• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 33,027 Views, 1,647 Comments

Friendship Contract - Demeristraz

A contractless summoning lands Naruto with quite possibly the strangest/coolest summon's ever seen.

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Graduation Vacation

"Naruto! What the hell are you doing?" Sakura yells as the ship once more bursts into existence in mid air. It's a curious feeling being summoned, while normally it isn't noticeable enough to be a bother, when something as large and complicated as a ship full of people in motion the lurch is enough to throw the passengers to the deck.

"Welcome to Equestria!" He laughs, rising to his feet. "We have a week off, so I figure we'll cruise around and see the sights. "If you look over to the left you'll see Canterlot, where we'll make our first port of call, for a royal welcome."

The others on board rush to the side of the ship, looking out over gently flapping orange wings, at the majestic city in the distance. It's lit up in brilliant colors as the sun sets in the distance, and the view is flawless, not a single cloud out of position in the Equestrian sky.

Pinkie Pie began singing a song about being on a boat, as the awe wore off his human companions. The group dispersed about the ship, talking among themselves. Lee approached Scootaloo who was hard at work at the helm.

"Scootaloo my youthful little pony, it is good to see you again."

"Hey Lee! I've been working hard lately!" She called, as the green clad boy approached. "Twilight nominated me for the second generation of the Equestrian Ninja Academy, I'm already ahead of some of the older ponies when it comes to fighting."

The two began a deep discussion about training habits, as the ship continued to soar at a lazy pace through the sky.

Shikamaru took up a spot at the bow of the ship, leaning back against the protruding figurehead and gazing up at the sky. He gave Naruto a nod as he approached. "You're a troublesome guy Naruto, whisking me off like this without warning. I guess this'll keep my parents off my back about more training for the week though."

"Ah, c'mon Shikamaru, this is an adventure! Don't be a drag!" Naruto joked, leaning on the railing near his lazy friend.

"Cloud watching here isn't a lot of fun is it?" He asked, remembering how 'controlled' the weather was in Naruto's stories.

"Not really, but you should try having a nap on one. I'll have Twilight hook you up with a cloud walking spell." Naruto said.

"We won't have to disguise ourselves as ponies will we? I don't think I'll make a good pony." Shikamaru said.

"I think you'd make a good deer Shikamaru. I'd make a good unicorn I think. Do they have deer in Equestria?" Sakura asked, joining the two at the bow.

"No disguises necessary you two, but you're more than welcome to try it out. As for deer, I don't know, I've met zebras and buffalo, but never a deer." Naruto said.

Sakura gave a laugh, and in a poof of smoke she was gone, replaced with an off white unicorn with pink hair and green eyes, still wearing the chuunin vest and Konoha headband. "What do you think?" She said, doing a quick spin, and nearly stumbling.

Naruto laughed and Shikamaru gave a small smile. "It's not bad, it takes a bit of getting used to, moving around like that though."

"You've done this before?" She asked, taking a few experimental steps.

"Of course, you don't practically grow up in Equestria without trying to be a pony... or a dragon, but I make a terrible dragon apparently." Naruto shrugged, performing the same technique and showing off his pony form. He could honestly pass as Applejack's twin brother, with his orange coat and short blonde hair. Apple Bloom shot him a quick glance and looked away blushing, returning to her rounds of the deck.

Both chuunin ponies gave Shikamaru a look, turning on the full effect of their pony-granted adorableness. "Fine fine, troublesome ponies." He grumbled, performing a transformation, and winding up a deer, like those his clan took care of.

"You do make a great deer!" Both ponies shouted in response, before falling into fits of laughter.

"What's going on over here?" Sasuke asked casually. He was already transformed, into a blue pegasus with the same black duck-butt styled hair. Which only served to encourage the fits of giggling. "Think I can actually fly with these?" he said, flexing his wings.

"Don't go jumping off the boat. I've tried before, but those wings are just chakra constructs, they won't support your weight. Pegasi have some weird magic that lets them fly." Naruto said.

"But isn't magic just mental energy?" Sakura asked.

"Not for pegasi, they don't use mental or physical energy in their 'magic', we're still studying it." Naruto shrugged.

Not to be left out, Naurto applied the same treatment to Lee, turning him into a green pony, complete with bowl-cut and eyebrows. The five were still laughing when the ship finally came to a stop at Canterlot, allowing them to disembark. Naruto lead the chuunin towards the castle, while Pinkie and the Cutie Mark Crusaders stayed behind to dock the ship properly.

Along the way they received many odd looks, not only for the vests and headbands, but also because of Shikamaru, who muttered a simple "Troublesome" but refused to drop the technique.

Eventually they reached Canterlot castle, the guards let them pass with a nod, and they were greeted by the Princesses themselves. "Welcome new chuunin of Konoha. We wished to throw a party for you, but seeing as we held the one for your genin graduation exam in Konoha, we thought we should hold this one here, in Ponyville. So please, enjoy the festivities, and make this a night to remember." Celestia said with a smile at their appearances.

The group was immediately intercepted before they could enter by an overly enthusiastic Rarity, who insisted they couldn't enter the party without clothes, nor would she allow them to dispel their disguises. Instead she molded her chakra, and performed a transformation technique of her own on each of them, adding clothing to their ensemble. When she was finished, each of the ninja repeated her results with their own transformation technique, apart from Lee of course who had Naruto do his once again.

Properly dressed in very sharp suits, with a beautiful dress for Sakura, the chuunin finally entered the party. It was a grand event, on the same scale as the 'great galloping gala', and the guests of honor were quickly separated in the crowds. Shikamaru was quickly inundated with questions as to what he was and where he was from. He eventually settled on telling them all he was a deer from 'Nara', banking on the fact that no one would call him out on the obvious lie.

Sasuke found out soon enough that even changing species he can't keep from gaining fan girls, and wound up spending much of the night dancing with members of the female population. He proved to be a 'natural' at dancing, after flashing his sharingan while watching some of the more talented dancers.

Naruto, predictably, hit the food table immediately, mingling away with the ponies with a comfort level gained from years of practice. He noticed Twilight off to one side of the room, and approaching her found she was speaking to several of the 'noble' ponies about the practical aspects of the 'Equestrian Ninja Academy'.

"It's not just combat abilities of course, there are uses for chakra that can affect every walk of life." She said, seeing her discussion had drawn a crowd. "For example, every bit of food you see here at this party was brought here within a single scroll of paper."

Naruto moved on, noticing the signs of Twilight building up speed for a rant. By the next snack table he spotted someone he hadn't seen in a while. "Hey Spike, enjoying the party?"

The dragon looked up from where he sat near a table leg, bowl of gems sitting to his right. "Oh, hey Naruto, I'm psyched to be here, I'm not usually brought to parties. Or adventures."

"Ah well, you're still young, especially for a dragon. You know Twi doesn't want you signing the summoning contract yet." Naruto said.

"I know, I know, but still, I always get to hear how awesome everything is second hoof, it kinda sucks." The dragon grumbled.

"Well, you're coming on the cruise right? That's bound to turn into some kind of adventure." Naruto joked.

"Yeah, from what they say, everything you get involved in goes way overboard." Spike laughed, seeming to have cheered up. "Hey, have you seen Rarity?"

"She gave me and my friends these outfits." Naruto said.

"Yeah, she's pretty awesome huh?" The dragon said, his eyes glazing over.

"Right, well, talk to you later little guy."

The night wore on, and eventually the party wound down, the guests of honor were all brought to rooms within the castle. Sakura left the boys to go to her room, and found it occupied by six familiar ponies. "Uh, this is the girls room right?"

"That's right! C'mon in sugarcube, we were just about ta hit tha baths." Applejack called, guiding the girl inside. Twilight looked over at her and floated up her copy of "101 things to do at a sleepover" with a grin.

The baths were enormous, a massive tub the size of a small swimming pool took up the center of the room. Pinkie Pie was at the taps, filling the tub with hot water and scented soaps, and giggling as bubbles threatened to spill over and flood the room. In the corner Fluttershy gave quiet squeals as Rarity floated hoof-a-cure instruments about her legs. The only one missing was...

"Geronimo!" came Rainbow Dash's voice as she did a single back flip and dove into the water from the ceiling. She surfaced laughing along with Pinkie Pie, and called out a challenge to the others.

Pinkie Pie ran up to the wall, and in a rather impressive display of concentration walked right up the length and onto the ceiling. "Sacagawea!" She called, dropping into a cannon ball.

Sakura decided not to waste the opportunity to unwind, and dropped her disguise to join them.

The next morning the six ponies and pink haired ninja joined the boys and dragon at the docks, all of them giggling away as if they'd been best friends forever. The boys had given up disguising themselves as well, and were back in their standard ninja outfits. "Alright, the itinerary for the trip is as follows:" called Naruto from the deck.

"From here we fly to Appleoosa for a pie eating contest, and to watch the Buffalo's annual stampede. We spend the first night there. After that it's to Cloudsdale, to watch this year's 'best young fliers competition'. After that we spend nights in Manehatten. We have hotel reservations at 'Sleipnir's stable', dinner reservations at 'Horsey on Mane', and tickets to a production of 'The Sheriff of Trottingham.' After that our last three nights are in Las Pegasus, at the Bucephalus Hotel and Casino."

There was a resounding cheer of excitement as everyone boarded the ship, and with a single lurch it took to the air.


Appleoosa was a blast, Naruto, Sasuke, and Lee all participated, with Lee setting the personal challenge of "If I cannot eat 20 pies I will run the stampede route with the buffalos." He lost, and seeing the green spandex-clad boy keep pace with the buffalo chieftain as they ran the traditional route was something that would likely be talked about for years.

This year's best young flier competition was a sight to behold as both talented young fliers and the wonderbolts performed. Shikamaru enjoyed their trips to the weather factories, and managed to catch a nap on a cloud before the performance. Sasuke managed to have entire conversations with some of the pegasi on lightning and how to manipulate it.

In Manehattan they got to live the highlife, staying in the luxury suite of 'Sleipnir's Stable', who's rooms were as large as the royal bedrooms. At Horsey on Main they sampled the finest of Equestrian dining, and during the day the entire group broke up to go shopping. Sakura and the mares had a wonderful time, with Rarity promising she could modify anything Sakura fancied to fit a human of her size. The Sheriff of Trottingham had the whole group cheering and applauding, and more than once the group had to restrain Lee from interrupting the performance.

The last three days in Las Pegasus passed in a blur of partying and gambling. They managed to catch one of 'The Great and Powerful Trixie's ' shows, and Naruto filled the audience with clones, who proceeded to heckle her all night. The hit the casinos, and Naruto demonstrated an uncanny ability to win when it came to games of chance. Blackjack and Poker weren't his games, he'd lose as well as anyone else but when it came down to games like Craps, Slots, and even Roulette he'd clean the house out if left alone.

The sun was rising over the desert that surrounded the city of blinding lights, as the five humans gathered around a large seal prepared for their departure. It was early, far too early for the ninja present, who all wore sunglasses to hide the bleary eyes from too many all night parties. Each of them wore fancy clothing, the boys in suits, and the girl in a rather practical dress. The blonde was the only one grinning, holding twin briefcases full of gold coins having traded in his bits for the only Equestrian currency Konoha would take. The merchants in the village learned long ago that for Naruto the value of gems was greatly reduced, and would only give him paltry amounts of money for buckets full.

"Can we agree never to mention last night?" Sakura whined to the group present, her hair was a mess, and her dress ripped and dirty. The boys were not in much better shape, having become roughed up quite a bit the night before. Lee's suit was missing a sleeve, but he sported a rather shiny gold belt with an oversized metal, proclaiming him light-weight champion, and hefted a briefcase of his own.

"Aw c'mon Sakura, at least we can discuss it among ourselves from time to time." Naruto whined right back, suitcases jingling away. "I mean people are going to want to hear about Lee's fight, that diamond dog was intense! It knocked Sasuke through the stands!"

"There were people sitting there! You three jumping into the ring like that was reckless and stupid, you're lucky you didn't get thrown out." The girl grumbled.

"He called for any challenger, not our fault there were ninja present." Sasuke shrugged, still sore from the bruises.

"Let's just go home. I hate to say it, but I need a vacation from our vacation." Shikamaru grumbled, stepping onto the seal. The others followed, and with a rather large application of Naruto's chakra, the five humans disappeared.


The smoke cleared in Tsunade's office, she was there early expecting their arrival. An eyebrow rose seeing their state, Sasuke seemed bruised, Naruto was dirty, Lee was sporting the belt of a prizefighter, Sakura looked like she hadn't slept in days. Only Shikamaru appeared to be rather presentable.

"Bright and early as promised!" Naruto called, flopping a briefcase down on the desk before him. "A gift for becoming Hokage."

"We're only on time because Shikamaru found Sakura in time." Sasuke grumbled.

"I was the only human girl in Las Pegasus at the time, how in the world did you lose me for 6 hours?" She said, giving the boys a glare.

"Anyways, now that you're back, you're getting your first mission as chuunin. It's only for team seven, the rest can go... have a shower or something." Tsunade said, shooing Shikamaru and Lee out of the room. "Are you in any shape for a mission right now?"

The three gave each other a look, before nodding to the Hokage. "As long as we have time to stock up and change clothing." Sasuke said, still looking woozy.

Tsunade gave a short sigh. "Fine, the mission is an escort mission to the land of snow, so prepare accordingly. Kakashi has the details, he's supposed to meet you at the north gate in one hour, so you'll likely have half a day to prepare."

The three chuunin nodded, and darted out of the room, with all the speed their weary bodies had left in them. A shower and short nap sounded great right then.


Sasuke headed directly to his apartment, quickly taking a shower and changing his clothes. The port town they were heading to was several days away, there would be plenty of time to rest later that night. As he went downstairs to get some breakfast he was struck by sudden pain in his seal.

"I see it's already starting." Came a voice from a nearby doorway. There was a man wearing a thick cloak an Anbu mask leaning there casually. "Your seal isn't complete Sasuke, there is a pill you'll need to take to finish it. Think of it as a little incentive. Over the next month it will begin to break down, eventually causing your death. If you don't want that to happen, you'll need to seek out the one who gave you that seal."

Sasuke wanted to respond, wanted to demand to know who the mysterious figure was, but could barely stand the pain. "One month Sasuke, you have one month to decide if your loyalty to the village is worth your life."

The pain faded and soon Sasuke was able to stand once more. No longer desiring breakfast, he instead walked the journey to the North gate. It would be some time before his teammates would join him, but he would need that time to think.

Eventually his teammates arrived, still looking a little worn down, but at least they were now presentable. They seemed to pass off Sasuke's sudden brooding as a result of the final leg of their vacation, and settled down to wait for Kakashi. The last Uchiha wanted to ask his teammates what they thought of the situation. Naruto had been involved with all of his hardships from the beginning, and despite the common annoyance he'd likely hate the person he'd become otherwise. Even his struggle controlling his seal was made more bearable knowing the blonde was going through the same thing.

Before he could make a decision one way or the other, Kakashi arrived, and informed them of their destination, leading the way at a gentle-for-a-ninja pace through the forests. Along the way they would catch him up on their trip, aside from the time in Las Pegasus as agreed by the group. There was far too many embarrassing details for all of them. Like any true ninja, they would instead use those details as blackmail against each other.

That night they sat around a small campfire, discussing the mission coming up, as well as Kakashi's fears of what it may become. "Our mission is to protect Yukie Fujikaze, famous actor, as they film the latest in her 'Princess Gale' series of movies."

All three new chuunin grinned at having such a great first mission ahead of them. "I'm only telling you this because I believe you are all skilled enough to handle it. I have reason to believe that Yukie Fujikaze is actually Princess Koyuki Kazahana, rightful ruler of the land of Snow."

With those words began a very long story of one of Kakashi's earliest missions. At the end of his story, not a single one of them was willing to back down, despite the possibilities before them. They went to bed that night filled with resolve to protect their target, and if possible, restore peace to the land of Snow.