• Published 11th Jan 2015
  • 513 Views, 7 Comments

Self-Insert Fic #1572 - edwinflores428

A basic self-insert fic as I am placed in the world of Equestria post-Season 4.

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Chapter 2

Okay....let's recap, one minute I'm driving through an empty road the next I'm in a world full of pastel colored talking ponies. At first it was all a sick joke, a lucid dream or something but low and behold, a single touch of Princess Celestia's hoof wiped all of those kinds of thoughts.

"So...how long was I out?" I asked now sitting up in the hospital bed.

"Around 6 hours, enough that the press got good shots of you as you were transported to the hospital from your transporter" said the regal alicorn.

All I could do was sigh and laid back on my bed "So the whole world knows I'm here...great....." I couldn't help but chuckle.

"And what is so funny?" asked the lavender alicorn.

"I'm just wondering how Lyra Heartstrings must be feeling right now, knowing that us humans exists after all." Like clockwork, the mane 6 faces swapped from curiosity to slight fear since I just blabbed one their Ponyville friends full name.

"H-how'd you know Lyra? You never met her, you've only just met us!!" the cyan pegasus exclaimed.

"Actually, I know all of you: Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Spike, Fluttershy *eep! goes the flutters*, Applejack and Pinkamena Diane Pie" all of them flinched as I mentioned their names perfectly as if I had just met them years ago. All of their faces are full of fear, curiosity, and are itching for a fight. Okay...explanation time.

"Okay....say you have a window to other dimensions. You can't interact with the dimension directly but all you can do is watch. You guys getting me so far?" most of them nodded in some understanding while Celestia merely pays attention. "Now, from my world we have all kinds of shows and movies on the television and one of the shows was called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. From there my kind saw most of your events of your lives from you first gained your cutie marks, the Canterlot Wedding, the banishment and the redemption of Nightmare Moon, the chaos from Discord, Tirek and Chrysalis and your.... unhinged...moments" From there their faces turned to shock and embarrassment to know that people from a whole other world actually saw something that were very private in their lives, even Celestia was a tad shocked to say the least to know of some of Celestia's past mistakes.

"And how do we know you're not lying!?" Applejack said as she trotted up right to my face.

"Ok...don't say I didn't warn you" I closed my eyes and gathered my thoughts to some of the most personal secrets anyone in this world would have.

"*ahem* Big Macintosh still has Smarty Pants under his bed" Applejack flinched.

"The Want it Need It incident was caused by Twilight over reacting from missing a letter for Princess Celestia thus nearly losing her sanity" Twilight went agape.

"Rainbow Dash switched the number order during the Best Young Flyers Competition to avoid going out into the crowd" Rainbow Dash nearly froze midflight.

"Rarity...............Tom the 'diamond'" a hair moves out of place in Rarity's mane.

"Celestia sometimes binges on cake" Celestia face goes pink.

"Pinkie Pie thought her friends abandoned her and went into a depressed state talking to inanimate objects whilst everyone else was actually planning a surprise birthday party for her." Pinkie merely giggled.

"and Spike still has --" my mouth was then blocked by a claw that belonged a very red cheeked and angry dragon. "OKAY OKAY!! I think we heard enough!!" Spike said as he looked around to everypony being extremely embarrassed, with some using their wings to cover their embarrassment while others are using their manes or hats. Heck, even Celestia was blushing red and that looked absolutely adorable! And all I can do was chuckle and smirk.

"So....still think I'm a liar?" I rebutted/

"N-no....you've said enough!" Said the cowpony covering her face with her prized stetson hat.

"Now to business, can you send me back home? My family's probably worried sick about me!"

And just like that the atmosphere switched from embarrassment to somber as Celestia walked up to me with a stoic face. "Edwin.....I'm sorry, but the amount of celestial magic that had brought you here was massive, something like that will never happen again even if all 4 alicorns tried. I'm sorry Edwin...you're here for good."

Seconds felt like minutes which felt like hours and so on... it took a while for that statement to sink in. I didn't know what to say...... I can never see my friends or family ever again. I can't dance at my little sister's wedding once she grows up or visit my abuelos graves in El Salvador or truly see the world for my own eyes.

"Celestia.....can you please come closer?" I asked the alicorn to be by my side for what I'm about to do....once she was there..I lept and grabbed a hold of her and squeezed real tight!

"*gasp* Celestia!! Let go of her you---" just as when Rainbow Dash was about to strike, she saw a good look on my face....waterfalls of tears streaming down.

"umm girls.....I think he needs us..." Fluttershy silently said. Like clockwork, all of them joined in the hug. I'm here, I'm stuck in Equestria...but the one who truly hugged the most was Celestia herself.

"I'm sorry..." she whispered in my ear.

I never cried so much in my entire life...well the first time I saw Titanic is a close second...but the tears were coming out from my eyes for a good 5 minutes. and add another 10 minutes of sniffling and burning eyes from the tears and a good hour of accepting that I'm here till I die.

"All right...*sniffs*..since I'm going to live here I assume that I have to bunk with one of you till I get a house built." Twilight immediately steps up.

"I have over 5 bedrooms in my palace, you're welcome to use any of them. Just...don't try to get lost." Twilight said with some ease.

"Thank you, secondly..there the matter of food. Now I can eat what most of you ponies eat beans, corn, apples, sweets and whatnot. But there's the matter of protein." I open my mouth wide so that they see my teeth, pointing out the 4 canines. "See these, they're for chewing meat." Fluttershy immediately started to tremble in fear for herself and of her animals. "Don't worry Fluttershy I'm an omnivore...you know like a bear I eat both plants and meat, but I know that most species of what humans consume are intelligent and don't want to be eaten. But from what I understand is sea food is okay? Like fish, crab, lobster and shrimp" Fluttershy slightly and nervously nodded in approval. "ok now that's out of the way...now for a job. You see I am a geologist, I study the earth and how it works."

"ooh ooh! My sister Maud studies rocks!! She really likes rocks!!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed while hopping around the hospital room.

I couldn't help but chuckle, she is indeed the Element of Laughter after all. "That she does, but more to the point, I need to earn a living now so that I may pay for my own things like new clothes and food." Applejack was the next to step up.

"We all ways need help workin on the farm, so we could use an extra pair of hoo-er I mean..."


"Er right! Hands on the farm. Wages are at 10 bits per hour." Applejack recovered herself now that she realized that I had no hooves.

"I'll start once I'm fully settled in." I smiled at the orange pony as she nodded in response.

"Oh! We need to alert the town of this situation...all of my little ponies will need to know of this." She turns towards the Royal Guard that she had summoned. "Call the town together for a meeting of the up-most importance"

"Yes your highness" he bowed an immediately dashed off to alert the Mayor.

"What are you going to do princess?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I shall stay for a month to monitor Edwin on his recovery and integration into our society.....besides.." she leans close to Twilight well beyond my hearing range "He needs our support more than ever now that he has lost his family. Hopefully he'll be part of us easily....."

"I hope you're right Celestia, I hope you're right..."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

This is my one problem with HIE fics. When they find out they're stuck in Equestria, they're quick to accept that they may never see their family or friends again. How would you feel if you were transported to another world never to see your family or friends again?