• Published 24th Jan 2015
  • 13,929 Views, 545 Comments

The Sun of My Heart - BlueSun52

Meet Soul Writer, A sweet guy who likes to help others and has big plans for the future. Now he's coming to Canterlot High and is high over head for Sunset. Can he be able to win her heart?

  • ...

Chapter 9

Thus The Battle of Fall Formal Dates has Begun! Part 2
Things Are Getting Crazy!

The school bell rang and many of the student body and teachers were heading to their respective homes for the day. Walking down the hallway towards the main entrance were Soul, Swift, Clyde and Rivet.

“So do you have any ideas now, Soul?” Clyde asked.

“I have an idea,” Soul replied. “I thought we should start with RIvet here first before any of us.”

“Why me?” Rivet asked.

“Because out of all of us, you have a girl that’s out of your league,” Soul explained.

“Hey! I have a chance with Rainbow Dash.”

Everyone looked at Rivet with skeptic expressions.

“Shup up,” Rivet said. “So what is your grand idea anyway?”

“Not just grand but pure genius,” Soul said with pride. “My plan is just full proof. You see this is how it’s supposed to go-”

“Hey, Rivet!”

The guys heard a familiar voice and turned to see Rainbow Dash walking up to Rivet.

“Hey Rainbow Dash, did you needed something?” Rivet asked.

“Yeah, but you might think it’s crazy,” Rainbow Dash said.

“I don’t know, I’ve heard crazy things from Swift most of the time.”


“Well, this might beat it,” Rainbow Dash said. “You wanna hang together at the dance?”

Rivet froze up when he heard those words and all the guys jaws hung open.

“WHAT!?” Soul shouted.

-Five Minutes Ago-

Rainbow Dash impatiently watched the clock go by as she wished for the school day to be over. She hated math so much and just wanted the teacher to just shut up. After looking at the clock was too boring for her, she eyed around the room in front of her and looked at various students that sat in front of her. Her mind went back to when the girls were talking about the dance and how she was confused on Sonata trying to help Sunset accept her feelings for Soul even though Sonata wanted to go out with Soul as well. She thought it must have been a siren thing or something.

She let out a sigh and carefully looked at the boys that sat in front of her. First she spotted her ex, Soarn. She admits that he’s a cool guy and is awesome at sports but she broke up with him because he supported another team that stood against her favorite team. Now that she thinks about it, it shouldn’t have been that big of a deal.

Next up was Thunderlane. She thought going with him at the dance because he had a cool looking motorcycle and would make the dance fun. But from what she heard, he was already asked out by one of her teammates from the soccer team, Cloudchaser.

She looked over to see Bulk Biceps sitting uncomfortably in his chair. She couldn’t deny that Bulk was the strongest and well built guy in the entire school while at heart is the sweetest guy there is. But there was one problem.


“What did I tell you about shouting randomly in class?”


He was too loud.

Rainbow Dash was just about to give up on any potential dates until she laid her eyes on the back of Rivet. She raised a brow for a moment and thought about him. He was good with a guitar, fun to be around with, not the very talkative sort of person but he was always willing to listen to her and she had to admit is the most good looking. She knew then who she wanted to go out with the dance.

The school bang rang and everyone was getting up. Rainbow Dash shook her violently and looked at the clock to see it was time to leave. She saw Rivet sit up from his desk and he walked out the door. She picked up her bag and started to pursue Rivet.

-Back to the Now-

“WHAT!?” Soul shouted.

Rainbow Dash laughed. “I know, it’s the last thing anyone think would happen,” she said and looked back at Rivet. “So, you game?”

Rivet shook his head violently and looked at Dash with a chill expression. “Yeah, I’m game for it,” he said in a smooth tone.

“Cool, don’t worry about picking me up,” Rainbow Dash said. “Cause I’m picking you up with my new ride. I’m not the traditional sense of girl in case if you haven’t notice.”

“Don’t worry, I don’t mind,” Rivet said. “See you later then?”

“You know it,” Rainbow Dash said and gave Rivet a wink before walking away.

As soon as she disappeared, Rivet looked at Soul with a smug smile. “You still think she’s out of my league?” he asked, mockingly.

“Ah man,” Soul said. “It took me hours to come with that plan!”

“Would it make you feel better if I hear what you were planning?” Rivet asked.

“It wouldn’t be the same,” Soul replied in a disappointed tone.

“I’m sure it was the perfect plan,” Swift said.

Soul let out a sigh. “It sure was,” he said.

“Now what?”

“Well, since Rivet now has his date, we can go ahead and do Swift next,” Soul said.

“So you have a plan then?” Swift asked.

“Yes and we’re going to need our secret weapon,” Soul said. “Where’s Rarity?”

“Wait, why would you need my girl for?” Clyde asked.

After getting back from school, Rarity was checking out her dress designs for her friends and many of the female student body that ordered for them. She carefully inspected each of them and fixed whatever mistakes she might have made, which was very rare for her. As she was doing so, her cellphone started to ring. She picked it up and upon looking at the receiver's name, she smiled to see that it was her precious man, Clyde. She clicked on answer and raised the phone to her ear.

