• Published 24th Jan 2015
  • 13,929 Views, 545 Comments

The Sun of My Heart - BlueSun52

Meet Soul Writer, A sweet guy who likes to help others and has big plans for the future. Now he's coming to Canterlot High and is high over head for Sunset. Can he be able to win her heart?

  • ...

Chapter 17

Battle of the Couples! Part 4
Finally, This Stupid Contest Ends!

It was now evening time in the city of Canterlot and most of its residents were settling for the night. However, one of its residents was having an unexpected night.

Sunset tightly grabbed onto the sheets of her bed as sweat poured down from her forehead. She was in nothing but her magenta underwear as the pain was beginning to kick in….as Applejack was applying some rubbing alcohol to her wounds with a ball of cotton.

“Ouch!” Sunset cried. “Did you have to be so rough?”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Oh, don’t be a baby,” she said as she was applying more rubbing alcohol to the cotton. “Ya wouldn’t be needing me to do all this if ya and the others didn’t let this whole thing go to your heads.”

“I know, I feel like such an idiot,” Sunset said. “I can’t believe how easily I reverted back to my old self and- OW!”

“There, the right amount of alcohol and pressure should make that better,” Applejack said. “And ya didn’t go back to ya old self. More like, a less evil version of you. Like the average diva teen or something.”

“I don’t know.”

Applejack smiled and patted on Sunset’s back. “Don’t worry about it,” she said. “You learned your lesson and I’m sure the others did too.” Applejack walked over to the first aid kit and grabbed some bandages from it. “Now that the cleaning is done, we’ll start covering those wounds up.”

“Alright,” Sunset said.

“Hey, are guys done yet?” Soul asked from the other side of the door that Sunset and Applejack had locked. “I already looked through all the TV channels here and I’m bored.”

“Soul, there’s over three hundred channels on there,” Sunset pointed out.

“Yeah, and I only found fifty-six good ones,” Soul commented.

Applejack rolled her eyes and Sunset giggled.

“Just give us a minute,” Sunset said. “Applejack just needs to put on the bandages on me.”

“Okay, I’ll just go through the good ones again to make sure they really are good,” Soul said.

Applejack pinch the bridge between her eyes. “Ah gotta ask, why are you with my cousin again?” she asked.

“He makes me happy,” Sunset replied with a smile.

“That’s the corniest response Ah have ever heard,” Applejack said. “Anyways, let’s get these bandages on.”


Over in the living room, a few minutes had past as Soul was once again looking through the channels with a bored expression while he was laying down on the couch. He let out a yawn as he pressed on the remote and flipping through the channels.

“Scratch that, there are fifty-four channels that are good,” Soul said to himself.

Soul heard the door unlocked and sat up to see Applejack walk out of the room. He then saw Sunset walking out too with a patch over her right cheek and a bandage wrapped around her head. She was also wear a violet pajamas while there was a sun symbol on her chest. He got up from the couch and went over to give Sunset a gentle hug.

“How are you doing?” he asked.

“I’m feeling better now thanks to Applejack,” Sunset replied.

“Think nothing of it,” Applejack said. “Ah’m usually the one that bandages up everyone in the family. Whenever Mac gets hurt while he works around the farm, Apple Bloom whenever she and her friends try to do something crazy or when everyone in our family comes together and plays spoon cards.”

“Our family is not a bunch of pushovers,” Soul commented as he remembered the painful experience when he first started planning the game.

Sunset giggled. “I bet,” she said. She gazed into Soul’s eyes as he did the same with her.

The two stared lovingly at one another while Applejack just rolled her eyes.

“Ah’ll be crashing on the couch while Ah wait for you to get ready to head back home, Soul,” Applejack said and laid on the couch as she was flipping through the channels.

Sunset placed a finger on Soul’s chest and started to make a circular motion on it. “You know, I could use a little company before I head to bed,” she said in a sultry tone.

“Really, what kind of company where you thinking of?” Soul asked with a sly smile.

“Not the kind you're thinking of, babe,” Sunset said, playfully. “But it’s just as fun though.”

