neared their room.

"I looked into those books, my dad said I wasn't ready for them yet." He grunted, obviously distressed by the fact. "He said if I was a prodigy like my brother, I'd have full access by now."

"Ouch, that's kind of harsh isn't it?" Naruto said, "I mean even if you can't use them yet, the knowledge could help in the future."

"Hn, my brother snuck me a book on chakra last night anyways." He shrugged, "You can borrow it when I'm done."

"Heh, thanks but I'm covered for now. Your brother seems like an alright guy though." Naruto commented.

"Yeah, he gets all the praise from dad, but it doesn't get to his head. He's a good guy." Sasuke nodded, heading over to his seat.

Naruto took a quick glance around the room, seeing his spot from yesterday occupied, he shrugged and headed over to an open seat. There was a girl beside him, a Hyuuga, 'Hinata' he remembered from yesterday's roll-call. She seemed nervous, looking away and blushing as he sat down next to her.

'She's just shy' he thought, 'kind of like Fluttershy.' Smiling at that he tried to make small-talk. "Hi there, I'm Naruto!"

"Oh um... hello... I'm Hinata..." She said, still looking down.

'Painfully shy, too bad I don't have any fluffy animals, or baby dragons.' he thought. "I saw your fight yesterday." He began, noting her freeze up and start to shake, 'uh oh, bad move Naruto.' "I mean, you did great! I'm sure once the class rankings come up you'll be high up on the girls side." he back-pedaled.

"I didn't do that great... I froze up a few times, and missed some openings." Came her almost silent response.

"Meh, as long as you know what went wrong, you can work on fixing it. The crowds can get to the best of us though." Naruto said, trying to comfort the poor girl.

"How do you deal with it?" She muttered, causing Naruto to pause.

"Well... When I fight, I picture it's just me and them, nobody else is there, nobody else is watching. I picture that something important is riding on this, that if I lose, my friends get hurt." He said, causing her to look up.

"Doesn't that put more pressure on you?" She asked, her voice a little louder.

"Maybe, but it's at that point, when the pressure is on you, and you're fighting for someone else, that I find my biggest source of strength." He said, unknowingly inspiring those listening in on his words of wisdom.

"Aren't you worried though? About hurting your friends during practice?" Hinata asked, genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, you really did a number on Sasuke!" Came a rather loud voice from over his shoulder, one of the civilian girls.

"Nah I always pull my punches in sparring matches, and guys like Sasuke can take a hit or two. Besides, I patched him up after and we're friends now." He replied absentmindedly, a bit irked at the interruption.

"How does that work? You make friends by kicking them in the chest?" The same girl replied snidely.

"Friendships are based off of respect, I had to show that bastard I was worth taking seriously before he'd listen to what I had to say. Once I did I patched him up and now we're on good terms." Naruto nodded at his own logic, so what if some girl didn't understand, it made perfect sense to guys like him. "And as for hurting people, Hinata, your family's style is called the gentle fist for a reason right? Your hits might hurt, and they might disable your opponent, but if you avoid strikes to the vitals you're less likely to cause any lasting damage than anyone else here."

The girl brightened quite a bit at that, and gave a determined nod to herself. "Oh, and one last thing, in case it was you... Thanks, for supporting my dream." He smiled at her, and to his surprise she went into a dead faint on her desk.


The rest of the week went about the same as his first day. Naruto blatantly ignored most of the academic lessons in the mornings, annoying the instructors but answering any questions sent his way perfectly. During taijutsu practice he quickly rose to the top of the rankings, helping Sasuke and Kiba overcome their weaknesses by deliberately exploiting them every time they fought.

Despite learning the academy style, Naruto found it inferior to his 'pony style' and mainly stuck to the forms taught by Rainbow Dash. He also found his throwing abilities were lacking, as ponies had no use for chucking kunai and shuriken during their daily lives. Although, when called out on it by some of his friends he found the opportunity to have a bit of fun with them.

"Alright alright, so I can't throw a kunai worth a damn, I'll get better."He muttered to his friend's good natured ribbing. Iruka was calling them all together for 'dodging' practice, which involved playing dodge ball with hard rubble apple-sized balls. He grinned a little as the game progressed, making no attempts at throwing, but dodging everything fired at him with ease. Soon enough it was Kiba Sasuke and Chouji on the other team, with only him remaining on his.

"Wanna see something cool?" He asked casually. "Check this out!" He tossed three of the balls into the air and leaped back. Dropping down as he did the first day of class he lashed out with three quick kicks, sending the balls rocketing towards his opponents and nailing each of them dead on.

For the most part the class was stunned at the display. "What the hell man, you can't hit the broad side of a barn with a kunai but you can kick a ball and hit a bullseye?" Kiba groaned from the ground.

"When the hell would that ever be useful?" grumbled Sasuke, to the laughter of Naruto.

"Anymore bizarre talents?" Iruka asked, half jokingly.

"Anyone got a rope?" Naruto asked, trickster grin on his face.


While learning at the academy was slow going, after class he was quickly put on a second curriculum by Twilight. By the end of his second day Twilight had skimmed the entire collection of books and come up with an optimized list of things for him to learn.

"First things first, the trick to using chakra seems to be in forcing it to flow out of points on your body." She gestured to a rather well drawn picture on a human, front and back, with little points all over it, making it resemble a sort of constellation. Pinkie had contributed by drawing a rather silly face on it of course. "The book recommends trying to get a leaf to stick to your forehead to get a feel for it, then working up to sticking yourself to surfaces. I think, if we have time, you should work on getting a leaf stuck to every point."

Naruto nodded at this, if it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing. If he was going to be Hokage, he needed to learn everything he could.

"From there, we move on to 'Tree walking' which is basically sticking yourself to any vertical surface, and boosting your jumps with bursts of chakra out of your feet. Then, we move on to water walking, which is releasing continuous streams of chakra to stay buoyant." She added, moving down the list.

"Doesn't your 'could walking' spell work like that?" Naruto asked, prompting Twilight to go off into a tangent.

"The cloud walking spell applies a continuous field around the hooves, or feet, of the recipient. The field extends out and meshes with the latent magic in pegasi-formed clouds, allowing ponies to walk on them. The same phenomenon occurs naturally with pegasi, their passive magic matching with that found in clouds."

"So if I could form a cloud using my chakra instead of pegasi magic, could I then walk on it by water walking?" He asked, genuinely excited by the prospect.

"It would be a lot more complex then water walking, but it is theoretically possible. It'd only work on clouds you make with your chakra, which you'd have to learn how to do. You wouldn't be able to walk on pegasi-made clouds, and they wouldn't be able to walk on yours..." She trailed off, already scribbling away on another scroll with the possibilities.

"Anyways, first things first, leaf sticking right?" He said, letting her get to work on the possibilities.


It took a day worth of work before he could get a leaf stuck to his forehead, but from there the ball started rolling. Within the week he was able to stick leaves to each of his chakra points, and had even begun to try floating them all an inch above his body simultaneously.

"You look ridiculous, you know that?" came Twilights voice from beside him on the train. They were on the train to Canterlot to visit her brother.

"This is harder than it looks." He muttered, cloaked in a shroud of tiny leaves, all creating a human shaped shell as they floated around him on a shroud of chakra. The whistle blew as the train pulled into the station, and Naruto let the leaves drop. The two of them got off the train, amidst the odd looks that Naruto was now used to. "Where are we meeting your brother again?"

"He should be up ahead, I can't believe it's been 6 months since we last saw him."

"I certainly can!" Came a voice from up ahead, Shining Armor strode out of the crowd to meet them. "Hello Twi-Twi, Naruto, been busy I see."

"Hello big brother, I'd love to stay but I have an appointment at the royal archives. I'll catch up with you over dinner?" Twilight said, already moving away from the pair.

"With the Princesses this evening, they've been eager to catch up with you two." Her brother nodded, letting the lavender pony dart off into the crowd.

"Ready to go catch bad guys colt?" the white unicorn joked, ruffling Naruto's hair with a hoof.

"Ah c'mon, you say that every time, but nothing bad ever happens in Canterlot." Naruto grumbled but fell into step beside the larger pony.

"That's only because we do such a great job. Sis tells me you're on your way to being quite the ninja." The two made small talk as they did a patrol around the city, eventually reaching the warehouse section of the city.

"So what's the game today Shining?" Said Naruto, nearly bouncing with energy. After hanging around with Pinkie Pie he no longer considered himself hyperactive, but he was still eager for action.

"Nothing serious colt, just gotta talk to a foreman about some things. Silver Bullet says there's been a lot of accidents around here lately. There's talk of everything from curses to gremlins, but it's up to us to get to the bottom of it." the unicorn said, leading them towards a building in the back. Several large workponies stepped aside for them as they approached.

The foreman was a large pony, built like Big Mac, with a dark rust colored coat, his cutie mark was a large wooden crate. "Didn't expect them to send the captain of the guard over a few accidents." He grumbled as they entered his office.

"There's been over a dozen in the last week. You haven't had any in the previous 6 months before that. I'd say that's more than a few accidents." Shining Armor said, walking up to the desk with a stern look.

"What do you want me to say? It's not like I'm working the boys too hard, nothing has changed lately. Ropes keep getting worn through, cogs keep getting jammed with debris, wheels are breaking off. The whole darn yard has become a disaster waiting to happen, I've got my best boys checking for safety constantly, but for every three disasters we avert another one happens anyway." The foreman ranted away, pulling out stacks of disaster reports.

"I'm not here to blame you over this, I'm just looking to get to the bottom of these incidents." Shining Armor assured him, and the foreman calmed down a little.

"Well you're in luck, there's another shipment from Cloudsdale today, those accidents are always the hardest to prevent too. A darn shame, as when liquid rainbow gets dropped it goes up with a bang."

"Liquid rainbow?" Naruto asked, having never heard of the substance.

"It's pure light, pegasi use it for special occasions, but it's really volatile. Canterlot castle keeps a supply of it for celebrations." Shining Armor filled him in.

"A supply that went missing a week ago, that's why we keep getting more. Although we dropped the last four. Between that and how darn odd some of my workers have been acting..." The foreman grumbled.

"You dropped four shipments of the stuff? How is this area not a smoking crater? And what do you mean odd?"

"It's just stress probably, and I'll count us lucky that the explosions have been mild." The foreman said dismissively, and the two investigators left his office.

The two camped out in the warehouse district for a few hours, talking to some of the workers and asking questions. All of it added up to what the foreman had said, there had been a lot of accidents, mostly involving the cloudsdale shipments, but surprisingly few injuries. Checking the shipping logs Cloudsdale confirmed they had sent rather large amounts of liquid rainbow each time.

Soon enough the shipment had arrived, three large crates supported on clouds floated over to the loading area of the warehouse, and a team of pegasi hooked up each one to a crane. Gently the cranes swung into motion, an earth pony pushed a leaver and the first crate, covered in warning labels was lowered to the ground. The tension in the area was easily visible on the sweating faces of the workponies.

Naruto and Shining Armor, however, noticed a few who backed away from the area, and even more worryingly a twisted grin appeared on the crane operator's face, before quickly becoming one of shock as the crane malfunctioned, swinging the crate into a nearby building. Shining Armor reacted quickly, throwing up a protective pink bubble over himself and Naruto as a prismatic flash appeared with a deafening crack.

The ponies present scrambled to put out the multi-colored fires as Shining lowered the shield to help. The ponies who had backed away before seemed less shaken by the incident, Shining noticed, and the crane operator was nowhere to be seen. The foreman approached, looking upset yet resigned to the fact that this was bound to happen.

"The operator? That would be Fork Lift today, he's a good stallion, hard worker. I dunno where he ran off to." He supplied when questioned.

Shining Armor pulled Naruto off to the side shortly after. "That explosion was far too small for a shipment that large. So the question is, where is the rest of it going?" Naruto nodded, and the two went over to inspect the other crates. Sure enough, in one of the smaller crates, beneath a pile of grain, was a large sealed barrel of liquid rainbow. "Where was this crate going?" he demanded, a shaking workpony backing away slowly.

