• Published 11th Jan 2015
  • 511 Views, 7 Comments

Self-Insert Fic #1572 - edwinflores428

A basic self-insert fic as I am placed in the world of Equestria post-Season 4.

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Chapter 1

Strange happenings are going on in the pony world of Equestria, what started out as minor occurrences became a mysterious phenomenon so crazy that not even the princesses can really figure out what's happening as strange objects appear out of nowhere. The first object was nothing really special..it was a glass bulb with a tiny piece of filament in it that when shocked with electricity it lights up. But then things got more frequent and the objects became either larger or more mysterious.... a weird flat metal box with a glass screen, a bed, books even supposed modes of transportation that allow quick land travel. Then came the weapons: tanks, cannons, and guns, once the princesses knew what they were all of them were either confiscated or destroyed on the spot. And yet the highest concentration of occurrences were at none other than a rebuilding Ponyville, still recovering from the destruction of Tirek but also the site of Princess Twilight's new castle.

"Just where in Equestria is all this stuff coming from!?" Twilight said to herself as she paced around her new bedroom. The newly crowned Princess of Friendship was beside herself trying to figure out what was going on. What she does know that every time something new came there was a high concentration of celestial magic...a kind of magic that's older than the two sisters and the concentration was getting larger and larger as if preparing for something. But then again it was her imagination, she was still prone to overreact when situations become tense.

"Twilight!! Is that you!?" yelled a young drake..

"Spike!? Where are you!?" Twilight descended out of her room and down the winding stairs.

"The 2nd guest bedroom....I think!" Spike was still getting used to the massive new crystal palace that belonged to Twilight. But to them, it just wasn't home yet. They miss their old treehouse, that old wooden finish, the basket that Spike used to sleep in. It was their beloved home for many years before Tirek destroyed it in one supercharged blast. So as she winded down the halls, she can't help but mutter 'it's just not the same'. Sometimes, the castle feels way to empty and cold..and alone. But that was another bridge to be crossed at another time..now it's time to find Spike. Who's gotten himself lost...again.

"Try moving towards my voice" she called out, that usually works whenever either of them get lost in the palace. Before either of them knew it, they meet up in the center of the castle where the Rainbow Power resides, ready to be summoned by her friends should the need arise. "Oh there you are Spike"

"Yeah, this place is practically a maze!! It just feels off......I miss our old home Twilight." Spike merely looked up to his sister with sad eyes, no doubt he was still reeling from losing their treehouse home. All Twilight could was embrace Spike in a loving hug contemplating the situation. But suddenly..

"Twilight! Something's up with the center of the room!!" as Spike pointed towards the center of the 6 thrones as they all glowed intensely of their respective colors before a large blinding light erupted from the castles peak shooting up into the air.

Back in Canterlot however...

"Sister...did you feel that!?" Luna came running towards her sister Princess Celestia bearing the same worried look on her face.

"I have, something's coming.... I shall check on the situation myself" and just like that Celestia spread out her wings and took off out of the throne room and towards where the magic was at its highest concentration yet...Ponyville.

Back at Ponyville, the blinding light finally subsided before diminishing "That was weird...why'd the room glow like that? The last time it did that was when the castle first came out of the ground after you beat Tirek!" Spike cautiously approached the thrones making sure there was no special surprises.

"I honestly don't know Spike..I don't know what could've caused --"


The sounded that had erupted outside had both alicorn and drake cover their ears in pain from the screeching noise of twisting metal.

"What in Celestia!?" She immediately flew out of her castle to see what was the wretched sound and come across a horrid sight.... a black 'automobile' crashing head onto the castle with a group of ponies curiously surrounding the object. Pieces of glass and twisted meal were everywhere, and as she got closer, she saw blood...lots of it. But what she saw next took her completely agasp.

"Somepony get the hospital!! There's something alive in there!!!" yelled Twilight ordering some of the town ponies to get the hospital to treat the strange creature with strange elongated appendages, clothing all around its body, and many gashes cutting through supposedly its skin while its head is covered by a white balloon thing coming out of the compartment.

"Twilight!!" Twilight along with the rest of the ponies look up and are shocked to see Princess Celestia arriving as she landed beside the Twilight.

"Celestia! What are you doing here!?"

"I'm here because my sister and I sensed a great magical disturbance coming from Ponyville so I came here to investigate..." she glances at the wreckage to the unconscious being that was being carried on the gurney to the Ponyville Hospital ."So.....they still exist.....I should have known"


It don't know what just happened in the last few minutes. I driving my way to Yellowstone, there have been increased seismic and volcanic activity in the area and the USGS wanted all hands on deck for this job. I was supposed to help monitor the volcanic hotspot for a full 6 months to make sure the nation was alerted of the danger of a possible volcanic eruption. Only recently graduated grad school and working in an internship at the USGS, things were going my way....even though I couldn't get a girlfriend yet. Don't get me wrong I'm very social, but the internship I received took up a multitude of my time and I couldn't let this opportunity go to waste.

But back to the point, I was driving on a back road in Wyoming in the pitch black night. As I drove I eventually lost cellular and radio signal. It didn't matter though, the stars were beautiful and with so much time taken I don't even remember the last time I've really been on the internet. But as time when on, the road was barren and there was no one on the road but me and yet suddenly there these lights directly in front of me. My immediate thought that there was someone on the wrong side of the rode...probably a drunk driver. I honked the horn a few times to let them know. But it didn't budge...heck it even went brighter! I honked again, same reaction...I decided to slow down to about 30mph to prevent a crash. But just like that, the lights exploded covering my entire car and blinding me for a short bit......I then lost control..pressed my foot on the gas petal rather than the brake...a flash of colors went through my eyes... pain, then darkness.....

I'm in pain.... a lot in pain, so much pain that my fight with my brother when he stomped on my nethers pales in comparison of the pain of feel right now. I moan trying to alert anyone of my presence and I hear muffled voices... who the heck is that?

"A WHAT!?" The Mane 6 and Spike gasped in the medical room as they were briefed by Princess Celestia.

"He's a human....a species I had long thought to be extinct. They were once a grand civilization, but their greed got the best of them and nearly destroyed and depleted their planet for its resources. How he came here I wish I knew but the amount of celestial magic it took to bring him was massive. It's highly unlikely that he'll be returning to his home again..." But then all heads turned to hear the human being moan.

"Look look look!! I think he's waking up!" as Pinkie Pie immediately went to the side of the bed with numerous party decorations ready.

"Down Pinkie, we don't want to overwhelm him!" as Applejack threw a rope around Pinkie and pulled her back preventing any sort of party from happening.

More voices...women maybe? I could've sworn I heard a country accent there....well I am in Colorado, there was probably ranchers. I slowly open my eyes...everything's really blurry but I see a multitude of colors causing a headache...oh shit....these ranchers are probably pot-heads and are making me high right now.

"Sir? Sir? Are you all right?" .... that voice, so gentle, motherly even...it makes me feel safe. As focus slightly returns, I see the basic shapes of wings...really large wings......crap.....I'm dead.

"Are you an angel?" I stupidly ask..

The ponies gasp as their gracious Princess Celestia suddenly become flustered at the question asked from the human being. After quickly regaining her composure, she replies with calmness.

"Well, kind of......may I ask what your name is human?" asked she stared at the being who's slowly opening his eyes.
Wait what? Human? what kind of question is that by ending in human?......oh don't tell me all those Ancient Aliens crap was actually true and I was somehow abducted by aliens. But nevertheless, I had to answer the question since it's basic manners.

"My name is Edwin ma'am...Edwin Flores." Things are getting in focus, colors are no longer blending too much, now 7 colors were standing out: White, Pink, Yellow, Light Blue, Purple, Green, and Orange. I constantly rub my eyes to try and make them go back to focus a little faster...

"Sorry, my sight is a little messed up.....to be honest I can't really see what you look like." I narrow my eyes a little to try and focus again and I could have sworn I saw the shape of a horse.

"Oh worry not Darling, we'll be patient"

Whoa whoa whoa....back up.... 'Darling!?' Who says that anymore? But it wasn't just that, it's how she said it that my brain is practically screaming that she's familiar. Where have I heard that voice before? ugh....this is going to be the end of me. But in any case my vision started to finally correct before closing my eyes one final time and opening them again for what seemed like forever...I finally get a clear view of what's around me.....that's when I jumped in fear and scooted back to the wall...

"Mr. Flores....is something the matter?" said the alicorn as she looks at me with worry. No...nonononononono this is impossible...this is just a show!! This can't be real!!!

"You....you can't be real.....yo-you're just a show!!" as a point to all of them shaking with absolute fear.

All of them looked at each other with a mixture of confusion and worry.

"Mr. Flores.....Mr. Flores......Edwin!!" I stopped fit of absolute panic and fear and look up to see Celestia's peaceful magenta eyes. Without words, she's telling me to calm down, that I was safe and secure, and no harm will come to me. She places her hoof on my shoulder....I feel it, the fur, the hoof itself, the warmth of her powerful magic. It was real....all of it was. Holy shit.....I'm in Equestria.