• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 4,108 Views, 90 Comments

The Care and Raising of Pegasii - RoyalBardofCanterlot

Have you ever wondered about how to take care of a pegasus filly?

  • ...

So, Your Pegasus Filly Wants to Hang Out

(Lesson Three-Sometimes, a pegasus filly just wants to hang out with her big sister. Sometimes, it's something more. Listen closely to your pegasus filly's concerns.)

Today, was supposed to be a cloudless day. Blue, sunny skies were scheduled throughout Ponyville. Unfortunately, some things were beyond the control of Ponykind. Supposedly, the Gods had appointed Ponykind as guardians of the world long ago. To Pegasii, the sky was given and with it mastery of the weather. The Everfree Forest had different ideas. The flock of pegasii dove through and into the clouds. Dash's wings were spread wide as she bucked and whirled through the sky. At her side was Cloud Chaser. The stallion was visibly sweating as he bucked a storm cloud. An angry bolt of lightning shot from the cloud and Cloud Chaser dodged a few seconds before it struck him.

"What the hay is going on with these clouds?" Dash demanded. The weather team was high over the Everfree Forest. The wild land spread out under them, dark and forbidding. From deep within came dark storm clouds. Again and again the pegasii dove into them, dispersing and bucking them into nothing. Finally, after hours of constant bucking the storm clouds were gone.

"Good work, everypony." Dash said, wiping sweat from her brow. She looked up at the vast, blue sky. "We got'em."

There were cheers all around. Dash soared away as the weather team dispersed. She had no plans for the rest of the day and was thinking of snagging a stray cloud for a well-deserved nap when she heard a cheerful, happy voice.

"Hi, Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!"

Dash looked down. Trailing after her on her scooter was a familiar orange pegasus. Dash landed beside her.

"What's up, Squirt?"

"I was just wondering if maybe we could hang out today?" Scootaloo asked, fixing Dash with a hopeful smile.

"Well, we trained yesterday and it's a good idea to give your body a break. I'm not going to be training today."

Scootaloo shook her head. "No, I mean, just spend time together."

Dash thought for a second. She hadn't just hung out with a filly Scootaloo's age since she was Scootaloo's age. "I don't know, Scoots. Wouldn't you rather hang out with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle?"

"Applebloom's sick, Sweetie Belle is on a fishing trip with her dad."

"If you really want to hang out with me, sure. What'd you want to do?"

"I was going to do some moves on my scooter and I want to show you this neat trick!"

Scootaloo took off on her scooter, urging Dash to follow her. Dash followed along till Scootaloo came to a stretch of meadow on the outskirts of town that was ringed by gently sloping hills. A patch of yellow wildflowers were blowing in the breeze. Dash's eyes widened as she saw a series of complicated ramps and rings in the center of the meadow.

"Scootaloo..." She pointed to the obstacle course. "Did you make that?"

"No, Applebloom did."

"It looks freaking awesome." Dash praised. "And you do tricks on your scooter on it?"


Scootaloo fluttered her wings as she positioned her scooter by the first ramp. With a kick of her hoof she was off. Coming off the ramp, she spun through a ring, landed perfectly on a second ramp and swung onto a series of increasingly higher ramps. Each ramp was positioned to bring the filly slightly higher. Occasionaly, a ring jutted out. Scootaloo took her scooter through each ring. Dash stared in amazement. Scootaloo's wings buzzed as she dove through the rings and off of the ramps. The ramps were leading to a curving slope made of planks. It was a drop of at least five feet. Scootaloo's face took on an expression of effortless concentration as she angled her scooter downwards. Dash gasped as Scootaloo tore down the slope and then into the air. Letting the scooter fall she spread her wings and briefly soared. She caught the scooter again as she came to earth.

"Tah-dah!" She announced proudly.

"That was awesome!" Dash gushed, tousling her adoptive sister's mane. Scootaloo beamed.

"Ah, it was nothing like anything you could do." Scootaloo said, shyly shuffling a hoof.

"Yeah, if I knew how to ride a scooter." Dash said.

It was Scootaloo's turn to gasp. "You don't know how to ride a scooter?"

"Nope. We don't have'em in Cloudsdale."

Scooters were more or less an earth pony's toy. Many pegasii children scoffed at them including Dash when she'd been a filly. Dash, though, wasn't going to tell Scootaloo that.

"Would you like to learn?" Scootaloo asked.

"Why not?" Dash asked. After all, it looked easy enough. Scootaloo hopped back on her scooter.

"You just grab the handlebars, and kick-like this." Scootaloo demonstrated and pushed the scooter. "You try."

Dash got on the scooter. It wobbled a bit at her weight. She spread her wings for balance like she'd seen Scootaloo do. Then she kicked her leg. The scooter toppled. She cursed as she fell and the scooter nearly landed on top of her. She glared at Scootaloo who was trying to hide her giggles.

"That's not very nice, you know." She scolded. "I don't laugh at you when you mess up."

Scootaloo blushed and hung her head. "Sorry." She mumbled.