“Hello, Clyde my dear, did you need something from me?” Rarity asked.

“How is it that whenever I call, you can tell I’m about to ask you something or that I just want to talk?” Clyde asked.

“You can be very predictable at times, dear,” Rarity said. “But that’s because I love you so much.”

“Oh...Good to know,” Clyde said. “Anyways, Soul needed to know where Pinkie is.”

“Soul? Why would-”


Rarity was interrupted when she heard her very bubbly friend Pinkie come in.

“Oh, hello Pinkie, I’m in here,” Rarity called out. “She’s here right now, would you please explain why he needed to know that?”

“He’s trying to get Pinkie to take Swift to the dance,” Clyde replied.

“How’s he going to do that?”

“I have no clue.”

“Why do you say it like something bad is going to happen?” Soul asked in the background. “I’m not Swift.”


“Anyways, to the batmobile!”

“You mean my car?” Clyde asked.

“Yes…. your car, ” Soul replied. “You couldn’t have gone along with the batmobile idea?”

Clyde let out a sigh while Rarity rolled her eyes on the conversation.

“I’ll see you soon, Rarity,” Clyde said.

“Hope to see you soon too, darling,” Rarity said. She made a kissing sound over the phone and pressed on the end button.

“Hey Rarity,” Pinkie said as she hopped into the room. “Who was that?”

“Oh, just my sweet man,” Rarity replied. “Did you need something dear?”

“Nah, I’m good, I just wanted to see how one of my best pals are doing,” Pinkie replied.

“Well, I’m doing just fine, thank you,” Rarity said. “If you don’t mind me asking Pinkie, have you decided on who you were asking out to the dance?”

“Hmm, nopiedo,” Pinkie replied. “I was hoping to ask Swift about it but I never had the chance to.”

Rarity let out a sigh. ‘I have to figure out a way for Pinkie to go with Swift to the Fall Formal before Soul’s plan might get all the guys hurt...Or at least Swift and as much as it is funny to see him in some of those situations, I would never forgive myself if anything terrible happens to him,’ she thought to herself. “Pinkie, why don’t you ask Swift himself out?”

“Pfff, don’t be silly, Rarity,” Pinkie waved her hand. “He’s obviously going to be asked by the girl he likes.”

“But what if she never asks him?” Rarity pointed out. “If I recall correctly, Soul told you that she never really notices him and the way it seems like, she may never will.”

Pinkie let out a gasp. “That sounds really sad,” she said. “You think I should do something about it?”

“I think that you should go with Swift as a friend in case that happens,” Rarity suggested. “That way, neither of you two would be going alone.”

“What if he’s crush does ask him out?”

“Than you would let him go with her and he would be grateful for that,” Rarity said. “Everyone would be happy in that situation.”

“Hmm, that’s actually a good idea,” Pinkie said. “I think I’ll do that.”

“That’s great to hear,” Rarity said. “Oh but don’t tell Swift about the crush thing, it might hurt his pride as a man if he thinks you’re going with him out of pity.”

“I wouldn’t do it out of pity, I would do it because it’s what friends are for,” Pinkie said. “But I’ll keep it on the down low though.”

“I”m glad to hear that.”

The door’s bell rang as someone was walking through it.

“Rarity, are you here? It’s me, Sunset.”

“Oh Sunset, I’ll be there in a second,” Rarity said, making her towards the main room. “Hello dear, what brings you here?”

“I know this is kinda last minute but do you think you can make me a dress for the Fall Formal?” Sunset asked. “I understand if you can’t and-”

“Of course I can make you dress,” Rarity said. “I knew things were going to get hectic during this time of the year, so I was able to get all the other girls’ dresses ready and I was able to convince some of the other girls that go to our school to get their dresses ready in advance. I was able to gain plenty of free because of that, so yes, I will be able to make your dress.”

“Thanks Rarity, I was really hoping that you could help,” Sunset said.

“I don’t believe I’ve gotten your dress size yet,” Rarity said. “Sunset dear, can you please come with me upstairs? I may need you to undress a bit so I can get a clear idea on how big I need your dress in.”

“Of course, Rarity, no problem,” Sunset said.

Rarity led Sunset upstairs. On the way Sunset saw Pinkie and waved at her as she was passing by. After that, Pinkie heard the door open and started to walk towards the entrance. She stopped as she saw who was at the door.


“Oh um, h-hi Pinkie,” Swift said, nervously.

Outside, Soul was high on top of a tree as he looked through the building windows with his binoculars. He saw that Swift entered into the building and can see Swift and Pinkie saying hi to one another.

“Code Tune, this is White Tiger,” Soul said into a mic that was attached to his ear. “Agent Cat has intersected Bubble Gum. Over.”

“Soul, would you please stop talking like that,” Rivet said. “I know Swift is already inside and I can see Pinkie through the window, we’re not that far away.”

