• Published 18th Apr 2015
  • 749 Views, 28 Comments

Write Club! A Multi-Prompt Compilation - HapHazred

A compilation of short stories from the Harmonists group contest 'Write Club' about history, attachment, and dreams.

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Dream: Frogmyre

Ditzy Doo sighed as she looked out the snow-encrusted window, as the white scenery passed her by quickly. This was quickly turning into the most boring train ride she had ever taken, to the most boring place she knew of: Stalliongrad. But she had to go, for the title of the Mare (Or Stallion, or any other creature who won,) with the Golden Pan was quite a prodigious one.

The rhythmic whirring of the train wheels started to get to her. She yawned as she tried to combat sleep. Her eyes flicked shut, but she quickly opened them wide when she noticed what had happened. She was starting to regret her self-promise that she wouldn’t fall asleep on the train ride. Looking outside, she saw several sheep jumping over a fence. Blinking a few times, she realized they must be training for something. What, however, she did not know. Another yawn escaping her, she closed her eyes, and before she knew it had fallen asleep.

It was, rather unsurprisingly, the perfect muffin. It would have to be, protected as it was. Ditzy looked at the clear crystal glass surrounding it, and sighed. Looking back at the muffin, she admired it more. It was the very picture of the perfect confectionary. It was the perfect size, not so large that it would take several bites, but not so small that it would be devoured far too quickly. Looking closer, Ditzy realized that there were actually blueberries inside it.

As her eyes wandered away from the perfect muffin, she noticed that there was nopony around. “Well, that’s strange…” she muttered. Normally there were quite a few ponies just mulling around. But it was completely empty, for some odd reason.

Looking back at the glass, Ditzy noticed the security system surrounding it. Light, being reflected from the best crystals of the Crystal Empire, shined down and around the glass case. Ditzy, however, knew a way around them. Taking a bubble wand from the pocket of the jacket she just realized she was wearing, she took a good look at the case. Holding back a laugh at how easy it was, she blew a gigantic bubble towards the case. The bubble passed through the lights, not disrupting them… somehow, and surrounded the case.

As Ditzy’s special talent was blowing bubbles, and controlling them, what happened next wasn’t surprising. The bubble slowly lifted up, and back towards Ditzy. And inside the bubble, was the case.

With a quick flap of her wings, the bubble burst, the case fell to the ground, and the glass shattered. Ditzy jumped at the sound, as she expected ponies to rush in any minute now. A few minutes passed, and no one showed up. Shrugging, she picked up the muffin, and looked over it. The smell of the perfectly cooked batter, mixed with the blueberries confirmed that this was most definitely the perfect muffin.

She leaned in close to it, and slowly opened her mouth. But before she could take a bite out of it, a pony appeared. “It is I, Trixie the Great and Powerful! And I am here to take back that muffin!” yelled the aforenamed pony. Having seen Trixie being run out of town by an Ursa Minor, Ditzy continued to call Trixie… Trixie.

Trixie started to rush towards Ditzy as her horn started to glow, a clear indicator of a charging spell. Ditzy was in dismay, until she looked downwards, and saw, beneath her hooves, the Golden Pan. Slightly surprised, but not about to question her good luck, she picked up the pan in her mouth, after putting the muffin down. Carefully.

As Trixie drew nearer, Ditzy turned her head, preparing to throw the Pan. Her crossed eyes were of use for once, for they allowed her to keep an eye on Trixie, even with her head turned. And when Trixie finally got close enough, Ditzy whipped her head back, and let the Pan fly. It hit Trixie with a satisfying clunk, as Ditzy smiled. Walking up to the unconscious mare, Ditzy looked down, and said, “There’s no need to panic over a muffin.”

Finally alone, Ditzy trotted back towards the muffin, and looked over it again. Stopping herself from drooling over the perfectness, she picked the muffin up, and ate it. It was the tastiest muffin she had ever eaten, and she had eaten a lot of muffins. Truly, it was the perfect muffin. She sighed, as she realized that there would never be such a muffin again.

A clatter of hooves upon hard stone alerted Ditzy to the presence of another pony. And bursting through the same door Trixie had came through, was the pony she knew as Time Turned. “There’s no need to fear, the Doctor is here!” he exclaimed, before he actually looked around and saw the broken glass, unconscious mare, and Ditzy Doo.

“Doctor? No, you’re Time Turner,” she said, looking at him in surprise. She didn’t think anypony could get a Ph. D in fixing clocks, nor did she think that even if you could get one, that your name would become Doctor.

“Hm? Oh yeah, I am Time Turner aren’t I?” he muttered absentmindedly, as he looked around. “Well, I passed several guards on my way here, there’s a broken display case, and you’re standing near an unconscious mare, with a dented golden pan near your hooves. By any chance, would you happen to like a ride out of here?” he asked, looking directly at Ditzy. This was a surprisingly hard thing to do most of the time, with her wandering eyes.

“Oh… uh…” Ditzy realized that she had better leave soon, lest she be caught. Not stopping to wonder just how Time Turner would help her escape, she replied, “Yes, I would.”

“Perfect! Follow me, quickly now,” he exclaimed as he ran out the door, barely giving Ditzy a chance. Being a Pegasi had an upside, however, and she quickly took off from the ground, and caught up to Time Turner.

A few moments later… she realized just how he was planning on escaping with her. In front of her was a giant muffin… with equally giant wings. She noted that they were the same color as hers, but she was far too in awe to really care about that part. Time Turner ran ahead, as Ditzy had stopped in her tracks to admire the muffin, and opened a door into the muffin. “After you, my dear Derpy!” he said, his head bowed low, as he kept the door open.

“Time Turner! I’d love t-”

The shrill shriek of the train’s whistle, woke Ditzy up from her dream. Looking outside, she noticed the train had come to a stop, and right outside was Stalliongrad. She sighed, got up from her seat, and trotted towards the exit. She wished that the rest of her trip would be anywhere near as exciting as her dream had been, as she stepped off the train, into the cold of the city of Stalliongrad.

Author's Note:

This story is brought to you by Frogmyre. If you enjoyed his story, please check out some of his other stuff!