• Published 11th Jan 2015
  • 513 Views, 7 Comments

Self-Insert Fic #1572 - edwinflores428

A basic self-insert fic as I am placed in the world of Equestria post-Season 4.

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Chapter 4

I was running, don't know why but I was running in complete blackness at my full speed chasing something. I see a light...it becomes brighter and there I see...

"Kev, Kiki!! Mama and Papi!! I'm coming!! Please wait!!!" I try to get closer but to no avail, if anything I'm getting farther away from my family as I run. Eventually, a darkness starts consuming the light like tentacles. "NO PLEASE, I'M ALIVE LET THEM BE!!!" I scream on the top of my lungs trying to prevent them from being taken away from me. "NO PLEASE!!!" I was too late as the darkness consumes the light....too late.....I'm too late "no....no please.....no" I crouch down weeping, sobbing, all alone....before I knew it the darkness was starting to creep up to me ready to strike. I was willing to accept the darkness to consume me too if it would mean to be back with my family. But however...

"CEASE THIS DARKNESS!!" as the booming voice releases a bright light blue light extinguishing all of my surroundings...including the darkness that had supposedly consumed my family. I squint my eyes to see who had said that as the darkness retreated. Once the light dimmed down I finally see who it was. "Princess Luna? what are you.......wait I'm dreaming aren't I?"

She nods "I didn't expect you to have such nightmares so soon Edwin. But it's understandable for your loss....loosing one's entire family is a heavy burden for you to carry"

"I miss them Princess....I miss them so much, I won't be able to see many of their biggest choices in life! I won't become an uncle...or an in-law....a father or grandfather..or a mourning son." Tears start to form in my eyes once again....but then my head is lifted up by her blue hoof.

"I understand, due to our life-span, Celestia and I had to see many past friends pass away before I turned in Nightmare Moon. It's going to take time for you to move on...but whenever you need this kind of help. Remember Celestia and I are for support." Just as she was about to fly away, she suddenly in a deep and loving hug from me with tears once more in my eyes.

"Thank you Luna...."

She returns the hug with equal amount of love, "it's my duty to all my subjects to assist them in their dreams...But I know we'll meet again. Time for you to wake up..." and like clock work, I woke up in bed as the sun rises upon the valley.

"So....let's see what today will bring..."

Looking down upon the small town, already see the site for my eventually new house though all there was a ditch and ropes surrounding the site. Upon looking around, there was my clothes I arrived in Equestria in freshly cleaned for the day. But first a shower, and lo and behold in the bathroom not just the shower ... and thank God...a toilet.

"oh...thank God" I said to myself, and after a hot shower, I get my new clothing..oh my gosh it feels so soft! It feels like thousands on puff balls hugging my body! Next to the nightstand there was a tray of all the stuff that was in my pockets when I was driving my car: my phone, wallet, geologist licence, and thankfully my ipod...gotta have my music after all~! Now fully clothed I step out of the room and into the crystal hallways that composed of Twilight's palace...did they really have to make the halls so high up?

"Now which way is....." I look around for the dining hall for breakfast.

"1 floor down and 4 doors to your left..." I turn around to see Celestia, once more bearing her warm motherly smile.

"Thank you Princess, I'm gonna have to memorize this place since I'll be living here for a while." as I once more gaze at the wide and tall halls.

"You get used to it, I remember when Luna and I were just fillies we would get lost a lot in our old castle~." she couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. "Our mother would worry so much for days on end until we finally found our way around the place."

I chuckle in response "That's mothers for yah Princess."

"So tell me Edwin...how much of us does your kind know?" she asked.

"Not really sure....but from what I can gather around here is that Tirek has just been defeated and this new castle has appeared with Twilight and her friends obtaining the 'rainbow power'". I stated using quotes over the rainbow power part while Celestia nods in understanding.

"and what do you mean as you know of my mistakes?" Celestia asked.

I took a big sigh and looked at her "What's there to tell? Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon, Discord's and Tirek's escape from prison...to be honest Princess there are times where you act like an idiot. I mean sending 6 ponies to face a dragon!? Seriously they could've easily died!" Celestia winced "and another thing... you could've encouraged your nobles and super-rich to actually HELP the poor instead of letting them throw these extravagant parties...and lastly your biggest mistake...not believing Twilight during the Canterlot Wedding rehersal." Celestia then hung her head and winces more "of all the lessons of friendship she had learned..you essentially threw it all away for a silly wedding when you KNEW Canterlot was in danger. After seeing Twilight's pained and crying face...I and many other fans were very disappointed in you." Finishing my rant, I looked to Celestia only shocked to see her actually crying... "um...hey.....I didn't mean to-"

"No!....no.....you're right....I had made a lot of mistakes in my past. It was ridiculous of me to not believe my student resulting in the near changeling takeover of Canterlot...it was idiotic of me to send her and her friends to face against Discord knowing they'll be picked apart one by one by his disharmony...and it was completely stupid of me....to see my sister's depression and want of attention that had lead to her transformation into Nightmare Moon." she wipes away her tears and makes a face of determination "I want to atone for those mistakes and protect my subjects...." She turns to me and gives me that cute motherly smile "Thank you Edwin...I kinda needed that"

I smile "No problem Princess"

"Oh please, just call me Celestia~" she said with a hint of a blush.

Finally we reached the dining hall and.... holy moly! Is that fresh pancakes and coffee I smell~!? I take I good whiff..It is~!!!!! "Smells good~"

Celestia smiles in response to the remark "Must be Spike's cooking."

"Bingo Princess~!" Spike cheerily said while in a chef's hat standing on a stool watching over the stove. "Spike's Special Pancake Breakfast~!!"

"Smells delicious Spike!" I said. "How much longer till they're ready?" I asked.

"Around 5 more minutes you 2!" he announced.

"Mind if I listen to some music Celestia?" I asked.

"Well sure but it's going to take a while to get a stereo speaker in here...." Celestia asked.

"Not a problem," I pull out my earbuds and Ipod. "I got it covered"

'Please work' I thought to myself...and after putting on the earbuds, I pressed play waiting for the music to play and sure enough one of my favorite songs started to play.

"AW YEAH~!!! IT STILL WORKS~!!" I yelled excitedly causing both Celestia and Spike to jump a bit. "oops, sorry...this is one of my favorite songs back from my world.

"That tiny thing is a music player?" Spike asked.

"Yep and it contains over 1000 songs!" It was true, over the coarse of my live I've might as well bought all the songs and albums of my favorite artists from AC/DC to Pink Floyd to Santana to The Beatles to Led Zeppelin to even Johnny Cash. "Don't you guys have portable music players?"

"Well kinda....ponies here only have either a record player or some new invention called the....IHoof I think." Spike explained.

I internally cringed and facepalmed so hard it might as well made a permanent hand print on my head...I Hoof...REALLY!?

"Interesting...how many songs can it play?"

"around 20-30" Spike explained, and internally chuckled this time...they're just entering the information and technology age here.

"Well we have made significant technological advancements from the new technology arriving" Celestia said. This peaked my interest.

"really? How so?" I asked.

"Well a lot of weird stuff has been happening ever since Twilight got her tree palace. A stuff and things started appearing everywhere in Equestria like lightbulbs, some glowy flat box, music players even stuff like your automobile!! Even a huge massive vehicle for air travel!!" Spike exclaimed.

"Wait....you mean there are more cars!?" I asked.

"So that's what your automobiles are called." Celestia said inquisitively. "So it's safe to assume then all those items that have appearing in our nation are from your world. Our scientists have so far successfully reverse-engineering these items for the past month!"

I am merely shocked....stuff from my world has somehow been leaking into Equestria. So if that's been happening, I guess that's how cars and and a Boeing 747 mysteriously disappeared in thin air.

"So.....are the pancakes ready?"

"Yep~!" He serves Celestia and I the food and coffee.

"Thanks man." I lift the mug in thanks and take a sip letting the aroma of the coffee wake me up a little more. As I eat the fluffy warm goodness in my mouth I notice Celestia also eating but very formally with fork, knife and only taking tiny sips of coffee. I know that she's a princess and all but the way she is eating her breakfast is like she's in a formal dinner or a political meeting. "You know Celestia, you don't always have to eat so up-tightly, this isn't a meeting or anything." I take another bite of the pancake.

"It's important to show manners as formally and cleanly as possible" she takes another sip.

"Oh you and I both know that's not true, especially since I know of your cake binge"

She freezes up mid-bite...

"'Celestia Just Like Us?' featured in the Foal Free Press in the Gabby Gums Column ring a bell~?"

She gently sets her for down and wraps her napkin around her neck.

"so what are you waiting for Celestia~? Dig in!" I chuckled lightly...what happened next possibly shook poor Spike to his core as Celestia literally face-planted herself onto the pancakes and feasted on the stack tearing up the pancakes almost like a dog. And after around 10 minutes or so, all that was left was a messy plate, food crumbs everywhere and her once elegant face equally covered with food crumbs and a hint of maple syrup. After pausing for a few minutes, possibly thinking what she had just done....she bursts out laughing.

"Oh Edwin!! You have no idea how good that felt~!!" Celestia exclaimed wiping off all the crumbs off her face with her napkin. Gotta admit though...she does look kinda cute.

Comments ( 2 )

Hope to see more come soon. Your story is still good! :twilightsmile:

So is the love story with Princess Diamond to be included? XD

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