Rivet and Clyde were at the base of the tree as they hid behind a bush from across the street from the building.

“And why did you climb a tree?” Clyde asked.

Soul let out an irritated growl. “Can’t you guys just humor me on the code names?” he asked. “And I wanted to get a better angle on the target.”

“We can see just fine from here, there is no need for you to be in a tree,” Rivet pointed out.

“Fine, I just wanted an excuse to climb a tree, okay?” Soul said before looking back to through his binoculars. “Swift, can you hear me?”

“Yeah, I can,” Swift whispered.

“Alright, this is how it’s going to go,” Soul started. “I’ll give you some lines that I think are the best lines ever. We do this right, Pinkie would no doubt go out with you. Ready?”

“Ready,” Swift said.

“Alright, here we-”

“Hey Swift, do you wanna go out with me to the dance?” Pinkie asked.

“What?” Swift asked in disbelief.

“WHAT!?” Soul yelled outside.

“Yeah, I thought that since we’ve been good friends for a long time and we’re both going to the dance alone, I thought we could go to the dance together alone,” Pinkie explained. “...Wait, did that make sense to you?”

“Eeehh, sort of,” Swift admitted.

“Okay, let me try that again,” Pinkie said. “Would you like to go to the dance with me as friends?”

“YES!” Swift yelled happily with a big, toothy smile. He quickly composed himself and cough into his hand. “I mean, yes I would like to go with you at the dance.”

“Awesome!” Pinkie said. “Do you wanna go out for some smoothie?”


“I’ll race ya!”

Pinkie started running out the door with Swift following right behind her. They both laughed as they ran across the sidewalk towards to whatever life wanted them to. Clyde smiled after seeing his close friend finally going out with the girl of his dream and Rivet was just glad that he wouldn’t get involved in anymore romance drama for a long while. Soul was happy for Swift but felt a little disappointed.

“Well, didn’t see that coming,” Soul said. “And it took me hours to come up with those lines as well!”

“At least be glad that Swift finally get’s to go out with Pinkie and not get us involved in painful plans,”Clyde said.

“True,” Soul said. “I do feel happy for the guy. I just wish that-” Soul froze for a moment when he looked up at the building and was looking through a window. He drew up his binocular and his face was turning red.

“Um Soul, are you okay?” Rivet asked while he looked up the tree. “What’s wrong?”

“Eehhh, nothing,” Soul lied. Looking through the window, he saw Sunset wearing nothing but black lingerie underwear as she was being measured by Rarity. “N-Nothing at all.”

“Soul, what are you looking at?” Clyde asked in a suspicious tone.

“Well eh-” Soul began to say but couldn’t come up with the right words without letting them he was looking at Sunset. ‘Wait, what am I doing?’ he thought to himself. ‘This isn’t right and if Sunset catches me up here, it’s goodbye to any chances with going out with her.’

“Are you okay up there?” Rivet asked. “Do you need any help?”

Soul shook his head violently and looked back down at the guys. “Yeah, I’m fine,” Soul said. “I’m coming down now.”

Soul was about to climb from his spot. He grabbed on to a nearby branch and it started shaking a bit. A small brown, furry thing fell off from the leaves and landed on Soul’s lap. He let out a yelp when it happened but took a closer look at it.

“Hey, what’s going on up there?” Rivet asked. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, just a little critter landed on me,” Soul replied and look back at the ball of fur that he scooped up into his hand. “Hey there little guy, I’m not going to hurt you.”

The ball of fur started to shake as it seemed to be unfurling itself.

“That’s it little guy just-”

Soul’s words froze as he saw that it unfurled to show it’s six legs, it’s various bitty eyes staring right him and it’s large, round behind. It was a tranchilla.

“Ah oh.”

Without warning the spider jumped right at Soul and attached itself on his face.



“WHAT IN HEAVENS IS GOING ON OUT HERE!?” Rarity yelled as she burst through the windows.

Soul continued to scream until he lost his balance and started falling off the branch. The spider leaped off of his face and gently landed back into the leaves where it was just as he was falling down. As Soul was falling, he was heading towards both Clyde and Rivet.

“Ah crap,” Clyde and Rivet said in unison,

Soul landed on both of them and they all let out a pain filled shouts. Rarity let out a gasp and ran away from the window. After helping Sunset get her clothes back, descending down the stairs and came running out of the main entrance, she went over to where the boys laid down as they let moans of pain.

“My word, are you all alright?” Rarity asked.

Clyde tried to lift his head. “Yeah, I’m okay,” he said.

“Barley,” Rivet said.

“I think God hates me now for what I did,” Soul said. He looked up to see Sunset next to Rarity. “Hey Sunset?”

“Yes?” Sunset said in a concerning voice.

“There’s something I need to tell you,” Soul started. “Before God finishes what he started.”

Author's Note:

I thought that since the last chapter was short, you guys deserve an early chapter. Enjoy:twilightsmile: