• Published 11th Jan 2015
  • 513 Views, 7 Comments

Self-Insert Fic #1572 - edwinflores428

A basic self-insert fic as I am placed in the world of Equestria post-Season 4.

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Chapter 3

A rather large crowd has gathered in front of the hospital, just yesterday a mysterious being has arrived at their land. And in that crowd and certain unicorn is spouting absolute nonsense to the crowd.

"You guys listen to me, that was a human!!! A human! They exist I keep telling you!!" Lyra yelled, but only receive looks at annoyance from the other ponies much to the embarrassment of her best friend Bon Bon as her cheeks blush red and her face covered by her hoof.

"Lyra, can you please calm down? Humans are myth, nothing more nothing less. Now please stop yelling, the princesses have called the entire town" as Octavia said.

"Not everything is a myth Tavi! Remember Nightmare Moon?" argued Vinyl Scratch.

"Well she was Princess Luna... but still."

"and what about Discord?"

"Don't remind me...it's bad enough that he now lives here!"

"and don't forget about Tirek!!" Bon Bon actually intervened and just like that the 4 ponies shuddered in fear, they did not want to relive that experience again of losing their magic and cutie marks again. But it did teach them to never take their abilities for granted ever again. Meanwhile in another part of the crowd a certain grey pegasus and an earth pony are dicussing something serious..

"This doesn't make sense..these holes just open and shut like nothing happened!"

"Doctor...is that what happened to the cybermen? That they kept opening holes between universes?"

"Yes but they left them open nearly destroying reality, but in this case reality seems to be holding up strong and these holes closes so fast the TARDIS can barely detect them, and now a human has arrived. Curious isn't it Derpy"

Derpy couldn't help but nod and blush...

Inside the hospital...

"Edwin..the ponies are waiting for you. Is he ready to walk doctor?" asked Twilight.

"The damage he has sustained was quite minimal, all the stitches were done and the bones mended. His body should be ready to stand by now."

"Thanks doc" for once thank God for United States engineering...now to brace for the crowd. I turn to the Mane 6 and the regal alicorn by my sides...to be honest, I'm a little nervous. "You guys got my back right? I'm kinda afraid...."

"Afraid of what?" asked Fluttershy.

"Afraid of being branded as a monster...."

"What? You're not a monster!! The ponies here are really nice and welcoming!" said Pinkie Pie.

"How can you be sure? I'm a creature that haven't existed for probably millions of years or something and I just pop up out of the blue!"

"Actually humans has been extinct for 110 million years give or take, I don't know the exact details I wasn't born yet." Celestia explained. She caught a few glances, all of them summing up as saying 'did you really just said that?'.

"um...sorry?" Celestia said.

"Well....here goes nothing..." I finally get out of my bed, being 5 foot 9, I'm not exactly tall, but to the ponies around me I was practically size of Princess Celestia herself. I guess that makes sense, Celestia herself is supposed to be the size of a full grown horse. I was at basic eye level with her as she nods to me in confidence knowing that I would be safe.

As we walked down the hall, I noted all the ponies along the hallway where all staring at me, not just from my being, but also the height of towering the average pony. "it's all right....I won't hurt you" that little statement was enough at least calm the nerves of some of the patients who were in the waiting room. Eventually we reached the main entrance of the hospital where we see a huge crowd of ponies waiting...we soon stepped outside. and just like that, what was once a calm crowd became a huge hoopla of questions, threats, and just plain fear of this new being that have arrived at their land.

"Calm down my little ponies. My I please have your attention please!?" Celestia announced as the crowd was immediately silenced at the sound of her calm yet commanding voice. "This is Edwin Flores....he is a human." that statement caused a huge collective gasp with many eyes turning to Lyra.

"I KNEW IT! I FRICKIN KNEW IT!! I TOLD YOU I TOLD EVERYPONY BUT NOOOOO~, NOPONY EVER LISTENS TO LYRA ABOUT THESE THINGS!!" as the unicorn shouts at the top of her lungs amongst her friends who simply slackjawed knowing that Lyra was actually right after all these years.

