• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 3,486 Views, 171 Comments

A World Without a Rainboom - Mocha Star

What if Rainbow Dash never did the sonic rainboom? The world changes as soon as Nightmare Moon arrives.

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The First Bearers

Having gathered the element gems in the throne room Captain Shining and his high mages in the throne room they tried to figure out who could be bearers.

"I think the Wonderbolts are a shoo in, they possess all the traits. That's four, who else can fill in the last two?"

"That's not going to work, first we have to figure out a way to fix these gems!"

"She's right, how can we even have a chance to fight without weapons."

"Okay, how do we repair gems we know nothing about and that have unimaginable powers, if they even work for normal unicorns."

"Who said only unicorns can wield them?"

"Alicorn magic is more like unicorn magic, it's logic!"

Shining left the room as the mages argued over the finer details of the topic. "Sergeant, walk with me. Sergeant, how are you?"


"It's a common question, how are you?"

"Actually, to be honest, I'm scared."

Without slowing Shining asked the obvious question in a calm voice. "Why?"

"Because, my family is out there hiding somewhere and I don't know if they're okay. I don't know if we'll win, and if we do, will I be alive to see my mother again?"

"Sergeant," Shining stopped and smiled at the sergeant by his side, "That's why we fight. It's not only about royal duty, it's about our families. Our loved ones and even those we don't know about. Remember that, and if I need to remember it, remind me. War can change a pony, and I don't want to forget myself. What's your name, sergeant?"

"Midnight Strike, sir, call me Night, please. My clan's been in the royal guard for generations."

"For a mare in the royal guard, you seem like you're a great fit. I respect your honesty and I trust you'll keep this between us. Can you tell me about your clan?" Shining started walking again.

"Well, seven generations ago my ancestors fought in a skirmish against the Griffons, they had crossed onto our land, when we were big time land owners, and we fought them back to our borders before the royal guard could show up. We were given a plot of land by Princess Celestia herself on the opposite side of Canterlot on the mountain along with other amazing clans like the Kickers, Riches, Moon's. You know, that kind. When I have foals I'm already required to have them join the guard training as soon as they're old enough."

"That sounds like a lot of pressure to put on you, you're okay with that?"

"Sir, it's become a tradition in our clan. Even if a pony doesn't want to join the guard after training, the reserves are always there," she sighed, "I was in the reserves. I had a nice cottage outside Canterlot and when Nightmare moon returned. I ran, flew to the recruitment office and as I walked in my uncle was there holding my uniform. I had no choice, I couldn't say no to my family or to my duties. Love be damned, right, sir?"

Shining stopped and turned his whole body to face her. "Night, don't every say that again. I'm fortunate to have my love, Cadence, with me. Few of us are. You have to keep that in mind while you fight for everypony you know. That stallion will wait for you if he's the right one, if not, then there are plenty more out there. Fight for the one." They smiled and she dismissed herself, walking back to her post.

I like that mare's dedication. Maybe that's what I should look for in a bearer. True qualities and traits, not just actions and abilities.

"Twiley? Mom, dad? I'm here to see you. Are you guys here?" The room he had reserved for his family was empty as he looked around. The past couple days had been busy and now that they had the elements of harmony hours had been consumed just trying to figure out if there was an order they should be laid in. He walked into the large room, not much larger than any other family room, but still spacious enough for five ponies to sleep confortably. Now that sleep was an option the nights were silent.

It was a peaceful castle when random screams weren't echoing through the halls. A pony can sleep through a lot, however when one gets used to sleeping though crying and screaming, something tends to be wrong. He had learned to sleep through others' nightmares and it was beginning to scare him, like the screams of death would be nothing to him if it came to it. What would he do if the war turned into a real war? Would he be ready to give the order and to be able to kill an innocent pony under enchantment?

"Shining? Shining Armor, wake up sweetie."

Shining groaned and sniffed as he opened his eyes to see his mother. "Mommy?" he said in a soft voice before clearing his throat and sitting up. "Sorry, I must have fallen asleep waiting for you, what time is it?" he asked as he yawned and stretched his legs.

