• Published 1st Jun 2016
  • 2,850 Views, 154 Comments

The Veins Run Deeper - Thunderblast

Four and a half years after peace returned to his colony, Night Shadow has come to a point in his career where he must prepare new recruits to see if they have what it takes to be Princess Luna's royal guardians.

  • ...

Minor Annoyances

With extra precautionary measures added, the dungeon cell door slammed shut and locked tightly, the prisoner still in a state of disarray as to what happened over the last twenty minutes. Opposite of the door stood a dungeon guard, a large, oversized red pegasus, and a captain of the Zodiac guard.

The older, slightly taller guard turned with a grin. "Great work, you two. Where did you find him so quickly might I ask?"

"Crystal Caverns. It was all part of his plan, too. Captain, would you be so kind to elaborate?" Redflare moved his gaze down to the far smaller grey pegasus to his side.

Night Shadow took a step forward, the guard's focus shifting to him as well. "His plot was an attempt to destroy the whole of Canterlot and kill thousands. He hid in the caverns to build up his magical strength. Even though it hampered some of his efforts with certain spells, the crystals were amplifying the energy needed to implode the mountain."

"So a close call, huh?" The guard's eyes slightly opened a bit wider than before. "Again, great work. We could not have pulled this off without either of you."

"Actually, we couldn't have pulled it off without Redflare. He's the one who took him down," Night smiled, glancing up at the larger stallion.

Flushing a bit of pink on his red coat, Redflare then shook his head. "Correction: Without the Captain, I would not have found him most likely, not to mention, he stalled Topaz long enough for me to detect where his magic was coming from. It was a team effort."

"Paladin, I insist, it was you doing most of the work."

"And Captain, I insist, you played a great role in capturing him."


"Enough of this nonsense, it was a team effort. We both played crucial roles, and Topaz is behind bars again," Redflare turned his nose up.

"Not for l-long."

The three ponies snapped their heads toward the cell with surprise, watching as the unicorn prisoner slowly sat up, albeit the chains limiting part of his movement. He grinned weakly yet sinisterly.

"I w-will escape again, soon... This time, you won't even know I'm gone until it's too late."

"Unlikely, Topaz. An alicorn's ring has been placed on your horn. Two to be exact. Not to mention, three-inch thick titanium shackles. It would take you a miracle to break free," Night answered stoically.

"I only need a miracle," Topaz eyed the pegasus, still grinning, then chuckling deeply.

Raising an eyebrow, Night turned to Red. "Let's get out of here and leave him be. Your spell probably made him delusional," he paused, glancing back to the evil unicorn. "More delusional than he already is."

Redflare nodded twice. "Fine with me, Captain," turning tail and heading back the way they came, Night Shadow and the dungeon guard tailing.


"Mares and gentlecolts, my dear subjects of Equestria. As many of you are aware of, yesterday evening, a prisoner of the Canterlot Palace dungeons escaped, triggering a city-wide lockdown, forcing you into your homes for safety," Princess Celestia spoke atop the balcony overlooking a courtyard jam-packed with ponies, forming a spectacle of color below.

"This pony is known as Topaz Myth, or probably more well-known under his alias, the Silver Mage," she continued, a collective, yet quiet gasp forming beneath her and sparking chatter. Raising her hoof, the courtyard went quiet.

"His way of escape is still being investigated, although is being linked strongly toward his use of magic. He seems to have grown more powerful, even in his years of being locked away.

"However, I am pleased to announce: Topaz has been caught, and is back behind bars under far better protection. Canterlot... is safe," Princess Celestia smiled warmly. Beneath the balcony, a cheer erupted. This went on for a full minute, before her hoof raised again, silencing the crowd.

"But it was not my doing, nor my sister's. The work was done by one of my own, as well as Princess Luna's. Paladin Redflare of the Order of the Light, and Captain Night Shadow of the Lunar Zodiac Guard."

Again, a cheer exploded, much louder than before, accompanied by the rumble of hooves stomping into the ground.

"We thank..." Princess Celestia stopped, allowing the crowd to die down once more.

"We thank these brave stallions for their work to bring the Silver Mage back to the dungeons. We also thank the mares and stallions of the Canterlot City Guard for their work to keep each and every one of you safe after yesterday's terrifying chain of events."

Standing behind her in the doorway dressed in their uniforms, staring out at the princess as she spoke, Night Shadow raised an eyebrow.

"Isn't she going to tell them about what he was going to do?" Night whispered.

Redflare slightly leaned down to return the whisper above the cheering outside. "That would cause a panic."

"The danger is over, though," Night glanced up at Redflare. "What good is there in keeping secrets that don't need to be held onto anymore?"

"Paladin Redflare is right, I am afraid," came the voice of Princess Luna, approaching from the side.

"Princess!" The two gasped with surprise, kneeling down to her respectfully, Redflare's movement slightly shaking the floor.

Princess Luna walked up to the two, eying Night Shadow first. "Even if the danger has passed, there is no use in telling the public about what could have happened if Topaz was not stopped. If he wasn't, there is a high chance none of us would be here right now, gathering in celebration of his capture."

"Princess, with all due respect, I'm not comfortable with keeping secrets such as these. If the situation were ongoing, I could see why," Night replied, an eyebrow still raised.

The night-blue alicorn sighed, her starry mane waving eternally behind her. "I'm afraid that is how it is, Captain."

"Well..." Night paused, eyes darting down to the floor to think, raising a hoof. "What if somepony got hold of the secret and decided to post it in a newspaper or something?"

The princess stopped, looking back up at Night. Redflare blinked twice, staring down at the two.

"That will not happen."

"It could."

"It will not. I will make sure of it."

"You can't be too careful, Princess. It will only come with repercussions."