"C-c-crabby Cake's bakery!" He whimpered under a glare that could put Fluttershy's to the test.

"Naruto! Let's go! If this has been happening for several shipments, I don't want to know how much of this has been stockpiled." He shouted, the boy quickly leaped onto his back as they took off into town.

"What was that spell you used earlier?" Naruto asked, as they made their way through the crowded streets of Canterlot.

"That's the 'Personal Space Bubble'. First spell me and Twilight invented together, it lets in only what I want it to." He explained to the child on his back.

Naruto closed his eyes and thought for a moment. He already had chakra projection all around his body down to where he could sustain a one inch field, maybe he could solidify it like some kind of cloak or armor? Or he could extend it out farther, and create a bubble, like Shining Armor did, to protect his friends. Twilight would know, since she helped design the spell, and knew more about chakra.

Soon enough they arrived at the bakery, Naruto's trusty steed burst through the doorway, causing those present to dive for cover as he leapt the counter, heading for the basement. The basement was dark and damp, with crates of flour and sugar stacked along the walls, at the far end of the room stood an earth pony with a brown coat. His cutie mark was a crate on a see-saw. "Fork Lift I presume?" Shining Armor growled, Naruto slipped from his back into a fighting stance.

"You're too late, the liquid rainbow was moved from here already, you interrupted this time, but we already have enough." The stallion hissed, his voice seemed unnatural, almost clicking as he laughed. The stallion turned to leave, running for the loading area stair, but Naruto charged him, excited to finally take down a bad guy. Seeing he was being pursued Fork Lift turned and tossed a glass bottle towards Naruto, who barely had time to notice it's polychromatic contents as they started to glow. With a muffled swear Naruto grabbed hold of his chakra and pushed, forcing as much as he could out of his body while chanting 'Solid Solid Solid!' in his mind. There was a deafening crack, and his world went white.


"Honestly brother he's just a child! You shouldn't have brought him with you once you realized the danger." The first thing Naruto became aware of was a voice. "I'm surprised he wasn't hurt worse."

"I got a little carried away, that's all. And look how quickly he's recovering, is that normal for a human?" Came a deeper voice.

"Did the guard end up catching Fork Lift?" Twilight asked, trying not to dwell on the recovering child.

"That's the thing, they found him in his house, bound and gagged. It looks like he's been there all week. He said his marefriend did it to him, the marefriend nopony's ever met." Shining Armor shook his head in frustration.

"I likely won't have a lot of time for the next few weeks. Not until we get to the bottom of this. "

"I'm certain you'll figure this out promptly Shining Armor, dependability runs in your family." came the familiar regal voice of Princess Celestia. Naruto chanced opening his eyes to see he was in one of the castle's many bedrooms.

"And I'm glad to see you are awake Naruto, you missed dinner." She continued with a small smile as Twilight moved to fuss over the child.

"I'm sorry, I got caught up chasing bad guys." Naruto said with a cheeky grin.

"I'm certain once you graduate I'll be hiring you regularly to protect this city." She smiled, "I still have not found a contract, but once either of us does, I'll be happy to speak to your Hokage. In the mean time, best of luck with your studies."


The rest of the weekend was taken up with recovering. Despite orders from Twilight to stay in bed Naruto continued practicing on the Personal Space Bubble technique. "The trick is maintaining contact with the technique. In your case the technique is fed through your skin, which makes it like armor, but not an actual bubble." She explained, showing him the spell a few times, making it a few different sizes, even expanding it out so that it formed a hemisphere across the floor.

"That's it!" Naruto cried and leapt out of bed. "I'll keep contact through my feet, and build it up from the ground like a wall!"

Twilight had to laugh at his enthusiasm. "It's easy to suggest it, but doing it is another thing, you should probably try and master tree walking first. In the mean time, keep working on that 'Shining Armor' technique, it's worth using in taijutsu."

Naruto laughed and rubbed his nose cheekily, "Alright, 'Shining Armor' technique first, then I'll work on the 'Twilight Bubble' technique.