"Honey, you haven't called me mommy for a very long time, are you okay? Wanna talk about it?"

"Oh, mom, it's nothing. Just a lot of military stuff going on and I guess not seeing you for so long when I really wanted to is taking its toll."

"Oh, sweetie. You know where you are, right?"

"Yeah, mom. I do, I'm..." He pushed her away and got out of bed. "I hate you."

"What? Shining, what're you saying?"

"I hate you for everything you've done and everything you're doing. I'm going to kill you with your own horn and when I get Celestia back I'll make her watch as I remove your mane and turn it into a scarf, you awful bitch." he said spitting the last words out. "You'll never win, Nightmare Moon. Get out of my dreams," he growled and lowered himself into a fighting stance, "get out of the dreams of my ponies and give us back the sun and leave my family out of this WAR!" He screamed as he lowered his horn and charged at his terrified mother, ramming her in the shoulder with his head she fell off the bed and screamed in fear.

"Turn into your true form, witch. Then let me sleep in peace! I'll never turn my family and troops over to you, your damned Children of the Night, ever. EVER."

He jumped onto the bed to look at Nightmare Moon's classic horrifying grin before she woke him up, instead it was still his mother, crying and scrambling back from him. As he looked at her he felt his anger fade, she was bruised where he hit her and she was crying. Nightmare Moon would never show weakness in dreams.

"Oh, Celestia, I'm so sorry, mom. Is that really you? Oh, oh no! Let me see," he hopped to her side and tried to look at his cowering mother but she pushed him back.

"No, Shining, leave me alone. Stay away from me!"

"Mother, I'm sorry, I thought it was a trick by Nightmare Moon, honest, I didn't-"

"Shining Armor, what have you done to your mother? Get back, now!"

Night and Twilight entered the room and saw Shining standing over Velvet and her crying was intense enough to elicit fear from the two. Galloping to Shining Night stood tall and squared up with his son as his son backed down and lowered his head. "Dad, I'm sorry, I thought it was Nightmare Moon, honest, I'd never-"

"Nightmare Moon would never make you hurt your own mother! That's a choice you made. Get out of here, right now. I have to calm your mother down." Shining felt his eyes tearing as he ran out of the room past Twilight and one of his personal guards.

"Daddy, you didn't have to yell at him, he was scared!"

"Twilight, go after him. He's gonna need someone to talk to. Get him to come back, we have to talk as a family," turning his attention back to Velvet he helped her up and started to examine her shoulder.

Twilight galloped after Shining following the sound of his heavy hoof steps until they stopped and a door slammed shut. "Sir, what happened? Sir? Can I be of assistance?"

Twilight slowed to a trot and walked to the door and smiled as the guard backed up. The mare in the armor looked genuinely worried, like a lover worried about her other. Shining has such an affect on every mare he meets. I wonder how many mares he could be with, but he chose Cadence. The best choice of his life, if this or any other mare gets too close I'll clobber 'em. She raised a hoof to knock on the door before stopping to look at her hoof. Oh, my poor hooves are cracked and chipped like a farmers. I should go back to Ponyville and get a hooficure.

Shaking her head she knocked on the door and waited. Knocking again she called to him. "Shining, we know it was an accident. You didn't mean it. Can I come in and talk?" The door handle glowed blue as he opened the door enough to let her in. The sounds of him sobbing left the room and tugged at both Twilight's heart and the guards. Walking into the pitch black room she tried to see where he was as he closed the door.

"Why don't you turn on the lights, Twi?" His voice came inches from in front of her but she couldn't see him. Taking a step back she shook her head in the darkness.

"I don't use magic, Shining. You know that."

"Light. Up. The. Room, Twilight. Please."

Twilight struggled with a retort or insult but couldn't think over the deafening sound of her brother's sniffling. With a thought she recalled the spell and focused her magic to the tip of her horn making a sparkling light appear."

"Twi, that's a sparkler, not a light spell."

