• Published 18th Apr 2015
  • 749 Views, 28 Comments

Write Club! A Multi-Prompt Compilation - HapHazred

A compilation of short stories from the Harmonists group contest 'Write Club' about history, attachment, and dreams.

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Dream: HapHazred

The air whipped through the recruit's mane as she surveyed the land below her, struggling to stay aloft among the powerful winds. Tendrils of broken cloud whipped at her hooves, wrapped in sky-blue lycra. The noise of the weather around her was almost deafening.

"Y'sure this'll be a tornado?" she asked. "It's windy, but I don't see—..."

"HQ never lies!" her partner shouted back. "If they're saying tornado, that means there's a tornado out here!"

The recruit believed her: after all, her partner was the greatest flyer she had ever seen, taking to the skies with playful determination, but all the speed of a bullet. Whenever she flew, it felt like she was just on the verge of disappearing into the horizon, slowing down only ever enough to keep up. She was a pleasure to fly with.

Just to check it was still there, the Wonderbolt's newest recruit checked her flank to see the world-famous badge of honour they wore: a winged thunderbolt. She smiled: it was proof-positive she was given license to fly with the bravest pony in Equestria, and it meant the world to her. She flapped her wings clumsily, and took off after her partner, lowering her goggles over her eyes as she flew, protecting her from the gale.

"See! Right on your two o'clock!"

She looked to her right, and sure enough, a funnel was beginning to form under the clouds, warped by the shifting air currents. She had seen them from her visits to the south, where tornadoes were commonplace, as well as from observing the pegasi work.

"How do we stop it?" she asked. Her partner looked back, grinning.

"It's spinning counterclockwise... we've just gotta' fly in the other direction! Drag it back to a standstill!"

The new recruit frowned. "Will that really work?" she asked, her suspension of disbelief starting to falter.

"Sure it will! It's like science!"

Like science, she thought to herself. It was hardly the most convincing of statements. But then again, she recalled, she knew next to nothing about how the weather worked, and so decided to trust in her partner, who'd never let her down. The pair flew as fast as they could towards the rapidly forming tornado. Small items of debris began to shoot past them, which they both dodged expertly.

After a few moments, her partner turned back to her, a confused look on her face.

"Hey..." she began. "Where are your wings?"

"Where are m—... Why, they're on my back, o'course."

Her partner tilted her head. "No... they're not. Look!"

She craned her neck, and to her surprise, she found her partner was right. She was wearing the iconic lycra Wonderbolt suit, but there were just two small holes in the outfit where the wings were supposed to go. She swallowed, her heart plummeting to her stomach.

"You're an Earth pony," her partner explained, with painstaking deliberation, looking crestfallen.

"B-but..." the recruit began, her words tumbling out of her mouth clumsily as she felt the sudden tug of gravity pull her downwards. "How'll I fly with you now?"

It was all too good to be true, she thought, and the tornado, the sky, and her partner became increasingly distant as the ground sucked at her, lunging at her like a monster from out at sea. But instead of being swallowed up by it, she instead felt a hoof wrap around hers.

All of a sudden, she felt lighter.

"It's okay," Rainbow Dash told her. "We'll just walk instead." She carefully put her back on the ground, and lifted her goggles up, revealing her stunning magenta eyes. "C'mon, slowpoke!"


Applejack trotted after Rainbow, leaving the Wonderbolt's outfit behind.


Applejack woke up.

"Y'okay, there?"

Applejack's eyes flickered around the pitch black room, quickly doing her best to get her bearings. Her attention was quickly drawn to the feeling of another hoof around hers.

"S'fine. Just a weird dream," she said quietly. "It got better near the end, though."

Rainbow Dash nuzzled her affectionately. "If you say so," she said. Applejack smiled.

If flying with Rainbow was just an impossible dream, then at least she'd have the next best thing.

"Would y'like to go for a walk tomorrow?"

Author's Note:

If you enjoyed this (distinctly AppleDashy) story, then please feel free to check me out, and other stories like it.

Comments ( 14 )


5879205 Yeah, well, it's all I got, so...

5879208 I understand, yes. Hm...maybe I should publish that story someday....


I think HapHazred is the only one of us with 3 wins. Does this make Hap the overall winner?

5890960 HapHazred won by default the first time, so HapHazred isn't sure it counts.

(But yes, it is true)

5890985 Oh, take it! One of my wins is a walk-over as well, so you go ahead and take it.

5895298 A vos ordres.

Taking it and running.

Comment posted by Dr Yeis deleted Jun 22nd, 2015

6123176 Um, okay, sure. Can I ask why?

Comment posted by Dr Yeis deleted Jun 26th, 2015

6123193 Aaaand it's gone!

You turning it into a proper fic?

Comment posted by Dr Yeis deleted Jun 26th, 2015

6123200 O...kay.

Well, it shall be missed. I know it was incomplete, but I kind of liked the cliff-hangeryness of it.

7778550 The chapter you're commenting on is by a user named Verbose Mode. JMac wrote the following chapters:



I confess I think I tried to edit those chapters but I frankly wasn't as skilled at it as I am now. I'll try and get around to fixing the issues you mentioned later.

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