• Published 12th Feb 2015
  • 1,184 Views, 58 Comments

Unseeing Eyes - SUBJECTXVI

You Know Me. But do you really? You see me running around town doing my best to make you happy. But have any of you noticed that I never look you in the eye? Has anypony even noticed? I guess not.

  • ...

A Sad Drummer Indeed

Author's Note:

Yay! New Chapter! I'm on a role! XD Lol sorry ya'll for the last chapter being so short (less then a 1,000 words). I wanted to make it longer. But as is the case for most works of literature the story has taken on a life of it's own. So yeah that's my BS excuse. The frequency of that happening will be random I don't know. But if it happens it happens. If later chapters fit better as 1 whole 1 instead of 2 I'll combine them like what happened in this one! Anywho Let's get this show on the road! Please leave a review at the end! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! :fluttercry:

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" chanted Rainbow Dash pacing back and forth in front of the hospital, her head flicking between the fire and the building which Pinkie now resided in. 'I should be over there helping!' Rainbow groused argumentatively to herself. Spreading her wings in preparation to take off. 'But you won't because Pinkie needs you to be here for her.' a small voice whispered back unhelpfully, causing Rainbow to lower her wings again.

This had been the self repeating argument the poor cyan Pegasus had been having with herself over the past ten minutes. psyching herself up to help take out the rabidly growing fire, only for her will to fight the blaze to be shot down in flaming ball of death by a little voice in the back of her head.

"Buck this! I'll come back and worry about Pinkie later!" Rainbow shouted taking off.

'But what if there isn't a Pinkie left to come back to by the time you're done?' The ever unhelpful voice asked.

"Then I'll just have to fly down into Tartarus itself to get her back won't I?" Rainbow Dash demanded flying even faster as her worry for her favorite partner in crime set itself deeply within her heart.

2 Hours Later

"Finally!" groaned Rainbow Dash as the last of the fire was put out. It had taken Eighteen water tornados and a lot of back up from Cloudsdale to finally put out the blaze.

Right now all Rainbow Dash wanted to do was crawl into bed or the nearest cloud and pass out. She wouldn't though. She had to wait for Pinkie and make sure she was okay. Groaning again Rainbow Dash made her way into the hospital.

"Uh hey? I'm looking for... Pinkie Pie's room..." Rainbow Dash finished lamely as the Nurse ran off the second she spotted the Cyan Pegasus.

"Rainbow Dash!" Doctor Horse said overly joyous which sent off a bunch of Rainbow Dash's internal alarms. "How's my favorite frequent-patient?"

"I'm fine DH. I brought in Pinkie earlier. She was pretty banged up can you tell what room she's in?" Rainbow Dash asked desperately ignore the cacophony of bells that was going off in her head as the doctor frowned and lead her down the halls towards the ICU.

"Here she is..." Stated Doctor Horse peaking his head through the door for a second.

"Before you go in." Doctor Horse stated warningly placing a Hoof on her shoulder. "I'm not going to lie to you Rainbow. Whatever happened to her caused A Lot of damage. And right now she's going to need her friends to stand by her." he said electing a nod from Rainbow Dash. "Go on inside, I've already sent for the rest of your friends. You'll have her alone for maybe ten minutes or so."

"Okay thanks doc." 'Though I don't exactly know why you had to stop me to tell me that since I was the one to bring her in.' Rainbow Dash though shaking her head as she walked into the room.

Point of View Switched. 5 Minutes Earlier.

"Ugh... My head..." I moaned feeling like the day after I'd drank a years worth of Granny Smiths infamous Zap Apple Whiskyâ„¢. 'Aw man! Even in my own head it's Trade Marked! How'd she do that?' I thought scrunching up my face in confusion earing myself a painful stabbing pain in my snout for my troubles.

Letting out a high pitched yawn I followed the sonic pulse around the room. 'Something's not right.' I thought frowning slightly. Nothing looked right. It was as if I was underwater or in Twilight's castle again (Which I wasn't the distinct lack of the smell of books ensured that). Tapping into my magical core, I began to circulate magic throughout my body, flinching every now and then at the severity of some of my wounds.

Finally reaching my ears I felt a could pit form within my stomach. My left ear drum was completely blown, and my right ear was pretty torn up as well.

"That's not good." I whispered worriedly to myself. I depended on my echolocation entirely, and without it I highly doubted I'd be able to make it five feet let alone down the street or do any of the billions of things that I had to do on in my daily routine.