"Ahem!! *Lyra calms down* anyway, yes he's a human, he'll be living with all of you from now on. You are to treat him with respect, you will show him kindness and acceptance, if he asks for food you will give him food. If he asks for some help, you will lend a helping hoof. and one last thing....He is not a monster. He is a being who's as intelligent as you all and has equal amount of morals. Is that understood?" Celestia said as the crowd then bows to her displaying their agreement. "Good, now my friend will say a few words regarding his stay in Ponyville"

I step up, to see hundreds of eyes staring at me....yikes, so this is what Fluttershy's really afraid of. Usually I'm calm because I'm either doing a concert or doing a presentation for a teacher but those are for small crowds. But this is an entire town that's staring at me..."Hi...I'm Edwin..." I bow to them to see if I get a reaction "I thank you for letting me into your home. I am a human, that's true but I don't know absolutely everything about humanity. Heck I don't even know if my family knows that I'm here or not. But I'll share as much as I can and hopefully you'll treat me as your equal." Before I even knew it though, the whole crowd of ponies swarmed around me with smiles and some hugs, welcoming me to their town and already throwing me a butt-load of questions about the human race.

"So you really exist!?"

"What do you know about the universe!?"

"Are you dangerous!?"

"Are you responsible for all these weird things coming here!?"

"Do you actually eat meat!?"

"Everpony calm down!" Twilight silenced the crowd in a booming voice. "all questions will be answered in due time. But please Edwin needs his rest after arriving here and needs to heal up his wounds from yesterday."

"and on that note, I shall reside in the palace for a month to monitor his behavior as well as the rest of you, to make sure he's given equal rights as any pony would." Celestia then trotted up to the crowd. "as of this moment, Edwin is a citizen of Equestria!" The crowd then bows once more at her orders and parted to make way for us. But Pinkie suddenly gasps as something extremely important has come up that she completely forgot to do!

"Oh my gosh! You're Welcome-to-Ponyville Party needs to planned RIGHT NOW!!!! Be right back!" and just like that Pinkie Pie sped off to plan such party. So it's true...so does have super speed.

After finally leaving the hospital, we take a small tour of Ponyville. Passing by the schoolhouse, the town hall, Sugar Cube Corner, the market place, small parks and the true center of town. Which unfortunately only has scorch marks and a large chard stump of where the library was, but next to it is a growing memorial to the once proud oak tree that stood here.

"You probably know what happened in recent times...." Twilight lowered her head in sorrow with some tears forming in her eyes.

"Yeah....Tirek. Don't feel too bad Twilight, bad stuff happens all the time it's a part of life we just have to learn to live with it and carry on. But it usually precedes the good too, I mean you got a new castle and you still have your friends, never forget that Twilight"

Twilight lifts her head up and wipes away some tears. "Yeah, you're right! Thanks..." Celestia couldn't help but smile warmly, even though she completed her studies under Celestia, she still has a lot to learn. Eventually we finally reach Twilight's palace.

"Whoa.....it's big!" I looked up at the massive palace tree that's pretty much Ponyville's first skyscraper. The shear enormity of it all just shows how real life differs from fantasy. But then again, I am in a world full of pastel colored talking ponies.

"Don't remind me...I've already have gotten lost 5 times already!" Spike merely crosses his arms. He then changes his face from scowling to slight sadness. "It's just doesn't feel like home."

"Well.....I've moved many times when I was younger. We had to constantly change from apartment to apartment in order to have a better live and opportunities. Especially in education, either way, I know how you feel Twilight. Just give it some time...eventually, it will be home."

We enter the massive doors and walk through the halls..

"Soooo.....are there bathrooms in here?" stupid, stupid, stupid....what a way to start a conversation. Asking where the lavatories are in a massive palace like this....but then again since I'm going to be staying here for a while that is kind of a useful question. Twilight merely giggled.

"Oh don't worry, every room has their own bathroom..." Twilight replied. Oh Thank God for plumbing! Eventually we reached the main center of the palace, we 6 thrones are present...The council of Friendship. "Your room is on the second floor, that's where the guest rooms are....but you're kinda gonna get lost in this place a few times."

"Oh no worries Twilight, I have good memory." As we roamed the massive halls and reached the guest room floor, and at last the door to my room for the time being.

"I'll be next door for my stay, hopefully by months end your new house will be completed" said Celestia.

"Thank you....to be honest, I don't want to be to much of a burden." with that with some somber emotion, I am suddenly wrapped in beautiful white wings, by none other than the regal alicorn.

"I know Edwin...but you are never alone. I'm truely sorry that you lost your family and that's we'll never replace them. But if you give this land a chance, I know things will get better...I promise." Celestia continued to hug...