Dash sighed. "Aw, c'mere Squirt." She spread a wing and wrapped it around Scootaloo, drawing her into a hug. Scootaloo smiled and nuzzled Dash's cheek.

"So, what did I do wrong?" Dash asked, letting Scootaloo out of the wing-hug.

"I think you were tipping too much. I should have told you to stand on the center."

"Okay. Center."

Dash stood on the scooter, this time on the direct center. It didn't wobble this time. Dash took that as a good sign.

"So, kick?"

"Er, maybe just a tap."

Dash nodded and gently tapped the ground. This time the scooter went about a couple of inches.

"Harder than that." Scootaloo coached.

Dash tapped it harder and it went farther. A few more attempts and she felt she'd gotten the hang of it. She kicked the ground and flapped her wings like she'd seen Scootaloo do so many times before. The scooter zoomed towards a tree. She yelped and flew off of it. The scooter trashed into the tree and fell into the ground.

"Are you okay?" Scootaloo asked.

"Of course." She flew back down to the ground. "It'd take more than that to hurt the Dash. I'm more worried about your scooter."

Scootaloo picked it up and appraised it. "I think the wheel is loose." She tapped it and the wheel flew off. "I'll take it by Applebloom's later. Also, I think it might be too small for you."

"Heh. Should've thought of that. Sorry, I didn't mean to break it."

"It's okay." Scootaloo hugged her. "We can do something else."

"How about going over to Sugarcube Corner? I'm in the mood for cupcakes." Dash suggested.

"That does sound cool. But first, I need to take my scooter back home."

"Wanna ride? It'll be faster." Dash said.

"Really? You'd let me ride you?"

"Sure I would."

Scootaloo enthusiastically clambered onto Dash's back. Dash held onto the scooter as she ascended into the air while Scootaloo threw her arms around her neck. The wind whipped her mane as Dash glided on the currents. From up on her perch Scootaloo could see all of Ponyville.

"There's my house!" She exclaimed, pointing to it after they had been flying for a while. Dash angled towards it, going carefully, but still fast enough for the younger pegasus to enjoy it. Scootaloo's house was a modest, one-story home in the center of town. Dash couldn't make out much of it, but as she got closer she noticed that it was well-maintained. It looked like there was a fresh coat of paint on it. Dandelions bloomed near the front porch. They landed and Dash placed the scooter inside. Scootaloo produced a key from her saddlebag, opened the door and took the scooter inside. A few minutes later she returned.

"Can I ride on your back again?" She asked.

"Hop on." Dash answered. Scootaloo climbed on her back once more and this time they flew towards Sugarcube Corner.


At some point Dash couldn't remember she and Scootaloo had began a cupcake eating contest. Dash rubbed her full tummy while Scootaloo wolfed down another cupcake. Dash nibbled on her last chocolate cupcake.

"Okay, Squirt. I hate to lose, but you win." Dash conceded.

Scootaloo cheered. "So, what do ya wanna do now?" She asked.

Dash yawned. "You ever taken a nap on a cloud?"


"You ever napped on a cloud with your honorary sister?"

"I'd like to." Scootaloo responded.

After paying for the substantial number of cupcakes they walked outside. Dash picked Scootaloo up, located a stray cloud and flew up to it. Dash laid down. Scootaloo snuggled up to her tummy. Dash placed an arm around her.

"You having a good day, Squirt?"

"It's been an awesome day."

"I'm glad to hear it."

"Can we have a sleepover?" Scootaloo asked.

Dash sank further into the relaxing, fluffy cloud. Many times had Dash been accused of not being very bright, but this wasn't true. She had what could be termed street smarts, something a certain purple unicorn could learn.

"Is everything okay at home?"

Scootaloo didn't answer.

"Squirt? I asked you a question."

"Why don't we have a race?"


She hopped up on the cloud. "I wanna have a race."


Dash carried Scootaloo as she went back down. They went to a field Dash liked to practice in. Both pegasii got into a racing position.

"I, 2,3...GO!" Dash shouted. They took off. Scootaloo soon fell behind. Dash slowed to give Scootaloo at least something of a fair shot. Scootaloo chased after her, keeping up at her flank. The tree at the far end of the field was their finish line. Scootaloo nearly gave out of breath in her attempt to keep up with her much faster, stronger mentor. Dash hopped across and reached the tree. Scootaloo panted and collapsed next to her.

"Better luck next time." Dash said, sitting down next to her. "So, how are things at home?"

"Not gonna let that go, are you?"

"If things were alright, you'd say so."

"I can't lie to you."

"So, what's going on? Is one of your parents hitting you?"


"So, what is it?"

"Mom and Dad got in a fight last night because of Dad's drinking. He says really bad words to her, like I'd get in trouble if I called somepony the things he calls her, but I guess it's okay cause he's a grown stallion."

"No, it really isn't okay."

"So, can I sleep over tonight? Just tonight. I don't wanna go home right now. I kinda told them the Cutie Mark Crusaders were having a sleepover tonight, anyway."

Dash thought about telling her it was a bad idea to lie to her parents, but decided to let it slide.

"Course you can sleep over tonight, Squirt." Dash said, reaching down to nuzzle her.