Sunset pulled Soul closer to her and the two kissed. While they were making out, the two slowly walked back into her room and Soul kicked the door closed behind them. Applejack let out a sigh and grabbed a nearby blanket and took her boots off.

“It’s a good thing I called granny and aunt about us coming in late,” she said to herself as she let out a yawn and slowly drifted off to sleep while she was watching TV.

It was the next morning on Friday and Sunset could feel her back ache with pain because of yesterday's fight. She attempted to rub the back of it but it only seemed to make her more uncomfortable. She gave up trying to make it feel any better and tried her best to ignore it until she felt a pair of hands on her shoulders and were rubbing on them. Sunset smiled as she looked behind her to see it was Soul doing it.

“Thanks babe, I really need some rubbing on my back,” she said as the two were making their way towards the school entrance. “I can’t believe that you ended up sleeping over at my house with me.”

“What, and leave my little Sunny while she was hurt?” Soul asked as he was pretending to be shocked. “Not a chance in the world.”

“Alright, I can see your point,” Sunset said. “Just don’t make a habit of it yet, I’m still new to this whole relationship thing and want to take it slow.”

“Okay, I can do that,” Soul said before giving a peck on her left cheek.

As the two walked, the other girls were walking with their boyfriends as well. They too were bandaged up because of the fight and were walking casually until they noticed one another when they all were at the entrance. There was an awkward silence as they were trying to find a way to break the ice. Rainbow Dash let out a sigh and spoke up.

“Hey everyone,” she said. “How are you guys doing?”

“Well, besides the back ache I have, everything’s been good,” Sunset replied.

“I was able to wash away all those stains off of my clothes,” Rarity said. “Though, I’ll have to do some stitching if I ever want to wear them again.”

“Um, sorry about that,” Fluttershy said. “I guess my nails were a lot sharper than I thought.”

“Indeed,” Pinkie said as she rubbed her back. “They really did a number on back.”

There was even more awkward silence between the girls. The guys watched as they were hoping for something break the tension that was still there for all of them. Rarity stepped forwards as she rubbed her arm.

“Well, a lady has to admit when she’s done something wrong, so I’ll go first,” Rarity said. “I’m sorry for my behavior during this whole endeavor and for what I said behind all your backs.”

Fluttershy stepped forward. “And I’m sorry that I used some of animals to get back with you girls,” she said. “Like I tried to use Greg on Sunset and sneaked some of the hamsters in Rarity’s bag.”

“That was you?” Rarity asked.

“And I’m sorry that I started the pie fight at the cafe,” Pinkie said.

“Wait, I thought Sunset started that?” Swift asked.

“Technically she did, but where did you think she got all that pie from?” Pinkie pointed out. “I also paid some of the customers to throw them at her too.”

“And I’m sorry for what I did to you girls and what was I planning to do,” Sunset said as she stepped forward. “Like making a chemical that only ate through clothes.”

“Meh, I wouldn’t have mind.”

Everyone looked at Pinkie with raised brows and questionable looks.

“What? It’s wouldn’t be the first time I would be naked in public.”

“Why am I not surprised by that?” RIvet commented.

“Alright, apologies accepted,” Rainbow Dash said. “It’s a good thing I got nothing to apologize about.”

Everyone glared at Rainbow Dash as she acted casual but then started to snicker at first and laughed.

“Hahahaha! I’m kidding!” Rainbow Dash said. “I’m sorry too.”

“Are we all friends again then?” Pinkie asked.

“Of course, Pinkie,” Applejack said. “We’re the best of friends.”

“Woo hoo! Group hug!”

All the girls came together and hugged each other as a big group. Pinkie looked at boys with a bright smile.

“That mean you guys too!” she said.

Soul and Swift smiled and joined in on the group hug. Clyde nodded and hugged Rarity from behind. Night joined in as he was next Fluttershy. Everyone looked at Rivet as he had his arms crossed.

“I’m good,” he said.

“Oh, don’t be such a pansy and get over here,” Rainbow Dash said.

