• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 33,027 Views, 1,647 Comments

Friendship Contract - Demeristraz

A contractless summoning lands Naruto with quite possibly the strangest/coolest summon's ever seen.

  • ...

Just What Was Needed

There was silence a moment. "You're name is... Uzumaki?" The unicorn repeated.

"Just Naruto is fine." He beamed at her, and she smiled back. Even the yellow one gave a slight smile.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is Fluttershy" the pegasus gave a slight wave.

"So, you're a... Hokage?" She asked. To this he replied with fervent head-shaking.

"Nah, Hokage is the best ninja in the village." He clarified.

"So you're a Ninja!"

"Ah, not yet, I have to go the academy for all that first. But I'll be great at it, I can already use chakra, that's how I got here."

"Chakra?" Twilight was now quite confused, she had heard of 'spiritual energy' before, but was unaware anything could 'use' it. Perhaps he really was a kitsune?

"I think what Twilight means is... um... we are both ponies... what are you?" Fluttershy asked quietly, her voice almost lost on the wind.

"Oh, I guess I'm a human?" Naruto ventured, scratching the back of his head. It seemed rather obvious to him, but his village always treated him differently...

"A human?" Twilight paused a moment, running through lists of both real and mythical creatures. "Never heard of them..." Her eyes took on a sudden gleam, she had found something new to study. "I have so many questions for you!"

"Um, if you don't mind, perhaps we could get Naruto cleaned up while you ask?" Fluttershy ventured, noting how absolutely messy the 'Human' was. She was slightly depressed that it wasn't a kitsune, but Humans might be just as magical.

The other two nodded and made their way into Fluttershy's cottage, Naruto answering questions to the best of his ability. "Are you male or female? How old are you? How did you get here? What's a Ninja?"

"Uh, in order, Male, 6 years old, I was trying to summon a friend. Ninja are really cool warriors that protect the village from bad guys. They can do these really awesome techniques, like throwing fireballs, and they get to rescue princesses from danger and everything!" At that answer he got odd looks from both ponies.

"They sound a lot like the royal guard." Twilight pondered out loud. "My brother, Shining Armor, is the captain in Canterlot."

Fluttershy made a small 'eep' noise and turned to her friend. "You never mentioned you had a brother."

Twilight blushed a little at that, but pressed on with her questions. "What exactly is a summon?"

"See, some ninjas have this contract, where they can call really cool friends from anywhere, whenever they need them. I figured, if I wanna be Hokage, the best of the best, I've gotta have the best friends on my side. So I used the technique without having a contract already, to go looking for them." Naruto said, his logic in his mind flawless.

Twlight actually beamed at that. "Well, if you're looking for the best friends ever, you've come to the right place."


Bath-time sucked. It was something Naruto always hated back in the orphanage. The matron would always scrub too hard, the water was always too cold, and the soap always had a bad smell. Once he moved out he grew used to having cold showers, as the landlord could never be trusted to actually keep the hot water on.

This time, however, the tub was filled to the brim with steaming hot water and sweet smelling soap bubbles. There was even a rubber duck floating about on top. The only problem was, since he was a 'colt', Fluttershy's nurturing instinct overwhelmed her shyness, and the two ponies insisted at least one of them make sure he bathed properly.

Despite protests and struggles, he was quickly stripped down, and with a soft glow from Twilight's horn, he was unceremoniously upended into the tub. When he surfaced gasping for breath, for the second time in 24 hours, Fluttershy set about meticulously scrubbing the dirt and filth off of him. Twilight was nowhere to be seen.

Pushing back the embarrassment the two made small talk as Naruto relaxed to enjoy possibly his first hot bath. "You really don't have any fur at all." She commented as she scrubbed the child's back.

"Nope, that's why all us humans where clothing I guess. That and it'd be terrible to see all those old guys running about naked." He shuddered a little at that thought.

Fluttershy seemed a bit worried at this. "You never go without clothes? Ponies only wear them to do something fancy, especially around ponyville most of us are naked all the time."

Naruto fought down the blush, realizing that naked ponies are just normal ponies, how weird would it be to see a pony in a Jounin flak jacket. Before he knew it, bath time was over, and he rose from the tub to dry off. Fluttershy hovered around him, preening like a mother bird as he wrapped himself in towels. "I know a bit from going to the spa so often with Rarity, she would be better if you wanted a makeover though."She replied when he mentioned her talent at it. He flinched at the thought of someone painting his nails or putting makeup on him.

Looking around the room at last, he noticed the lack of clothes. Although his mask was sitting shiny on the counter. Catching his curious gaze Fluttershy trotted out of the room and called out to her friend. "Twilight! Are you done washing his clothes?"

"Uh, yes and no!" Called back a worried voice. The two of them, Naruto wrapped in a towel, went out into the back yard, where Twilight stood over a barrel of soapy water. "I tried this spell for doing laundry, I've done it hundreds of times for bed sheets and the like, but this time, his clothes just... fell apart." She looked ready to cry at her failure, but before either of them could move to comfort her, she suddenly shot up with an idea. "Rarity! Rarity will be able to fix your clothing I'm sure."

"Hold on!" Naruto called out, as the two began to walk towards town, bundle of scrap fabric in tow. "I'm not going anywhere dressed in only a towel!"

Fluttershy leaned over to whisper something to Twilight, who looked thoughtful a moment, before nodding and facing Naruto. "I have just the thing." With another flash from her horn, Naruto's towel became a very fetching suit. "It's only temporary, so we'll have to hurry along."

Naruto nodded, and ran to keep up with the two ponies as they made their way into town.


The trip into town was relatively uneventful, they caught Naruto in awe of the scenery, and Twilight took time to explain how weather worked in Equestria. Naruto of course nodded along, understanding only every 5th word or so. To summarize, pegasi make clouds, push them where they want them, and make it rain where rain is needed. It seemed like a very cool job to have.

They described their friend Rainbow Dash a lot in their explanation, everything from being super fast, incredibly agile, and the most loyal friend they could ask for. Everything about this pegasus screamed 'Coolest summon ever.' With a summon like that, Konoha may not laugh at him for having pastel colored talking ponies as allies.

Reaching ponyville, Naruto braced himself for the stares that often accompanied large crowds. However, instead of the usual glares of hatred, or cold indifference, he was met with open curiosity from the local pony population. Once again he berated himself for his stupidity, nobody here knows why the village hates me. Instead of keeping his eyes on the ground, he forced himself to look up and around, taking in all the colorful sights as many ponies looked on in wonder at the sharp dressed whiskered creature.

"We've got to hurry, she'll have sensed us by now, and we can't afford to be side tracked." Twilight called rather urgently over her shoulder, Fluttershy nodded and began to trot faster, Naruto was now working quite hard to keep up.

"Who are we trying to avoid?" He called, seeing a building called 'Carousel Boutique' up ahead, which he recalled as their destination.

Whatever answer Twilight may have given was cut off with by a very large "GAAAAAAAAAASP~!"

Whipping around so quickly he nearly fell over, he realized that the source of the noise was a pink pony with massively curly pink hair. "Ohmygoodness I got the feeling there was somepony new in town, although not really somepony new you know? And I wondered what it could possibly mean so I came to see Twilight to ask her and here she is and here You are and this must be what it means, somepony who isn't a somepony!" Naruto quickly realized the gasp must have been her preparing the speech, as there was no way any normal creature could talk that much on so little air.

"Uh, hi Pinkie, this is Naruto, he's a Human, and we're taking him to Rarity's to get him some new clothing." Twilight said, as if this sort of thing happened all the time. By the way the crowds just sort of looked the other way, that may be entirely true. "Naruto, this is Pinkie Pie, she's the best baker and party planner in Equestria."

"Um... Hello?" He ventured, unsure of how he was supposed to react. Although his stomach reminded him he hadn't eaten in quite some time at the mention of 'Baker'. "Wait, you found us based on a feeling?" He asked, as the pink pony began bouncing along beside the trio. She has as much energy as I do, maybe more.

"Yep, it's my Pinkie-Sense, it tells me all sorts of things, even Twilight can't figure out how I do it though." She giggled a little at this, as Twilight grumbled something about 'unscientific'. Again Naruto's mind filled with ideas for using a Pinkie-Sense to save the village.

He was snapped out of his latest daydream as they finally reached the doors to the Boutique, and Pinkie Pie excused herself to go 'prepare' something.

"Hello Rarity!" Twilight called as the trio entered the shop, "I have a bit of a special request for you."

From the back room another unicorn emerged, this one with a pristine white coat and perfectly styled purple hair. "Of course darling, I'm always willing to do a favor for a friend." Her eyes moved from Twilight over to the smaller form of Naruto. "My my, what is this? Wherever did you find such a creature."

