• Published 12th Feb 2015
  • 1,187 Views, 58 Comments

Unseeing Eyes - SUBJECTXVI

You Know Me. But do you really? You see me running around town doing my best to make you happy. But have any of you noticed that I never look you in the eye? Has anypony even noticed? I guess not.

  • ...

Hollow Victories

Author's Note:

Welp I warned you. And guess what? It's not over! Come with me lost little soul! Come with me down the rabbit hole! :pinkiecrazy:

4 Months Later

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Rainbow?" Twilight whispered stepping into the doorway of a nondescript hospital room. "Rainbow? I've got a letter here for you from the Wonderbolts..." Twilight said waving the paper held in her telekinetic grip.

Inside the room sat Rainbowdash. But this wasn't Rainbowdash. Not anymore. No she died months ago, along with her best friend.

She didn't die physically. No. But she might as well have.

"Come on Rainbow..." started Twilight walking next to the cyan Pegasus' bed. "It's been months... We all miss her... But you can't keep doing this... Your letting yourself waste away..." Twilight whispered quietly stroking Rainbowdash's mane gently. "She wouldn't have wanted this. She'd have wanted us to stay strong... She'd wanted us to be happy."

"I couldn't save her." Croaked Rainbowdash, her voice scratchy from the long months of disuse. "I couldn't... and now I'll never get to tell her."

"Oh sweetie..." Sighed Twilight pulling Rainbowdash into a comforting hug. "You did your best. It's just that Pinkie Pie gave up..."

"Maybe I should too... That way at least I'd get to see her again." Rainbowdash Replied sounding broken.

"Don't talk like that!" Twilight yelled giving Rainbowdash a firm shake. "Don't you ever talk like that! Don't you ever talk like that! I know that Pinkie Pie meant a lot to you but enough is enough!" Twilight shouted using the taboo words to emphasize her point.

Rainbowdash just hung her heard in defeat, and started to cried as memories of all of the time she spent with Pinkie Pie filled her mind.

"Shhh..." whispered Twilight regretting having used those words. They stayed that way until Twilight felt Rainbowdash fall asleep. "Sleep tight Rainbow. I'm sure things will be better tomorrow." Twilight whispered kissing Rainbowdash on the top of her head before tucking her in and sneaking away.


As soon as the door shut Rainbowdash's eyes shot open. Looking around to make sure she was alone Rainbowdash reached under her pillow and brought out two letters. Opening the first one she carefully unfolded the note and read it's contents.

Dear Ms. Pie

Well I have some good news, great news, and really bad news for you boss. Great news first!
Thanks for the heads up on those defective prototypes! We have now successfully switched the discharge method from gun powder to a spring loaded plunger. The discharge now is some what one directional but your the boss pony so I know that we can't really argue about that.
Now the really bad news...
It appears that several young foals managed to break into the factory and abscond with at least Ten of the defective models. Worse yet they took them to a park during the busiest part of the day and detonated them all at once. According to the reports we've gotten from the Royal Guard. There has been a total of 120 victims. 20 escaped with only minor injuries, 40 were admitted into intensive care for their injuries/burns, 15 of which later died from their wounds, and 60 died instantly in the blast and resulting fire. In the end 75 in total died, most of which were young foals who were at the epicenter of the blast.
Now for some good news (anypony could use some after reading that right?).
Princess Celestia has personally gone over our case and has deemed that we are not to blame for the horrible incident. and has dismissed all charges put against us by 10 of the families who see the whole ordeal as our fault.
Welp... That's all I have to report.

Head Researcher Bright Light

'This was it. This was the letter that destroyed Pinkie Pie and ruined everything. A stupid letter written by a stupider Pony who wasn't bright enough to know just what sort of reaction it would have evoked from somepony like Pinkie Pie. A stupid Bucking letter.' Rainbowdash thought choking down tears of rage. It had taken her two whole months to read it after taking it from her room, and another month to translate it, seeing as it was written in braille for some reason. 'Oh Pinkie Pie... Why'd you have to leave me?'

Carefully closing the letter Rainbowdash put it down on her night stand. Taking a deep breath Rainbowdash steeled her nerves and opened the second letter.

Dear Girls

I am so, so sorry. I can't quite put it to words how sorry I am about doing this to you guys... But I just can't keep living with the knowledge that I (Inadvertently or not) helped cause the death of at least 60 foals. I just can't. So I'm not. I've already made up my mind, and by the time you're reading this I have already succeeded in taking my own life. I'm sorry.
To Twilight Sparkle: I leave my vast collection of cook books, and books on magically creatures/events. To Spike: I leave my comic book collection and a large chest of jewels I collected way back when I was a traveling entertainer. To Rarity: I leave all of my dress designs and all the shares I hold in fabric retailers and all the clothing stores I own. To Fluttershy: I leave my pet crocodile Gummy, and 25% of my fortune. To AppleJack: I leave to you 15% of my riches for you to use on Sweet Apple Acres. To Mr. and Mrs. Cake I leave 25% of my fortune. And finally to Rainbowdash: Rainbow. you were my best, best friend, and I loved you for it. To you Rainbowdash I leave two things. First I leave 30% of my fortune. And lastly I leave to you my pride and joy, I leave to you my company P.I.E. little known as Pinkie Intertainment (Yes INTER-tainment Not ENTER-tainment) Enterprises. Congratulations you are now the proud owner of a multi-billion bit company! The rest of my money and whatever you girls don't want shall be given to charity, maybe that'll atone for some of my sins.
Again. I just want to say how sorry I truly, truly am for doing this to you guys. Good bye for the last time.

Pinkamina Diana Pie

Shutting her eyes and biting her lip Rainbowdash cried silently as sorrow overtook her. Clamping down on her sorrow Rainbowdash carefully put away Pinkie Pie's last letter and placed it on her night stand next to the letter responsible for it. Silently climbing out of her bed Rainbowdash quickly straightened it before reaching underneath her pillow and left it lying in the middle of her pillow.

Slipping out of her room Rainbowdash swiftly and silently flew to Pinkie Pie's old room and pushed her way in. Grabbing the rope she'd stored there with her last visit Rainbowdash deftly made a hang pony's noose and tied it to the fan. Hovering up to the hole Rainbowdash stuck her head through. Tightened the knot and let herself fall limp.

'Here I come Pinkie Pie.' she thought smiling as the lights faded from her eyes.


"FIGHT!" Shooting up with a gasp Pinkie Pie felt her heart start to beat again. Grabbing Rainbowdash she pulled her into a hug and began to cry tears of relief.

"I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!" Was all she could gasp as her body started remembering how to live. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Rainbowdash was just silently hugging her friend back. 'I did it!' she thought with a smile carefully hugging her once dead friend. Slowly pulling away Rainbowdash silenced the sobbing earth pony by kissing her. Letting her know that she didn't care and was just happy that she was back.

Pinkie Pie closed her eyes and melted into the kiss. It wasn't real. She was alive.