"As will thou's actions if thou continues this argument!" Princess Luna snapped back. Night recoiled slightly, Redflare's eyes widening. The two watched as the Lunar princess stepped out beside Celestia.

The two stallions exchanged brief looks following the small outburst, moving back out to the two princesses on the balcony.

"These two brave ponies are even with us today. My dear subjects, may I present to you... Paladin Redflare, and Captain Night Shadow!"

"That's your cue," whispered a guard across from them.

Breathing out deeply, Night eased himself, watching the large red stallion step out beside Princess Celestia. Night followed out momentarily after, siding Princess Luna and smiling over the courtyard, waving his hoof with Redflare.

His smile was not as genuine as it may have appeared. In his mind, Night knew for a fact that he was far too uncomfortable not speaking out. Unfortunately, he had no choice.


With a high-pitched creak, the door to the Zodiac wing swung open, Night Shadow moving down the hall toward his quarters with heavier-than-usual steps that weren't completely muffled by the dark blue carpet beneath his hooves and echoed throughout the corridor. One thing was set on his mind: and that was rest.

"Hey, Captain!"

Rest was the only thing on his mind.

Glancing behind him, Night caught on to an armored white pegasus slightly galloping to catch up with him. He didn't slow down or stop at all. "Yes, Corporal?"

Zipline slowed to match his captain's pace, trotting by his side with a warm smile. "Heard you were presented out in the yards by the princesses!"

"You did not hear wrong," Night replied flatly.

"How did it go, Captain?" Zipline asked curiously.

"It went... well," he half-lied.

"Perfect! Although, I would hate to interrupt what you're doing now, but, your recruits requested Sergeant Lodestar, who requested me to let you know, and are requesting to see you later this afternoon. They say it is quite urgent."

"How urgent?"

"Like, super-duper urgent, Captain! That's what Sergeant Lodestar said Eventide said, sir."

Grumbling softly, Night nodded in response. "Let me change, and I'll meet them at the track."

"You got it, sir!" Zipline gave a quick salute, then darted off down an intersecting hallway.

Rolling his eyes with some annoyance, Night continued down the hall, around the corner, and through the single wooden door of his apartment quarters. Immediately, he loosened the silver buttons on his dress uniform from the collar down, tossing it onto his bed almost carelessly.

Now undressed, Night moved to the far side of the room, up to the polished dark-brown oak armor wardrobe between the windows and his bed and opening it up, pulling down his set of armor, minus the helmet.

Slipping his head and wings through the main piece and settling it comfortably on his back, followed by kicking on the matching shoes, Night made his way back out to the hallway, turning to head out the doorway leading to an outdoor rounded staircase, a shortcut to the barracks and training grounds.

With a half-irked look on his face, Night approached the dirt track where the five recruits waited in a line. As he approached, they clicked their hooves together, even without somepony there to order them to said posture. This impressed Night, but did not lighten his mood.

"Alright, recruits," Night began, stopping ahead of their line and moving his eyes across them slowly. "I have been informed of your request to see me. What is it you wished to say to me face to face?"

After a couple of moments, Stellar Star stepped forth, Night making direct and steady eye contact with him.

"Yes, recruit?"

"Sir, I believe—" he froze briefly. "We all agree that a new type of weapons training should be initiated within the Zodiac," Stellar said with no hesitation.

"And just what type of weapon or weapons are we discussing here, recruit?"


"Archery? Do enlighten me."

"Well, sir..." the mint-eyed grey thestral started. "We believe it will be vital during combat situations in the event of one."

"How so?" Night's brow furrowed.

"I-I..." Stellar froze, sputtering.

Rolling her eyes, Halfmoon stepped forward, beside Stellar. She put her hoof out, motioning for him to fall back in, which he did so.

"What he is trying to say, Captain, is that all we have are swords, knives, and very few within the Guard itself have the Mark Four boots," she continued for him.

"Archery is a lost sport, recruit. The Royal Guard has not used it in at least a hundred years or so. Since then, newer range weapons have come out to replace bows and arrows."

"Yes, but, the Lunar Guard has no access to said weapons. It does not have to be for the whole of the Lunar Guard, but simply for the Zodiacs, and possibly the House Guard as well. We simply cannot rely fully on swords. We need marksponies, snipers even!"

Seemingly out of nowhere, a white pegasus fell from the sky with a thud just behind Night. He leaped up, a wide smile on his muzzle. "Did somepony say snipers?!"

Night, and most likely the rest of the line jumped. "Corporal, where did you come from?!"

"I overheard your conversation, literally! I overheard it! Get it? Haha, overheard, because I was overhead and I heard it!" Zipline began to laugh.

Night rolled his eyes. "We get it, Corporal," then shifted back to Halfmoon.

"Recruit, you are aware that making such a request, if it is accepted by Captain Fallen Star and the rest of the council, it will cost thousands to produce the bows and arrows, and thousands more to prepare a whole new facility to train ponies in?" Night motioned his hoof as he spoke.

"Yes, sir, I am well aware of the cost. Believe us, it will be worth the money," Halfmoon nodded once.

"On a serious note," Zipline stepped back in, standing to Night's left. "I stand with them on this."

Night turned to Zipline. "You only agree because you used to be a sharpshooter!"

"The best in Equestria!" Zipline boasted, puffing his chest out slightly.

"I'll believe that when I see it," Night, again, shifted back to Halfmoon. "You know what, I will consider it. How about that?"

"That sounds good, Captain," Halfmoon nodded once.

"Now, if that is everything, I will be on my way. I can already see Sergeant Lodestar returning from lunch. Remember, tomorrow is your off day. Spend it wisely."

Author's Note:

Shorter chapter than usual. Next one should be a bit longer though!