• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 3,486 Views, 171 Comments

A World Without a Rainboom - Mocha Star

What if Rainbow Dash never did the sonic rainboom? The world changes as soon as Nightmare Moon arrives.

  • ...

The Elements of Harmony

"Captain Shining, Captain Shining!" a pony shouted as he galloped into the room and almost into a group of three others drinking cider by the door, "Captain, we know how to defeat Nightmare Moon!" Everypony’s eyes widened and Shining dropped his cider as he galloped after the pony.

The library was in poor shape but the books were enchanted to resist aging. Dozens of ponies were scouring books and taking notes, including Ink. When Shining entered, a Pony called "Officer on deck!" as the soldiers in the room stood at attention in respect. "At ease, how do we defeat her? Where's the weapon? Spell?" he shouted excitedly as he galloped to a table with five scholars reading books. "Do you know how?"

"Mister Shining, sir? Um, I think I found how, if you don't mind, well..," a quiet voice said from behind him. It was short yellow pony he didn't notice before.

"Yes! How?! What did you find?" he shouted as Fluttershy cowered back and tried to shuffle behind a stack of books she was by. "I'm sorry, miss. I didn't mean to scare you."

"She's a scaredy filly! Her name's Fluttershy and she's my BEST friend," Rainbow's shout echoed through the library, "She's, like, super smart and a great helper and you wouldn't believe how great she is at making dinner. I'm so happy she's here! You wou-"

"Okay Fluttershy," Shining said loudly at Rainbow who was leaning out of one of the open slots on a stone bookshelf, "I'm really sorry I was loud, but I'm very excited. What have you found?"

Fluttershy took a deep breath and spoke almost to soft to be heard. "The elements of Harmony."

"I'm sorry, Fluttershy. What was that?"

"Um. Well, I said The Elements of Harmony. You see, it’s six jewels that focus the positive energies of an Alicorn into a beam of energy that attacks evil."

"That's amazing!" Shining shouted as he suddenly stared into space and smiled. "We may have them. We may have them! What else does it say? Wait, come with me, we have to see my high mages; please, miss Fluttershy, will you come with me?"

Fluttershy stood up a little taller as Rainbow fell and stopped inches from the floor with a beat of her wings. "Anywhere she goes, I goes. Ya got that, big head?"

"Oh, Rainbow Dash. Please, don't speak that way. It's not very nice; his name is Mister Shining Armor."

"Actually, Shining is okay, Miss."

"But, Fluttershy, his head is huge," Rainbow said, gesturing with her wings. Ponies across the room chuckled at Rainbow’s honesty.

"All the better to plan and fight. Would you like to be an honorary soldier for the day?" Shining asked, standing tall and looking down at the mares. Rainbows eyes narrowed and she nodded slowly. "Very well, I hereby dub thee Miss Private Rainbow Dash, congratulations." He saluted her. "Your first mission is to quietly guard Fluttershy from the air, can you do that?"

Excitedly Rainbow nodded and was about to say something but closed her mouth. "Yes sir, Mister Big Head, sir," she whispered, as she beat her wings and hovered near the ceiling.

"Shall we go?" He gestured to the door. Fluttershy nodded and followed him carrying a book in her mouth as they walked.

"Um, well, you see, sirs..."

"We're not sirs, we're mages. What've you found? It'd better be useful, not like that last pony who brought us a recipe for muffins written in Alicornese."

"Um, well, I found this book and there's something called the Elements of Harmony. Six gems that focus the positive energies of an Alicorn. It was used to defeat Discord and turn him to stone, also Dorek the Tormentor, Nightmare Moon and Forash the Soul Stealer. Celestia was the user so she might be the only one who can use them all at once, but it says here," she opened the book and flipped pages, stopping in the middle of the book. "This part I can't read, but it shows the gems and words in Alicornese."