"It makes light, right?" She smiled as the flickering light made dancing shadows across the storage closet and refracted through the tears on her brothers cheeks. "Shining, what happened was an accident, everypony knows you love us more than anything. Come back and talk with us, we can help work it out."

"First, focus your magic better, I can't look at you with the sparkler going."

Twilight rolled her eyes before shutting them tightly and recalling the spell better. She had forgotten a simple character and smiled as she focused on it. The light in the room brightened so much it penetrated her closed eyes. Opening them she briefly saw Shining cover his eyes and turn his head before the light was more then she could handle. The door opened and the guard screamed as she was blinded from the spell.

"Twilight, stop, I can't see," Shining ordered.

"I-I don't know how, Shining. I'm trying, it won't go away. Help, Shining!"

"Twiley, think of darkness! Think of there being no light, empty space. Imagine the light going out," he advised trying to sound calm and collected.

Think of darkness, no light. Emptiness. Nothing. I can do that, focus on darkness. Wow, I can feel it. It's a weird sensation using magic.

"Shining? Where are you? Guard, open the door. Let us out, please."

"Miss Twilight, the door is open. The lights are gone across the floor. Shining, are you there?"

"I'm here, Twilight, I'll make some light, just don't move," casting his own light he looked around and saw nothing, only pitch blackness, "Twilight? Are you making the darkness?"

"I don't know, Shining, I'm scared, what do I do?"

"Think of me, Twiley. Listen to my voice and stop the magic going through your body, imagine a wall inside your mind."

The darkness fell from Twilight and the rest of the area as she stumbled a couple steps then looked at the studded look on Shinings face. "Twiley, you're a master caster, and you've never used magic before! Come with me, mom and dad will be okay."

Galloping through the halls he led Twilight to the main entrance before she begged him to stop. "Shining, it hurts, I haven't moved this fast in years. I'm getting fat," she said sadly, "too much eating trying to stay awake last month."

"Twiley, it's okay, we'll walk from here," he said as he walked beside her, his personal guard several lengths behind listening intently, "Twilight, I'm going to introduce you to the high mages I work with. Just cast the spell like you did before, okay?" Twilight nodded and followed him to the arguing mages in the room. Without acknowledging them he nodded to Twilight. "Cast darkness again."

Twilight shut her eyes and focused on darkness again, nothing, emptiness. She opened her eyes and nothing was different. "It's not working, Shining. I should just go, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be here," she backed away and shut her eyes and imagined the wall going away inside her mind as she turned to leave. Gasps echoed around the repaired throne room as Twilight opened her eyes and saw darkness. Bumping into the guard she fell over and tried to see any signs of light.

"I can't see, my light won't work!"

"Mine neither!"

"Nightmare Moon has found us! I surrender, your highness!"

"As do I! Please, forgive us!"

Cowards! My sister can cast spells of darkness and you're ready to hand over the kingdom over it?"

A young voice screamed and thudded as Twilight dispelled the darkness. The mages were stopped in different positions across the room, their horns aglow with light. A small Pegasi laid on the floor by a side door. "Who're you, young filly?"

"What's it to you? I'm not saying anything, you can't make me."

"Twilight, do you know this filly, or why she's hiding in a storage room listening to my mages?"

"No, Shining," turning her attention to the filly she greeted her again, "My name is Twilight Sparkle, this is my BBBFF Shining Armor, who're you?"

"'BBBFF?' What's that mean?"

"Big Brother Best Friends Forever." The filly giggled and looked between the siblings.

"I don't see the resemblence. I'm Scootaloo."

"It's nice to meet you, miss Scootaloo. Where are your parents?" Scootaloo hesitated before turning away. "We have to know to help you. Who takes care of you?"

"Nopony. That's who," she shouted and turned to run to the closet, shutting the door behind her. With an awkward look between them Shining glared at his mages who went back to work, silently. Walking to the door Shining opened it to see the filly laying on a makeshift bed surrounded by toys and drawings, and cans of food. "Get outta my room! Don't ya know about knocking!"

