• Published 24th Jan 2015
  • 13,929 Views, 545 Comments

The Sun of My Heart - BlueSun52

Meet Soul Writer, A sweet guy who likes to help others and has big plans for the future. Now he's coming to Canterlot High and is high over head for Sunset. Can he be able to win her heart?

  • ...

Chapter 18

And The First Official Date Begins!

A week has past since the Couples Contest had ended and everything was back to normal. It was now Friday and the school bell rings as it indicated the end of the school day. The students were walking out of the front main entrance and were leaving for their homes as usual.

Walking down the stairs while they were holding hands were Soul and Sunset. Sunset was listening to some music on her phone with one of her earpieces while Soul held his phone as he was looking through the web. Sunset looked over to Soul’s phone as curiosity came to her.

“What are you looking up, babe?” she asked.

“I’m trying to find a figure for a game I’m playing,” Soul replied.

“Like what kind of game?”

“It’s a game where you can play as many different types of characters that this company makes,” Soul explained. “You know, the company that made so many CGI movies and have a lot of princesses.”

Sunset nodded.

“Well, they make these figures where you can put on a platform and you can can play as them. Of course you have to buy the figures to play as them and they these power discs that can give new missions, equipment and power ups for the game,” Soul explained. “I wasn’t interested at first but then I got bored one day and was looking at the game out of curiosity. I looked up some gameplay, went and bought the starter pack, got hooked, went to buy more figures for it and now there is this one figure I’m looking for but I think it’s too late to get it now.”


“It was a pre-order special of my favorite character where he had the symbiote suit on. I went online to see if they had him as an individual character but there doesn't seem to be one,” Soul said and let out a sigh. “And I thought the internet had everything.”

Sunset giggled. “I’m sorry to hear that,” she said. “So, I guess you have to be satisfied with what you got.”

“Maybe, but if there’s a will, there’s a way,” Soul said. “Anyways, how was your day?”

“It was good, but I’m just glad the weekend came.” Sunset leaned in close to Soul with loving eyes. “So we can spend sometime together.” She then kissed him on the lips.

Soul smiled as he was kissing Sunset back. The two broke the kiss and gazed into each others eyes for a moment before Soul spoke up.

“Yeah, I know what you mean. We haven’t gone a date since... since... Wait a minute.”


“Have we actually been on a date?”

“We’ve gone on that triple date and-”

“No, I mean have we been on a date with just the two of us?”

Sunset opened her mouth to reply but she closed it because she couldn’t think of a response. Her eyes widen with a surprise. “No, I don’t think we ever have gone a date before,” she replied. “Unless we’re counting the time we had at the dance.”

“No, I don’t think that counts,” Soul commented.

“Wait, what about when we went to cafe together?” Sunset asked.

“I didn’t count that since it was to get everyone to vote for us for the Couples Contest.”

“Oh,” Sunset sheepishly said. “Then, I guess we haven’t gone a real date yet.”


Soul and Sunset heard another voice and looked to see Rarity with a horrored look. Rarity ran up to the couple and placed her hands on their shoulders.

“You two haven’t gone on a date yet!?” she asked in a shocking tone. “How has your relationship survived this far!?”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Rarity, it’s not that bad,” she commented.

“Not that bad? Not that bad!? This is the worst possible thing ever!” Rarity said as she raised her hand over her head and had her eyes closed as she acted like she was about to faint. She then opened her eyes and let out a sigh. “I wish I had magic that could make a couch appear.”

“Okay, so we’ll go this weekend then,” Soul suggested. “How about it?”

“I would love to,” Sunset replied.

Rarity let out a relieve sigh. “That is good to hear,” she said. “I remember when Clyde and I went on our first date. It was like destiny wanted us to be together. I can just remember it like it was yesterday.” Her eyes were blank like she was in daze as she was busy remembering her time with Clyde.

Soul and Sunset exchanged worried looks as Rarity just stood there with loving eyes as she was just looking to nowhere in particular. Sunset waved her hand in front of her and tried snapping her finger but didn’t get any response from Rarity. The two then looked back at each other.

“Ssooooo, dinner and a movie?” Soul asked.

“That would be nice,” Sunset replied. “When?”

“This Saturday sound good to you?”


“Then I’ll see you soon,” Soul said before giving a kiss on her lips and the two parted ways.

After the two were gone and most of the students as well, Rarity let out a content sigh and spoke up. “As I was saying, I hope that everything-” She stopped as she saw that they were gone and looked at cellphone to see what time it was. She let out groan. “I really need to stop dazing off like that,” she said to herself.

It was Saturday early in the afternoon at the home of the Writer family. Soul walked slowly walked down the stairs as he saw his parents sitting on the couch watching something on the tv. Soul was thinking of a way to get his parents to let him drive one of their cars so he could give Sunset a ride with him for their first date.

Soul rubbed his chin. ‘How am I going to get mom and dad to give me one of their cars?’ he thought to himself. ‘Maybe if I butter them up, that might convince to give me what I need.’

Soul took in a deep breath and started walking down the stairs with a fake smile. As soon as he took his last step, he started his first phase of his plan. “Hey mom and dad, how are you guys doing?” he asked.

“You want to give us one of our cars, do you?” Dawn asked without even looking at her son.

“W-What!?” Soul asked being caught off guard. “What could make you think that I was planning to do so?”

“Because you told us about your date with your ‘Sunny’ and we suspected that you were planning on driving her around,” Dawn explained. “Am I on the right track or should I keep going?”

“Eh, no, you’re on the right track,” Soul replied. “So, can I have one of the cars then?”

“You can take mine, bud,” Comet said and held up his keys.

“Thanks dad, I-” Soul was about to finish until Dawn grabbed the keys from Comet and instead held up hers.

“No, you’re not taking her in that messy thing,” Dawn said. “You can have mine, but I want you back here at least before ten. Or you’re grounded.”

“Wait, what is wrong with my car?” Comet asked with a raised brow.

“There’s trash in it, mud is stuck to the bottom and it smells,” Dawn replied. “He can have it on the other dates. But for tonight, he can borrow mine.” She then looked over to her son. “Oh, one more thing, I don’t want you to fool around with your girl in the back of my car or hell is going to pay.”

Soul gulped. “Yes, ma’am,” he meekly replied.

“Good, now you go and have a fun night,” Dawn said with a smile.

“Thanks mom,” Soul said as he grab the keys from his mom and headed towards the door.

“Ah uh ah, aren’t you forgetting something?” Dawn said as she wiggled her finger.

Soul groaned and walked back over to her. He gave a peck on her cheek and made his back towards the door. As soon as he got there, Soul opened the door and closed it right behind him.

Comet looked over to his wife. “Seriously, is my pickup that bad?” he asked.

“Well, not that bad but our son will have an easier time driving my car,” Dawn explained. “Since he doesn't know how to drive stick like your pickup has.”

“Oh.” Comet rubbed the back of his and put on a sheepish smile. “I guess since you pointed that out, that makes a lot of sense,” he said. “I’m so lucky to have a wife like you.”

“You know it, honey,” Dawn said before she grabbed the remote and turned off the tv. She then looked at her husband with both a mixture of loving and hungry eyes. “And since our son is going to be gone for a while, how about we have some husband and wife fun time together?”

Comet made a sly smile. “This is what I was hoping to hear since I got back,” he said before he kissing his wife passionately.

At Sunset’s apartment, she was putting on her last article of clothing before she looked herself over with the mirror on the wall. She wore a crimson jacket over a magenta shirt and wore red jeans. She also had on a pair of red highheels and made her hair into a long ponytail.

As she was observing her outfit, she heard the doorbell ring and smiled as she walked to the front door knowing believing she knew who was at the door. She grabbed hold of the doorknob and opened the door to show Soul standing on the otherside.

Soul smiled. “Hey Sunny, your knight in shining armor has arrived,” he said.

Sunset giggled. “Oh really, then where is he?” she joked.

Soul rolled his eyes. “Ha ha, very funny,” he said. He looked over Sunset outfit and liked what she was wearing. “You look very stunning,” he commented.

“Thanks, I thought I would try something new,” Sunset said. “I like what you’re wearing.”

Soul was wearing a black jacket with white flame designs with a white shirt under it and having black jeans on.

“Thanks, but its nothing compare to what you’re wearing,” Soul said before kissing Sunset on the lips.

Sunset closed her eyes and embrace her lover’s kiss as his arms wrapped around her while she wrapped her arms around him. After a moment of their sweet bonding, they both stopped and gazed into each others eyes lovingly as neither didn’t want this moment to end.

Soul cleared her throat. “I guess if we want to go on our date, we should go now,” he said. “Before I get too lost into your eyes.”

“I wouldn’t blame you if you did,” Sunset said. “So, where are we going to eat?”

“I looked around and saw a place I thought you might like,” Soul said.

“Oh yeah, what is it?”

“Wow, I didn’t know we had something like this here,” Sunset commented as she held Soul’s hands while their waiter escorted them to where they would sit.

The restaurant they went to was themed to be like the fifties time with the waiters were dressed like they were during the time and the walls had pictures of some of the greatest rock and roll musicians from that time.

The waiter led them to a booth and the couple sat from the opposite of one another. They ordered what drinks they wanted and the waiter said she would be back with their drinks. When the waiter left, Sunset and Soul took a moment to check out the place as they waited for their drinks.

“How did you found this place?” Sunset asked.

“Well, I looked around online to see if there was anything interesting that you would have liked and I saw that this place was one of the popular places for couples,” Soul explained. “Which is weird since I never heard of it before from either Clyde or Rarity.”

“They must have wanted to keep this place to themselves,” Sunset joked.

Soul chuckled. “Maybe, but we can ask them about it later,” he said. “I’m so glad that it’s just the two of us tonight. Now that I think about it, there’s always either our friends or family that were nearby. But now it’s just you and m-”

“Soul? Sunset?” a cheery familiar voice spoke up. “Heya guys, what’s up?”

‘Son of a-’

“Oh, hey Pinkie,” Sunset said. “Soul and I are on a date right now.”

“Aww, that’s so sweet,” Pinkie said. “Swift and I are on a date too.”

“Hey guys,” Swift greeted as he walked beside Pinkie.

“Hey, Swift,” Soul greeted back. “I see that you like to come here all the time, Pinkie.”

“How did you know?” Pinkie asked.

Soul raised a brow and observed Pinkie’s outfit as she wore a bright pink dress with a pink scarf around her neck and a black sash across the waist while having a pink rose in her hair was updo styled still having her puffiness intact.

“Just a guess,” Soul replied.

“Oh, can we sit with you guys?” Pinkie asked. “That way it’ll be twice as fun with all of us together.”

“Well, we-”

“Of course, Pinkie,” Sunset said before Soul could really say anything. “We would be happy to have you with us.”

“Woo hoo!”

Soul mentally slapped himself in the face.

Sunset got up and sat next to Soul while Pinkie and Swift sat where she once was. Soul let out an irritated sigh and leaned against the back while Pinkie and Sunset were chatting and Swift was looking through the menu. Soul looked at Sunset for a moment and slightly smiled to see her happy chatting with their friends.

‘Well, as long as it makes her happy, I don’t mind this,’ Soul thought to himself. ‘Besides, she gets to sit next to me and we’ll be going to the movies together. So what could go wrong?’


It was sometime after Soul and Sunset left the restaurant and they had made it to the movies. Soul paid for the movie and snacks and found themselves a place to sit in the movie theater. The two waited for the movie to start while they enjoyed each others company as they were the only ones in the theater. The movie was a romance comedy about a teenage boy that had fell in love with a girl from another world. The two didn’t know why, but they had a good feeling that they were going to love it.

While Soul was holding on to their popcorn, Sunset snuggled up against his arm as she wrapped hers around it and laid her head on his shoulder. Soul looked at Sunset with a smile and laid his head on top of hers.

“This date been great so far,” Sunset commented. “Wonder how the movie is going to be?”

“I don’t know, but I heard it’s good,” Soul replied. “But I may not be focus on it the whole time though,” he said as gazed in Sunset’s eyes.

Sunset made a sultry smile. “I don’t think I’ll be either,” she said before leaning to give a kiss.

Just before the two would kiss, they suddenly heard a familiar voice call to them.

“Heya guys, I didn’t know you were going to be,” Rainbow Dash said as she walked up the stairs and holding a bag of popcorn and a soda while Fluttershy was right behind her and was holding on to her soda.

‘Oh, you gotta be kidding me,’ Soul irritably thought to himself.

“Hey girls, what are you doing here?” Sunset asked.

“Well, Fluttershy and I thought we would get away from our boyfriends for the night and thought going to the movies would be a good idea,” Rainbow Dash explained. “Fluttershy wanted to check out this movie here really badly and I just agreed to come along mostly for the funny parts. So, you guys here for a date or something?”

“Yes,” Soul replied. “While I would normally ask you to join us-”

“Cool, thanks,” Rainbow Dash interjected.

“Wait, what?” Soul said off guard. “No, you didn’t let me-”

“Oh, thanks for letting us sit with you,” Fluttershy said. “I’m glad that we have a kind friend like you.”


