• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 4,108 Views, 90 Comments

The Care and Raising of Pegasii - RoyalBardofCanterlot

Have you ever wondered about how to take care of a pegasus filly?

  • ...

So, You're Introducing Your Pegasus Filly to Your Family.

Scootaloo knew something was wrong the minute she walked into her front yard. For one thing, her mom wasn't outside. Scootaloo and her mom shared a love for the outdoors. Usually when Scootaloo got home her mom was out in the garden or drinking lemonade on the porch. Scootaloo stepped into the house. Her mom and dad were sitting at the table, both wearing serious expressions. Scootaloo went through a mental catalog of anything she may have gotten in trouble for.

Her mother beckoned her into the kitchen which smelled like chocolate chip cookies. On the table was a plate of chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk. Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. Her mom wasn't the cookies-and-milk type. She sat down and picked up one of the cookies. It was warm to the touch. Scootaloo hadn't known her mom knew how to bake cookies.

Her father took out his silver flask which he kept in his saddle bag, then put it back when his wife glared at him. Scootaloo chomped on the cookies, still eyeing her parents suspiciously. The last time they were this nice to her it was because her favorite grandfather had died. She swallowed the last cookie and sipped the milk.

Finally breaking down, her father took a swig from his flask. Scootaloo glared at it.

"For Celestia's sake, Striker, put that damned thing down!" Oak grabbed it from his hoof. "You usually have the decency to stay sober till evening!"

Scootaloo cleared her throat. "So, what's going on?"

"Scootaloo..." Oak began. "Your father and I are getting divorced."

Scootaloo thought she heard a crash and realized she had dropped the glass of milk. The milk spread out on the floor. Oak fetched a towel and wiped it up.

"W-what?" Scootaloo choked out. Tears stung at her eyes, but she didn't allow them to fall. Oak sat back down at the table. "Is, is it something I did? I, I can be better."

"This isn't about you." Oak leaned back in the chair. "It's been coming for a long time. Your father and I fight all the time."

"Really, kid, you should have seen this coming. I move out this week." Striker drummed his hoof on the table and reached for the flask. Oak struck his hoof.

"You fight about me!" Scootaloo shouted, swinging her arm out. "What do I do? Is it because I don't do my chores or because I mouth off too much or because I'm r-reckless?" Scootaloo struggled to recall the word adults called her anytime she did something that got her hurt. "I can change all that!"

"Don't make this about you!" Striker shouted back and grabbed the flask. "You're as selfish as your God damned mother!" He took a liberal swig from it.

"Don't use that kind of language in my house!" Oak stood and tried to grab the flask again.

Striker pushed her away and took another swig. "Well, I'm not going to be in your house anymore, bitch! You and your God damned kid are on your damned own!"

"What the hell did I ever see in you!" Oak shoved him.

"STOP IT!" Scootaloo slammed both of her front hooves on the linoleum floor. "Stop it, stop it, stop it! You're supposed to be the adults and...and help me with my homework and read me bedtime stories and...hug me when I'm sad and other mushy stuff not constantly fight!"

"It's your mother's fault." Striker said, jabbing a hoof at her.

"Really? It's really my fault? It's not your fault for being a drunken asshole?"

"Better a drunken asshole than a whore."

Scootaloo watched as her parents traded insults. Next they would start throwing things or shoving each other. She felt pain grip her chest. The tears in her eyes got harder and harder to hold in. She closed her eyes straining to hold back the stream threatening to break through. Finally, without a word, she rushed from the kitchen.


Scootaloo ran, without purpose or direction. She ran down the street, letting the wind race through her mane and tail. She ran past the houses of her friends, not wanting to see them. She didn't want to see Apple Bloom with her big sister and big brother and grandmother and Gods-knew-how-many cousins. She didn't want the latest details on whatever Sweetie Belle and Rarity were up to. If she met Diamond Tiara on the way, she'd buck her right in the face just for the sake of bucking something. Diamond Tiara and her perfect family and her stupid, perfect life.

She ran for the pure joy of running, not even looking at where she was going. She nearly bowled over Pip and didn't stop to apologize or make sure the colt was okay. She sidestepped Rumble who had to hop into the air to avoid getting trampled. Suddenly, her momentum was halted by a blue mass of fur and feathers. She snorted and bucked wildly, but she found that two strong forelegs were secured around her.

"Take it easy, Squirt." Dash said, holding her.

"Let me go!" Scootaloo continued trying to get out of Dash's grip.

The elder pegasus sat her down. "Wanna tell me where the fire is?"

Scootaloo took off again, only to feel teeth on her tail yank her back. "Hey!"

Dash spat out Scootaloo's tail. "I saw you nearly run over two colts. Something's wrong and I don't leave my friends-or my little sister-hanging."

Scootaloo scuffed the ground as if preparing to charge.

Dash narrowed her eyes. "You might want to rethink that, Squirt. Now, tell me what's wrong."

She wiped at her eyes. "It's nothing. Can I stay with you tonight?"

"Parents fighting again?"

"Yeah. They won't care if I stay over. I don't even know if they know I'm gone."

"Okay." Dash patted her back. "While we're at it want to get in a little practice?"

"Can we do that game like we did last time?"



Scootaloo giggled as she buzzed her wings in the big blue sky. Dash reached for her and she darted away. She had managed to get slightly higher. Dash went to grab her again. On a whim, Scootaloo did a flip. Her wings cricked up and she fell down on a well-placed cloud. She hopped up and prepared to leap again.

"Hold it." Dash landed beside her. "Let's take a look at those wings."

"They feel fine. I just got a little cramp." Scootaloo flared her wings.

Dash held up her wings and began to massage them, caressing the tender muscles. Whatever had been bothering the younger pegasus had been forgotten in the excitement of their game. Dash wondered if she could teach her air tag. Then again, she probably wasn't ready for that. On the other hoof, she had progressed rather far in her training.

The tension had left her wings and Dash released them. "Why don't we try something new? This time, you catch me."

Scootaloo gaped. "Do you...do you think I can?"

Dash dived off the cloud, letting the wind catch her wings and floated in midair. "Let's find out."

Scootaloo buzzed her wings, then slowed them down so she was flapping like Dash had taught her. Dash darted farther away and Scootaloo lept from the cloud. There was that old, familiar feeling of weightlessness. It almost made her dizzy. She hung in midair, flapping her wings to chase after Dash. The blue expanse stretched out before her and her mentor's coat nearly blended into it. Only her vibrant rainbow mane made her stand out. Down below was the rolling, green expanse of fruitful hills and peaceful meadows that made up her fair country. It was beautiful, but she tried not to look down.

Looking down only reminded her of how high up she was. A cool wind brushed her feathers.

Dash flapped her wings. "I'm waiting, Scoots!"

Scootaloo angled her wings as she surged forward. It took effort to angle her wings. Dash made it look so easy as she effortlessly swam through the air dodging each time Scootaloo reached for her.

Dash laughed and soared a few inches away. "C'mon Squirt! That the best you got?"

Scootaloo nearly toppled from a gust of wind, but recovered her balance. For safety's sake, Dash had placed several clouds around that Scootaloo could safely land on. She wasn't intending on using them. With a burst of energy she darted forward and grabbed onto Dash's hoof.

Dash flared her wings. "My turn!"

Scootaloo dodged the blue hoof that grabbed at her, letting a stray wind carry her away. She gained control and dodged Dash again. A jolt of pain went through her feathers and she winced. Beads of sweat had already broken out on her forehead as her body strained with the continued effort of holding her up in the air. She attempted to go in for a graceful landing, but ended up tumbling into the cloud with her face buried in the clouds and her rump sticking out.

Dash bit her lip to keep from laughing, but a few giggles came out anyway as she landed beside her and pulled her out of the cloud.

