• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 3,495 Views, 171 Comments

A World Without a Rainboom - Mocha Star

What if Rainbow Dash never did the sonic rainboom? The world changes as soon as Nightmare Moon arrives.

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8. First Week of Night

"Ma, I'm gettin' worried. The apple trees are gonna be dyin'n we keep seeing these unicorns castin' spells around the acres. Are we gonna have enough food for winter?" Apple Bloom asked her mother. Her mother sat and looked into the fire her husband had made in the fireplace to warm the house. "Pa, what're we gonna do tomorr-later?"

"Apple Bloom, I-I just don't know... Without the sun, I just don't know." Apple Bloom, Applejack and Big Macintosh laid by the hearth and looked at the fire.

"I remember when I was a filly and I left for Manehattan. It was so warm and the apples were ripe for the buckin'. Night was for dinner parties and having fun with classy socialites in their hoity-toity clothes and manes done up all fancy. They'd talk about their plans for the next day, week, month. But now? If it wasn't for the town clock and the mail, I wouldn't even know what day it is. This' the worst Tuesday ever!"

"Jack, it's Wednesday morning," Big Mac said. Applejack sighed and laid down her head.

"It's okay, young'ns. Everything'll work out. Somepony will talk with Nightmare Moon and get her to raise the sun for a little each day at least, right?" The room sat silent. Nopony knew what the future held.

In Canterlot Nightmare Moon stood atop a tower and looked out at the world before her, blanketed in darkness, but didn't smile.

"This is the world I had dreamed of for 1003 years. I finally have it and no pony is pleased yet. I think I'll see Celestia and ask her advice." Fifteen royal guards with black eyes and heavy enchanted body armor stood guard around the room. They didn't respond or move from their assigned positions but Nightmare Moon knew they understood their mission... She trotted to the center of the room and looked at Celestia, who was sitting nobly in a magic ward. "Celestia, sister. What have thou to say tonight?"

"It is morning, Nightmare Moon, I am not your sister, and you must raise the sun. That is what I have to say, for the ponies of Equestria."

"Oh, Tia. Thou are a fool to believe I will be swayed so easily. Thy sun will stay set until I see fit, not a moment before. I have come to speak to thee as a fellow immortal, not as my pet. Celestia, why do they enjoy your day and hate my night? I have watched them for these past few nights and none are pleased. Fear grips them now at all times’ why? My night was rarely a cause for concern except among the sick, insane, or youth. Celestia, have thou corrupted them further? Thou have, haven't thee? Thou art a coward who knewest of my return and corrupted the ponies to fear and hate my night in preparation for my return!"

Shouting as her mind created stories, Nightmare Moon stomped her hooves in anger while Celestia sat still in the circle, not moving, her eyes closed. "Thou use thy sun to spread poison among their fragile minds, filling them with fear of the darkness! Thou wilt not succeed! I will fill them with nightmares of the day until they revel in my night and forget about thy sun!"

"Nightmare Moon, filling them with fear will only make them fear you more. You will drive some insane, and others to harm themselves or others, while others will simply gather to fight you to end the dreams you give them. Raise the sun once a week, for just a few hours, to earn their respect and trust. Show them the beauty of the night instead of -"

"Silence, coward! Thou tryeth my patience with thy lies and deceptions. I was a fool for trying to speak with thou, for thou art without honor. Farewell, deceiver. Enjoy the night until I return, I have nightmares to create." With that, Nightmare Moon opened her wings and laughed until she had flown out of the room. Exiting the ceiling window, she looked at the decaying body of Rising Tide and growled at him. "Thy princess misses thee, Rising Tide, I believe she should see thou again.

Raising him with her magic, and catching a piece of him that was falling off, she levitated him into the window and dropped him. A second later Celestia's screams echoed from the throne room as Nightmare Moon smiled and flew to her balcony.

"Sigma squad. Our mission is to stop a train carrying weapons to Canterlot castle. The mission is the same as the last few: get there, blow the tracks, destroy the weapons, then get the flock out. Understand?"

"Yes ma'am," her squad said as she kept her stern face and turned to lead them to the next victory. Galloping ahead she led the group of three unicorns, four earth ponies, and two other Pegasi into position.

"We're gonna do this one for Verse Part, he died with honor and we will avenge him," a stallion said to the others with pride.

"We're almost there, just around that bend is the depot, we set our charges, then hide in our positions. Ready, GO!"

The ponies galloped faster than they had in years getting to the tracks, laying explosives, timing them to detonate in a few minutes, before separating into groups of two and hiding. The train arrived on time, as always, just as the explosives detonated and exploded the central cars, sending the train off its tracks and stopping shortly afterwards.

Galloping to the train, they boarded it and went to the weapons car, planting explosives, then fleeing as they, too, detonated. Destroying a brigade's worth of spears and knives was enough for them to shout and cheer at the fireball that climbed into the sky. Nightmare Moon appeared on a hill above the train and was noticed by a rebel who called her name. The ponies scurried and galloped in every direction trying to escape. With a shout in the royal voice, she pierced the night as she shouted.

"Thy fools have not halted my advance and thine efforts are without fruition. I will kill you if I must to keep the sun from ruining my night."

Galloping after two of them her speed was unbelievable, easily racing behind the two earth ponies before whisking them into the air as she opened her wings and flew back to the castle, with them shouting insults at her along the way.