"You, you live here? How'd you get here, where are your parents?" Shining asked.

"None of your business."

"Then I'll have to have you taken out of the castle gates. Good luck, guard?" Shining took a step back as his guard walked into the room and approached the scared filly. She ran around the guard and under shining and to the mages' table hiding under it.

"Shining! Let me handle this, you're intimidating," walking over slowly the mages backed away and let Twilight crawl under the table with Scootaloo, "Scootaloo, right? My name's Twilight, remember?"

"Yeah, ya just told me before your brother kicked me out of my home. Why don't ya go and let me find another home? I've been through plenty the last month, finding a new hiding place will be a piece of cake. You'll see. Or, no, wait. You won't see. That's the point!"

"How long have you been hiding there?"

"It's been three weeks. You guys don't do a lot of cleaning so I just made myself home. Ya got a problem with that? C'mon, I'll take you both on!" Scootaloo sat up fast and bonked her head on the table falling back to the floor holding her throbbing skull she smiled proudly. "I'll get you after we're out of under this table."

"You're a silly filly, Scootaloo, c'mon. Let me get you out of here," Twilight sighed and concentrated her magic to lift the table a foot so she could sit up and Scootaloo sat up too. "Let's go talk to my brother, I'm sure he can help you find your parents."

"They're gone. They left me in Las Pegasus when Nightmare Moon showed up. They said they were going to Canterlot to visit the true queen or something. I walked to Ponyville then went to sleep in a crate, and woke up here. So, I'm alone."

Shining hung his head, he understood her parents were Children of the Night and didn't want her to be in danger. "So, looks like you'll need a new family. You're quite the courageous filly, Scootaloo." Courageous? Could it be that simple? Scootaloo, can you come here?"

"Why, you wanna piece of this first?" She reared up and punched the air, "C'mon, Big Head, I'll take you." Twilight giggled and the table fell slamming her head.

"Horse apples!" She felt the instinct to get the table off her the instant it hit her, her magic pushed it away to the ceiling smashing it. The table shards and gem fragments mixed and fell down, Shining cast a shield around the girls protecting them from the debris however some of the gem fragments fell through the shield like it wasn't there. "Shining!" Twilight called as the gems clung to her and Scootaloo.

Jumping and trying her best to shake them off they couldn't get them to dislodge from their coats. "Twilight, what'd you do to me!? Get these offa me!" Scootaloo cried starting to dance in a panic, her wings fluttered, refracting fight through the gems attached to her wings making a dazzling display. Shining lowered his shield and galloped to his sister.

"Twiley, are you okay? Mages! Medics!" The call spread through the castle and shortly a medic team of five ponies arrived with medical bags ready. "These two, they're covered with gem fragments, can you remove them?"

"Sir, stand back, let us check," A medic said pushing him back and taking a place next to Scootaloo while two others took a side by Twilight. Looking at the hustle Shining stood back and waited while the medics checked them out, touched the fragments, tried to remove them with magic and tweezers to no avail. "Sir, they aren't in pain, the gems aren't moving so it doesn't seem they'll get into their eyes or pierce their skin. If anything happens, call us. For now, watch them and call the medics if anything happens, alright?"

"Wait, that's it? You can't remove them so you're leaving us? Just like that?"

"Sir, we're medics. We deal with worse things than glass splinters every day, no offense, but there could be a real emergency happening and we're not there." One of the medics grumbled something else as she flew past Shining out of the throne room.

"What. The. Spell. I can't believe we have such disrespectful medical personnel. Sergeant Night? Find out if all our medical staff is like them, we may need to have a physical training session for them," he smiled mischievously before looking at his mages. "And what about you? Aren't you even going to try anything?"

The mages walked around the girls and looked them over from a distance before gathering and speaking. "Sir, we don't know."

"You don't know? Seriously, what do I pay you for? Twi, Scoots, come with me. We have to go to the library to read up on this, we have a expert in the Elements of Harmony down there. Night, you too. I want you to be my guard for the time being."