"That was good time."

Scootaloo laid down beside Dash and took a few, panting breaths. "How long was I in the air?"

Dash did some math in her head. "I'd say about two minutes. It looks like you can fly as long as you have something to jump off of." She paused. "But don't go jumping off anything without me around."

Scootaloo gave a salute. "Yes ma'am!"

"Ugh. Don't call me ma'am. Makes me sound old."

"But you are old...er."

"Not that old." Dash gave her a playful shoulder bump and received one in turn.

"Yes ma'am." Scootaloo responded with a cheeky grin that was so cute Dash couldn't help but laugh.

"So, what you need to do is focus on getting your wings strong."

"More wing-ups?"

"Exactly. You have been practicing every day, right?"

"Right. Every morning."

"Good." She motioned for Scootaloo to get on her back and then flew down towards the ground. Scootaloo clambered off her once they were back on land. They had been training for about an hour and had already gone through the strength training. Even Dash's wings felt tired. She stretched them out and noted that she needed to preen them. Then, she took a glance at Scootaloo's wings which could also stand a good preening.

She sat down beneath a maple tree. "When did you preen last?"

Scootaloo plopped down beside her. "Last week."

"You need to do it again." Dash took a wing in her mouth and began to brush her feathers. Scootaloo followed suit, brushing through her right wing. Soon, a pile of blue and orange feathers had begun to accumulate. Scootaloo flapped her wings. A few weeks ago Dash had taught her how to move her wings so that she could get them to her mouth. Still, part of her missed the feeling of Dash preening her.


She spat out a feather. "Yeah, Scootaloo?"

Scootaloo buried her muzzle in her wing. "It's nothing."

Dash had a flashback to her foal hood and the one thing she liked her parents to do for her when she'd been upset. It had been so embarrassing to ask for though. She picked up the filly in her lap and began to gently run her muzzle through her wing. Scootaloo smiled and leaned into her. Dash continued to brush her wing, pulling out stray or broken feathers. "You just got to ask, Squirt."

Scootaloo nickered in contentment at the sensation of Dash's muzzle going through her wing. "Thanks for doing this."

"Anytime. Hay, ya wanna meet two Wonderbolts?"

"Yes!" Scootaloo squeaked, then blushed. "Oh my gosh, are there going to be Wonderbolts in town?"

Dash laid Scootaloo down. "Sure are. I know these two."

Scootaloo hopped up and down. "Which ones? Where are they?"

"They'll be over for supper."

Scootaloo squeed. "Spitfire? Soarin?"

"Rainbow Blaze and Wildfire."

Scootaloo thought for a few seconds. "I don't think I've heard of those two."

Dash chuckled. "They haven't been in the team for a while. Wildfire got a new job about twenty years ago as my mom."

Scootaloo's mouth worked up and down. "You...you're the daughter of Wonderbolts?"

"Yep. My awesome had to come from somewhere."

"How freaking awesome was your fillyhood?"

"Pretty darned awesome. They left the team because they didn't want to go on tour with a kid. Still, they personally trained me. A lot of the stuff I'm showing you, they taught me."

Scootaloo bounced up and down. "Do you think they'll sign an autograph for me?"

Dash shrugged. "I don't see why not. They love kids." She stretched. "Anyway, I'm nearly late for my weekly book club with Twilight. How about I pick you up later? Are you going home?"

Scootaloo fiercely shook her head. "No, I'm not going home tonight."

Dash lowered herself so she was at Scootaloo's eye level, meaning she had to crouch in the grass. "Scoots, why don't you tell me what's wrong?"

Scootaloo bit her lip. "I don't want to talk about it. I think I'll visit Sweetie Belle so you can find me there."

Dash nodded and ruffled Scootaloo's mane. "Okay. I'll pick you up at around eight."

Scootaloo scampered off and Dash took to the air, heading towards Twilight's library.


Dash settled down in the warm, red cushion Twilight had brought out for this meeting of the Daring Do book club. Technically, they were the only two members, but they weren't looking to expand. Dash liked having something to share with the lovable egghead. Twilight pranced over to her purple cushion, which was beside Dash's own, and plopped down. In her magical glow she held the latest Daring Do book, "Daring Do and the Cauldron of Tirek."

"So, did you like this one as much as I did?" Twilight asked, practically bouncing as she held the book.

"I didn't finish it yet, but oh my Celestia it is freaking awesome!" Dash said, picking up her version. "The new villain is really scary. I thought Daring was done for before she found that open crevice and was able to slide through."

"I don't think any villain has been as scary as the Living Shadow. I hope he doesn't team up with Ahuizotl." Twilight cocked her head. "Actually, I'd like to read that."

"That would be cool." Dash paused. She wanted to think about the book, but she couldn't get Scootaloo's face out of her mind. "Say, Twi, how much do you know about kids?"

Twilight's horn glowed and she summoned a few books on foal psychology. "The library has several books about foals."

"That's not what I meant." Dash tapped a hoof on the floor. "Like, have you ever taken care of a foal?"

Twilight put the books back. "No, I took care of a baby dragon, though. Well, my mom and dad helped too."

"Okay, let's say Spike was keeping a secret and you could tell it was bothering him. Like really bothering him, but he just wouldn't open up to you."

Twilight put a hoof on her shoulder. "Dash, is this about Scootaloo?"

"Yeah." Dash admitted. "I saw her today. She was real upset, running through town, nearly crying. She wants to stay at my place. I know somethings up, but she won't tell me."

Twilight shook her head. "Spike's not Scootaloo, but I understand where you're coming from. Spike can be very emotional, but he hides it. So, instead of just saying he's jealous of a new assistant he'll try to frame him for a crime he didn't commit."

Dash chuckled. "He did that?"

Twilight shook her head and smiled. "Yep. Sometimes if I know something's bothering him I'll just take him into my lap and let him open up. And if that doesn't work I tickle him silly till he talks. That's what my bbbff used to do."

"I could do that to Scootaloo."

"Scootaloo is a very prideful filly." Twilight pointed out. "You may want to just give her time. And if that doesn't work, you can go the tickling route."

Dash chuckled. "I'd do that if I wasn't afraid she'd buck me in the face."

They went back to talking about the book series. Twilight made some tea, or health supplement as Dash insisted she call it, and they spent the rest of the evening reading and talking over two cups of chamomile. As the sun began to set, Dash decided she'd better go pick up Scootaloo and left.


Dash hadn't gotten within three feet of Rarity's boutique before Scootaloo bolted out the doors and over to Dash. Rarity followed her and gestured for Dash to come over.

"What's up, Rares? She didn't cause too much of a mess did she?"

"Oh no, she was lovely." Rarity awkwardly shuffled a hoof. "She spent most of her time in Sweetie Belle's room. I've never seen her so subdued. Is she alright?"

Dash looked over at Scootaloo. "I don't know, but I'm going to find out."

"Good luck, Darling."

Dash said goodbye to her and then walked back over to Scootaloo who hopped on her back when she crouched down. Making sure her little passenger was secured she took off into the air, rising into the darkening sky. The sun had already set, Luna's silver moon casting its light over the town and surrounding meadows. Scootaloo clutched at Dash's neck. Occasionally, she let go, letting the wind lift her up and whistle through her feathers.

Dash rolled her eyes and smiled. "Better keep tight, Squirt. We're almost home."

She had meant her own home, but a broad smile spread across Scootaloo's face at the thought of Dash's home becoming her own home. The cloud mansion rose up, sculpted from the very clouds themselves. Rivers of rainbows fell beside the pillars. The lights were on. Dash landed and walked inside. The smell of roasting hay was emanating from the kitchen. Scootaloo scampered ahead. A large stallion who looked like an older, male version of Dash walked into the room.

"Um, hi there little one." Rainbow Blaze said then looked up quizzically at Dash.

Dash affected a serious expression. "Dad, remember that trip I took to Las Pegasus about seven years ago? I met an orange pegasus stallion there...one thing led to another..."

Blaze raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Uh-huh."

"I'd like you to meet my d...iscarpere, Scootaloo."

Blaze burst out laughing. "I see you haven't lost your pranking edge. You told me about her. She here for a sleepover?"

Scootaloo attached herself to the ex-Wonderbolt's foreleg. "Dash told me you were a Wonderbolt and you're the daddy of the greatest Pegasus ever and can I have your autograph? Oh and Mrs. Dash's mom autograph cause Dash said she was a Wonderbolt too?"

"Of course, let me get one of our old posters." He ruffled Scootaloo's mane and flew up the stairs, his impressive wingspan making a light breeze.

He came back down with a poster of the Wonderbolts team he and his wife served on and signed it. "It's been a long time since I signed an autograph for anypony. Hey, Honey we have a fan!"

A second pink Pegasus with a curly blue mane trotted out from the kitchen. "A fan? I didn't think anypony still remembered us." She smiled at Scootaloo. "Oh, hello. Are you the fan?"

Scootaloo galloped up to her. "Will you sign this?"

"Sure." Blaze handed her a pen and signed it. "You must be our daughter's discarpere."

"Uh-huh! She said I could sleep over tonight!" She hugged Wildfire's leg.

"Well, supper's ready. You hungry?"

Scootaloo nodded. "I haven't had anything since the training session me and Dash had."

Dash sniffed the air. "Hay casserole? Yum. So, how was the around-the-world vacation?" She asked before giving hugs to both her parents. They hugged her back, walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

Blaze dug into a hay casserole. "It was incredible. We got to see Neighpon."

"The cherry blossom trees were in bloom. It was beautiful. Of course your father nearly got into a fight with the head of the bath house." Wildfire said, swallowing a piece of casserole.

"I still say he overcharged us." Blaze muttered.

Wildfire waved his fork. "Oh, he did not you silly stallion."

Scootaloo looked from the stallion to the mare as they traded playful insults.

"Silly stallion? Who spent half our money on Hello Kitty merchandise?" Blaze shouted back.

"Yeah, you spent it on that samurai sword."

"Please stop fighting!" Scootaloo shouted, earning the attention of the adults at the table. Her eyes were wide as she looked at the playfully bickering couple.

Dash reached out a hoof and stroked her mane. "Scoots, they're not fighting, not for real anyway. They always do this."


Blaze gave Dash a questioning look. "Everything alright, there?"

"She'll be fine. So, you bought a samurai sword?" Dash asked, stroking Scootaloo's mane again before withdrawing her hoof.

"Oh, yeah. I'll show it to you."

Scootaloo went back to happily chomping on the casserole. "Wow, this is really good." She paused. "So you two fight, but it's not for real."

"Well, we do have real fights, but we've found it makes our marriage stronger if we keep everything out in the open." Blaze explained, grasping his wife's hoof. "You have fights with your friends don't you?"

"I do sometimes. Like when Sweetie Belle is being too sappy."

Wildfire returned her husband's grip. "But that doesn't mean you stop being friends, right?"

"Well, no."

"Do your parents fi..." Wildfire trailed off when she caught Dash's panicked expression. She searched for something that would change the subject. "So, Dash told us you were having trouble with bullies because you're a blank flank?"

Scootaloo nodded. "Yeah and because I can't fly that well. Dash is helping me with the flying."

Wildfire leaned back in her chair. "I remember when Dash was little she got bullied. Every day she'd run straight home from school. I'd hold her and she'd just cry."

Dash blushed. "Mom..."

"It's true."

"Yeah, I know. Then Dad taught me to just keep my cool and walk away." Dash added.

Blaze put up his hooves. "Then that didn't work so I taught her a right hook."

"That worked. I'll have to teach you that if the bullying gets too bad." Dash said, taking a sip of water.

