• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 4,109 Views, 90 Comments

The Care and Raising of Pegasii - RoyalBardofCanterlot

Have you ever wondered about how to take care of a pegasus filly?

  • ...

So, Your Pegasus Filly Needs A Home

Dash had a slice of pancakes on her fork, halfway raised to her mouth. Blaze was taking a sip of orange juice. He coughed and struggled to swallow it. Wildfire opened her mouth, closed it and opened it again as if struggling to find the words she wanted to say. Then she looked to Dash. Scootaloo was beaming as if she'd stumbled upon the solution to all the problems in her life. Dash reflected that, from her perspective, she had. Both of Dash's parents glanced at Dash as if to say, she's YOUR apprentice.

Dash chewed on her pancake and washed it down with a glass of orange juice. "That's a big step, Scoots. I mean, I stayed with my mentor for a time, but I was fifteen. And so did Twi and she was...nine I think. She already had her cutie mark. That's...that's the normal age for an apprentice to move in with their mentor if they choose to. When they get their cutie mark."

Scootaloo shook her head, causing her mane to fly everywhere. "But I don't WANT to wait that long! Who knows when I'll get my cutie mark and I want to move in now. I don't want to live with at my place anymore."

"That bad, huh?" Blaze asked.

Scootaloo sniffled. "They're always fighting. They're getting divorced anyway."

"Whoa. That explains why you were crying." Dash realized.

"And my mom, I don't even think she cares about me."

Wildfire reached over to put a hoof on Scootaloo's shoulder. "Oh, Sweetie. I'm sure your mom cares about you."

"No, she doesn't!" Scootaloo snapped, standing up.

Dash recognized the signs of a Scootaloo-style tantrum immediately. She reached over and placed a hoof on Scootaloo's other shoulder. "Breathe, Squirt."

Scootaloo obeyed her mentor, falling into the breathing pattern Dash had taught her when giving her a crash course in meditation. In through her nostrils, out through her mouth. She focused on her breathing, trying to clear her mind.

The feeling of her mentor's hoof helped to calm her. She acknowledged her anger, then let it go. The anger felt like claws digging into her heart. After a few seconds of focused breathing the claws began to loosen. Finally, they let go altogether.

"Okay. Okay, I'm good." She sat back down in her chair. Dash removed her hoof.

Scootaloo listlessly stirred her pancakes. "Can I stay here?"

Dash sighed and looked away from Scootaloo's piercing, magenta eyes which had taken on a teary, pleading look. "Staying for a weekend is one thing. But forever? I mean, I think that's foalnapping. I don't think I can." The words felt like ashes in her mouth. She bit her lip and hesitated. She wanted to say yes. She wanted so badly to say yes, just wait for me to set you up a room. We can get all your stuff and you can move in today.

Want me to be your big sister? Or even your mom? Alright, we can do that. I'll be your new mommy. I'll preen your wings and train you and braid your mane and get Rarity to make you some frilly dresses for your cutecenera and your first date...and your wedding. I'll watch you grow and cheer for you when you finally learn to fly because the truth is I've gotten attached to you. Very attached to you.

Wait for me to call the priestess, we'll get you inducted into the clan. Make everything official. Welcome to the Rainbow Clan. Rainbow Scootaloo. Sounds good doesn't it? Because I've already accepted you as my daug...

She stopped the train of thought right there. She couldn't remember how she had managed to get so freaking attached to this little barely-able-to-keep-herself-in-the-air-filly. Emotions warred in her heart as Scootaloo set those beautiful, pleading eyes on her.

There was so much to consider and the truth was she wasn't nearly as impulsive as she had been long ago. Two years before, she'd have already been setting up a room for Scootaloo. Being an element bearer had changed her. Becoming a Wonderbolts Cadet had changed her, matured her. Taking Scootaloo on as her apprentice had been the last step in a maturing process.

There were so many things to think about. Could she afford to take care of a filly? Of course she could, she lived in a mansion and her parents were...well, not loaded, but certainly upper middle class. She made a decent salary as a weather pegasus in addition to her ancestral wealth.

Scootaloo was right. Her parents didn't care about her. Would they notice that she was gone?

And then there was the Wonderbolts. If she took in Scootaloo, would she still have the chance to join the Wonderbolts while caring for her? Would she have to give it up?

Am I really that selfish? Dash wondered to herself.

Scootaloo rose, misinterpreting Dash's silence. "Fine. I guess nopony wants me." She spat out.

Dash rose. "Scootaloo, wait-"

"I don't want to hear it!" Scootaloo shouted, kicking over her chair. "I don't want to hear all the lame excuses! Just say it! You don't want me!"

"That's not true!"

"Yes it is! Just say you don't want me!" Tears filled her eyes. "No one wants me! No one cares about me!"

"Scootaloo..." Dash reached out. Scootaloo swatted her hand away. The tears escaped her eyes, trickling down her face. Dash felt her heart breaking. "Scootaloo, you just surprised me, that's all. This is kind of a big deal."

Scootaloo wiped at her eyes. "I promise I'll be good, okay? I won't be reckless and I'll help out around here and I'll do my homework and-"

Dash walked to her and knelt down so she was at her level. "It's not that. There's so many things I need to think about first."
Scootaloo struggled to hold in her tears. Turning, she ran from the room. Dash stood there for a few moments before taking off after her.

"Scootaloo! Hey, wait!"

Scootaloo wouldn't listen. She continued to dart through the cloud house, sidestepping the sofa as she headed towards the front door. Dash chased after her. Scootaloo was struggling not to cry, struggling to hold in the flood of tears she could feel building up behind her eyes. She slammed open the front door and kept running.

Dash chased after her. Scootaloo skidded on the cloud, but kept running. Dash kept running after her. Scootaloo had forgotten she was on a cloud house. The tears blurred her vision as she kept up her single-minded chase to escape. Just escape, anywhere. Suddenly, she tripped over the edge. The scream she'd been holding in was let loose as she toppled into the blue expanse.

Down below her was a vast, green expanse of rolling meadows and valleys. The ground was coming up towards her and it was all she could do to spread her wings to slow her fall. She helplessly flapped her wings, holding herself up like she had so many times in practice. The wind whistled through her feathers and tossed her purple mane.

Two strong, blue forelegs wrapped around her. She began to struggle in the embrace as she was carried through the air. The more she struggled, the tighter Dash held onto her. She thrashed, striking her head against Dash's chest. Dash stroked her mane. She attempted to buck her in the chest. Dash just continued to hold onto her.

To her surprise, she was not being carried back to the cloud house. Instead Dash had begun to descend down onto the ground. Scootaloo continued her struggle to break from her mentor's grip. She flailed all four of her forelegs, trying to land a blow anywhere on her mentor.

Dash continued holding onto her."I'm not going to let you go, Squirt. No matter what, I ain't gonna let you go."

"I want you to let me go! Please, let me go!"

"No way, not a chance."

They were coming closer to the ground. Below them was an expanse of rolling grassland dotted with a few ancient oak trees. Dash slowed her descent and they landed beneath one such oak tree. The leafy green branches of the tree stretched out above them casting a shadow. The sunlight slanted through the branches. Dash stood on a gnarled root and placed Scootaloo down.

Scootaloo turned and ran. Dash watched her go. The filly ran to another tree, then collapsed. Her shoulders shook as sobs coursed through her body. Dash walked over, sat down and placed a wing over her..

Scootaloo wiped her eyes. "You must th-think I'm lame."

Dash drew her close to her side."Why would I think that?"

"B-because I'm crying l-like a little foal."

"Squirt, you're only seven. It's alright to cry." She leaned close, lowering her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "I cry sometimes. Even now."

Scootaloo wiped her eyes and held back a sob. "You're just saying that t-to make me feel better."

"Nope, it's true. I told you about Discord didn't I?" She wiped away Scootaloo's tears. "He messed up my head pretty good. Got inside it. Made me do things I'd never do, say and feel things I'd never otherwise feel or say." She shuddered at the memory. "After we blasted him with the
Elements, I skipped Pinkie's victory party. I went home, went to my bedroom, closed the door, closed the blinds and cried my eyes out."

Scootaloo's eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yes, Squirt. Really. Twilight had to send Fluttershy to come and practically drag me to the castle to receive our official recognition. So, go ahead. Cry if you need to."

Scootaloo buried her face in Dash's side and began to weep. Dash curled her wing around her. She could feel the filly shaking beneath her feathers. After a few minutes, Scootaloo quieted down to a few hiccups. Dash didn't remove her wing, keeping it wrapped around her. A warm breeze blew through the meadow.

Scootaloo nestled close to Dash. "Dash, can I stay with you? Please?"

Dash sighed. "What about your mom? What if she doesn't want you to?"

"She won't care. Trust me."

Dash stood. "I still think we should go see her."

Scootaloo pouted. "Fine. Let's go."

Dash leaned down. "Hop on. This will go much quicker if we just fly there."

Scootaloo clambered onto Dash's back and wrapped her forelegs around her neck. Dash flew into the air and headed back towards town. As they flew, the grasslands receded behind them and the wooden, thatched-roof homes and businesses of Ponyville came into view.

It was early and a weekend. A few ponies were walking the streets. The market was particularly crowded. The sweet scent of Applejack's fritters wafted up into the air as did the freshly baking pastries of Sugarcube Corner. Dash made a mental note to swing back and visit Pinkie.

They flew past the market and towards Scootaloo's home. Dash landed in the yard and Scootaloo clambered off her back.The first thing Dash heard was the shatter of glass against wood. Her ears folded back and she glanced down at Scootaloo who seemed unfazed. Suddenly, the window shattered as a beer bottle sailed through it.

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. "That's new."

Dash marched over to the front door and raised it to knock on the door. From inside, she could hear upraised shouts. Before she could knock, the door was flung open and Dash took to the air to avoid being struck by it. A large, brawny stallion stumbled out, pulling a suitcase.

Oak ran out and grabbed onto the suitcase. "It's mine! Give it back!"

Dash stood between the two quarreling adults. "So, what's going on?"

Scootaloo stood away and shot a worried look at Dash.

"It's mine." Striker hissed, tugging the suitcase. He pulled it away from the weaker mare who stumbled. He then galloped away. Oak was going to chase him, but Dash put a hoof to her chest. "We got to talk."

Oak shoved at her. "He just took my grocery money!"

Dash sighed then flew after Striker. Striker turned around in a fighting stance. "What the hell did she tell you?"

Dash hovered in the air. "That you took her grocery money. You know I'm sort of bff's with a princess so maybe you'd like to give that back."

"I earned this money!" Striker shot back. "Ask her about her hidden bank accounts!"

Dash facehoofed. "I don't have time to deal with this! It's about your daughter!"

He looked over at Scootaloo. "She ain't my kid."

Dash raised an eyebrow. "She sure thinks she's your kid. She's not my kid either, but she needs somepony in her life. She wants to live with me. I can kind of see why."

"You'll have to talk to Oak about that." Striker said. Seeing that the pegasus wasn't backing down he sighed and took the suitcase off his back and took out a bag of bits. He handed it to Dash who took it. "Tell her to never contact me again. I'll send her money if she promises to let me move on."

Dash looked back at Oak. Scootaloo was standing at the edge of her yard. Oak was on the porch watching the scene. Dash soared back over and handed her the bits. "He says not to contact him again. Like you'd want to, eh mare?"

Oak gave her a flat look. Dash realized that her attempt at mare-to-mare camaraderie had failed. Oak went inside, placing the bag on the counter. Dash stood on the porch, not sure if she should go in uninvited. Scootaloo scampered up on the porch.

Oak looked from one to the other. "What did you want to talk about?"

Scootaloo hesitated. Once she was actually in front of her mother she had lost her nerve. It had seemed so clear last night when she had stumbled upon the idea. She steeled herself, avoiding looking in Oak's eyes. "I've decided..." She swallowed a lump in her throat.

"Spit it out, kid."

"I've decided I want to live with Rainbow Dash!" Sootaloo blurted out, stomping a hoof.

Oak nodded. "I see." She looked at Dash. "Why don't we speak in private, Rainbow?"

Dash followed her into the house. Oak closed the door. The house looked like it'd been ransacked.

Oak straightened up a fallen stand. "Thanks for getting the bits back by the way." She picked up a photograph. "Her favorite food is fried zoysia sandwiches. She's never had a bedtime-"

"Daisy." Dash interrupted. "Her favorite food is roasted daisy sandwiches. She told me so."

Oak went into the kitchen and grabbed a broom and dustpan. Then she walked back into the living room. Dash chose to remain in the air, afraid of stepping onto some broken glass from the smashed beer bottle. Her hooves were very sensitive.

Oak began to sweep up. "Hmm. I don't know her as well as I thought I did. Well good luck."

Dash raised an eyebrow. "That's it? Seriously? Are you serious right now?"

"She said she wants to live with you. I assume you like her."

Dash spread her forelegs. "What the buck is wrong with you?!" She darted in front of Oak's face. "You're just giving up? Look, you're her mother. Say the word, I tell her no you can't live with me."

Oak stopped sweeping. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't get in my face." Her tone had a bite of steel to it.

Dash got closer, butting her muzzle hard against hers, an insult among all equines.

Oak backed away, her ears folded back in anger. "I need a break, okay? I'm planning on visiting a relative in Manehattan. Once I'm back, I might come back for her." She held a hoof to her head. "She just...reminds me of all my mistakes."

Dash gritted her teeth together. "How dare you call Scootaloo a mistake!"

"Are you retarded? I didn't say that." She went back to sweeping. "Never want another beer bottle in my house, I swear to Epona. You know, there was one thing that drunken ass was right about. Scootaloo isn't his." The broom trembled in her hooves. "I met him in a bar."

Dash wondered why she was telling this to her. She didn't particularly want to hear it.

"It was after a fight with him. With Striker. Scootaloo's father was a pegasus. He had gorgeous, orange wings. A bit underdeveloped now that I think about it. He was a member of the Thunder clan. We made love again and again and again. We were in love. Striker found out and threatened to leave me if I didn't break off the affair." She gripped the broom. "I needed his income. I'd have been in a poorhouse without it and Thunder Clash was as poor as a temple mouse. Do you...do you think I'm a bad mare?" She turned to Dash with a pleading expression that Dash had seen on Scootaloo's face.

Dash floated down to the ground. "We all make mistakes."

"Yeah, I made a doozy of one. I can't deal with all this right now. So, yeah she can stay with you."

Dash sensed that the conversation was over. She nodded and left the room, flying back to the porch.

Scootaloo was standing near the door. "What'd she say?"

Dash placed a wing on the filly's withers. "Looks like it's going to be just you and me for a while. How about we go get some training in?"

Scootaloo smiled and nuzzled against her as they trotted away from her house.

Author's Note:

Edited cause I broke my own rule of "never post anything while sleepy."