• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 3,496 Views, 171 Comments

A World Without a Rainboom - Mocha Star

What if Rainbow Dash never did the sonic rainboom? The world changes as soon as Nightmare Moon arrives.

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Stronghold in the Everfree

"First, we have to find a place to make a secret stronghold. That's a building or cave or place to hide while we prepare attacks. Because it's night time always almost any place will do; however, it has to be strong and out of the way. Any ideas?"

"Mister Shining?"

"Captain Shining Armor, fool," a soldier yelled into the crowd of 150 ponies that had joined the rebellion. Shining grunted and the soldier backed down.

"Sir, I apologize for my compatriots response. Mister Shining is fine. Continue."

"Uh, Mister Captain Shining Armor?" Shining smiled as he realized there was no military experience in this stallion’s voice, or the faces of the dozens of scared, yet determined, ponies before him. "My cousin and me once went into the Everfree on a dare when we were young. We got lost and ran until we found a castle hidden in the middle. We stayed there overnight and found a map by the entrance door; that's how we got home. I remember the way, I think."

The crowd murmured as Shining spoke. "Sir? Come forward, please." A light blue unicorn stallion with a dark blue mane stepped forward, a cutie mark of music notes on his flank. "Sir, can you take me there? Right now?" The stallion nodded enthusiastically. "What is your name, fine sir?"

"Noteworthy, sir. When do we leave?"

"Right now, sir. Lead the way," Shining said as he trotted to Noteworthy with two dozen of his soldiers in tow. Noteworthy hesitated, then turned and trotted toward the forest. Stopping at the boundary he stopped as Shining went to his side. "Are you okay, Noteworthy?"

"Yes sir. Just, walking into the shadows, you feel it. It's... well, you'll see. Step into the Everfree, sir." Shining took a step forward and as his rear legs entered the shadows of the Everfree he felt the dark magic wash over him as he trembled and felt a fear in his heart he couldn't dispel. "It's the dark magic, I asked and a mystic said it messes up the magic in us, so unicorn magic takes a little more energy sometimes and less at others. Pegasus and Earth ponies too, but I don't know about them. Stay on guard, sir. There're plenty of monsters in there too."

"I understand. Troops, let's move out. Noteworthy, stay two soldiers behind us. I'll take point and you tell us where to go." Marching into the forest he looked back as his troops entered and shivered as they passed the boundary. "Rough step, troops. Don't trip yourselves before we get there," he called without looking behind him.

"Keep going straight and that's about it. We'll get there in about an hour or two," Noteworthy said proudly with a slight sing to his words.

"You're in good spirits suddenly, Noteworthy. Care to share? We can use a good story," Shining asked.

"Ya see, I always wanted to try my hoof at being a soldier, but my calling was music and that's what I've done; even though I've had a dozen jobs, I can't get music out of my life no matter what I try. So, I think of a song that makes me happy and it helps me not be afraid or negative. Ladies love it, too," he said, singing the last part.

Shining laughed and started singing a positive military song; before long the platoon behind him joined and sang in chorus. Noteworthy just beamed and smiled as he bounced and bobbed his head before he tripped over a root and landed into a small mud puddle. The singing stopped as soldiers laughed and their moods were joyous as they helped him up. Five soldiers lined up next to him on either side and they resumed their trek quickly, singing as they went. The time flew by as songs changed while the scenery stayed the same.

Stopping and holding up a hoof Shining's troops fell silent and waited. "Soldiers, we're here." Standing at the top of a hill he pointed his hoof ahead of him as the troops went to his side and looked down at the castle before them. An old broken stone castle from generations ago stood before them and they felt proud to be in its view. "It looks like it's from the fourth age, that's almost 1500 years ago. They knew how to build 'em back then. Let's move out. Weapons ready, Royal defense formation, normal pace and maintain intervals of three meters."

"Sir, yes sir." his troops shouted. Their call echoed through the forest as they rearranged themselves, pushing Noteworthy to the center. "Mr. Noteworthy, stay next to us. If anything happens it's our job to protect you with our lives. Okay?" He nodded and gulped as he walked in pace with the platoon. As they descended the hill they felt the dark magic leave them and their fear lifted. A soldier whispered, "The castle must be a good place; I don't feel like I'm in the forest anymore." A few other soldiers nodded as they scanned the area for dangers.

Entering the castle they changed their formation slightly into a set of four columns. "Well, that was thankfully uneventful. Troops, fallout and group up into fours, standard search deployment. Lieutenants, Noteworthy, you're with me. We'll go to the throne room, maybe we'll find a tapestry of who lived here."

Without a word the soldiers formed into teams and took separate passages searching for dangers, safe areas or any valuable information. Shining led his group upstairs and through a couple turns before entering the throne room. He and the others gasped as they looked around to see images of Luna and Celestia on banners, artwork and stained glass. "This, this is an old royal palace! Officers, search the area for any trace of how to defeat Nightmare Moon. She was banished to the moon in this very room!” Scattering to all the walls, side rooms and adjoining corridors, the officers took several paces into each and looked around before returning.

"Captain, we didn't find anything of importance. What're you looking at? Did you find something?" Shining was standing by a giant globe with six holders, and shattered rocks on the ground.

"These may have been how she was defeated. They look like they were rocks with a gem in the middle; each is shattered and it was recent. There's almost no dirt or dust on them and there are still hoof marks on the ground here, over there and over there. The dirt on the globe has been disturbed like a Pegasi flapped near it, too. I think we found how she was defeated, and she beat us here to destroy them." The mood in the room turned sad as they gathered around the smashed gems mixed with rock and looked at them. "Gather each of these, don't mix them up. Every spec of dust. Every shard of gem. We may be able to repair them."

The group sighed as Noteworthy backed up and looked at the globe. "It's of the world, but there are six holders. We have a Sun and a Moon, why are there six of these things?"

"Honestly, I don't know and right now, I don't care about that. We have to make sure this castle is safe and who we can get here if it is. In secret. I thank you and you can rest over there if you want."

"On the throne?! I can't do that, the Celestial sisters sat there, it'd be heresy. If they found out I'd be imprisoned for life."

"It's okay, you've earned it and we won't tell. Take a seat just once. Tell me how it feels." Noteworthy smiled and galloped to the base of the throne and looked back to the officers, walking up the stairs he placed a hoof on Luna's throne. Screaming as he touched it he started trembling and shaking as Shining galloped to Noteworthy.

"GOT YA!" Noteworthy shouted at Shining who was half way up the stairs. Stopping suddenly Shining scowled at the blue pony as laughter filled the room. "Oh, you should see your face, priceless." The officers Shining had brought were laughing loudly as Shining blushed and sighed in defeat.

"Okay, great one. You had me fooled. I owe you one, Noteworthy." Shining began to chuckle at the joke as well. Turning his laughter to the throne Noteworthy climbed up and sat on Luna's throne. He smiled as wide as any pony can and Shining bowed before him. "My, liege, how may we be of service?" The other officers bowed as well.

"Wait, why're you bowing?"

"You took the throne, you're royalty now. How may I serve you, Prince Noteworthy?" Noteworthy's smile fell and was replaced by a look of awe.

"Are you serious? You're not joking?"

"I can not make fun of royalty."

"Then, get me a drink."

"What would you like, my lord?"

"Do we have any cider? The good kind?"

"Certainly, Tail Ward! Get our king cider, now," Shining shouted to a Unicorn officer who bolted from the room as the bowing resumed.

"Oh, Celestia. I really am royalty!"

"You mean, 'Oh Noteworthy,' my liege." Noteworthy giggled and fell back on the throne. Getting up he hopped off the throne and strolled to Shining.

"King Noteworthy has a better ring to it."

"Actually, your highness, I think Princess is in order."

"What? How dare you talk to royalty like that?"

"Look, your highness. The throne turned you into a mare! ALL HAIL QUEEN NOTEWORTHY!" Looking under him Noteworthy screamed and tumbled down the stairs.

"Wha? Where? Oh, I'm cursed. Please, Shining, help me! I can't live as a mare! I don't know, I can't," Noteworthy started to cry, "I don't want to carry a foal!" He burst into tears as Shining and the officers laughed until they fell over. Shining trotted down the stairs and leaned in close to Noteworthy.


Tail Ward came around the corner with her horn glowing laughing as loud as she could before cancelling her spell. "Oh, I think, you'd make a great mother. You already... cry more than... any mare... I know!" she said between laughs, making the others roll on the floor. Two groups of soldiers came rushing into the room to see what the laughter was and saw their leadership rolling on the floor with laughter as Noteworthy laid on the floor looking between his rear legs.

"Troops, it's with great spirits I announce that we have a permanent base!" Shining called to the crowd of select ponies and soldiers gathered at Sweet Apple Acres' barn. Cheers and hugs went around as Shining finally raised a hoof silencing the crowd. "Now, we have a lot of planning to do and supplies to get there, so I'll let my officers take you into groups and delegate who will do what. We'll meet here before the Unicorns begin teleporting supplies and repair personnel there. Thank you to Applejack and Applebloom for letting us meet here and, on behalf of all of us, we're sorry for your loss and welcome you into your new family. The Children of the Sun will do all we can for you."

"That ain't gonna bring back our family, we just wanna kill Nightmare Moon," Applebloom screamed over the crowd. Applebloom had scars across her back from the fire and was missing part of her mane that was burnt off, never to grow back. Applejack put a hoof on her shoulder.

"Mister Shining, sorry. We're upset and ya know how it feels; most of us do now. We'll do what we can and thank you for your assistance. We're just bein' neighborly is all."

"Miss... Jack, right?"

"Jack is my stage name, and, since I ain't gonna be on stage ever again lookin' like this... I'm Applejack." Applejack had scars that deformed half her face, most of her coat was gone and what was left was permanently gone. Her neck from behind her ears to her middle back was wrapped in layers of bandages. "And, we're both members of The Children of the Sun until we kill Nightmare Moon, or die trying."

Stomps and cheers of approval resounded through the barn, Shining let it continue until it subsided on its own. "Thank you everypony. Group up and get to work, I want everything started with the hour."

Climbing from the upper loft he joined his family. "Twily, I'm gonna need you to be on the restoration team. You can be co-leader alongside Fix It. He's unicorn like us and a master builder. You can learn a lot and take that back to Maneapolis with you. Mom, dad, you're coming too. I need moral support and you can stay in the fortified area of the castle with the rest of the families. Cadence is so excited to see you all, she talks about it all the time now."

"I can't wait to see my old foalsitter. Can't you take us there now?!"

"Sorry Twi, it's a lot harder than you think to teleport. Besides, I'm not going to take you there alone and have you wait a day before you see another pony. Just wait, it'll be okay."

"What do you mean, son?" Night asked. "You mean no pony is there?"

"I mean we're still making sure it's safe and creating magic wards that will make sure it's hidden from the false queen and her minions. One mistake and we lose it. It should have been done two days ago, but I've had the best unicorns recasting the spells again and again to make sure every area is covered twice over. I'm not going to risk one single life. Not even if I have to, I won't lose any more ponies to that witch."

"Well said, dear boy!" a voice came from their side. A stocky blue unicorn stallion with light grey mane approached them with his left foreleg in a sling and a pen scribbling on paper beside his head to the right. "My name's Ink. Nice to meet you up close and personal. I've been taking notes on everything that's happened since the fire was put out three days ago. From the gathering to you leaving for the forest to now. I'd like to be your royal scribe. Future generations have to know about what happens as it happens, before history becomes polluted by stories and opinions; my brethren and I are ready to write the truth."

"So, you're a scribe? Your cutie mark agrees, but what do you mean brethren? How many are in your clan?"

"Well, personally only seven in my clan, but I'm part of an order of historical writers. We find a cause, then document it from our perspective. That way, we and others can compare how events took place and then." Ink sighed. "Normally, we'd turn in a book to Princess Celestia and she'd read it and file it away in her archives; so that if a certain event arose she could see different views on how to prevent it from happening again. This time, she's a prisoner, so if we finish our task we may have to report to..... Her."

Shining thought for a moment before his eyes lit up. "You mean there's a scribe taking notes with Nightmare Moon right now?! Can I talk to him? Is he on our side or hers? When-" Ink held up a hoof and used his telekenisis to close Shining’s mouth.

"It's not going to happen. Sorry sir, but we're an order of neutrality." Ink released Shining’s mouth and continued, "We don't take sides. We document. If I die before I complete my report, it's lost. Simple as that. We don't communicate once we choose our subjects until the conflict is resolved. It's been that way since The Old Ones." Everypony was looking at Ink.

"Old Ones? And who're they?" Twilight asked skeptically.

"You don't study your history, do you? It's in the Canterlot library for anypony to read. You should look it up next time you're there. So, Shining, may I be your scribe?" The pen was still scribbling notes on paper then stopped as he looked at Shining waiting for a reply. The pen scribbled a few words in the silence.

"Very well. You may accompany us. However, if you turn out to be a spy or traitor, death will not be merciful when I catch you," Shining said, as he turned and walked away, leaving his family with Ink. The pen was scribbling quickly as he took notes on the events as they transpired around him.

"Well, you know my name, what're yours?"

"I'm Night Light, this is Twilight Sparkle and my wife Twilight Velvet."

"Two Twilight’s? So, you're Sparkle or you're Velvet. How's it work?"

"I'M Twilight, my mommy is Velvet. So, Ink, where are you from?"

"Canterlot, silly filly. And you? Are you all from Canterlot, here to hide and join the rebellion?"

"No, Ink. Shining is my brother and I'm from Maneapolis. In Manesota. Heard of it?"

"Twilight, stop being rude," Velvet scolded. "Sorry about her, she's a bit PMS-ing."

"MOM!?" Ink chuckled as the pen scratched quickly then made several punctuations. "What was that? Did you make a note of that! Give me that paper, let me see!" Twilight ran to grab it with her teeth but he raised it above him as the writing continued. "Stop! Daddy! Make him stop! I'm not PMS-ing!" A few ponies started laughing at the sight as Twilight looked over and felt herself blushing. Turning she started to cry as she ran out of the barn.

"I know I have no place to say, but she's very emotional, isn't she?" Ink stated lowering the pen and paper to his side again.

"Yes, she's been through a lot and isn't taking all this too well. We're not better off, but we tease her to make her feel like life is normal, if she had to live life as it is right now. I know her, we know her. She'd give in to the night and go crazy. She's not as strong as she acts. None of us are, but, we have to be strong for the others around us, right?"

"Mrs. Velvet, that is a quote that may outlive us all," he said as he finished the sentence and the pen dotted then lowered before him to read. "Ah, yes. A truly rare quote that may come in handy tomorrow, or generations from now. Thank you." He turned and trotted to where Shining Armor had left and vanished outside the barn door, pen and paper in tow.

"Night, if I just made history, remember that I was talking about our kids, alright?"

"Twilight Velvet, you made history the second you had them."

The pen scribbled words as fast as Ink could think and see the sights around him. So many ponies galloping around with tools, equipment, and saddlebags full of various items and food. The castle was in serious disrepair but he couldn't imagine what it looked like a week ago when he learned of its existence. The hall he was in had tapestries as high as the ceiling and wide as two houses side by side depicting the Celestial sisters' fight with Discord and the rise of Canterlot in the same place as Discord's defeat.

"What is he writing? The words don't even make sense," a pony whispered to another from behind him, thinking he didn't hear.

"It's an ancient language that only elder Alicorns and their predecessors spoke and read. It makes our language sound pitiful and barbaric, but it's easier to write more details in less space," Ink said, without turning back as he tried to read the tapestry and translate, then scribe it.

"Well, our language is better than most others," one of the ponies, a mare, spoke up. Ink turned around and looked at the two standing before him. Giving his best disapproving look at them he shook his head.

"You think words are what make up better language? You have a lot to learn. I hear there's an ancient library here. Read up; then insult history." Ink turned around as the two tried to argue with him. He used his magic to block the noise from his ears as he wrote the tapestries’ story.

"Captain Shining, the reports are in from the last five raids and scouting missions," a soldier announced as she dropped a file on his desk in the barracks headquarters.

"Can you give me a summation, corporal?"

"Yes, sir. All the raids were successful, zero casualties to troops and to civilians. The scouts report Nightmare Moon has used magic to transform several ponies into Alicorns and others into, somethings." Shining pressed his hoof to his forehead and sighed.

"Great, so now we have Alicorns helping an Alicorn and 'somethings,' can you elaborate?"

"Sir, the reports and from what I understood... she... Nightmare Moon, is turning some ponies into monsters that do her bidding. They look like larger ponies but, they have black coats, white manes and red eyes. They appear to all be earth ponies, but the magic could mean anything."

Shining grunted as he pressed harder. "Great, magic pony monsters with unknown abilities and several Alicorns at her side, not to mention the 2,000 ponies she had worshiping her in secret for the last 1000 years. Can this get any better?"

"Well, sir....."

"What the spell. Seriously, I was being rhetorical. What now?!" Shining shouted as he slammed his wooden desk with both hooves, startling the young soldier.

"Um, we found a ton of Cider in a storage room in one of the basement rooms, sir," she said as she trembled, staring at him as he glared at her.

"That's…" Shining smiled and leaned back in his chair, looking at the ceiling, and the bricks he'd counted a dozen times already. "That's actually better. Thank you. I apologize for yelling." He looked at the trembling soldier before him as he got up and walked around his desk. "Let's get a mug, you deserve it." He left with her right behind him. "Close the door, corporal."

She stopped and turned to close the door. The scent of old wood filled her senses as she took the knob in her mouth and pulled it closed. The heavy click told her it was secure. She nodded at the lock then turned to rejoin Shining to get a cup of extremely aged ale. "Sir, do you think it's safe to drink 1000 year old cider?"

"Corporal, if it isn't safe I'll make you a sergeant before morning," he laughed. She forced a laugh as she tried to understand what he meant. "Corporal, this castle amazing. Not only because it's a haven for our cause, but because it's where Nightmare Moon was defeated once and she's being fought from again. The history in this castle has not only helped us as soldiers, but the ponies; our families are safe here. The foals have school and are learning from books older than they can imagine. Scholars and mages are learning old spells lost to time and stories that were never known.

“Since coming here a knowledge revolution has begun, to such an extent that even if we fail, the knowledge of what we've accomplished and done will be remembered for generations. You're one of those too, an immortal memory that will be known for generations. Are you ready for that?"

Shining stopped as he heard her hooves fall silent. Turning around, he saw she was crying; her helmet had been pulled down to cover her eyes as she sniffled. Shining walked over to her and lifted her chin. "Corporal, you're going to tell your grandfoals of this war, as you picnic under the noon sun, in the warmest spring day. Don't forget that. Now, let's go. Okay?" She nodded and shook her head to get tears off her helmet before walking forward, leading him to the find.

Author's Note:

*Rough step is a military marching term that denotes walk at your own pace and be mindful of your surroundings while maintaining your position in a formation to the best of your ability. Soldiers in the back are watched by soldiers in front of them who change pace to make sure they stay close enough together to help each other yet far enough apart so they don't get hurt by enemy attacks.