“He really is the sweetest boyfriend ever,” Sunset before kissing Soul on the cheek.

Soul put on a fake smile. “Yeah, that’s me. The sweetest boyfriend ever,” he said before slumping back against the chair and the room was getting dark.

“Oh, the movie about to start,” Rainbow Dash said. “I heard that there’s this one scene that’s supposed to be hilarious. It’s when some of the characters friends come along and start ruining their date.”

Soul’s eyes were half lid. “Wow, it sounds kinda ironic,” he commented. “And coincidental.”

“I know but it’s still going to be funny,” Rainbow Dash said before she took a handful of popcorn and shoved it in her mouth.

Soul pinched the bridge of his nose. ‘This is not what I expected,’ he thought to himself. ‘Looks like I’m going to have to come up with a plan B. Somewhere where no one would bother us and we be alone for the night.’ Soul thought about it some more and mentally snapped his imaginary fingers. ‘I think I know where.’

“So, what made you decide to go somewhere else?” Sunset asked as Soul was driving her to their third unexpected destination. “I kinda thought it would end after the movies were over.”

“I thought that too,” Soul replied. “But I kinda wanted to go somewhere where it’s just the two of us together.”

“Yeah, our friends did come out of nowhere,” Sunset commented. “But it was kinda fun to have them around.”

“I’ll admit it was, but I was hoping it would be between you and me,” Soul said before he looked up the road and saw their destination. Sunset looked at a small sign and raised a brow.

“Make Out Paradise? That’s where you wanted to come to?” she asked.

“Well, it seemed like a good idea,” Soul replied. “And you look, there’s no one here….On a Saturday night? Huh, I guess they had better things to do.”

“You do know that others have done more than making out here, right?” Sunset asked as she looked suspiciously at Soul and had her arms crossed.

“Yeah, I know. And I promise that we’re not going to do those things,” Soul replied. “.......Unless of course you want to…. Maybe?”

Sunset looked at Soul with half lid eyes.

Soul let out a sigh. “I’m just kidding,” he said. “I just wanted it to be just us by ourselves. That was what we wanted to do, right?”

Sunset’s eyes softened and smiled at Soul. “Yes, I know,” she replied. “And I know you were just kidding.” She leaned up and kiss Soul on the cheek. Her expression then changed into a sultry one and had a devious smile on her. “And I always did wanted to come up here with you.”

Soul had a huge toothy smile. “Let me park this thing and I’ll fulfill that dream,” he said before he changed his expression into a concerned one. “But can we make out on top of the hood?”


“Because, if my mom founds out that we fooled around in the back, she’s going to kill me,” Soul explained.

Sunset looked at Soul with a blank look before she snickered. “Alright, I can see why,” she said.

When Soul parked the car, the two walked out of it and started pressing their lips with one another as Sunset was on top of Soul on the hood of the car. At first, Sunset felt a bit tense kissing Soul like they are outside of their usual setting as it was always private. But she relaxed and as usual it was wonderful as she was kissing the person she deeply loved.

Sunset slowly tugged away from the kissing and wanted to try something new. She lowered down at Soul’s neck and started to kiss at it. Soul let out a small pleasurable moan as he looked down at Sunset and smiled. When she stopped, the two sat up and Soul gently kissed under Sunset’s neck which she let out a small moan. She then giggled as the kissing started to tickle her.

Soul stopped as he gazed into Sunset’s shining eyes as they reflected off of the moon’s light and truly believed that she was angel. Sunset combed the back of Soul’s hair with her hands and loved gazing into his ocean like eyes.

“I love you, Sunset Shimmer,” Soul quietly said. “And I always will.”

“And I always will too,” Sunset said back. “I never thought I would be lucky to have a stallion like you in my life.”

“And I never thought I would have such a beautiful woman to have in mine,” Soul said before he leaned in and kissed Sunset some more.

The two continued on until it was getting near the time Soul’s mom told to come back home. Soul was hesitant on leaving Sunset but she convince him that she didn’t want him to be in trouble and he agreed with her. He kissed and said his goodbyes to her and made it back home before it was ten. Soul walked into his house and noticed that the lights were off. Believing that his parents were asleep, he went into his room and climbed into bed as Toby got on top as well and went asleep with his master and best friend. Soul was having a blissful sleep as he dreamed of being with Sunset and believed that their love was going to last forever.

Author's Note:

Now Soul and Sunset have finally gone on their first date together! (Even though their friends keep on coming at the wrong time and but in.)

Hope everyone enjoyed it:twilightsmile: