• Published 1st Feb 2015
  • 3,120 Views, 126 Comments

14 Ways to Confess - wingbeats

Rainbow Dash's goal: To get Applejack to go out with her. Problem: Asking Applejack to go out with her.

  • ...

6. Fortune-Telling

"Remind me why were goin' here again? Ah thought ya didn't even believe in this kinda stuff." Applejack questioned. This didn't deter Rainbow from leading her there.

"I don't. But I heard the fortune teller is reading for free today. I figured what the hay, y'know." Rainbow Dash had thought of that excuse in ten seconds flat. "Besides, don't you wanna know what your future is?"

Hopefully it's with me Rainbow thought.

"Not really" Applejack shrugged.

"Really? Aren't you just the least bit curious?"

"Well, Granny always said that things just happen when they happen. No use in peekin' at what the future might hold," Applejack recited what she was taught. She looked over to her friend. "I wonder why yer always ropin' me into doin' the craziest things. This ain't exactly the best use of my break ya kno- "

"Oh look we're here!" Rainbow completely cut her friend off, as they reached the purple tent. Being the gentlemare that she was, Rainbow held the curtain up and beckoned the orange mare inside. Applejack sighed and walked in, wondering why she agreed to this.

As the two mare's eyes dilated in the darkness, a green, eerie-looking light caught their attention and they moved towards it.

As they blindly made their way towards the core of the test, they heard a voice-over.

"Enter the chamber of Madame Pinkie pie for the answers you seek. Let us consult the mystical orb of fate and destiny. " Pinkie pie revealed herself as the fortune teller. "Y'like my mystical orb of fate and destiny. I just got it two week-"

"Yea, you got a cool ball that can tell the future. Great. Does it say anything AJ's future Pinkie?" Rainbow said, trying to get on with it. Applejack gave Rainbow a sharp glare, but Pinkie went on. She carefully waved her hooves over the crystal ball.

"As you wish, Rainbow Dash! Look deep into the crystal ball, for soon it will reveal all. Ahh yes...hmm..I see something. I see a vision of the future! From Applejack's future!"

Applejack was not much of a believer, but was intrigued as it was Pinkie pie interpreting the messages. What Applejack didn't know was that Rainbow may have bribed the fortune teller for a reading.

"I see..." Pinkie pie said.

"Yes?" Applejack encouraged her to go on, as did Rainbow.

"That you Applejack...."

"Yes?!" the two mares practically squealed.

"Are going to..."


This is it!!!! Prepare to be mine AJ! Rainbow's heart was pounding in anticipation.

"Have a very good harvest this year! Yup, looks fine to me!" Pinkie concluded.

"What!!!??" Rainbow's jaw dropped.

"I'm just saying Applejack will have a good harvest this year. That's what the crystal ball said." Pinkie repeated.

"Well, that's great news!" Applejack piped up. "Ah was a bit worried since some of our seedlin's-"

"Uggh who cares." Rainbow blurted out, as she pushed the ball towards Madame Pinkie again. "Isn't there anything else? Anything at all!" Rainbow said, without moving her lips.

"Nope! That's it!" Pinkie pie closed her eyes and smiled proudly.

"I mean, can't you, you know, look again?" Rainbow Dash cautioned herself as she got a curious look from the Apple farmer.

"Nope! Oh wait..."

Rainbow looked at the pink pony in hope.

"Look a smudge!" Pinkie pie spit on the smudge and wiped it with her elbow. "All gone now!"

"Ugghh Pinkie!" Rainbow facehoofed. Not once. Not twice. Repeatedly.

"Well Ah'd love ta stick around," Applejack swiftly turned and headed for the opening in the tent. "But ah'm gonna go grab some grub and head back to the market. Those apples won't sell themselves. Thanks fer the readin' Pinkie. See ya later Dash!"

"Later..." Rainbow managed to groan out. As soon as Applejack left, Rainbow's eyes furrowed at her friend.

"What?" Pinkie pie asked.

"Pinkie pie? Three words. What. The. Hay." Rainbow stared at her friend. "Seriously, did you forget the plan? We were supposed to come in here. You were supposed to tell her that a certain pony was about to ask her out. Then I was suppose to ask her out with these!" With that, she held out a heart-shaped box of chocolates.

"Oh right. I forgot. I knew I was forgetting something. Silly me." Pinkie pie then looked apologetic. "I'm so so so sorry Rainbow Dash. I'll make you a cupcake. Or I'll think of something to cheer you up! Let's see, you like cider and....actually I don't know what you like. What would you like Dashie?"

"I want my jelly beans back" Rainbow Dash demanded, as Pinkie's eyes widened.

"No! It's mine!" Pinkie grabbed the jelly bean jar Rainbow gave her as a bribe and held it like her most prized possession. "My precious..."

"Pinkie pie! Let go!" Rainbow started initiating a tug-of-war with the jar.

"I said NO!" Pinkie pie yelled, firmly yanking the jar away from Rainbow Dash and sped away.

"Oh you wanna do this the hard way! Let's do this the hard way!" Rainbow Dash ripped open the heart-shaped box and emptied the contents in her mouth.

Pinkie learned a valuable lesson that day. Never try to outrun a pegasus with a sugar rush.