Rivet let out a defeated sigh. “Fine.”

Rivet joined in the group hug and everyone was friends again.

It was near the end of the school day and everyone was gathered in the gymnasium. The room was loud as students were chatting and talking with one another as they waited for the announced winners of the contest. The lights to the room dimmed down and the stage lights lit up to show both Principal Celestia and Luna walking up towards the microphones placed the on the sage. Luna held up a box and Celestia had three envelopes in her hands.

“Hello everyone at CHS,” Celestia announced. “I’m happy to say that we have three winners for this first ever Couples Contest.”

Everyone let out a cheer.

“And now without further addor, we’ll announce the winners and give the winning couple a pair of crowns.”

Celestia opened the first envelope and read out loud the couple.

“Tyrone and First Light!”

“Woo hoo!” Light cheered.

“Wow, I knew we were a great couple,” Tyrone commented.

The couple ran up to the stage as everyone cheered on for them. They walked up to Luna as she opened the box to reveal three different tiaras in it. Celestia picked one of them up and placed it over Light’s head. Light squealed with joy and hugged Tyrone tightly.

“Way to go, T!” Clyde cheered.

“Nice going, sis!” Rivet said.

“And now our second couple is...Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry!”

“Wait, what?” All the girls said except for Sunset as they saw Twilight and Flash walk up to the stage and Twilight was being given a crown by Celestia while everyone was cheering for them.

“I don’t get it, how did Twilight and Flash win?” Rainbow Dash asked. “She wasn’t even here the whole time the contest went on.”

Sunset sheepishly smiled. “I may have mentioned it to Twilight before the whole fight between us had started and I kinda forgot about it,” she explained. “And well, they were already a popular couple anyway.”

“Well, that is true,” Rarity said. “Did she knew about our fight?”

“No. And I’m hoping she never does,” Sunset admitted.

“And finally, our last couple to win this year is….Sonata Dusk and Soul Writer!”

“What?” Soul asked.

“What!?” Sunset screamed.

“WHAT!?” Everyone else in the group yelled.

“EEEEEEEEEEE!” Sonata shrieked with joy.

Sunset’s eye twitched for a moment before she looked over to Soul with an angry glare. She grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him in closer to her to where their noses touched one another.

“DID YOU CHEAT ON ME BEHIND MY BACK!?” Sunset yelled at Soul as she clutched her hand together and was about to punch him in the face.

“No, I swear! I’m just as confused as you are!” Soul pleaded as he was terrified for his life.

Just as Sunset was about to punch Soul, Applejack got behind her and locked her body up with her arms. Sunset struggled to get free from the country girl as she was kicking her legs around but it was futile.

“Scrubby can explain what happened.”

Everyone stopped and looked at Scrubby who was standing over by a corner near them.

“Everyone thinks Sonata and Soul are a couple because they were hanging out more while Sunset was ignoring him the whole time during the contest and nobody knew they were a couple,” Scrubby explained. “Even though Sunset did say they were a couple yesterday, everyone was already convinced that he was dating two women at the same time and think he’s a player.”

“I can’t tell to be offended or not,” Soul commented.

“And by a majority of votes, they think Sonata and Soul are one of the cutest couples….Eeyup.”

“So, people think Soul is dating two girls?” Swift asked. “I thought we were over this already.”

“Apparently not,” Rivet said.

Sonata ran up to Soul and grabbed him by the arm. “Come on, everyone is waiting!” she said excitedly.

“But we’re not really a- ARGH!”

Soul was being pulled by Sonata as she dragged him across the room towards the stage. The two walked up to Celestia and she picked up the last crown and placed it on Sonata’s head. She let out another squeal and was hugging tightly to a very confused Soul.

“Here are our winners for this years, Couples Contest!” Celestia announced.

Everyone let out one more round of applause and cheers as everyone in the group and Sunset looked out at the stage with surprised looks.

“Huh, so Sonata ended up winning and she and Soul aren’t even a couple,” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “God’s funny.”

“And kinda ironic,” Swift added.

“Wait, hold on,” Pinkie said as she put on a pair of glasses and pulled out a book from out of nowhere that had the title, Dictionary. She was flipped through the pages as she was trying look for a certain word. After she was done reading she threw the book away and placed her glasses into her fluffy hair. “Yup, that’s the word that describes this specific situation.”

“Why did you have to look that up?” Rivet asked.

“I’m trying to keep track of my literature skills,” Pinkie replied.

“Of course this would happen to me!” Sunset shouted. “If I didn’t let this whole thing get to my head, Soul and I would have won! Or at least people would know that we really are a couple!”

“Technically, they do think you’re a couple,” Rarity said. “They just think Sonata is thrown into the mix.”

Sunset laid her back against the wall and slid down it. When she landed on the bottom she curled up into a ball as she buried her face into her knee.

“Don’t worry, Sunset, there’s always next year!” Pinkie said.

“Eeeeeeeehhh,” Sunset sadly said.

“Now that the contest is over, I hope everyone was able to turn in their PTA forms from their parents or guardians,” Celestia said.

Everyone then went silent as she said that. There were a few awkward whistles and most of everyone was avoiding gaze from the principal. Luna let out a sigh and walked up to the microphone.

“None of you did so, did you?” she asked in an unexpected tone.

Everyone still remained silent while a few nodded slowly.

Luna let out another sigh. “You can all get your forms signed during the weekend and you can turn them in next Monday,” she said. “None of you are in trouble for today.”

Every student let out a sigh of relief as they were glad to hear Luna’s words.

Luna looked over to her sister with a raised brow and arms crossed. “We’re not doing this again when we need those forms signed,” she said. “And we’re putting more restrictive rules on the contest as well.”

Celestia let out a sigh. “Alright, we’ll do that,” she said.

Everyone was now leaving for home as they were getting into their parents cars or were getting their own rides. Sunset slowly walked along the sidewalk as she was heading towards her car. Just as she was halfway there, she felt her hand being held by another one. She looked up to see Soul holding her gently as he was walking beside her.

“Well, that was unexpected,” he said.

“Yeah, it sure was,” Sunset said and looked back down at the ground. “Can’t believe everyone thought that you were better off with Sonata than me.”

Soul rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah, I can’t believe that either, but you know how people are,” he said. He then looked at Sunset as she looked unhappy and saw a little tear form around her eyes. He let out a sigh and looked at her with a smile. “Hey?”


“I don’t care what others think, you’re the girl I want to be with,” Soul said. “If they think I should be with some other girl, then they don’t know how happy I am to be with you. Sonata is fun to hang out sometimes, but every time I spend with you, it’s the best time of my life. And I want to show everyone that.”

Soul wrapped his arms around Sunset and gave her a gentle hug. Sunset was caught off guard at first but she quickly gave one of her own back to him. The two hugged until Soul slight released her as he lovingly gazed in her eyes.

“I love you with all my heart,” he said.

“And I love you with all of mine,” Sunset said back and leaned in for a kiss.

The two kissed passionately together as time felt forever for them. Knowing that nothing would ruin this moment.

Down in the janitor’s closet, Scrubby was laying on his bed mattress while reading his usual magazine in his hand as he was passing the time. All of a sudden, the phone on the wall was ringing and he got up to answer it. He picked up the phone and spoke into it.

“Janitor's office,” Scrubby greeted. “..... Hello sir, what can I do for?....... Yes, I suggested the idea as you requested……. Yes, I kept track of all of the teachers businesses….. Yes, I gave the children some advice that seemed helpful but made things more complicated…… Yes, there was a fight between a bunch of girls…… Yes sir, Vice Principal Luna is ticked off….. Anything else you need me to do?....... Alright, will do Superintendent Discord.”

Scrubby placed the phone back on the wall and walked back to his mattress to continue on reading his magazine.


Author's Note:

And now it is the end of the arc! What a twist of an ending and we have some sweet Sunny and Soul moment. So everyone wins!..... Not really but you know what I mean.

And now Discord is part of the EQ universe!

....Head cannon wise anyway.