Sighing in trepidation I took comfort that it would take me at least a week for my ear to heal and a month at most before Twilight would probably let me anywhere near my own door. So assuming that happened I had ample time to let my advanced healing take care of me. For now I'd have to rely on my "Pinkie Sense" (Which while great for tracking and avoiding, made for horrible navigation) to get me around.

"Buck this is going to suck." I moaned


"Hi Rainbowdash!" I shouted happily a few minutes later, as I sensed her walk into my room using my PS (Pinkie Sense). "Sorry if I'm not looking at you! I'm having a bit of trouble moving my neck right now!" I sighed using my one good hoof to tap at the neck brace.

I could hear Rainbowdash mumble something... Actually scratch that my ears where currently shot so she was probably talking at normal volume I just could hear her.

"Um could you say that a little louder? I can't hear you I think a may have possibly blown my ear drums! That or my head is wrapped in cotton! But that'd just be silly-!" I said

"Pinkie!" Shouted Rainbowdash interrupting my tirade. "I asked if you were okay?!" She asked/shouted

"Oh me? I'm fine! Well... That putting things in perspective I guess... I do still have some wood shrapnel in my back, two broken hoofs, a third wrapped in enough enchanted cloth to serve as an anvil, a recently re-inflated lung, some cracked/broken ribs, and newly healed bursted intestines... So as a whole no I'm not fine but that's all been partially if not mostly fixed so I'm good!" I stated flippantly listing off my wounds forgetting how most pony's weren't me.

"WHAT!!!!!!" Rainbowdash shouted temporarily deafening my currently half functioning ear.

"Rainbow! A little lower please! I'd like to still be able to half hear with my right ear!" I half shouted while failingly trying to use my front left hoof (The one not wrapped in Enchanted cloth) to rub my ringing ear. "Anyway were are the other girls?" I asked blinking a few tears away.

"How can you say all that like it's nothing?!" Shouted Rainbow ignoring my question but this time got her voice a lot lower.

I just shrugged as much as the various bandaging's and casts allowed me. Rainbowdash just face hoofed at my answer.

"Anywho! Where are the other girls?" I asked for the second time.

"Fluttershy is busy taking care of all the displaced animals, I think I spotted Applejack along with the rest of her family clearing out some of the fallen trees, Rarity is Busy helping to patch up the anypony who got hurt, And Twilight is probably in her office blazing a path through all the paperwork that comes with replacing all of the trees destroyed in White Tail Forest." Rainbowdash listed off going over a mental list of where our friends probably were.

"Okay? I get they're all busy but Why are they busy? What happened? What did I miss?" I asked teleporting all around the room in my haste to get answers.

"Oh yeah your were knocked out right?" Rainbowdash asked rhetorically face palming. "Well something exploded in White Tail and set fire to a lot of the surrounding trees." Rainbowdash stated raising an eyebrow at my flinch.

"Yeah I exploded." I stated depressingly my hair deflating with my mood. "Was anypony badly hurt?"

"Not really. The most anypony got was a bump on the head from a falling branch." Rainbow stated gently putting a comforting hoof on my shoulder when my mood fell even lower.

I let out a small sob, desperately wishing I could turn my head away from Rainbowdash as tears slid down my face.

I didn't react as Rainbowdash pulled me into a hug. I just felt so horrible. Even though nopony was really hurt I still felt responsible for the damages and destruction. I just couldn't take it. Ever since finding my cutie-mark I'd made it my mission to make everyone I could happy. And this recent even just did the opposite of that. I'd broken my Pinkie Promise.

We spent what felt like hours like that. With me crying my heart out and her just embracing me. I know I didn't deserve it, but at that moment I wished that time would stop and we could've stayed like that forever.

Welp that's it! before I go I just would like to say I'm quiet happy with how this story is being received by the community! I'm actually getting likes and reviews! Yay me!

Anywho! A big thank you to Wolfie 03 for all the help! Trust me guys without her this story would be a giant flaming fail!

Also I big thanks to my lazy ass beta readers who are actually doing what they're being paid too, instead of just lumping all the work off on Amanda! So thank you SUBJECT-XVI (Fanfiction/InsanityInc), WitheredTroll94 (InsanityInc), Fooliest Cesar (InsanityInc), and last but not least Ermis Green (Amanda's Foster Sister/Girlfriend (YouTube) (Damn it Amanda! How the Buck am I supposed to label you two?))

Well bye bye ya'll until next time!