• Published 12th Feb 2015
  • 1,184 Views, 58 Comments

Unseeing Eyes - SUBJECTXVI

You Know Me. But do you really? You see me running around town doing my best to make you happy. But have any of you noticed that I never look you in the eye? Has anypony even noticed? I guess not.

  • ...

A Day Through Her Eyes

'Hmm... Cake... No... Cupcakes... No... A muffin? Now why is there a muffin in my room?!' I thought waking up to the smell of Muffins. Yawning loudly the sound wave bounced around my room. Revealing nothing out of place... Hmm... Nothing... Well nothing except the muffin on my pillow... Why was there a muffin on my pillow? Hmm... Better ask.' "Hello Mr. Muffin! What are You doing on my Pillow?" I inquired tilting my head slightly and poking the Muffin with a Hoof.

"Hello Pinkie! Do you want to eat me?" The Muffin Replied....

'Okay... Talking muffin... Awesome! It must be another magical gift from Dumblesnore? Dumblepour? Dumbles! But why would he send me a suicidal muffin? And why does it know my name? Hmm... Let's find out!'

"No thanks Mr. Muffin but I wo-" I started but was promptly cut off by the apparently sentient muffin.

"But I wanna die!" It shouted in loudly.

"Shh! Everypony else is still sleeping! It's like what?" I asked taking a deep breath through my snout and tasted the air with my tongue playing it off as a yawn all the while opening all of my senses. 'Hmm... High amounts of dew in the air, Still heavy activity... hmm... judging by the subtly flight patterns... it's the Night weather team... putting the time around... Three O'clock at night!' "Three at night!" I whisper/shouted making a play at squinting at the clock on the other side of the room.

"I wanna die!" The suicidal muffin shouted again. Thankfully much quieter this time.

'Hmmm... So okay I have a suicidal muffin of yet know origin on my pillow, Twilight is more the definitely asleep... unless she's pulling an all nighter again... Definitely not something a newly crowned princess should be doing... where was I again? Oh yes! And I don't need to start baking for another three hours! Welp... only one thing to do with a situation like this!


'There! Now I can get back to sleep and have some peace of mind that this particularly unusual muffin won't harm any would be eater incase it's dangerous! TESTS MUST BE MADE!!!! BWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ahem (Maniacal Laugh? Check!)! Now back to Candy Land!' I thought with a grin. Carefully ignoring the sound of a rather disgruntled suicidal muffin yelling and beating at his new glass-box home with his tiny muffin arms. Nope No such thing like that happening in this room!

Time Skip! 9 Hours In The Future!

"I've finished all my orders for today Mr. Cake! I'm going to take off okay!?" I shouted to my "Employers" (though I could honestly easily buy their bakery with all the capital I get from all the my orders and the royalties for my gag/party products) while heading towards the door. "Do you need anything else before I take off?" I asked Pausing in front of the door.

"No Pinkie Mr. Cake and I have everything handled!" Mrs. Cake said happily while Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake Float/Fly around her head doing an aerial form of flight tag. "Go ahead and take off! Oh and make sure to remind Twilight to eat! I know Spike does but a little extra encouragement never hurt!"

Giggling slightly I bounced out of the bakery and proceeded to avoid getting run down but the CMC who were once again on one of their oh so infamous quests.

"Okay... Where should I go first?" I asked myself bouncing down the street using each sonic pulse revealing everything within a Ten foot radius. "Hmm... Well I should probably visit Twilight first." I said with a slight grimace. I did not like that crystal castle/tree. Sound bounced around in it weird making everything look shaky. 'Oh well shaky sights here I come!' I though with a sigh before diving through an open window and emerging from a flower pot across the street from Twilight's Castle. 'I still don't understand how that works...' I thought carefully ignoring the slightly buzzing sign above it

More Science Required

'Yep totally going to ignore that!'

"Welp! Here I go!" I said and stepped through Twilight's door.

Time Skip! 15 Minutes Later

'Why is this castle soooo big?' I wondered walking around the confusingly large castle. Considering it's lack of size on the outside the massiveness on the inside was rather disconcert. 'This place hasn't even been magicked by Dumbles! Why is it soooo big?! I thought with a sigh. "I wonder what Dumbles is up to right now?"

Across The Dimensional Divide! In A Bigger On The Inside Office


"Are you okay Sir?" Hairy Potter asked the Head Master of Hogwarts slightly concerned for the old geezer. He'd been sneezing a lot as of late.

"Herm? No, no I'm fine! Just a rather unusual Equine is probably thinking about me again." The Old Man stated with a shake of his head.

"Um okay?" 'Dumbledore is definitely going Senile.' Harry thought before paying attention to the Head Master as he gave a summery of what had happened after he'd past out from fighting Voldemort.

Back To Equestria!

"Why do I suddenly feel like I have whiplash?" I asked myself shaking my head back and forth. "Aha! Finally!" I shouted and jumped through a painting and appeared next to Twilight in her Library. Still carefully ignoring the weird floating signs.

"Hi Twilight! Mrs. Cake wanted me to remind you to eat! Here! Have a pie!" I shouted before diving through Twilight's shadow and appearing outside the front door of the castle!

'Finally! I'm out of that infernal place!' I thought with a sigh of relief. "Seeing" everything like I'd expect somepony would through water would was very irritating.

"Hmm... Now what?"

Author's Note:

Hello Everypony! SUBJECT-XVI here with a brand new story that is sure (Hopefully) to knock your socks off! This is Mine and One of My dear friends brain child (Edited By one Amanda Green) and we both put in a lot of work equally So hopefully you like it! Anyway I would GREATLY appreciate it if you leave a review on your way out! They really super help me figure out what works for you lot! If you want improved chapters then speak up! Anywho! TTFN! See all ya'lls in the next chapter!

P.s. A Big Thank You to Wolfie 03 for all the help as well!