• Published 1st Feb 2015
  • 3,120 Views, 126 Comments

14 Ways to Confess - wingbeats

Rainbow Dash's goal: To get Applejack to go out with her. Problem: Asking Applejack to go out with her.

  • ...

14. Just Tell Her

This is it. Just pony up and tell her.

Rainbow Dash waited under the tree where Applejack and her always met up. It was the tree that they had always raced to, the one whose apples were there to satisfy their hunger and the one that provided the most shade. This was their spot. This was their tree

Earlier, Rainbow Dash had asked her to Applejack to join her for a chat before going to the Carousel Boutique. Rarity had planned a fashion show for some high society, trend-setting fashionista, but unless the celebrity was Spitfire or one of the other Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash couldn't care less.

Only when the sun was setting did she see Applejack walking towards her. Something about the scene that unfolded before her made it more...magical.

Rainbow Dash watched as the sun's orange rays reflected off Applejack's coat perfectly. The light breeze in the air made her hair dance in the wind. The green orbs that were her eyes, glimmered as they caught the light. And the way she walked made Rainbow Dash all the more nervous.

It was truly the best time to confess.

"Hey Rainbow! Ready to go?"

"Yea..." was Rainbow's response.

Before Applejack turned away, Rainbow's spoke again.

"Wait. AJ?"

Applejack looked directly into the cyan mare's eyes. "Yes Sugarcube?"

This was it. It's now or never.

"AJ..there's something I've been meaning to ask you. And please don't be weirded out. I don't want this to screw up our friendship or anything. That's the last thing I want to happen."

"Ah reckon Ah already know. Let me save y'all the trouble." Applejack suddenly said.

With this, Applejack put her hooves on both sides of Rainbow's face and kissed the life out of her. Rainbow, although hesitant at first, melted into the kiss.

Mmm...so good


So warm..




This yell from Applejack broke Rainbow Dash out of her stupor. She blinked twice and wondered what happened.

"What were ya gonna say? And why are ya droolin'?"

Oh ponyfeathers, I just zoned out, didn't I?

"Hehe..Sorry what did I just say?" Rainbow put a hoof behind her head, with an embarrassed look on her face.

Applejack just rolled her eyes, knowing she had just pulled Rainbow's head out of the clouds. "You said there's sumthin' y'all wanted ta ask me and ya told me not ta be weirded out or anythin'."

"Uhh..yea ok" Rainbow Dash said, catching up to where she had left off. She kept rubbing the back of her head nervously.

"Uh well..you see." Oh ponyfeathers why is this so hard!

Applejack sighed. "Alright Sugarcube. Ta spare ya the embarrassment, I'll tell you that Ah already know."

"Y-you do?" Rainbow Dash said, still tripping over her words.

"Of course I do Sugarcube! I mean, you ain't so hard ta figure out, ya know. And I can tell when somepony has a crush."

Right on!

Rainbow Dash exhaled in relief, but the answer was still unknown.

"Have ya asked the pony out yet?"

Now Rainbow was confused. "Uh what are ya talking about?"

Applejack smirked. "Do ya have somethin' in those darn ears of yers. I said, have ya asked him her out yet?"

Ok Timeout. Who are you talking about?

Then It clicked in Rainbow's head. Applejack simply knew that Rainbow Dash had a crush but she didn't know that she was the one.

"Uhh...AJ? Well..I mean..I've tried many times but she didn't seem to notice?"

"Ahh..so she's a bit slow to catch on, ain't she?"

Uhh you're kinda insulting yourself there AJ. Not that you know that it's you. Just saying. Rainbow thought

Applejack continued. "But judging from how ya were actin', ya ain't helping her either. Here, practice on me."

Rainbow's whole body stiffened. "Uhh what?"

"We got some time before the show so just practice on me. Go on, get to it! I'm all ears. Ask me out," Applejack repeated.

How ironic. This made Rainbow Dash want to abandon her plan altogether. "Applejack, we don't have to-"

"Oh come on RD. I never thought ya were so scared of asking somepony out."

