• Published 18th Apr 2015
  • 749 Views, 28 Comments

Write Club! A Multi-Prompt Compilation - HapHazred

A compilation of short stories from the Harmonists group contest 'Write Club' about history, attachment, and dreams.

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Attachment: Verbose Mode

"Princess Celestia?"

The now-sole ruler of Equestria looked up from the chip in the stone floor she had been examining, pulled back to the present and feeling like that was not the first time her attention had been called. "Yes, Brass? A message?"

Brass, the court herald, bowed respectfully. "No, your highness. Tis time to go."

"Go...? Ah." Princess Celestia rose, for the last time, from the old throne room. "Of course. We forgot it 'twas moving-day."

"The new castle 'tis stunning, your highness. Methinks you may like it." Brass fell into step beside her. "The view alone is a glory to behold. A fitting place for the heart of Equestria."

"Walls and vistas do not make a country, my little pony." The princess smiled. "Tis your hearts that make it so."

Brass bowed her head. "As you say, your highness."

The caravan of the last of the castle's goods and ponies waited outside, with a white carpet rolled out to give Princess Celestia a path to her chariot. She obliged, gracing her waiting student with a smile as she climbed aboard.

"Good morning, Kimono."

"Good morning, Princess! Is this not exciting?" Kimono, true to form, could barely sit still, and sprang into the back of the chariot after her.

"Verily. We have been looking to this event for some time." Princess Celestia let her gaze wander across the assembled ponies, and took a deep breath. "PROCEED! How are the fillies?"

Kimono took her hooves away from her ears, smiling. "Excited as well! And... begging pardons, somewhat frightened..."

Celestia nodded as the procession began moving sown the wide highway north through the Everfree City. "As are we, my faithful student. As are we..."

"Your highness?"

The princess closed her eyes, taking a steadying moment. "We have lived in this city for six-hundred years, Kimono. To change the capitol of a country is no mean feat, and We regret leaving some things behind. But we find peace knowing it is for the better."

"Of course it is, your highness." Kimono looked out over the edge of the chariot as the pegasai spread their wings and took off, carrying them upward. They sat in silence for some time, before Kimono spoke again.

"Y-your highness?"

"Yes, my faithful student?"

"Some things... or somep-oh!" She broke off as Princess Celestia flinched, doubling over as if cut. "I'm sorry, your highness! I... I just wanted to know!"

"We understand, dear Kimono, we understand." Princess Celestia screwed her eyes shut, holding in tears. "But I cannot speak of my sister yet. One hundred years may be a lifetime, but we shared so... so many together..."

"I just want to help..." Kimono sniffed, her own eyes watering. "I read the old scrolls, and they all speak of you as the very source of joy... but ever since I first saw you as a filly..."

Princess Celestia started as Kimono pressed herself into her teacher's chest, dampening her shoulder with a tear.

"You just seemed so sad!"

For some time, Celestia just held still, uncertain. Then, ever so slowly, she brought a wing around to encompass them.

"Oh, you silly mare." Kimono flinced at the princesses words, but Celestia lifted a hoof and made it a hug. "You wonderful, kind mare. We are sad. We will be sad for a long time. But it is ponies like you that let Us let go of the sadness and remember the past with joy."

Celestia pulled back a wing, tears flowing freely, as she looked toward the great mountain ahead of them, lit by the setting sun. "Raise your eyes, my little pony. Lay them on our new home..."

"Canterlot?" Kimono breathed.

It took little time for the chariot to reach the giant balconys atop the half-finished castle, alighting gently. Both teacher and student had dried their tears long before they stepped off. Princess Celestia accepted the bows of her waiting entourage patiently, then demanded her tour.

"Indeed! Take Us to the throne room, so that We may familiarize ourselves." Addressing so small a group, she did them the convenience of holding back the full power of her Voice. The Captain of the Guard beconed her to follow.

The throne room was every bit as impressive as the reports had stated, and Celestia smiled and complemented the architecture and details of the tile as she went. Her throne had been moved from the Everfree Castle, and sat alone on it's dais, causing a twinge of guilt. Looking closer, however, infuriated her.

"What is this?" She tapped a gilded horseshoe on the white stone steps.

"Your highness?" The architect shrank down.

"'Tis to small!" Princess Celestia knew she was being unreasonable, but she found it impossible to stop herself. "This platform! It holds but one throne? Where shall a second sit? There is no room!"

"B-but your highness..." The architect was quaking in his horseshoes now. "You rule alo-"

"Ceace. Pray, you do not finish that sentence." Kimono stepped foward. "You heard her highness. Redesign the dias to hold two thrones. Mind, design it to hold three. It is not just the Princess who holds sway in Equestria. Begone!"

With that, everypony fled, vanishing from the throne room. The architect disappeared so fast that Celestia thought he might have built a secret exit somewhere. Looking back at the throne, she felt her face redden with fury or shame, she did not know.

Even this far away, and without preamble...

The Nightmare was still with her.

"You will do well, princess." Kimono whispered. Princess Celestia gave a humorless chuckle.

"And how, pray, do you assure me so?" The whole incident had placed her in a foul mood, and she decided on the spot she quite hated the new castle. Her student's next words stopped her.

"You still have us. You can't protect yourself from your own heart, your highness. But your friends can. Is that not the secret of the Elements?"

Princess Celestia paused, considering. Poorly put, certainly, and incredibly naive, but...

"Kimono, I knew you found your way to Us for a reason. Your words hearten me. Come, let us find your new rooms!"

Author's Note:

This story is brought to you by Verbose Mode. Please check out his other stories if you enjoyed this!