Scootaloo had a mental image of putting her hoof in Diamond Tiara's face. It was a satisfying image. "So, what was Dash like as a foal?"

"Fast. We could barely catch her half the time. Dash, can I tell her the roof story? I don't want to embarrass you." Blaze said, gesturing to Dash.

"Go ahead, tell it. It was kind of awesome."

Blaze began with a note of pride in his voice. "You know, pegasii can fly automatically as foals then have to relearn it as they grow older. Most foals, not our Dashie. It happened when she was three. She was in the living room. We turned our backs for a second and-whoosh-straight out the window."

"I flew onto the roof. Then, I realized I couldn't fly down."

"We heard her crying." Blaze said, gesturing to her.

"I cried a lot when I was little." Dash admitted.

"Well, I flew up and got her. She latched onto me and wouldn't let go even when we were back on the ground. I had to hug her for about five minutes before she calmed down."

"I also really liked hugs when I was little." Dash added, hiding her blush with a wing.

Wildfire continued the story. "That's when we realized we didn't have an ordinary filly. But seriously we practically had to put a leash on her."

Dash shrugged. "You can't keep this much awesome down."

"It was when we sent her off to flight school we realized what a prodigy she was. We knew she was going to be an amazing flyer and make us proud." Wildfire's fork clanged against the plate.

"The best flyer." Dash added.

"Yes, Sweetie even if you can't beat your dad in a race." Wildfire pointed a fork at her.

Dash shrugged again. "Ah, I'll do it one of these days."

Blaze's sudden competitive grin was reminiscent of his daughter. "That a challenge, kiddo?"

"Sure is."

Wildfire raised her fork in the air. "I'll beat the both of you next time."

"Anytime, anywhere." Blaze held out his hoof for a hoofbump from Dash and Wildfire.

"How about tomorrow?" Dash suggested, waving her hoof in her dad's face. "Off of Poseidon's Peak. You in?"

"You know it, little filly." Blaze said, playfully giving her shoulder a shove which she returned before both started laughing.

"Can I watch?" Scootaloo piped up. "That would be so awesome!"

"Ah, sure you can." Dash said.

Wildfire yawned. Throughout the course of the conversation, the casseroles had vanished. "I'm getting tired. Dash, can we talk in private for a second?"

Dash nodded and followed her into the living room. "What's up?"

Wildfire sat down on the couch and Dash sat down beside her. "I know when something's going on with a foal. What's up with Scootaloo? That wasn't a normal reaction."

Dash settled into the cushions. "Her parents fight a lot. That's why she's over here."

Wildfire frowned. "Poor kid. You're doing a good thing, taking care of her and teaching her."

"I just wish I knew what to do. Today, she was nearly in tears, but she won't tell me why."

Wildfire yawned again. "Reminds me of a little filly I used to know. What you do is wait a while-then bug them till they tell you."

Dash agreed with the plan. They went back into the kitchen. Wildfire had made some donuts for dessert. After dessert, Dash found herself getting sleepy. One thing about being a weather pony was that it required you to get up early. Still, since Scootaloo was over she decided to watch some TV with her after her parents went off to bed. She'd never admit it, but her and Scootaloo shared the same taste in cartoons (not that she'd watched cartoons in a while before Scootaloo had started having sleepovers at her house.)

The younger pegasus stretched out on her belly. Dash had a wing wrapped around her like a blanket. On TV, there was a marathon of The Young Titans. Dash always teared up when Terra betrayed Beast Boy. Once again, something she'd never admit. Scootaloo's eyes were growing heavy and soon they had closed. Dash scooped her up and carried her off to her room.


The next morning they were gathered around the table again eating pancakes.

"So, Scootaloo," Dash speared a piece of pancake with her fork. "Do you want me to fly you home before I go to work or did you have plans with the Crusaders today?"

"I'm not going home."


"I'm not going home." Scootaloo smiled brightly. "I've decided I want to live here!"