"Hey! I am not scared!" Rainbow Dash took flight but only hovered a small distance over the ground.

"Then ask me." Applejack said for what seemed to be the hundredth time.

Rainbow Dash dropped to the ground and took in a breath. She needed all the energy she had to say her next words.

Three tries later...

"Will-will you go out...ugggh"

"It's alright Sugarcube. Ah'll show you how it's done." Applejack gave her friend a smug look before getting into her role.

"What are you-"

"Shhhhhhh...." Applejack silenced her with her hoof. Then she backed away slowly and paused.

"Wait..Rainbow, do ya have yer shades by any chance?"

"Uhh...yea?" Rainbow Dash always had her shades handy. She always carried it around since it made her look twenty percent cooler. It was a mystery, though, what Applejack was going to do with them. "Don't break them. Or get your hoofprints on them"

"Don't worry, I'll only use 'em fer a sec". Applejack assured the rainbow-maned pegasus. She carefully placed it on her over her own eyes.

Despite her nervousness, Rainbow couldn't help but smile. On her, the shades made her look rad. On Applejack, they looked..erm..not as cool.

This did not discourage Applejack from wearing them though. The tension broke with Applejack's words.

"See sugar it's like this..." Applejack used her hoof to slightly lower the glasses. "Hey babe...Ah love ya beautiful. Yer finer than a frog's hair split four ways. Will ya go out with me?"

Rainbow Dash lost it. She fell to the ground, cackling her sides out. "Oh Applejack..stop haha...oh gosh.That was too rich. Bwhaahahaa".

Applejack was pleased to get a laugh from the pegasus and handed back the shades.

Rainbow Dash had to ask, still trying to stop herself from laughing. "Ok hehe. Seriously AJ, what was that?"

Applejack put a hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. "Ah'm just tryin' ta show ya that you need ta be yourself Dash. There's no fancy way ta do it. Just as long as ya ask her, right? No stutterin' or anythin'. And who knows maybe you'll have a little fun with it too. Ah mean, what have ya got to lose?"

Applejack always knew what to say. The lesson that Rainbow Dash had just learned was going to be put to practice.

"Alright. Applejack, will you go out with me?"

"That's great, Sugarcube! Now ask whoever it is, just like that!"

"I am."

Applejack slowly but surely turned towards her best friend. "Wait, what'd ya say?"

Rainbow said it again, her heart pounding in her chest. "Applejack, I've had a crush on you for a while and I just wanted to ask, will you go out with me?"

No response came. Applejack just stared at her with a surprised look on her face for what seemed to be an eternity in Equestria. Then her face started to show another expression. Rainbow Dash knew that look
"You...you don't have feelings for me, do you?"

Applejack looked at her friend with all the compassion she could give with her eyes. "Ah'm sorry Sugarcube. Ah'm in love with somepony."

Rainbow's heart broke at Applejack's words. All the efforts in trying for the past few weeks were reduced to nothing. She felt the need to cry.

But she didn't. Not in front of Applejack. It wasn't her fault.

"Who's the lucky pony?" Rainbow Dash asked glumly.

"She's a really awesome mare. That's all Ah'm sayin'". Applejack said gently.

Awesome? More awesome than me? Who could be more awesome than me? Rainbow Dash wondered how in the world Applejack could think there was somepony more "awesome" than her.

However, Rainbow Dash knew she was just being jealous. She, instead, offered some kind words of her own. "Well, she couldn't be more awesome than you AJ. I hope you guys are happy."

"Thanks RD. That's real nice of you to say." Applejack playfully nudged her friend. "Come on now. Don't get all down in the dumps over me. We gotta get to Rarity's place pronto. What do ya say friend? Wanna race me there?"

Rainbow really didn't want to but Applejack always brought her competitive spirit out and never backed down from a challenge. They would always be the best of friends.

"It's on! 1,2,3 Go!"

Author's Note:

Happy Valentine's Day