• Published 1st Feb 2015
  • 3,116 Views, 126 Comments

14 Ways to Confess - wingbeats

Rainbow Dash's goal: To get Applejack to go out with her. Problem: Asking Applejack to go out with her.

  • ...

10. The Perfect Gift?

"Great. Now I gotta find a gift for Applejack for her birthday that also shows her how much I lo-I mean like her. How am I suppose to get that?!" Rainbow said, having a mini tantrum in an antique gift shop.

"Calm down Rainbow Dash, I'm sure there's something in here we can find." Rarity said, a bit annoyed with Rainbow's forgetfulness. She was the only one in the group who hadn't gotten a present yet.

"How 'bout this one?!" Pinkie held out a dining set.

"No." Rainbow said flatly.

"Lookie here!" A floppy disk was held up.


"This one's shiny!" A candlestick was on Pinkie's hoof.

"No Pinkie."

"Well, what kind of gift would you like to give her?" Twilight questioned.

"That's the problem. I don't know what to get that makes me look awesomazing and something that fits her." Rainbow explained.

"Well, do you know what she likes? It might give you an idea. " Twilight responded.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Of course I know what she likes! She's my best friend! And I like to study her."

"Oooh really." Rarity and Twilight gave her a knowing look.

"Not like that, smart ones. I mean study her interests. What she likes." Rainbow clarified.

"I'm sure you do," Rarity winked. "Then, tell me, what are her interests darling?"

Rainbow was caught off guard. "Uhh, well, she likes apples! And....you know.....apples."

"Sounds like you have quite the situation on your hooves," the mare and stallion running the store snaked their way into the
conversation. "And we might have the perfect gift to save you from your troubles."

"And you are?" Rarity asked.

The navy-coloured mare and yellow-eyed unicorn simply looked at each other with an evil-like smile.

"Thank y'all so much fer these gifts. Honestly though y'all didn't need ta get me anythin'. The real gift is havin' you all as mah friends." Applejack gave her five friends a hug. They were all celebrating in the barn.

"Well its gettin' late y'all and Ah'd hate fer ya ta be late fer yer jobs tomorrow-"

"Uh wait AJ" Rainbow blurted out suddenly. "Um I didn't give my gift yet."

"Ah noticed." Applejack playfully remarked back. "S'alright RD. Y'dont need ta give me anythi-"

"I already bought it AJ. And well...." Rainbow carefully put down a rather large box in front of Applejack and all her friends. The group (except for Applejack) smiled in silence.

"Well y'see. I'm giving you this a few days early. It's not only for your birthday but for um..well in Germaney, they have this tradition..."

Rainbow opened the box and put her hooves around the small pot belly pig. She struggled to lift it while speaking. "...for Heart's and hooves day, where you give each other a pig to signify that-"

"Dash, don't hold it like that!" Applejack warned.

"Relax AJ. It's fine. I know what I'm doing." Rainbow heaved up the pig with all her strength. "When you give each other a pig, it means that you want to ask the other pony out on a-"

"Dash, DON'T!"

Applejack's warning came too late as the pig squealed and flailed in Rainbow's hooves. The cyan mare panicked and dropped the pig on the cake, which splattered everywhere.

"My hair!" Rarity screamed, as bits of cake landed in her mane. "Look what happened to my hair!"

The pig didn't stop, as it snorted in amusement and ran in circles around the table, knocking down all the punch. It leapt off the table, landed on a haystack, and tried to find an exit.

"Oh no you don't!" Rainbow tried wrestling the pig.

"Rainbow. Don't! Y'have ta make sure ta wrangle it without hurtin-oh fer pete's sake!" Applejack leapt into action.

Rainbow Dash had a hold on the pig's well rounded rear but she was dragged through the air. "Whoaa! What the-"

"Rainbow Dash, stop! You're hurting it!". Fluttershy watched in horror and nearly fainted.

The pig dismantled its blue-furred rider into a pile of hay and continued it's run.

Applejack whistled for the pig to come running towards her and the pig did just that. The orange mare quickly prepared her hooves for the grab and simply took hold of the pig's hind legs. This stopped the pig in its tracks as Applejack tied it's hind legs loosely, for Fluttershy's sake. "Now, wouldn't y'all like some grub right 'bout now?"

The pig instantly stopped moving and looked at Applejack with a curious look.

"That's what ah thought. Pinkie! Twilight! Can y'all get some leftovers fer this pig here!" Applejack called out. Both cake-covered ponies, who were stunned by the recent events, shook themselves and obeyed their friend's command.

Once the pig got its food, Applejack untied it's hind legs and put it gently in the pen. The pink farm animal smiled at its new care-taker. "Welcome ta the family sugar" Applejack whispered.

She then trotted over to Rainbow and held an ice pack to her friend's head. "Ah 'ppreciate the gift hon. But next time, try ta find one less messy alright?"

Rainbow didn't debate her. She just facehoofed.

Meanwhile, a certain master of chaos and alicorn of the moon apologetically cowered under Celestia's stare, washing all the dishes at Canterlot Castle. But each secretly admitted it was fun to watch.

Author's Note:

Actually, pigs in Germany are a symbol of luck and lust on Valentine's Day. I found that fact (and the history behind it) to be a very interesting read. I just tried to put a twist to it.

....And the pig wrangling tips were helpful as well.