• Published 1st Feb 2015
  • 3,123 Views, 126 Comments

14 Ways to Confess - wingbeats

Rainbow Dash's goal: To get Applejack to go out with her. Problem: Asking Applejack to go out with her.

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1. Skywriting

If you are a pegasus, skywriting is easy. It just takes a bit of precision, style and speed. Three things that Rainbow Dash had perfected over years of practice.

The forecast dictated that there would be clear skies all day. As a weather pony, Rainbow Dash insisted it to her boss and all the other pegasi, to which they happily agreed.

She practiced her writing her message in the sky. Once. Twice. Three times. After she got the hang of it, she wrote it once more so that her rainbow wake would perfectly spell out what she wanted to say.

She flew back to admire her work and smiled. She was proud of what she saw.

"Will you go out with me?" it said.

Unfortunately skywriting (or in this case, rainbow-writing) only stayed intact for a few seconds before it dissolved in the atmosphere, so she would need Applejack to watch the whole time as Rainbow Dash spelled it out.

Rainbow waited for Applejack to come trotting out of the Sweet Apple Acres homestead.

Today was pie delivery day. She had memorized Applejack's schedule, which she admitted was a bit stalkerish, but she didn't care. Rainbow had only one goal in mind.

A light sparked within her as she saw Applejack come out of the barn, carrying two of Granny Smith's famous apple pies. She sped to her friend's side as fast as lightning.

"Hey Applejack!" Rainbow greeted.

"Shoo! Go on now!" was Applejack's only reply

"Relax AJ! I'm not here to steal some of those pies. Although...." Rainbow Dash licked her lips.

"None fer y'all, ya hear?" Applejack held the pies protectively against her side. "These are fer sale."

Dash rolled her magenta eyes.

"Relax. I was just gonna ask you if you wanted to see my new flying trick. It's gonna be so AWESOME!" Rainbow squealed like a little filly.

"Well Ah'm kinda on the clock here Sugarcube."

"Chill. It'll only take a few seconds. Please?" Rainbow gave Applejack her best puppy dog eyes.

"Yea not so cute." Applejack gently pushed Rainbow's cheek away from her. "But if it'll only take a sec, then get to it RD!"

"You got it Boss!" Rainbow Dash put her goggles on and shot up in the air. She reached a high enough altitude so that she wasn't too far from Applejack's sight and had enough space to write her message.

Here goes nothing. Just like you practiced.

Rainbow Dash began spelling the words out, the sky being her own endless piece of paper. She maneuvered her body to get the right angle and then looped twice.

This is it! Almost-

"Watch out!" the grey pegasus nearly collided with Rainbow Dash, which made the cyan pegasus change her flight pattern.

"Derpy!" Rainbow yelled clumsy pegasus' name through the air, but she didn't stop. Her message was complete with one loop.

As soon as she made the question mark with a rainbow streak, she returned back to Applejack's side.

"So whatcha think?" Rainbow asked in the most confident voice she could make. Pleasesayyes pleasesayyes pleasesayyes!

"Will Ah go out with Maud? As in Maud pie? Um Sugarcube, if ya haven't noticed how she-"

"What!" Rainbow's eyes widened as she looked into the sky. Sure enough, the rainbow-made letters faintly spelled out "Maud".

"Ugh! It wasn't suppose to..ugh!"

Rainbow facehoofed. More than once.

"Well yer a mighty kind friend fer tryin' ta use yer matchmakin' skills on me and Maud, but she ain't exactly my type Sugarcube. Sorry." Applejack said, before heading off. "Cool trick though!"

"Yea cool trick Rainbow Dash! Sorry about that!" Derpy yelled from above. Her head was poking out of the cloud she crashed into earlier.

Rainbow Dash just fell down on the Earth, landing on a the plowing field. The barn door immediately slammed open.

"Y'all get off ma lawn ya gud fer nothin' younguns" Granny Smith bursted out, while holding out a laddle.

Granny's voice was enough to make Rainbow jump up and dash out of there in a flash, while snatching an apple in the process.