• Published 24th Jan 2015
  • 13,922 Views, 545 Comments

The Sun of My Heart - BlueSun52

Meet Soul Writer, A sweet guy who likes to help others and has big plans for the future. Now he's coming to Canterlot High and is high over head for Sunset. Can he be able to win her heart?

  • ...

Chapter 13

Just The Beginning

The sky was bright blue, filled with birds and small white clouds as the sun shined over the small town of Canterlot. At the house of the Writer family, Soul was sleeping happily under his cover as he was dreaming of being at the Fall Formal with Sunset and how the two kissed.

The door opened as a set of legs walked over to where Soul was sleeping took a seat next to him. A hand reached over to Soul and was rubbing through the young man’s hair. This made Soul start to wake up and looked over to see who it.

At first, Soul’s vision was blurry from suddenly waking up but when it was clear, his eyes opened wide to see a familiar man in front of him.

The man had white hair and blue eyes like Soul but was older looking and having a buff body. The man smiled at him and spoke up.

“Hey there, buddy.”

“Dad!?” Soul said with surprise. “When did you get here?”

“I got here early this morning,” Soul’s dad replied. “They finally got me transferred closer to here so I can now start living with you two again.”

Soul smiled and hugged his dad while he hugged him back. After a moment, they broke up the hug.

“So, your mom told me you had a big night,” his dad said. “With a girl no less.”

Soul rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah, I went to a dance at school with Sunset,” he replied.

“Oh, is she a friend of yours then?”

“Well, we went there as friends. But by the time it was over, we became more then that,” Soul said with pride. “She’s now my girlfriend.”

“That’s my champ,” Soul’s dad said and rubbed his head. “Just remember, treat her right and everything will be fine.”

“I will.”

“Comet! Soul! I have breakfast ready!” Dawn yelled from downstairs.

“Better get something and let’s eat,” Comet said and stood up.

“Right behind you, dad,” Soul said. He got out of the bed and started going through his draw.

As Soul was getting dressed, both him and Comet heard the phone ring. Before Soul could get to it, Comet picked it up and looked at with a smile.

“Looks like your girl just texted you good morning,” Comet said.

Soul blushed. “Really, I better text her back,” he said.

Soul tried to reach for it from Comet but his dad quickly moved his hand away from his.

“Hmmm, maybe I should text to her about coming over here today,” Comet said. “I would like to meet her.”

Soul’s blushed violently. “Naw dad, that’s seems a little too early and we just started-”

Before he could finish, he saw his dad started typing something down on his phone and his eyes widen with fear.

“DAD, NO!” Soul shouted and tried to make an attempt to grab his phone back. But it failed as his dad reached out with his hand placed it over Soul’s face and kept him an arm distance from the phone.


“Maybe I should also say how sexy she looks.”


Sunset was at her apartment and was sitting on her chair as she took a sip from her coffee while reading a book,waiting for Soul to reply. She heard her phone ring and smiled to see that she had a text from him. She opened up the message and furrowed her brow.

Soul Writer: Good morning, sweet thing ;) I thought that maybe you can come over today and spend sometime together. Also, I think you look fine and sexy!

Sunset looked away from the phone for a moment.

‘Did he just call me sexy?’ she thought. ‘I guess since we’re dating, he must’ve thought that was okay. Hope that doesn't go to his head.’

Sunset then texted him back.

Sunset Shimmer: Sure thing, I would love to come over. Is it okay with your mom?

Soul Writer: Totally! She would love for you to come over. Now bring those swaying hips over here!

Sunset blushed violently.

‘Okay, he has it way over his head!’

Just as she was about to reply to him about his comments, she suddenly had another one of his message but this time it made her eyes widen.


Sunset furrowed her brows once more and typed down her response.

Sunset Shimmer: Wait, I thought your dad was still over where you used to live?

Soul Writer: He did, but he just came in today cause they finally transferred him over near to us. You don’t have to come over, my dad just wanted to meet you. God, he can just as bad as mom sometimes.

Sunset Shimmer: Lol, I bet. But I still would like to come over if he wanted to meet me so badly.

Soul Writer: Really?

Sunset Shimmer: Totally! Plus, we do have some catching up with our making out since I didn’t start being your girl after the triple date ;)

Soul Writer: ….What time do you wanna come?

Sunset was driving her car towards Soul’s home. When she saw it, she drove her car into their driveway and parked it. She got out of the car and walked down the trail that led towards the front door. She pressed on the doorbell which made a ringing sound. She heard the door being unlocked and the door soon open.

When Sunset saw that it was Dawn who opened it, she smiled and held out her hand.

“Hello, Mrs. Writer.”

“Sunset, it’s so good to see you again,” Dawn said and gave Sunset a huge. “Why do you have to be so formal to me? It makes me sound like an old woman. Just call me, Dawn.”

“Okay, Mrs- I mean, Dawn,” Sunset said. “Is Soul here?”

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Soul said from upstairs. “I was just tying up a game I was playing.” He then leaned against the door and tried to look smooth. “So how are you doing?” he asked in a nonchalant tone.

Dawn rolled her eyes.

Sunset giggled. “I’m doing good, lover boy,” she replied. “May I come in?”

“Of course, my lady,” Soul replied as stepped aside and let Sunset past by him.

Sunset walked into the living room with Soul and Dawn right behind her and she saw Comet sitting on a reclining chair with a drink in his hand as he watched a hockey game. He looked to see Sunset and his family and smiled at them.

“Hey there,” he said. “So, this is the girl my son is talking about.”

Sunset nodded. “My name is Sunset Shimmer, it’s nice to meet you Mr. Writer,” she said.

“Please, just call me Comet,” he said before getting up on his feet.

Sunset looked over Comet for a moment before she leaned over to Soul. “He looks almost like you,” she whispered.

“Well, I did get most of my looks from him,” Soul replied.

“So Sunset, how about we take a seat and get to know one another,” Comet said. “I would like to know the girl that my son is going out with so I can pester him more about his love life.”

Soul let out low groan.

“Of course,” Sunset complied and took a seat on the couch.

Time had passed on as Sunset and Comet chatted with one another. She told him how Soul and her met and how their relationship started to grow and what was going on during the events before the dance. Soul also filled in what happened during the time with his tales with his friends and how they were able to get each other.

During the discussion, Soul found out that Sonata wanted to go out with him to the Fall Formal and for some reason convinced Sunset too as well. Everyone in the room raised an eyebrow at Sunset. She admitted she was just as confused as everyone else. She told them about the contest they made and what they had to do to go with Soul. Soul slapped himself in the face when he remembered all that they did to him and didn’t realized it from the start.

Sunset and Soul told his parents about the dance and how it was wonderful and they had fun with their friends. Sunset went on to say how they danced together at the last song and shared their first kiss together, which surprised Soul to find out that it was her first kiss as well.

It was then Comet and Dawn’s turn to tell them about how they fell in love and how their relationship was like. Sunset made ‘aww’ sounds a few times when Comet mentioned how he fell in love with Dawn when he first laid his eyes on her and tried to go out with her. Dawn said that she made him go through a few hoops to see if he really was interested in her and when he did she accepted his offer to go out and one thing led to another which eventually lead to their marriage while Dawn was a month pregnant with their son.

After their conversation with Soul’s parents, Soul took Sunset upstairs and into his room. Where the two started to make out with each other as they both laid on his bed and Sunset was on top of him. The two started to have the same feelings for one another as they did at the dance. Soul felt his cheeks burning lighter than they did before as he was getting use to being so close with Sunset. Both their minds were only focused on the person that they were holding onto and hoped that it would be like this forever as they were content with it. They continued this for a while until Sunset broke off the kiss and laid her head on his chest.

“It just keeps getting better and better,” Sunset cooed and closed her eyes. She could hear his heart beat happily. She warmingly snuggled on top of him as she let out a yawn. “Wow, that took a lot out of me than I thought it would.”

“Me too,” Soul said. “Think anyone noticed that we kissed during the dance?”

“I don’t think so,” she replied. “I think most of them left an hour before it was midnight. Though, I think Twilight might have noticed.”

“Hmm, that’s kinda a bummer,” Soul said. “I was hoping to let everyone know that you just got yourself a man now.”

Sunset giggled lightly. “I’m sure they’ll find out when we get back to school,” she said. She then let out another yawn. “Right now, I just want to enjoy spending some time with you before we get busy with school work again.”

“Me too, Sunny,” Soul said as he rubbed Sunset’s back.

Sunset soon fell into a blissful sleep and Soul quickly fell asleep right after her. The two slept calmly as Soul held Sunset in his arms. She felt safe in his arms and he never felt so in love in all his live.

It was now Monday morning and Soul let out a yawn as he walked down the trail towards Canterlot High heading for his today’s lessons. As he was walking, Swift walk up next to him with a wide smile.

“Good morning, my good friend,” Swift said. “Isn’t this a beautiful day?”

“I know what you mean,” Soul replied knowing Swift was so happy on a Monday. “So, I’m guessing you and Pinkie hooked up?”

“You know it, I’ve never felt so alive in all my life,” Swift said. “What about you? I didn’t know what happened to you after Pinkie and I left the dance early.”

“Well, I was there until they closed up the dance but before that, Sunset and I had our first kiss together,” Soul said. “And now we’re a couple.”

“Alright, high five!”

Swift lifted his hand up and Soul did the same. The two were about to slap each others hands until they missed and slapped the other in the face.

“OW!” the two yelled in unison.

They both rubbed each other in the face where they were slapped.

“Sorry,” Swift said.

“That’s okay,” Soul said. “I guess we’re both still worn out from the dance.”

“Tell me about it,” Swift said and stretched his back until he heard a pop sound from it. “Oh yeah, that’s better.”

“Have you seen any of the other guys?” Soul asked.

On cue, Soul and Swift saw Clyde’s car drove up and parked. Clyde came walking out of the car and came around the other side of it. He opened it to reveal that Rarity was riding with him. She gave him a peck on the cheek before carrying her bag with her. She saw the two and waved at them.

“Good morning, Swift and Soul,” she said.

“Heya, guys,” Clyde said.

“How did your weekends go after the dance?” Rarity asked.

“It went well, Pinkie invited me over to help her with the babysitting she does for her aunt and uncle,” Swift said. “It was fun too, the twins really took a liking to me.”

“That’s wonderful to hear,” Rarity said. She then looked over to Soul. “And how was your weekend?”

“The best out of all of them,” Soul happily replied.

“I bet since I did see you and Sunset kiss at the dance,” Rarity said and winked at him.

Soul rubbed the back of his head with a smile.

They heard a motorcycle coming and looked to see Rainbow Dash riding her bike and parked it. Behind her was Rivet’s and Lights’s car as their mom dropped them off. Light skipped happily along the path while Rivet waited up for Rainbow Dash to walk up to him. Rainbow Dash then gave Rivet a kiss on the lips and walked with him towards their friends.

“Hey, guys,” Rivet said.

“Hey everyone, what’s up?” Rainbow Dash said.

“We were just chatting about how our weekend went,” Rarity replied. “How did your weekend go?”

“It was just-”

“It was awesome,” Rainbow Dash interrupted Rivet. “One minute, I was dancing with Rivet here, the next we headed over to Make Out Paradise and...well, basically made out.”

Everyone looked over to Rivet to see he blushed while he was trying to keep a ‘it was nothing’ look. “It was...pretty awesome,” Rivet admitted.

“Wait, there’s a place called Make Out Paradise?” Soul asked.

“Yeah, it’s where all the couples go to do some naughty things there,” Rainbow Dash said with a devious smile. “But Rivet and I just did the making out part.”

Soul nodded before looking over to Clyde and Rarity. “And I’m guessing you two went up there already?” he asked.

“Why do you assume that we did?” Rarity asked as if she was offended.

“Yeah, I mean, we do a lot of things together but we don’t do everything,” Clyde said.

“So did you?”

The two looked back and forth between Soul and themselves before they gave out a defeated sigh and nonchalant shrug.

“Yes,” the two said in unison.

“How many times?”

“More or less,” Clyde said. “We...kinda lost track.”

“Lost track?” Soul asked in a confused tone. “How often do you two go there?”

“At least once every weekend,” Rarity admitted.

“Okay again, you two spend way too much time together,” Rainbow Dash commented. “You two need a hobby.”

“I’m playing on a basketball team,” Clyde said.

“And I make dresses for a living,” Rarity retorted.

“Okay, get more hobbies then.”

Clyde angrily glared at Rainbow Dash while Rarity let out a low groan.

As Soul was snickering at the banter, he felt something wrap around his arm and looked to see Sunset having her arms around his.

“Good morning, babe,” she said before giving him a peck on the cheek. “How are you doing?”

“I’m doing good now that you're here,” Soul replied before giving her a peck on the forehead.

“Aww, that’s so sweet,” Rarity said. “You two make the sweetest couple.”

“What about us?” Clyde asked.

“Darling, if we’re anything, we’re the most affectionate couple here,” Rarity explained.

“That’s true.”

“Well, Rivet and I are the coolest couple here,” Rainbow Dash said, wrapping her arm around Rivet’s waist and holding him tight next to her.

“Then I guess that’s make me and Pinkie-”

“The funnest couple ever!” Pinkie cheered jumping from behind Swift.