"Hi there, I'm Naruto, I'm a human!" He called, wearing his usual cheerful expression, eyes closed with hand at the back of his head. It still felt odd, having to explain that he was a human, but he supposed if he summoned any of them to his world, they'd be doing the same thing.

"Well hello there, Naruto, I didn't mean to sound rude of course. I assume from your attire that you need a new wardrobe?" She glanced over at a blushing Twilight, as the lavender pony floated over the bundle of scraps.

"This is what he was wearing when we found him this morning, I tried washing them but they just fell apart." She shrugged, letting Rarity take over the levitating as she inspected the cloth.

"And it's no wonder, darling these are hardly fit to be used as rags, whoever gave these to you should be ashamed!" She cried out, already laying on the theatrics as she tossed the scraps into a nearby trash-can.

Naruto simply looked down ashamed, "It was all I could afford, nobody else would sell me anything." He knew his clothes were bad, but hearing it from someone else really stung.

"There there, I didn't mean anything against you, of course. But you mean you purchased your own clothing?" The white unicorn inquired. To which Naruto nodded.

"But you're just a colt... what about your parents?" Fluttershy asked, gently nuzzling the side of the child's head.

"I've never had any, I lived in an orphanage until about a year ago, but they threw me out. But the Hokage gave me my own apartment to live in." He brightened at the end, and the ponies present gave half-smiles at his enthusiasm, while sharing knowing looks.

"Well then, let me grab some fabric and we'll see what we can put together for you. I've never made clothing for a human, but you may be just the inspiration I've been looking for." Rarity smiled and marched off to the back room, Twilight followed after her, and almost immediately began a hushed conversation.

"Is it... really bad where you live?" Fluttershy asked quietly, trying to understand why a child would live on his own at such a young age.

"Oh no, Konoha is great! We have the strongest ninja, and the best food!" He said, trying to reassure his new friend.

"So you get enough to eat?" She said, noting again his rather thin limbs, and remembering how his ribs showed in the bath.

"Well... I can only really afford cup ramen most days, but that's okay because I really like it." He said. "And Ichiraku's makes the best ramen ever, and the owners are really nice to me."

"What about the other places, are the owners not as nice?" She asked, delicately trying to assess the problem.

"Well, they usually charge a lot for food, or the stuff I get is expired. Some of the meaner owners throw me out when I try to go in." He said, looking down at his feet. Fluttershy could tell he was trying once again to find a silver lining.

"Naruto! Could you come in here? We need you as a model!" Came the voice of Rarity from the back room. Fluttershy went along with him, and pulled Twilight off to the side for a chat while Rarity busied herself with measuring tapes and pins.


It was several hours later when they left Rarity's shop. He now wore dark blue cargo pants, or at least as close to cargo pants as a 6 year old could describe. With a blue T-shirt and orange hoodie over top. rarity protested the color choice, but Naruto insisted those were his favorite colors, and eventually the unicorn relented. On the back of the hoodie was a dark red spiral pattern, which had sparked an interesting conversation.

"Of course I can put that symbol on the back, but what is it for?" Asked Rarity, hard at work over her sketches. Trying to design based on a child's interpretation of human fashion was quite the challenge.

"The old man told me it's a symbol of my family, Uzumaki mean's whirlpool, and I've had it on my clothing for as long as I could remember." He said, drawing a rough approximation of the spiral on his own sheet of paper.

"So, it's kind of like a cutie mark?" Twilight ventured, receiving only a confused stare from Naruto as a result. "Every pony, once they reach a certain age, gets a mark on their flank, which represents their special talent." She gestured at her own flank, to a six point star surrounded by six point stars. "Mine represents magic for instance, although I didn't realize how it represented it until recently."

"Wow, so you're a magical unicorn who's special talent is magic?" Naruto asked excitedly. This whole summoning thing was getting cooler by the moment.

The conversation on cutie marks continued for quite some time, while Rarity went to work on the clothing. The one major thing he learned from the whole experience was that Twilight was smart, really really smart. Like, had read and memorized an entire library, or maybe even two. The fact that she lived in a library made it even cooler.

They eventually made their way into the marketplace to grab lunch, an activity suggested quite loudly by Naruto's stomach. Twilight laughed it off and suggested they go visit Applejack's stand, since he of course couldn't come to Equestria and not eat an Apple family apple. Soon enough they arrived at a cart filled to the brim with apples and apple-based baked goods. What Naruto now recognized as an Earth Pony stood out front calling out to customers to buy her wares. She wore a Stetson on her head, and spoke in a strange accent, but what really caught Naruto's attention was she was Orange. Bright glorious orange!

He was quickly ushered forward and introduced, before being told to take a seat on a nearby picnic table. Twilight and Applejack got into some sort of deep conversation, with Fluttershy nodding along, when suddenly a smaller pony, about his height when standing, came trotting over with an entire pie. "Here ya go!" She said, beeming towards Naruto, "Sis says ya can eat as much as ya like!"

Naruto smiled back, and noticing a lack of cutlery, shrugged and dug in. It was good! Better than ramen even! Well, maybe not Ichiraku's but the instant stuff definitely. He would have said as much, but that would have required him to stop eating, as soon as he finished one dish, the filly would dash away and bring back another for him to eat, chatting away the whole time about anything and everything.

He learned about the general layout of ponyville and its surrounding features, including sweet apple acres, where she lived with her family, and the everfree forest, where the world worked like it was supposed to in Naruto's opinion. He also heard a rather embellished and enthusiastic tale of the filly's sister and friends defeating some kind of ancient evil. Finally he heard the long story about the filly and her friend's struggle to find their cutie marks. "Ah guess humans don't get cutie marks huh?" She said, looking glum at the end of her story.

"Nah, but I know what mine would be." He said, pushing aside his last plate of food. "Mine would tell the entire world that my special talent is being Hokage." He said with a grin, causing the filly to look up with a confused expression. "The Hokage runs the entire village, he makes sure everyone is safe and happy, and everyone respects him." The filly had to smile along with him at that, his enthusiasm was contagious.

"Alright Applebloom, time to get back to work, Naruto has to get going now." Applejack called from the cart, with a small 'nice ta meet you' the filly got up from the table and joined her sister. Seeing Twilight and Fluttershy waiting, Naruto ran over and the trio began walking once more.


"So where are we going now?" he asked, as they headed for the outskirts of the village. Ahead he could see several clouds floating about, closer to the ground then he'd ever seen them.

"Well we figured you'd met the others, so we'd introduce you to Rainbow Dash now." Twilight said with a smile. Up ahead something shot through the air in a blur, expertly darting between the clouds while pulling loops and barrel rolls. With a final loop the blur darted towards the ground, pulling up at the last second and skidding to a stop before the group. The dust slowly cleared to reveal a cyan pegasus with rainbow colored hair.

"That was So COOL!" Naruto yelled, eyes wide and positively buzzing with energy. The pegasus before him gave a chuckle and walked towards the group.

"So this is the 'human' you found huh? The way Pinkie described him I didn't expect him to be this adorable." She said, using a hoof to mess with his hair. "I figured he'd be at least 20% cooler than this."

This got the expected rise out of the boy, and he began shouting about all the cool things he was going to be able to do in the future as a ninja. Dash just laughed it off and the group headed back into town. Soon the two got into a conversation about just 'How cool' Rainbow Dash really was. "So you can really fly faster than sound?" He asked, after she told him the whole Sonic Rainboom story.

"Yep, takes me a bit to get going, but when it happens, BAM! Fastest pegasus alive." She boasted, causing Naruto to grin even wider.

"So you can sneak up on someone, really really quickly, while still being absolutely silent?" Naruto asked. Dash had to stop to think for a moment at that, and glanced over at Twilight to check. Twilight shrugged and nodded, suggesting that the idea definitely had merit.

The 'discussion' went on until they reached town, with such intellectual topics as "Who'd win in a fight, you or a giant robot?" and "Do you think you could beat up a dragon?" The answer to the first was a resounding "Me, hooves down." and to the second "I probably can't, but Fluttershy told one off once." Which prompted another round of questions much to the yellow pegagus' embarrassment.

"Sure, she told the dragon to stop being a bully, and it broke down crying and apologized. She also once stared down a cockatrice, which can turn you to stone by looking at you. And she can take down a bear, empty hoofed, something I'd have trouble with, and I'm a black belt in karate." Dash elaborated.

"Sometimes you have to be a little rough with something, to get it to calm down and listen, but once you get through to them, they can become good friends." Fluttershy said, which to Naruto somehow made perfect sense. He added learning to 'tell off dragons' to his list of things to learn while in Equestria.

Speaking of 'while in Equestria', he had to figure out how long he'd stay here. He couldn't keep living off of his new friend's generosity forever, but at least he could visit from time to time, and summon his friends if they signed a contract with him.

So lost in thought he didn't notice they were entering the library until he stepped through the door to the sound of