A mage grabbed the book from under Fluttershy's forelegs and she fell to the floor as the book landed in front of the mage. Others gathered around him to read the book as Rainbow Dash flew into the casters back and started kicking. "Don't hurt my friend." Shining's horn glowed and pulled Rainbow away screaming violently at the unicorn that had taken the book.

"You find out what you can, I'll take them out," Shining shouted over the noise she was making as he levitated Rainbow out of the room, Fluttershy behind him.

"Rainbow, I'm fine, look. I'm okay, come here," Fluttershy called as Shining released her from his telekinesis. Rainbow trotted to Fluttershy and hugged her tightly, a tear leaving her left eye.

"I'm sorry, Fluttershy. I should have been faster, are you sure you're okay? Let me see." Pulling back, she leaned in and looked at Fluttershy's chest and examined her forelegs. "Yup, you're okay. Hey, Big Head. Why didn't you stop that horn guy from trying to hurt Fluttershy?"

"Miss Fluttershy, can we speak in private for a minute?" He looked at a room with a wooden door he knew was a storage closet. She nodded and followed him in. "Rainbow, stand guard, if anypony tries to get in, tell 'em to get lost. But, only if they try to get in, not if they walk by, okay?" Rainbow smiled and turned her back to the door as he closed it. He cast a light from his horn that filled the room. The room was small, but held a lot of cleaning supplies and a stack of wood against the back wall, with shelving along the side walls that held paint, repair equipment and tools.

"How can I help you, Mister Shining?"

"Well, what's with Rainbow Dash? She seems overly protective and unstable. Should I be worried about her?" Fluttershy shook her head and told him the story.

"Well, that's quite the tale. So, that's why you..." he hesitated.

"Have one wing? Yeah. It's okay though. Like I said, we're both alive and that's all that matters. Plus, I'm gonna get my Masters degree once this war’s over."

"If you need a recommendation, let me know. If you've found a way to defeat Nightmare Moon, then you're going to be a war hero. You may have a hospital named in your honor," he said with pride for her. "Now, let’s get out of here, it smells like mold. Can't be good for us." He smiled as he opened the door to Rainbow’s back. "She sure is dedicated."

"Yes sir, Big Head, I'm gonna keep Fluttershy safe," Rainbow said, spinning around quickly.

"Yes ma'am, I know. You're a great soldier; I'm making you the official officer in charge of Fluttershy's safety. You can't attack anypony, but you can tell them to back off and they'll have to listen. Does that sound good to you?" Rainbow smiled wide and giggled as her hooves covered her mouth.

"I'm so proud of you, Rainbow Dash. From private to officer in an hour. What an honor! This is quite the day for us all," Fluttershy said as she walked to Rainbow Dash. "Let's get a cupcake to celebrate from the dining room, does that sound good?" Rainbow jumped into the air and squealed. "Wait for me, Rainbow Dash, slow down," Fluttershy shouted as she galloped after Rainbow.

They're a great pair, they were destined to be together it seems. I'd better check on the mages.

"Gentlemen, what've you learned?" he asked, reentering the room. Seeing smiling faces he knew it was good news.

"Sir, these are the elements of harmony. It says here they each represent a positive emotion:






And a sixth that isn't documented. Possibly the key to activating them all. Now, as a hoofnote here, it says the elements are subject to change along with a user’s distinct personality. What we figure is that Honesty could change to, say, forgiveness, for example. As long as it's a positive emotion that doesn't overlap the others, it should work.

The only downside, is it takes a massive amount of magic and these link to specific users. We're not able, and we still have to repair the gems."

"That's a lot to have learned in fifteen minutes, gentlemen. Are you making any of this up?"

"No, sir. I'm reading mostly from the text. They were very descriptive, and a little mystic logic fills in the rest. We're not able to wield them because we're none of the above. We're high mages, not saints. We've done things that most ponies would go to prison for to attain our titles and powers. We need pure souls and kind hearted individuals. So, let's try to figure out who will fit the criteria."

"Well, that sounds like a start. We have enough time, and I have good news for you too. I'm getting reports the nightmares have stopped. Get some rest and we'll see how we feel in the morning." Shining smiled and left. I'm going to sleep for twelve hours if I can. A well rested army is as good as an army with a full belly.

Shining? Shining? My love? Where are you?

I'm right here, Cadence. I can't see you, it's so dark.

Shining? Shining? My love? Where are you?

I'm here, at the hideout, in our room. Why can't I see you?

Shining? Shining? My love? Where are you?

Why do you keep asking me that, my love? Where are you? Come to me! Let me see you, please.

Shining? Shining? My love? Where are you?

Cadence? Where are you? Why won't you come to me? It's so dark here, where are we?

Shining? Shining? My love? Where are you?

Cadence? I- I can't see you. Are you really there?

Shining? I'm here, can't you see me? Tell me where you are. Where is our room?

Right here, sweetie. Come to my voice.

Shining? Shining? My love? Where are you?

Cadence, please, say something else! Come to my voice!

Shining. Where is our hideout? I can't find out without knowing where we're hiding. Shining stopped calling and lowered his head.

Nightmare Moon, I will never reveal our location to you. Save your effort and time. This dream warfare won't work on me and most of the ponies don't even know where we are. Teleportation is a great spell.

Shining? Thou art a great warrior; give me the location and I will spare all thy lives, I will even make you a general of my army. That is a fantastic offer, the best thou can receive under such circumstances.

How about another deal. You let us have our dreams back, good ones. And in exchange I'll stop sabotaging your trains.

Nightmare Moon regarded him for a moment. Thou dost not wish the sun returned for a time a day? Thou doth not wish to see thy Princess Celestia in the flesh?

I will see her and the sun when I tear your heart from your chest and show it to you as you lie dying before me, witch.

Nightmare Moon smiled a sharp toothed grin; green slime oozed from her maw as her eyes turned white. Thou hath an accord. However, I reserve the right to do with any pony in their dreams as I wish, including thee and thy love, Cadence.

Only if it's not consistent; No weeks of nightmares and one night of good dreams. Balance is why we're fighting; balance is what we need. It's a good step into ending this war. For all ponies.

Nightmare Moon’s teeth turned into fangs, her smile widened beyond normal and almost split her face in half. With a low gurgle she charged Shining, biting his head as he woke up, sweat dripping across his body soaking the sheets and bed he was in.

"Shining? Are you alright? You woke me from the best sleep I've had in months. Did you have a nightmare?" Cadence asked sleepily, rolling to face him.

Shining smiled as he panted and felt the cool air of the room. "No, I just made a deal with the devil, and it was a good deal." Cadence sat up and looked at him.

"You made a deal with Nightmare Moon? In your dream?! Why would you do that without consulting me?"

"We have our good dreams back, in exchange, we stop attacking her trains. It's a risk, but I know we're only slowing her a little as she still has shipments traveling by land at steady pace. If she goes against our deal, I'll personally destroy every train track for a hundred miles around Canterlot and I think she knows it. Let's go back to sleep, my love." He kissed her on her head at the base of her horn and they laid down again, he wrapped his legs around her and yawned.


"Yes Cadence?"

"How did we find our hideout, again?" Shining grunted and rolled away from her and out of bed.

"Darn you, get out of my dreams; you'll never get me to tell you about my stronghold in the northern borders. I'm close to just having the location wiped from my memory just so you'll leave."

Thou art a clever stallion. Very well. We still have our agreement, and now I know thou art serious of thine intent. Enjoy thy sleep, for any night it could be your last.

Wait, before you go... Can you raise the sun in our dreams, just for a moment?

And give thy cause a reason to fight harder? Thou art a fool, it seems.

No, to fight the insanity your night is causing. Some ponies are going mad from the darkness and nightmares. Perhaps seeing the sun in their dreams will fight the madness.

Thou speakest the same as thy Princess Celestia. Mayhap there is truth to thine words. I will consider thy proposal. Fare thee well, General Shining Armor.