• Published 12th Feb 2015
  • 1,185 Views, 58 Comments

Unseeing Eyes - SUBJECTXVI

You Know Me. But do you really? You see me running around town doing my best to make you happy. But have any of you noticed that I never look you in the eye? Has anypony even noticed? I guess not.

  • ...

Spontanious Pony Combustion... In A Can?

Author's Note:

Alright! Already! A new chapter tonight! Going to dally on this one's introduction a bit! The reason is that I've started a little... game for this story. In each chapter (yes there's one in chapter one as well) I'll be leaving (or have already left) an obscure reference if you can find this obscure reference I will give the first two people to find it and tell me it (and what it's from) access to my newest incomplete chapter. Meaning If Someone spots a reference not discovered in chapter 1 when chapter 6 is already out that means that person will have access to chapter 7. Understand? The Access will continue until the chapter is completed there after the passport will be changed so you can't continue looking in when you haven't won the privilege. Sound exciting? I think so! Now get in there and find those references!!!!!!!

P.S. Please leave a review at the end of the chapter... I'm begging you guys. Please. Please do.

"Hmm... What to do! What to do?" I wondered to myself aimlessly bouncing down the street.

"Pinkie Pie!" A familiar light grey Pegasus with a bright yellow mane shouted dropping out of the sky before landing Like A Boss!

"Oh hello Derpy!" I said pausing in mid-air. "Is that a new perfume you're wearing?" I asked (still floating) alluding to the fact that she smelled like a giant muffin.

"Yep!" Derpy replied with a smile before digging through her delivery bag and removing a package and handing it to me... Or she at least tried... "Erm... Pinkie? Are you floating?"

"Yepperonies!" I shouted back doing a flip in mid air to emphasize my point.

"Um... Do you think you could come down?" Derpy asked adorably tilting her head slightly.

"Okie Dokie!" I replied using my MNS (Master Ninja Skills) to pop out of Derpy's shadow, before taking the package out of her hooves. "Yay! I got a package! I wonder what's in it?" I wondered waving be to Derpy as she flew away. "Hmm... Maybe another Prototype from the eggheads down at P.I.E. (Pinkie Intertainment (Yes INTER-tainment Not ENTER-tainment) Enterprises?)" I mumbled to myself as I started walking away.

'Hmm... Weighs approximately two pounds... The box is about a foot across and six inches wide... And is tightly wrapped both outside and in...' I thought while wondering out of town towards White Tail forest giving the box a slight shake.

'Meh this looks like a good spot to open this!' I thought stopping in the middle of a clearing. Sitting down I closed my eyes (which wasn't exactly necessary but I did it anyway) and opened up all my senses. Giving a piercing whistle I tracked the high pitched sonic pulse and found nothing in the immediate area though I could hear some birds and a few Pegasus' about a Two hundred yards away.

Lowering my Senses again I proceeded to tear open the package. Grinning like a mad pony I held up a Small Cylinder with a pull away metal tab. "Glitter Bomb" I read running a hoof down the side of the canister. Grinning again I pulled the tab and threw it a little away. My "Pinkie Sense" activated a second later...

"Oh Buck-" Was all I managed before the little unassuming canister explode with Pretty Pink rage.

Whomph! BANG!

Point of View Switched. 2 Minutes Earlier.

"Ugh this is so boring!" Rainbow Dash moaned lying on a heavenly soft cloud bemoaning her horrible fate... Boredom. There was utterly nothing for her to do. She'd already finished all her duties with the weather team (She'd even finished all of her paper work!), done all of her practicing for all of the various sports that she competed in, and finished (again) the Latest Daring Do novel!

"Why can't something exciting ever happen when I want it?" RD asked herself rolling onto her stomach and prepared to take off. "Hmm... Maybe I could go prank Rarity or Apple Jack?" she asked herself.

Whomph! BANG!

"Holy! What in Tartarus was that!" RD yelled as she was nearly blown out of the sky by a sudden blast of air. Turning around she spotted a large black Mushroom cloud on the other side of Ponyville. "Well ask and you shall receive!" Rainbow Dash muttered before flying as fast towards the foreboding cloud.

1 Minute Later

"WHAT IN TARTARUS HAPPENED HERE!" Rainbow Dash yelled over the fire stopping one of the weather team who were rushing around desperately using any close by clouds to put out the blazing fire that had sprung up out of nowhere.

"WE'VE GOT NO IDEA! EVERYTHING WAS CALM HERE A MINUTE AGO! ONE SECOND EVERYTHING'S NICE AND CLEAR AND THE NEXT WE'RE DEALING WITH THIS!" Yelled the Pegasus over the sound of the blaze before flying off to get a fresh cloud.

"Sonofab-" Rainbow stopped about rush off to help but stopped a line of knocked down trees. "That looks bad." She whispered following the damage to the lake a hundred yards from Ground Zero of the fire.

"Damn what could have caused this kind of damage?" Rainbow Dash wondered doing circles above the lake.

"PINKIE!!!" Rainbow Dash shouted spotting a familiar Bright Pink bobbing in the waves. 'Maybe Pinkie saw what happened?' Rainbow thought swooping down towards the ball of energy.

"PINKIE!" Rainbow shouted again this time in fear as she noticed the black burns that covered her body and the slowly spreading red that was seeping into the water. Not wasting a second Rainbow Dash scooped up her friend as gently as she could before zooming off towards the Hospital as fast as she could without hurting Pinkie Pie even more.