• Published 18th Apr 2015
  • 749 Views, 28 Comments

Write Club! A Multi-Prompt Compilation - HapHazred

A compilation of short stories from the Harmonists group contest 'Write Club' about history, attachment, and dreams.

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Attachment: JB von Herb

Noteworthy sighs in bliss as he relaxes on his couch, pleased that another long day at work has ended. Not that he hates his job, but there are days where he wishes his job loved him as much as he loved it. That being said, a rough day has ended and he can relax and enjoy the sound of silence for a grand total of five seconds before his door is flung open and his roommate, Lucky, bursts in with the delicacy of a hydra in a china shop.

“Hey, Note, guess what!” says Lucky excitedly.

Without looking at Lucky, Noteworthy sighs and rubs his brow. “I don't. You got maced in the face again?”

Lucky snickers. “No, but a good guess.”

Noteworthy sighs and turns his head, about ready to say something to his roommate and questionable friend, but the words flee from his mind and mouth when he sees what Lucky wants to show him.

Attached on his shoulder, surrounded by a grotesque barrier of poorly healed scabs, terrible stitches, mangled flesh and rolled fur is a skeletal parrot with thin sheets of metal for wings, bright red eyes and a beak that gleams in the light like an assassin's prized blade.

Noteworthy's jaw drops, and for many long seconds only the chirping birds and distant quacks of ducks can be heard. The situation is made more awkward when Lucky's grin grows wider and the parrot turns its head to look at Noteworthy, its gears whirring and clicking and eyes snapping open and shut like the shutters of a camera.

“Lucky... What. Is that?” says Noteworthy when he regains some vocabulary.

“This is Jamal the Parrot,” says Lucky proudly. “I used all the money I got from my government checks and disability pension stuff and had this guy attached to my shoulder. Isn't he cool?”

“Lucky, do you have any idea what you've just done!” yells Noteworthy as he leaps to his hooves and gets in Lucky's face, trying to look furious, but coming of as more horrified than anything else. “These... These attachments- these things don't come off easy! And the guy that did this did a terrible job! Seriously, its like someone shoved your shoulder in a grinder, lit it on fire, then stabbed you with a robotic parrot!”

Lucky gasps and backs away. “Note, I thought you would be happy for me trying to be different! How often do you see ponies walking around with robotic parrots surgically inserted their shoulders?”

“There's a reason why nopony has robots fused to their bodies! What were you trying to do, anyway?”

“Pick up some chicks.”

Noteworthy's ears perk and his eyes bulge as his brain blows yet another fuse. “What?”

Luck smiles again. “Pick up some chicks. Attract some mares. Score some tail. Entice the opposite gender into my clutches so we can efficiently reproduce and make Lucky Juniors.”

Noteworthy shakes his head. “No, no, Lucky, that... no. Just no. We don't need more of you running around, and besides, nopony is going to want to hang out with you because of that disgusting thing on your shoulder!”

Lucky frowns and points at Noteworthy. “Okay, you've gone too far. Jamal is not disgusting. He is a parrot with feelings and dreams.”

“You mean dreams of being surgically attached to a pony's shoulders?”

“Yes. Besides, with me and Jamal working together, I will be the greatest pimp this side of the Everfree.”

“Well, Lucky, I hate to tell you this, but your plan is going to fail miserably and you-”

Noteworthy is interrupted by a knock on the door, and he and Lucky stare at the door, which is still open, and they see none other than Bon Bon standing in the doorway, smiling sheepishly.

“I'm sorry, I was just walking by and I saw that you had a robotic parrot attached to your shoulder,” says Bon Bon.

Lucky grins and pats the robot. “Yeah, his name is Jamal.”


Bon Bon licks her lips and purrs as she enters and rubs her body against Lucky's side, giving him an alluring smile that makes his heart flutter.

“That is such a sexy name,” says Bon Bon in a husky whisper, her had craned up like she wants to kiss him, but not really.

Lucky tilts his head down and Jamal tilts its head curiously as he returns the same look and speaks in the same tone with the same seducing smile. “That is what I thought, too, my little angel.”

Noteworthy feels like he's going to puke, and his legs give out where he has to sit on the floor when Bon Bon rubs her hoof up and down Lucky's chest in slow strokes like she is trying to feel is sculpted muscles underneath his coat.

“So, what's your name, stud?” asks Bon Bon.

“Lucky, and you?”

“Bon Bon, but you can call me 'Bonnie'. So, do you and Jamal want to... you know, hang out later?”

Lucky grabs the back on Bon Bon's mane and tugs her head back so she is looking directly into his eyes, getting a sharp gasp from her, followed by an excited giggle, and he says with a hunger in his voice. “Why wait? Let's hang out right now.”

Bon Bon smiles and hooks her hoof around Lucky's neck and brings him closer so their muzzles almost touch. “You're right. My place. Now.”

Bon Bon pecks Lucky on his lips and she slithers out of his grip and goes around his body, dragging her candy-like tail all around him, then she saunters out, purposefully brushing her tail under his nose. Lucky shudders, and with an eager giggle to go with his raging blush, he skips out the door, leaving Noteworthy alone in the doorway to wonder how Lucky can get so lucky with such an awful thing attached to his shoulder.

Author's Note:

This story is provided by JB von Herb. Please check him and his stories out if you enjoyed this tale!