"Pinkie Pie Promise?" I ask.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye" Celestia even made the hoof motions. Although Applejack made a weary face remembering the last time she broke a pinkie pie promise. "And nopony ever breaks her promise!" the cowpony added. I couldn't help but crack a smile...I'm here in Equestria, every brony's dream. But at the cost of losing my family and completely starting over of my life. But when I open the door, all the lights were strangely dark...

"Hello?..." and just like that I was blinded a large flash of light and all I can hear at the moment was..

"SURPRISE!! Welcome to your Welcome-to-Ponyville-and-Equestria/ourworld Party!!!" Pinkie Pie yelled as I was greeted by a grand welcome banner many punch bowls confetti and of course the ponies who live in Ponyville. They were all there, not just the Mane 6, but also the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the Apple Family, heck even Princess Luna! And soon enough, Princess Celestia, Luna and Twilight stepped up and with their wings spread they said to me with a smile..

"On behalf on all us ponies, we welcome you to Ponyville and Equestria!"

"So this is the human I've heard so much about, pleasure to meet you Edwin." She extends her hood for a hoofshake.

"The pleasure's all mine Luna..so it's true what they say about you." I bow to her and give her hoofshake.

"Oh? and what do the humans say about me?" Luna's curiosity appeared.

"That you are the true beauty of the night." Luna suddenly found herself flustered at the comment with lightly rosy cheeks. However Rarity noticed Celestia also lightly blushing but puffing up her cheeks as if she was.....nah that couldn't happen in a thousand lifetimes Rarity told herself sipping on some strawberry punch.

"I know we'll have the best of time Edwin! We'll race, have fun, visit the cities and sights it'll be awesome!" yelled Rainbow Dash.

"YYYYYYYYEEEEAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!" said a certain ultra buff pegasus pony outside the window.

"Now slow down Rainbow, he still needs to heal up from that accident of his. Plus he's goin' to be workin' at the farm to earn a living here!" Applejack added.

"You mean he's goin be workin with us?" Applebloom asked. I squat down with a smirk to meet her.

"That's right, nice to meet you Applebloom. Any cutie mark crusading done today?" I ask.

"Well we were going to try scuba diving but then you came out of nowhere and we wanted to see for ourselves!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"We're going to have the best time ever!" Sweetie Belle squeaked.

Slowly but surely, I've made sure to meet everyone at the party, told me where the best parts of Ponyville are, more info about the locals as I told them some bits about humanity. But alas, it was getting late and it was time for bed.

"It was nice meeting you all, but *yawn* I think it's time for me to head to bed."

"yeah...*yawns loudly* time for me to hit the hay...laters!" and just like that Rainbow Dash zoomed out of the window into the into night so that she can get some shut eye as does the rest of the party goers.

"see you guys tomorrow then..." most of the party-goers leave, leaving just me Celestia, Luna and Twilight. "I can't thank you enough for this. I hope I'll be able to fit in since I'm stuck here."

"Don't worry Edwin, give them some time and they'll except you. No if you'll excuse me, I have some dreams to protect to tonight. Fare thee well" she gives me a confident wink and the Princess of the Night flies off. Leaving us in my room, "I'll be right next door if you need me Edwin, and my sister's right give my little ponies some time and they'll accept you. Good night Edwin" she gives me a loving hug and departs towards her room just as Twilight at the same time. Leaving me all alone.....it's time to something I haven't done in the longest time.....I knelt beside my bed, clasped my hand together .... and I prayed....

"Um hey God.....it's been a long time.....I know I haven't really prayed, or go to church in a while...but that''s only because I didn't need to! But now." I let out a deep sorrowful sigh "..I need you more then ever, I'm not sure if you were the cause of getting me here but please..let my family know that I'm okay! Take care of them, make sure that they know I'm alive and safe! Just....let them know....please.....I sure hope you know what you're doing. I'm still afraid, *chuckles* even though I'm living every brony's dream...but more to the point...I'll be sure to check in everyone in a while." I make the hand gesture that was pretty much imprinted in my brain from sunday school and went to bed. Little did I know, that Celestia was listening on the other side of the door, with slight tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Edwin.....but I promise you that things will get better, and I'll find some way to let your family know that you're alive and well. Good night my dear...."

Author's Note:

Before any of you go into a ridiculous debate, let's get the point straight. I'm religious, but I don't shove it people's faces or do those ridiculous comments about abortion or gay marriage. I believe in God in a way that he (or she) gently pushes humanity to whatever it needs to go.