“Good morning, Pinkie,” Rarity said.

“Morning, everybody!” Pinkie said. She then leaned in closer to Swift. “And a big good morning to you,” she cooed and kissed Swift on the lips.

Before Pinkie and Swift knew it, they were making out in front of everyone and weren’t bothered by their presence as they continued to do so while making everyone feeling awkward.

Soul cleared his throat. “I believe Swift and Pinkie just took the most affectionate couple awards from under you two,” he commented.

“So what does that make Night and Fluttershy?” Rivet asked. “And why I am getting interested in this conversation?”

“The shyest couple?” Soul suggested.

“The quietest couple?” Sunset added.

“Thff mo Mphf?” Pinkie said while she was still making out with Swift.

“I think it’s appropriate to say, the cutest couple,” Rarity said.

The group then saw Night and Fluttershy walk up to the front door while they were holding hands together.

Clyde looked through his phone and saw what the time was. “Hey everyone, we better get going, class starts in a few minutes,” he said.

Everyone started to make their way, while Sunset gave Soul one last peck.

“I’ll see you at lunch,” she said before letting go of him and walking towards the school.

Soul looked back to see Swift and Pinkie still going at it. He let out a sigh and grabbed the back of Swift’s backpack.

“Come on you, if I have to depart with my girl, so do you,” he said and yanked Swift away from Pinkie.

“I’ll miss you, Swifty!” Pinkie cried. “I’ll never be the same without you!”

“I’ll count every minute we’re apart,” Swift said. “So I’ll know how much more time I want to spend with you!”

“Oh my god, you two are worse than Clyde and Rarity,” Soul commented. He then rubbed his chin. “Then again, I’ll properly fall into that boat soon enough.”

He continued to drag Swift until they reached into their classroom and placed him over by his seat. The class continued to be noisy with the students chatting with each other until Miss Roseluck walked into the room with a smile on her.

“Alright everyone, I need you all to settle down,” she said. The students quieted down and some of them were returning to their seats. “I hope that all of you had fun during the Fall Formal and your weekend. Now that that’s over, we’re going to be having a PTA meeting with your parents or guardians soon and we need you to pass these forms to them.”

Roseluck grabbed a stack of papers and started handing the students the forms one by one. Some of the students were looking at them as others just stuffed them in their backpacks.

“You have until the end of the week to have these forms signed by your parents or guardians,” Roseluck said. “Now when you’re ready, we’re going to be doing some silent reading and-”

Roseluck was cut off when the speakers came on and Principal Celestia spoke.

“Good morning, students of Canterlot High,” she said into the speaker. “I hope you all had a fun time during the Fall Formal and your weekend. Many of you may have been aware that we didn’t crown someone for this years Fall Formal Princess as we usually do. That is because during one of our student council meetings, someone had came up with an idea for a new title to try out this year. In celebration for old and new couples at Canterlot High, we would like to announce the first ever, Class Couples of Canterlot High.”

Many of the students started to mumble to one another.

“We thought that this would be a fun and friendly game that many of you couples would be interested in trying out. The rules are simply: Only couples in juniors to seniors are allowed to participate.”

There were a lot of disappointed awws from the freshmen students.

“Don’t worry, there is always next year if things go well for this year,” Celestia said. “Next is that couples in the those areas cannot vote for themselves. We will have slips that you can fill out and we will ask for your name and the couple you want to vote for. Of course voting for another couple is optional for competing couples. Freshmen are allowed to vote as well but again, still cannot participate.”

There were more disappointed groans from the freshmen.

“Aw, come on!” Sweetie Belle said in the back of the class.

“And finally, the winners will be determined by the top three most voted at the school. The contest will start today and will go through until this Friday. Hope you all have fun and bring your A game with you.”


Celestia lifted her finger off the microphone’s button and had a small smile on her.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Vice Principal Luna asked. “It might sound fun on paper, but I’m afraid some of the students might take this too far if we let this happen.”

“That’s why the freshmen are out of this,” Celestia retorted. “I know that this might get ugly since this is the first time ever we do this, but I am sure nothing extremely bad will happen.”

“Look. If a student had suggested this, I would be okay with it,” Luna said. “But the fact that our janitor, that was not supposed to be at the meeting suggested it, makes me feel uneasy.”

“Relax Lulu, nothing too bad is going to happen.”

“I hope you’re right,” Luna said. “I really hope that you’re right.”

Author's Note:

Oh my god! A storm is brewing and it ain't going to be pretty.

What kind of craziness are getting ourselves into now?