Regrouping at their hideout later they debriefed each other. "So, we've lost Light Foot and Digger. Fantastic. We're losing more than any other squad. I'll relay our progress to Shining. Go home and don't let this get to you. We saved thousands of ponies by destroying those weapons, regardless of what that witch says. This hideout is black. I'll let you know the next red I have. Celestia be with you."

The remaining squad separated and went their own ways, leaving the squad leader alone in the hideout. Finally alone she let her resolve fall and broke down into tears, collapsing on the floor. "Light Foot, I'm so sorry. If I had any idea or even a feeling... Darn that witch."

"Dangit! We've lost six soldiers since this operation started. What the spell am I doing wrong?!"

"Shining, please calm down. You don't think right when you're angry and you have a rebellion to finish. Nightmare Moon can't win, and with you here, she won't."

"Thanks, Cadence. If I didn't have you... I don't know what I'd have done two days ago when I heard Nightmare Moon had destroyed my old home. She's randomly destroying every royal guards home, occupied or not, as an example. I can't keep moving them, dear. I don't know how many I can save."

"All you can do is the best you can do, my love. As long as you have me and keep me hidden with you then there's still hope for Equestria."

"Cadence, don't talk like that. Celestia will be fine. I have reports she's healed already and testing her prison."

"And her magic?"

"Her horn is still destroyed, and when it begins to regrow the guards remove the new growth. If we want to get Celestia back we have to find a way to get her out and hide her for at least four days for her horn to grow back to the point she can cast spells again. What will Nightmare Moon do during that time, and how can we keep her hidden from a dream watcher?"

"I can go five days without sleep. I can hide her from everypony until she's healed, then we can go on the offensive with the sun goddess at the front."

"I can't let you do that and you know it. The risks of losing my filly-friend and my princess in the same day would be too much for even me. Let's concentrate on the sleeper cells in smaller cities we have. There's two in Ponyville, 35 in every major city and even hints the Changelings may be on our side."

"We will never work with Changelings! I'm sorry I yelled, dear. What I know is they are masters of deception, and will turn on us the second both sides are weakest. No royal guard, no enchanted troops, little resistance from Nightmare Moon, and untrained ponies in the middle. It's worse than a worse case scenario. It's a total loss and failure for all ponies while Changelings take over. Then we have a whole new enemy. Let's worry about Nightmare Moon."

"Okay, I understand, I was only saying the rumors were-"

"No, no rumors. Only facts."

"Sorry, I'll focus better," Cadence said hanging her head.

"Cadence, we have to move again soon. I'm sorry but, can you pack quickly?"

"I don't unpack anymore, love. I won't until I know we're in a safe place."

Shining left the makeshift table and his map of Equestria marked with mystic runes that indicated attack plans. Sitting next to Cadence he laid his head on her back and sighed. "I can't wait to sleep with you again in a real bed, in a real home, the sun in the sky warming us. That day will come soon. I promise." Cadence sighed. She had hopes for the best but didn't expect the war to end soon. "Nightmare Moon is a tyrant and she's destined to lose."

"I hope so, honey. I hope so."

"All hail Queen Nightmare Moon," the enchanted ponies in the throne room called to Nightmare Moon as she arrived with the two stallions. One she kept by her side; the other she tossed to three guards who shackled his legs and carried him out with magic. "All hail Queen Nightmare Moon," they said as they left.

"Shut up you enchanted fools. Don't you know what she's doing to the world? Don't worship the false queen."

"False queen?! Thou dare to insult me? We shall see what thou sayeth after thou look into my eyes, Nightmare Moon lowered herself inches from the defiant stallion’s face. He shut his eyes and his ears rang, he felt his stomach tremble from the vibrations as he fell to the floor. Nightmare Moon grabbed him by the chin and pulled his muzzle close to hers and whispered an enchantment. He opened his eyes and looked into hers and felt his mind being magically suppressed.

"Hail, Queen Nightmare Moon, how may I serve you?" Celestia lowered her body to the floor and listened as the interrogation began, again. She wasn't happy with the mind control, but at least the soldiers and their families were left alive.

"Hm, yes. That is much better. Thy queen wishes to know thy name, knave."

"Your highness, my name is Light Foot. I am at your command."

"Tell me who the commander is and where he lays his head."

"Shining Armor was my commander. He moves his hideout every few hours. No pony knows where he is, my queen, he contacts us."

"An old tactic, indeed. If no pony knows where he is I'm certain that his family will be close by. Who is his kin? Wife? Wenches? Concubines? Parents? Slaves? I need to know them all."

"Only parents and a sister, my queen. They left the hour you returned to Canterlot, their location is unknown to even Shining Armor."

"Knave, thy knowledge is useless, however, I will make thou the Captain of my Moon Guard. Thy charge is to stop factions of rebellion and to recruit others to my cause. I have children of the night in the southern continent. Gather them for me."

"You highness? There is no continent to the south, it ends at an impassable gorge."

"Thou art as foolish as thou art handsome. So to say quite a bit." Nightmare Moon touched his nose and smiled at him. "Go, but return hastily. I have plans for us."

"Now, Celestia. Now that I know the stallion that leads this rebellion, I think it is time for a plague of nightmares to spread. I hope thou enjoy thyself when thou sleepest."

Celestia said nothing and closed her eyes and drifted to sleep, the first victim of Nightmare Moon was ready.